


Gaza air campaign ’a first stage’

Israel rejects Gaza truce calls | BBC NEWS Israel has rejected international calls for a 48-hour truce in the Gaza Strip to allow in humanitarian aid," "Israel's air assault on Gaza is "th…

イスラエル大使館への抗議行動 東京、30日

300 dead in Gaza as Israel gears up for ground assault "300 dead in Gaza as Israel gears up for ground assault" RussiaToday December 28, 2008 Israeli fighter jets have killed 300 people in Gaza in two days of air strikes against Hamas. In …

Israel vows war on Hamas in Gaza

Israel pounds Gaza for a third consecutive day - 29 Dec 08 YouTube - Israel pounds Gaza for a third consecutive day - 29 Dec 08 "Israeli jets are again bombing targets in the Gaza Strip. The air assualt is now into a third day. Warships ha…

Israel Expands Hamas Attack

Tzipi Livni: "Enough is Enough" Israel's Foreign Minister "Livni is the second woman in Israel to hold the post of foreign minister, after Golda Meir." Tzipi Livni - Wikipedia Israel Expands Hamas A…

Earth is not the gospel

log txt txt log ISS:: 10 Years "Earth is not the gospel," Showman said. "We need to learn from other examples. It gives new context." Planetary weatherman's data mind-blowing | www.azsta…

M3 on Chandrayaan finds minerals on moon?

Michael Collins: Apolo11 珍しい・・・ Time Magagine NASA instrument on Chandrayaan finds minerals on moon "Bangalore (IANS): The moon mineralogy mapper (M3), a scientific instrument of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NAS…

生体細胞内を動いて行く脂肪分子の「リアルタイム動画」 | WIRED VISION "「誘導ラマン散乱」(SRS)という現象に基づくこの技術は、分子にレーザー光を照射して振動させ、その振動を追跡することで、照射したポイントごとに分子マップを作成。それらの分子マ…

Merry Christmas! Dextre on the ISS I watched the world float To the dark side of the moon If I go crazy then will you still Call me Superman "Kryptonite" by Three Doors Down mythological planet Krypton, home of Superman 再生回数 6,…


"ALTAIR – JSC Apollo astronauts Neil Armstrong, Gene Cernan, Jack Schmitt and John Young met with the Constellation program’s Altair lunar lander design team at the Johnson Space Center. The Altair team showed their design concepts to the …

Russian EVA-21

Russian EVA-21 Russian Flight Control Center Russian, U.S. ISS astronauts successfully complete spacewalk KOROLYOV (Moscow Region), December 23 (RIA Novosti) - Astronauts abo…

CG: Russian EVA-21 Preview "12/22/08 -- Russian EVA-21 (wake 9:30am; hatch opening ~7:15pm; ingress 1:25am 12/23; sleep 7:10am);" ISS Daily Reports | Office of Space Operations Burrowing black holes …

"PLEIADES – ARC Pleiades is one of the three fastest supercomputers in the world. It contains almost 13,000 Intel Xeon processors that allow it to run some 487 trillion operations, or TeraFLOPS, per second. Pleiades will help researchers s… - Scientists Find 'Missing' Mineral and Clues to Mars Mysteries Using an instrument aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, researchers have found a long-sought-after mineral on the Martian…

22に延期 Russian EVA-21

December 18, Thursday TBD - ISS Expedition 18 Spacewalk Coverage - JSC "12/18/08 -- Russian EVA-21" ISS Daily Reports | Office of Space Operationsに延期 December 22, Monday 6:30 p.m. - ISS Expediti…

NASA | Year in Review 2008

Simulating The Planck Satellite's Full Focal Plane And Beyond NASA | Year in Review 2008…

NASA to Announce New Findings on Dark Energy

Dark energy is the cosmological constant, or that 'nothing weighs something'. Abell 85 HD normal :HDと あまり差がない気が・・・ For the first time, astronomers have detected evidence that so-called "dark energy" is stifling growth among ga…

this is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people, dog

NASA News Audio Live Streaming 1 p.m. EST, Tuesday, Dec. 16 Chandra X-ray Observatory: New Findings on Dark Energy Astronomers will hold a media teleconference Tuesday, Dec. 16, to announce new results on dark energy that were made using N…

Chandra Erast Natural Magnifying Glasses Dissect Supermassive Black Hole- redOrbit "Combining a double natural "magnifying glass" with the power of ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT), astronomers have scrutinized the inner parts of the disc …

金融危機よりどん底へ Yes,we canも何も・・・

Wall Street bailout fund White House considers help for car makers: The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) ― The White House said Friday it will consider using the Wall Street bailout fund to prevent the U.S. auto industry from collapsing af…

First James Webb Telescope Mirror Arrives at NASA’s Marshall

Hubble Telescope visible over Palestine "Tonight’s moon will be 14 percent wider and 30 percent brighter than other full moons in 2008. Both the ISS and the Hubble Telescope are expected to be visible above Palestine. " http://english.pnn.…

1972 December 11: Last man on the moon

1972 December 11: Last man on the moon 36年・・・戻るAltair Lunar Lander実物も 実現資金も今はなく・・ Endeavour on its Way Back to Kennedy Space shuttle Endeavour is flying back to its Florida spaceport atop a modified 747. The jet and End…

HD 189733b: Carbon Dioxide on an Extrasolar Planet

HD 189733b "Hubble Finds Carbon Dioxide on an Extrasolar Planet" Hubble Space Telescope has discovered carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of a planet orbiting another star, an important breakthrough toward finding chemical evidence of extrat…


ガイアの夜明け あなたの老後は“ひとり”ですか? 〜独居大国ニッポンの明日 一昨年、初めて単身世帯が家族世帯を上回り、世界でも類を見ない“一人暮らし”国家となったニッポン。 75歳以上の単身の高齢者は05年の197万人から30年には429万人に急増、3人に1人が…


隕石衝突で生命起源発生か 実験でアミノ酸生成 - 47NEWS 地球誕生初期に、隕石が高速で海に落ちた状態を模擬する実験を物質・材料研究機構(茨城県つくば市)と東北大のグループが実施したところ、無機物からアミノ酸などの有機分子ができたことが分かった …

世界天文年2009: NASA sets shuttle mission to take new Hubble computer aloft NASA notes that about 4,000 astronomers around the world have used the observatory, which sends back about 66GB of data to …

のろのろFRBバーナンキ・ウィルス "計8000億ドル(約75兆円)をつぎ込んで住宅ローン担保証券(MBS)などを直接買い取る異例の措置にも踏み切る。景気悪化に歯止めをかけるため「あらゆる手段を取る用意がある」(バーナンキFRB議長)"米就業者…

Mars Mission Rescheduled for 2011

CGの火星集 あーぁ有人は待てど暮らせど(笑) NASA Orbiter Finds Martian Rock Record With 10 Beats to the Bar Next NASA Mars Mission Rescheduled for 2011 "NASA's Mars Science Laborat…

STS-88:Endeavour Dec.04.1998

壊滅的な崩壊の危機 共和党はまたどこ吹く風^^ゞ 自動車の死は米経済の死 ビッグスリーCEO 議会で支援要請 「潰したら損する」-Bloomberg GLOBAL FINANCE "ワゴナーCEOは、国内自動車メーカーが経営破綻した場合に初年度で300万人が職を失い、個人…

LHC 2010再稼動の場合も・・・

AMINO to probe the origins of life AMINO will be exposed to solar radiation outside the International Space Station. "The 3rd exobiology experiment devised by the LISA laboratory in Cr〓teil, France, supported by CNES, lifted off on board …

日経平均株価(2日、大引、円) 7,863.69 ▼ −533.53 (−6.354%) "金融機関に政策金利と同水準の金利で無制限に資金を貸し出す。来年1月から導入し、企業の年度末の資金繰りを支援する。 白川方明総裁「国内金融市場は欧米よりは安定しているが、中小・零細企…