


小泉進次郎 自ら真実を語る(笑)
山梨の宮川典子(自新)選挙応援 選挙カーの上で

July 4, Sunday
11:30 a.m. - ISS Progress 38 Docking to the ISS Coverage
docking scheduled at 12:10 p.m. EDT - JSC
Resupply Craft Go For Sunday Docking
ISS Program officials from NASA and Roscosmos met Saturday morning and agreed to proceed toward a second docking attempt for the ISS Progress 38 cargo ship on Sunday, July 4, at approximately 12:10 p.m. EDT.

New US satellite to monitor debris in Earth orbit
"A command center at Schriever Air Force Base, Colo., will oversee day-to-day operations of SBSS in orbit. The SBSS system, including ground-control facilities, cost $500 million."

8ch 7:00 決戦 菅首相VS8党党首集結初テレビ生討論
1ch 9:00 決戦まで1週間 党首討論
10ch 10:00 各党党首"級" 菅の 代りに枝野(笑)
4ch 6chは日曜なし バカ芸人をどうぞ(爆)