

LHC 2010再稼動の場合も・・・

AMINO to probe the origins of life
AMINO will be exposed to solar radiation outside the International Space Station.
"The 3rd exobiology experiment devised by the LISA laboratory in Cr〓teil, France, supported by CNES, lifted off on board a Russian Soyuz launcher on 26 November. Called AMINO, it aims to study the viability of certain organic molecules in space, like for example those found in comets. " The Space Fellowship

5300年前のアイスマン、腸の残留物から生活の様子が判明 | WIRED VISION

LHC "Plan B"だと 2010再稼動の場合も・・・
LHC Delayed Until 2010: IGN

"Last Friday, CERN spokesman James Gillies released a statement, describing two plans that are being put into play to get the accelerator working as soon as possible. "Plan A" would involve bringing the LHC back online somewhere around late summer 2009, though not at its full firing power. Basically, "Plan A" is an attempt to restore operation of the unit as fast as possible, even at the cost of full functionality.
"Plan B" on the other hand would have the crew waiting until the LHC's pressure-relief system, the part of the accelerator that bore the brunt of the original damage, was completely replaced by a new and upgraded design. The problem with "Plan B" however, is that it pushes the repair date all the way back to 2010 at the earliest. "

LHC Experiment Postponed Even More - The device may be powered only in late summer next year - Softpedia
"Plan B, which will still remain as a back-up possibility, states that the collider will only be switched on when the pressure-relief system is completely in place (that's by sometimes in 2010). However, James Gillies, head of communications from CERN, stated for ZDNet UK, cited by cnet, that Plan A was most likely to be adopted: "The priority is to get collision data from the experiment. The LHC will run next year.""

December 2, Tuesday
11 a.m. - Orbiting Carbon Observatory Pre-Launch Briefing

"Today’s highly complex space projects would not be possible without the aid of computers. One example is the error-tolerant computers made by Astrium, used to steer the International Space Station (ISS) and control the manoeuvres of the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) Jules Verne." The Space Fellowship

Movies: 'Space Station 3D' is worth the
"Actual footage collected from the numerous space flights to build and upgrade the International Space Station was used to create this tribute to this grand experiment. This three-dimensional examination of the massive structure that is 220 miles above the big blue marble of Earth is so crisp and sharp you will feel like you are part of the crew.
The biggest problem is the narration by Tom Cruise. His delivery is too unemotional and detached. " (笑)

Laser technique produces bevy of antimatter -
""This is the first substantial source of antimatter using lasers," said Hui Chen of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory."

Season's greetings from space -

Jet Propulsion Laboratory - News
Enceladus Jets: Are They Wet or Just Wild?
"Enceladus" 最近のまとめ
Geysers From Saturn’s Moon May Indicate Liquid Lakes, and a Chance for Life
An Ocean on Enceladus :: Astrobiology Magazine
噴出口の下、やはり水か 土星の衛星エンケラドス

Life Is Also Due to Lack of Comet Impacts - Comet impacts in our solar system are far less than in others - Softpedia

Possibly, Drake's equation should also take into account the factor of comet activity in the environment of the planets that could actually support life. New statistics suggest that our own solar system is far more spared by such cosmic catastrophes than the similar nearby ones, so we own our very existence, to some extent, to celestial luck. This discovery is based on the telescope measurements on star dust performed by Jane Greaves from the University of St. Andrews in UK, with the help of the Spitzer Space Telescope.

NASA Solicitation: Continuation of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory Science and Operations Support Center | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens

Omega Centauri: Glittering Giant Of Southern Skies
"The image shows only the central part of the cluster ― about the size of the full moon on the sky (half a degree). "

Cooliris | Discover More
Cooliris for the Web
Cooliris 1.9.0 for Firefox 2.0 (Windows)
Cooliris 1.9.0 for Firefox 3.0 (Windows)
Cooliris | Discover More
Mozilla LabsからUbiquityがリリースされて約3カ月 ITmedia
Ubiquityが変える衝撃のブラウザ体験 (2/2) - ITmedia

Cooliris | Discover More

FoxGLove Standalone Google Apps Portal
Google Loveな人のためのFirefox「FoxGLove」:MOONGIFT: » Chromeじゃない
"インストールされているアドオンは、Adblock Plus、Better GCal/Gmail/GReader/Youtube、CustomizeGoogle、Dictionary、Favicon Picker、Firesomething、Google GearsGoogle Notebook、Google Toolbar、Hide Menubar、New TabURLとなっている"

シックス・アパートの5年間は100点」ブログ普及を振り返り:- CNET Japan
ブログの過去、現在、未来〜日本ブログ界の5年間と今後を占う- ITmedia

Hiroshima: The Lost Photographs Adam Harrison Levy/Design Observer
Japan surrendered to the Allies on August 14, 1945. The next day, Emperor Hirohito, in a dramatic break with tradition, took to the radio for the first time to announce defeat. Speaking in formalized phrases, he urged his subjects to “endure the unendurable and bear the unbearable.” The enemy had “for the first time used cruel bombs to kill and maim…and the heavy casualties are beyond measure.”
On the same day, President Truman commissioned the United States Strategic Bombing Survey for the Pacific Theatre of War, whose mission was, in part, to quantify that which Hirohito believed was immeasurable. Their goal was to “measure as precisely as possible the exact effects of the two bombs ―
"A Hole In Our Collective Memory
Adam Harrison Levy tells the story of recently discovered photographs from Hiroshima, found in a pile of trash 8 years ago: "

何もしないのを旨とするバンキムーンの国連 拘束力なき核廃絶決議
日本提出の核廃絶決議を採択 NHKニュース 
棄権: 中国やパキスタンなど6か国"

Records of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey [USSBS]

ヒラリー・クリントン上院議員国務長官に指名 :浜田和幸

ひざの状態などを考慮して出場を辞退した第2回ワールド・ベースボール・クラシックWBCについては「(返事が)長引くと迷惑が掛かるので、早めに連絡した」と説明" 時事ドットコム

"Giving a lecture in English is impossible and improbable," Maskawa reportedly said. Japanese Nobel Prize winner balks at English, to make speech in mother tongue - The Mainichi Daily News
Maskawa has never traveled abroad nor attended an international academic conference. His prize-winning thesis, written in Japanese, was translated into English by his fellow researcher and Nobel laureate, Makoto Kobayashi.
Kobayashi, 64, professor emeritus at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, will give his award lecture in English at Stockholm University.
Over recent years, all Japanese Nobel laureates have given their award speeches in English."

AMINO to probe the origins of life
AMINO will be exposed to solar radiation outside the International Space Station.
"The 3rd exobiology experiment devised by the LISA laboratory in Cr〓teil, France, supported by CNES, lifted off on board a Russian Soyuz launcher on 26 November. Called AMINO, it aims to study the viability of certain organic molecules in space, like for example those found in comets. " The Space Fellowship

5300年前のアイスマン、腸の残留物から生活の様子が判明 | WIRED VISION

LHC "Plan B"だと 2010再稼動の場合も・・・
LHC Delayed Until 2010: IGN

"Last Friday, CERN spokesman James Gillies released a statement, describing two plans that are being put into play to get the accelerator working as soon as possible. "Plan A" would involve bringing the LHC back online somewhere around late summer 2009, though not at its full firing power. Basically, "Plan A" is an attempt to restore operation of the unit as fast as possible, even at the cost of full functionality.
"Plan B" on the other hand would have the crew waiting until the LHC's pressure-relief system, the part of the accelerator that bore the brunt of the original damage, was completely replaced by a new and upgraded design. The problem with "Plan B" however, is that it pushes the repair date all the way back to 2010 at the earliest. "

LHC Experiment Postponed Even More - The device may be powered only in late summer next year - Softpedia
"Plan B, which will still remain as a back-up possibility, states that the collider will only be switched on when the pressure-relief system is completely in place (that's by sometimes in 2010). However, James Gillies, head of communications from CERN, stated for ZDNet UK, cited by cnet, that Plan A was most likely to be adopted: "The priority is to get collision data from the experiment. The LHC will run next year.""

December 2, Tuesday
11 a.m. - Orbiting Carbon Observatory Pre-Launch Briefing

"Today’s highly complex space projects would not be possible without the aid of computers. One example is the error-tolerant computers made by Astrium, used to steer the International Space Station (ISS) and control the manoeuvres of the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) Jules Verne." The Space Fellowship

Movies: 'Space Station 3D' is worth the
"Actual footage collected from the numerous space flights to build and upgrade the International Space Station was used to create this tribute to this grand experiment. This three-dimensional examination of the massive structure that is 220 miles above the big blue marble of Earth is so crisp and sharp you will feel like you are part of the crew.
The biggest problem is the narration by Tom Cruise. His delivery is too unemotional and detached. " (笑)

Laser technique produces bevy of antimatter -
""This is the first substantial source of antimatter using lasers," said Hui Chen of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory."

Season's greetings from space -

Jet Propulsion Laboratory - News
Enceladus Jets: Are They Wet or Just Wild?
"Enceladus" 最近のまとめ
Geysers From Saturn’s Moon May Indicate Liquid Lakes, and a Chance for Life
An Ocean on Enceladus :: Astrobiology Magazine
噴出口の下、やはり水か 土星の衛星エンケラドス

Life Is Also Due to Lack of Comet Impacts - Comet impacts in our solar system are far less than in others - Softpedia

Possibly, Drake's equation should also take into account the factor of comet activity in the environment of the planets that could actually support life. New statistics suggest that our own solar system is far more spared by such cosmic catastrophes than the similar nearby ones, so we own our very existence, to some extent, to celestial luck. This discovery is based on the telescope measurements on star dust performed by Jane Greaves from the University of St. Andrews in UK, with the help of the Spitzer Space Telescope.

NASA Solicitation: Continuation of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory Science and Operations Support Center | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens

Omega Centauri: Glittering Giant Of Southern Skies
"The image shows only the central part of the cluster ― about the size of the full moon on the sky (half a degree). "

Cooliris | Discover More
Cooliris for the Web
Cooliris 1.9.0 for Firefox 2.0 (Windows)
Cooliris 1.9.0 for Firefox 3.0 (Windows)
Cooliris | Discover More
Mozilla LabsからUbiquityがリリースされて約3カ月 ITmedia
Ubiquityが変える衝撃のブラウザ体験 (2/2) - ITmedia

Cooliris | Discover More

FoxGLove Standalone Google Apps Portal
Google Loveな人のためのFirefox「FoxGLove」:MOONGIFT: » Chromeじゃない
"インストールされているアドオンは、Adblock Plus、Better GCal/Gmail/GReader/Youtube、CustomizeGoogle、Dictionary、Favicon Picker、Firesomething、Google GearsGoogle Notebook、Google Toolbar、Hide Menubar、New TabURLとなっている"

シックス・アパートの5年間は100点」ブログ普及を振り返り:- CNET Japan
ブログの過去、現在、未来〜日本ブログ界の5年間と今後を占う- ITmedia

Hiroshima: The Lost Photographs Adam Harrison Levy/Design Observer
Japan surrendered to the Allies on August 14, 1945. The next day, Emperor Hirohito, in a dramatic break with tradition, took to the radio for the first time to announce defeat. Speaking in formalized phrases, he urged his subjects to “endure the unendurable and bear the unbearable.” The enemy had “for the first time used cruel bombs to kill and maim…and the heavy casualties are beyond measure.”
On the same day, President Truman commissioned the United States Strategic Bombing Survey for the Pacific Theatre of War, whose mission was, in part, to quantify that which Hirohito believed was immeasurable. Their goal was to “measure as precisely as possible the exact effects of the two bombs ―
"A Hole In Our Collective Memory
Adam Harrison Levy tells the story of recently discovered photographs from Hiroshima, found in a pile of trash 8 years ago: "

何もしないのを旨とするバンキムーンの国連 拘束力なき核廃絶決議
日本提出の核廃絶決議を採択 NHKニュース 
棄権: 中国やパキスタンなど6か国"

Records of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey [USSBS]

ヒラリー・クリントン上院議員国務長官に指名 :浜田和幸

ひざの状態などを考慮して出場を辞退した第2回ワールド・ベースボール・クラシックWBCについては「(返事が)長引くと迷惑が掛かるので、早めに連絡した」と説明" 時事ドットコム

"Giving a lecture in English is impossible and improbable," Maskawa reportedly said. Japanese Nobel Prize winner balks at English, to make speech in mother tongue - The Mainichi Daily News
Maskawa has never traveled abroad nor attended an international academic conference. His prize-winning thesis, written in Japanese, was translated into English by his fellow researcher and Nobel laureate, Makoto Kobayashi.
Kobayashi, 64, professor emeritus at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, will give his award lecture in English at Stockholm University.
Over recent years, all Japanese Nobel laureates have given their award speeches in English."

AMINO to probe the origins of life
AMINO will be exposed to solar radiation outside the International Space Station.
"The 3rd exobiology experiment devised by the LISA laboratory in Cr〓teil, France, supported by CNES, lifted off on board a Russian Soyuz launcher on 26 November. Called AMINO, it aims to study the viability of certain organic molecules in space, like for example those found in comets. " The Space Fellowship

5300年前のアイスマン、腸の残留物から生活の様子が判明 | WIRED VISION

LHC "Plan B"だと 2010再稼動の場合も・・・
LHC Delayed Until 2010: IGN

"Last Friday, CERN spokesman James Gillies released a statement, describing two plans that are being put into play to get the accelerator working as soon as possible. "Plan A" would involve bringing the LHC back online somewhere around late summer 2009, though not at its full firing power. Basically, "Plan A" is an attempt to restore operation of the unit as fast as possible, even at the cost of full functionality.
"Plan B" on the other hand would have the crew waiting until the LHC's pressure-relief system, the part of the accelerator that bore the brunt of the original damage, was completely replaced by a new and upgraded design. The problem with "Plan B" however, is that it pushes the repair date all the way back to 2010 at the earliest. "

LHC Experiment Postponed Even More - The device may be powered only in late summer next year - Softpedia
"Plan B, which will still remain as a back-up possibility, states that the collider will only be switched on when the pressure-relief system is completely in place (that's by sometimes in 2010). However, James Gillies, head of communications from CERN, stated for ZDNet UK, cited by cnet, that Plan A was most likely to be adopted: "The priority is to get collision data from the experiment. The LHC will run next year.""

December 2, Tuesday
11 a.m. - Orbiting Carbon Observatory Pre-Launch Briefing

"Today’s highly complex space projects would not be possible without the aid of computers. One example is the error-tolerant computers made by Astrium, used to steer the International Space Station (ISS) and control the manoeuvres of the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) Jules Verne." The Space Fellowship

Movies: 'Space Station 3D' is worth the
"Actual footage collected from the numerous space flights to build and upgrade the International Space Station was used to create this tribute to this grand experiment. This three-dimensional examination of the massive structure that is 220 miles above the big blue marble of Earth is so crisp and sharp you will feel like you are part of the crew.
The biggest problem is the narration by Tom Cruise. His delivery is too unemotional and detached. " (笑)

Laser technique produces bevy of antimatter -
""This is the first substantial source of antimatter using lasers," said Hui Chen of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory."

Season's greetings from space -

Jet Propulsion Laboratory - News
Enceladus Jets: Are They Wet or Just Wild?
"Enceladus" 最近のまとめ
Geysers From Saturn’s Moon May Indicate Liquid Lakes, and a Chance for Life
An Ocean on Enceladus :: Astrobiology Magazine
噴出口の下、やはり水か 土星の衛星エンケラドス

Life Is Also Due to Lack of Comet Impacts - Comet impacts in our solar system are far less than in others - Softpedia

Possibly, Drake's equation should also take into account the factor of comet activity in the environment of the planets that could actually support life. New statistics suggest that our own solar system is far more spared by such cosmic catastrophes than the similar nearby ones, so we own our very existence, to some extent, to celestial luck. This discovery is based on the telescope measurements on star dust performed by Jane Greaves from the University of St. Andrews in UK, with the help of the Spitzer Space Telescope.

NASA Solicitation: Continuation of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory Science and Operations Support Center | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens

Omega Centauri: Glittering Giant Of Southern Skies
"The image shows only the central part of the cluster ― about the size of the full moon on the sky (half a degree). "

Cooliris | Discover More
Cooliris for the Web
Cooliris 1.9.0 for Firefox 2.0 (Windows)
Cooliris 1.9.0 for Firefox 3.0 (Windows)
Cooliris | Discover More
Mozilla LabsからUbiquityがリリースされて約3カ月 ITmedia
Ubiquityが変える衝撃のブラウザ体験 (2/2) - ITmedia

Cooliris | Discover More

FoxGLove Standalone Google Apps Portal
Google Loveな人のためのFirefox「FoxGLove」:MOONGIFT: » Chromeじゃない
"インストールされているアドオンは、Adblock Plus、Better GCal/Gmail/GReader/Youtube、CustomizeGoogle、Dictionary、Favicon Picker、Firesomething、Google GearsGoogle Notebook、Google Toolbar、Hide Menubar、New TabURLとなっている"

シックス・アパートの5年間は100点」ブログ普及を振り返り:- CNET Japan
ブログの過去、現在、未来〜日本ブログ界の5年間と今後を占う- ITmedia

Hiroshima: The Lost Photographs Adam Harrison Levy/Design Observer
Japan surrendered to the Allies on August 14, 1945. The next day, Emperor Hirohito, in a dramatic break with tradition, took to the radio for the first time to announce defeat. Speaking in formalized phrases, he urged his subjects to “endure the unendurable and bear the unbearable.” The enemy had “for the first time used cruel bombs to kill and maim…and the heavy casualties are beyond measure.”
On the same day, President Truman commissioned the United States Strategic Bombing Survey for the Pacific Theatre of War, whose mission was, in part, to quantify that which Hirohito believed was immeasurable. Their goal was to “measure as precisely as possible the exact effects of the two bombs ―
"A Hole In Our Collective Memory
Adam Harrison Levy tells the story of recently discovered photographs from Hiroshima, found in a pile of trash 8 years ago: "

何もしないのを旨とするバンキムーンの国連 拘束力なき核廃絶決議
日本提出の核廃絶決議を採択 NHKニュース 
棄権: 中国やパキスタンなど6か国"

Records of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey [USSBS]

ヒラリー・クリントン上院議員国務長官に指名 :浜田和幸

ひざの状態などを考慮して出場を辞退した第2回ワールド・ベースボール・クラシックWBCについては「(返事が)長引くと迷惑が掛かるので、早めに連絡した」と説明" 時事ドットコム

"Giving a lecture in English is impossible and improbable," Maskawa reportedly said. Japanese Nobel Prize winner balks at English, to make speech in mother tongue - The Mainichi Daily News
Maskawa has never traveled abroad nor attended an international academic conference. His prize-winning thesis, written in Japanese, was translated into English by his fellow researcher and Nobel laureate, Makoto Kobayashi.
Kobayashi, 64, professor emeritus at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, will give his award lecture in English at Stockholm University.
Over recent years, all Japanese Nobel laureates have given their award speeches in English."

AMINO to probe the origins of life
AMINO will be exposed to solar radiation outside the International Space Station.
"The 3rd exobiology experiment devised by the LISA laboratory in Cr〓teil, France, supported by CNES, lifted off on board a Russian Soyuz launcher on 26 November. Called AMINO, it aims to study the viability of certain organic molecules in space, like for example those found in comets. " The Space Fellowship

5300年前のアイスマン、腸の残留物から生活の様子が判明 | WIRED VISION

LHC "Plan B"だと 2010再稼動の場合も・・・
LHC Delayed Until 2010: IGN

"Last Friday, CERN spokesman James Gillies released a statement, describing two plans that are being put into play to get the accelerator working as soon as possible. "Plan A" would involve bringing the LHC back online somewhere around late summer 2009, though not at its full firing power. Basically, "Plan A" is an attempt to restore operation of the unit as fast as possible, even at the cost of full functionality.
"Plan B" on the other hand would have the crew waiting until the LHC's pressure-relief system, the part of the accelerator that bore the brunt of the original damage, was completely replaced by a new and upgraded design. The problem with "Plan B" however, is that it pushes the repair date all the way back to 2010 at the earliest. "

LHC Experiment Postponed Even More - The device may be powered only in late summer next year - Softpedia
"Plan B, which will still remain as a back-up possibility, states that the collider will only be switched on when the pressure-relief system is completely in place (that's by sometimes in 2010). However, James Gillies, head of communications from CERN, stated for ZDNet UK, cited by cnet, that Plan A was most likely to be adopted: "The priority is to get collision data from the experiment. The LHC will run next year.""

December 2, Tuesday
11 a.m. - Orbiting Carbon Observatory Pre-Launch Briefing

"Today’s highly complex space projects would not be possible without the aid of computers. One example is the error-tolerant computers made by Astrium, used to steer the International Space Station (ISS) and control the manoeuvres of the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) Jules Verne." The Space Fellowship

Movies: 'Space Station 3D' is worth the
"Actual footage collected from the numerous space flights to build and upgrade the International Space Station was used to create this tribute to this grand experiment. This three-dimensional examination of the massive structure that is 220 miles above the big blue marble of Earth is so crisp and sharp you will feel like you are part of the crew.
The biggest problem is the narration by Tom Cruise. His delivery is too unemotional and detached. " (笑)

Laser technique produces bevy of antimatter -
""This is the first substantial source of antimatter using lasers," said Hui Chen of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory."

Season's greetings from space -

Jet Propulsion Laboratory - News
Enceladus Jets: Are They Wet or Just Wild?
"Enceladus" 最近のまとめ
Geysers From Saturn’s Moon May Indicate Liquid Lakes, and a Chance for Life
An Ocean on Enceladus :: Astrobiology Magazine
噴出口の下、やはり水か 土星の衛星エンケラドス

Life Is Also Due to Lack of Comet Impacts - Comet impacts in our solar system are far less than in others - Softpedia

Possibly, Drake's equation should also take into account the factor of comet activity in the environment of the planets that could actually support life. New statistics suggest that our own solar system is far more spared by such cosmic catastrophes than the similar nearby ones, so we own our very existence, to some extent, to celestial luck. This discovery is based on the telescope measurements on star dust performed by Jane Greaves from the University of St. Andrews in UK, with the help of the Spitzer Space Telescope.

NASA Solicitation: Continuation of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory Science and Operations Support Center | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens

Omega Centauri: Glittering Giant Of Southern Skies
"The image shows only the central part of the cluster ― about the size of the full moon on the sky (half a degree). "

Cooliris | Discover More
Cooliris for the Web
Cooliris 1.9.0 for Firefox 2.0 (Windows)
Cooliris 1.9.0 for Firefox 3.0 (Windows)
Cooliris | Discover More
Mozilla LabsからUbiquityがリリースされて約3カ月 ITmedia
Ubiquityが変える衝撃のブラウザ体験 (2/2) - ITmedia

Cooliris | Discover More

FoxGLove Standalone Google Apps Portal
Google Loveな人のためのFirefox「FoxGLove」:MOONGIFT: » Chromeじゃない
"インストールされているアドオンは、Adblock Plus、Better GCal/Gmail/GReader/Youtube、CustomizeGoogle、Dictionary、Favicon Picker、Firesomething、Google GearsGoogle Notebook、Google Toolbar、Hide Menubar、New TabURLとなっている"

シックス・アパートの5年間は100点」ブログ普及を振り返り:- CNET Japan
ブログの過去、現在、未来〜日本ブログ界の5年間と今後を占う- ITmedia

Hiroshima: The Lost Photographs Adam Harrison Levy/Design Observer
Japan surrendered to the Allies on August 14, 1945. The next day, Emperor Hirohito, in a dramatic break with tradition, took to the radio for the first time to announce defeat. Speaking in formalized phrases, he urged his subjects to “endure the unendurable and bear the unbearable.” The enemy had “for the first time used cruel bombs to kill and maim…and the heavy casualties are beyond measure.”
On the same day, President Truman commissioned the United States Strategic Bombing Survey for the Pacific Theatre of War, whose mission was, in part, to quantify that which Hirohito believed was immeasurable. Their goal was to “measure as precisely as possible the exact effects of the two bombs ―
"A Hole In Our Collective Memory
Adam Harrison Levy tells the story of recently discovered photographs from Hiroshima, found in a pile of trash 8 years ago: "

何もしないのを旨とするバンキムーンの国連 拘束力なき核廃絶決議
日本提出の核廃絶決議を採択 NHKニュース 
棄権: 中国やパキスタンなど6か国"

Records of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey [USSBS]

ヒラリー・クリントン上院議員国務長官に指名 :浜田和幸

ひざの状態などを考慮して出場を辞退した第2回ワールド・ベースボール・クラシックWBCについては「(返事が)長引くと迷惑が掛かるので、早めに連絡した」と説明" 時事ドットコム

"Giving a lecture in English is impossible and improbable," Maskawa reportedly said. Japanese Nobel Prize winner balks at English, to make speech in mother tongue - The Mainichi Daily News
Maskawa has never traveled abroad nor attended an international academic conference. His prize-winning thesis, written in Japanese, was translated into English by his fellow researcher and Nobel laureate, Makoto Kobayashi.
Kobayashi, 64, professor emeritus at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, will give his award lecture in English at Stockholm University.
Over recent years, all Japanese Nobel laureates have given their award speeches in English."

AMINO to probe the origins of life
AMINO will be exposed to solar radiation outside the International Space Station.
"The 3rd exobiology experiment devised by the LISA laboratory in Cr〓teil, France, supported by CNES, lifted off on board a Russian Soyuz launcher on 26 November. Called AMINO, it aims to study the viability of certain organic molecules in space, like for example those found in comets. " The Space Fellowship

5300年前のアイスマン、腸の残留物から生活の様子が判明 | WIRED VISION

LHC "Plan B"だと 2010再稼動の場合も・・・
LHC Delayed Until 2010: IGN

"Last Friday, CERN spokesman James Gillies released a statement, describing two plans that are being put into play to get the accelerator working as soon as possible. "Plan A" would involve bringing the LHC back online somewhere around late summer 2009, though not at its full firing power. Basically, "Plan A" is an attempt to restore operation of the unit as fast as possible, even at the cost of full functionality.
"Plan B" on the other hand would have the crew waiting until the LHC's pressure-relief system, the part of the accelerator that bore the brunt of the original damage, was completely replaced by a new and upgraded design. The problem with "Plan B" however, is that it pushes the repair date all the way back to 2010 at the earliest. "

LHC Experiment Postponed Even More - The device may be powered only in late summer next year - Softpedia
"Plan B, which will still remain as a back-up possibility, states that the collider will only be switched on when the pressure-relief system is completely in place (that's by sometimes in 2010). However, James Gillies, head of communications from CERN, stated for ZDNet UK, cited by cnet, that Plan A was most likely to be adopted: "The priority is to get collision data from the experiment. The LHC will run next year.""

December 2, Tuesday
11 a.m. - Orbiting Carbon Observatory Pre-Launch Briefing

"Today’s highly complex space projects would not be possible without the aid of computers. One example is the error-tolerant computers made by Astrium, used to steer the International Space Station (ISS) and control the manoeuvres of the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) Jules Verne." The Space Fellowship

Movies: 'Space Station 3D' is worth the
"Actual footage collected from the numerous space flights to build and upgrade the International Space Station was used to create this tribute to this grand experiment. This three-dimensional examination of the massive structure that is 220 miles above the big blue marble of Earth is so crisp and sharp you will feel like you are part of the crew.
The biggest problem is the narration by Tom Cruise. His delivery is too unemotional and detached. " (笑)

Laser technique produces bevy of antimatter -
""This is the first substantial source of antimatter using lasers," said Hui Chen of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory."

Season's greetings from space -

Jet Propulsion Laboratory - News
Enceladus Jets: Are They Wet or Just Wild?
"Enceladus" 最近のまとめ
Geysers From Saturn’s Moon May Indicate Liquid Lakes, and a Chance for Life
An Ocean on Enceladus :: Astrobiology Magazine
噴出口の下、やはり水か 土星の衛星エンケラドス

Life Is Also Due to Lack of Comet Impacts - Comet impacts in our solar system are far less than in others - Softpedia

Possibly, Drake's equation should also take into account the factor of comet activity in the environment of the planets that could actually support life. New statistics suggest that our own solar system is far more spared by such cosmic catastrophes than the similar nearby ones, so we own our very existence, to some extent, to celestial luck. This discovery is based on the telescope measurements on star dust performed by Jane Greaves from the University of St. Andrews in UK, with the help of the Spitzer Space Telescope.

NASA Solicitation: Continuation of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory Science and Operations Support Center | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens

Omega Centauri: Glittering Giant Of Southern Skies
"The image shows only the central part of the cluster ― about the size of the full moon on the sky (half a degree). "

Cooliris | Discover More
Cooliris for the Web
Cooliris 1.9.0 for Firefox 2.0 (Windows)
Cooliris 1.9.0 for Firefox 3.0 (Windows)
Cooliris | Discover More
Mozilla LabsからUbiquityがリリースされて約3カ月 ITmedia
Ubiquityが変える衝撃のブラウザ体験 (2/2) - ITmedia

Cooliris | Discover More

FoxGLove Standalone Google Apps Portal
Google Loveな人のためのFirefox「FoxGLove」:MOONGIFT: » Chromeじゃない
"インストールされているアドオンは、Adblock Plus、Better GCal/Gmail/GReader/Youtube、CustomizeGoogle、Dictionary、Favicon Picker、Firesomething、Google GearsGoogle Notebook、Google Toolbar、Hide Menubar、New TabURLとなっている"

シックス・アパートの5年間は100点」ブログ普及を振り返り:- CNET Japan
ブログの過去、現在、未来〜日本ブログ界の5年間と今後を占う- ITmedia

Hiroshima: The Lost Photographs Adam Harrison Levy/Design Observer
Japan surrendered to the Allies on August 14, 1945. The next day, Emperor Hirohito, in a dramatic break with tradition, took to the radio for the first time to announce defeat. Speaking in formalized phrases, he urged his subjects to “endure the unendurable and bear the unbearable.” The enemy had “for the first time used cruel bombs to kill and maim…and the heavy casualties are beyond measure.”
On the same day, President Truman commissioned the United States Strategic Bombing Survey for the Pacific Theatre of War, whose mission was, in part, to quantify that which Hirohito believed was immeasurable. Their goal was to “measure as precisely as possible the exact effects of the two bombs ―
"A Hole In Our Collective Memory
Adam Harrison Levy tells the story of recently discovered photographs from Hiroshima, found in a pile of trash 8 years ago: "

何もしないのを旨とするバンキムーンの国連 拘束力なき核廃絶決議
日本提出の核廃絶決議を採択 NHKニュース 
棄権: 中国やパキスタンなど6か国"

Records of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey [USSBS]

ヒラリー・クリントン上院議員国務長官に指名 :浜田和幸

ひざの状態などを考慮して出場を辞退した第2回ワールド・ベースボール・クラシックWBCについては「(返事が)長引くと迷惑が掛かるので、早めに連絡した」と説明" 時事ドットコム

"Giving a lecture in English is impossible and improbable," Maskawa reportedly said. Japanese Nobel Prize winner balks at English, to make speech in mother tongue - The Mainichi Daily News
Maskawa has never traveled abroad nor attended an international academic conference. His prize-winning thesis, written in Japanese, was translated into English by his fellow researcher and Nobel laureate, Makoto Kobayashi.
Kobayashi, 64, professor emeritus at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, will give his award lecture in English at Stockholm University.
Over recent years, all Japanese Nobel laureates have given their award speeches in English."

AMINO to probe the origins of life
AMINO will be exposed to solar radiation outside the International Space Station.
"The 3rd exobiology experiment devised by the LISA laboratory in Cr〓teil, France, supported by CNES, lifted off on board a Russian Soyuz launcher on 26 November. Called AMINO, it aims to study the viability of certain organic molecules in space, like for example those found in comets. " The Space Fellowship

5300年前のアイスマン、腸の残留物から生活の様子が判明 | WIRED VISION

LHC "Plan B"だと 2010再稼動の場合も・・・
LHC Delayed Until 2010: IGN

"Last Friday, CERN spokesman James Gillies released a statement, describing two plans that are being put into play to get the accelerator working as soon as possible. "Plan A" would involve bringing the LHC back online somewhere around late summer 2009, though not at its full firing power. Basically, "Plan A" is an attempt to restore operation of the unit as fast as possible, even at the cost of full functionality.
"Plan B" on the other hand would have the crew waiting until the LHC's pressure-relief system, the part of the accelerator that bore the brunt of the original damage, was completely replaced by a new and upgraded design. The problem with "Plan B" however, is that it pushes the repair date all the way back to 2010 at the earliest. "

LHC Experiment Postponed Even More - The device may be powered only in late summer next year - Softpedia
"Plan B, which will still remain as a back-up possibility, states that the collider will only be switched on when the pressure-relief system is completely in place (that's by sometimes in 2010). However, James Gillies, head of communications from CERN, stated for ZDNet UK, cited by cnet, that Plan A was most likely to be adopted: "The priority is to get collision data from the experiment. The LHC will run next year.""

December 2, Tuesday
11 a.m. - Orbiting Carbon Observatory Pre-Launch Briefing

"Today’s highly complex space projects would not be possible without the aid of computers. One example is the error-tolerant computers made by Astrium, used to steer the International Space Station (ISS) and control the manoeuvres of the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) Jules Verne." The Space Fellowship

Movies: 'Space Station 3D' is worth the
"Actual footage collected from the numerous space flights to build and upgrade the International Space Station was used to create this tribute to this grand experiment. This three-dimensional examination of the massive structure that is 220 miles above the big blue marble of Earth is so crisp and sharp you will feel like you are part of the crew.
The biggest problem is the narration by Tom Cruise. His delivery is too unemotional and detached. " (笑)

Laser technique produces bevy of antimatter -
""This is the first substantial source of antimatter using lasers," said Hui Chen of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory."

Season's greetings from space -

Jet Propulsion Laboratory - News
Enceladus Jets: Are They Wet or Just Wild?
"Enceladus" 最近のまとめ
Geysers From Saturn’s Moon May Indicate Liquid Lakes, and a Chance for Life
An Ocean on Enceladus :: Astrobiology Magazine
噴出口の下、やはり水か 土星の衛星エンケラドス

Life Is Also Due to Lack of Comet Impacts - Comet impacts in our solar system are far less than in others - Softpedia

Possibly, Drake's equation should also take into account the factor of comet activity in the environment of the planets that could actually support life. New statistics suggest that our own solar system is far more spared by such cosmic catastrophes than the similar nearby ones, so we own our very existence, to some extent, to celestial luck. This discovery is based on the telescope measurements on star dust performed by Jane Greaves from the University of St. Andrews in UK, with the help of the Spitzer Space Telescope.

NASA Solicitation: Continuation of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory Science and Operations Support Center | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens

Omega Centauri: Glittering Giant Of Southern Skies
"The image shows only the central part of the cluster ― about the size of the full moon on the sky (half a degree). "

Cooliris | Discover More
Cooliris for the Web
Cooliris 1.9.0 for Firefox 2.0 (Windows)
Cooliris 1.9.0 for Firefox 3.0 (Windows)
Cooliris | Discover More
Mozilla LabsからUbiquityがリリースされて約3カ月 ITmedia
Ubiquityが変える衝撃のブラウザ体験 (2/2) - ITmedia

Cooliris | Discover More

FoxGLove Standalone Google Apps Portal
Google Loveな人のためのFirefox「FoxGLove」:MOONGIFT: » Chromeじゃない
"インストールされているアドオンは、Adblock Plus、Better GCal/Gmail/GReader/Youtube、CustomizeGoogle、Dictionary、Favicon Picker、Firesomething、Google GearsGoogle Notebook、Google Toolbar、Hide Menubar、New TabURLとなっている"

シックス・アパートの5年間は100点」ブログ普及を振り返り:- CNET Japan
ブログの過去、現在、未来〜日本ブログ界の5年間と今後を占う- ITmedia

Hiroshima: The Lost Photographs Adam Harrison Levy/Design Observer
Japan surrendered to the Allies on August 14, 1945. The next day, Emperor Hirohito, in a dramatic break with tradition, took to the radio for the first time to announce defeat. Speaking in formalized phrases, he urged his subjects to “endure the unendurable and bear the unbearable.” The enemy had “for the first time used cruel bombs to kill and maim…and the heavy casualties are beyond measure.”
On the same day, President Truman commissioned the United States Strategic Bombing Survey for the Pacific Theatre of War, whose mission was, in part, to quantify that which Hirohito believed was immeasurable. Their goal was to “measure as precisely as possible the exact effects of the two bombs ―
"A Hole In Our Collective Memory
Adam Harrison Levy tells the story of recently discovered photographs from Hiroshima, found in a pile of trash 8 years ago: "

何もしないのを旨とするバンキムーンの国連 拘束力なき核廃絶決議
日本提出の核廃絶決議を採択 NHKニュース 
棄権: 中国やパキスタンなど6か国"

Records of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey [USSBS]

ヒラリー・クリントン上院議員国務長官に指名 :浜田和幸

ひざの状態などを考慮して出場を辞退した第2回ワールド・ベースボール・クラシックWBCについては「(返事が)長引くと迷惑が掛かるので、早めに連絡した」と説明" 時事ドットコム

"Giving a lecture in English is impossible and improbable," Maskawa reportedly said. Japanese Nobel Prize winner balks at English, to make speech in mother tongue - The Mainichi Daily News
Maskawa has never traveled abroad nor attended an international academic conference. His prize-winning thesis, written in Japanese, was translated into English by his fellow researcher and Nobel laureate, Makoto Kobayashi.
Kobayashi, 64, professor emeritus at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, will give his award lecture in English at Stockholm University.
Over recent years, all Japanese Nobel laureates have given their award speeches in English."

AMINO to probe the origins of life
AMINO will be exposed to solar radiation outside the International Space Station.
"The 3rd exobiology experiment devised by the LISA laboratory in Cr〓teil, France, supported by CNES, lifted off on board a Russian Soyuz launcher on 26 November. Called AMINO, it aims to study the viability of certain organic molecules in space, like for example those found in comets. " The Space Fellowship

5300年前のアイスマン、腸の残留物から生活の様子が判明 | WIRED VISION

LHC "Plan B"だと 2010再稼動の場合も・・・
LHC Delayed Until 2010: IGN

"Last Friday, CERN spokesman James Gillies released a statement, describing two plans that are being put into play to get the accelerator working as soon as possible. "Plan A" would involve bringing the LHC back online somewhere around late summer 2009, though not at its full firing power. Basically, "Plan A" is an attempt to restore operation of the unit as fast as possible, even at the cost of full functionality.
"Plan B" on the other hand would have the crew waiting until the LHC's pressure-relief system, the part of the accelerator that bore the brunt of the original damage, was completely replaced by a new and upgraded design. The problem with "Plan B" however, is that it pushes the repair date all the way back to 2010 at the earliest. "

LHC Experiment Postponed Even More - The device may be powered only in late summer next year - Softpedia
"Plan B, which will still remain as a back-up possibility, states that the collider will only be switched on when the pressure-relief system is completely in place (that's by sometimes in 2010). However, James Gillies, head of communications from CERN, stated for ZDNet UK, cited by cnet, that Plan A was most likely to be adopted: "The priority is to get collision data from the experiment. The LHC will run next year.""

December 2, Tuesday
11 a.m. - Orbiting Carbon Observatory Pre-Launch Briefing

"Today’s highly complex space projects would not be possible without the aid of computers. One example is the error-tolerant computers made by Astrium, used to steer the International Space Station (ISS) and control the manoeuvres of the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) Jules Verne." The Space Fellowship

Movies: 'Space Station 3D' is worth the
"Actual footage collected from the numerous space flights to build and upgrade the International Space Station was used to create this tribute to this grand experiment. This three-dimensional examination of the massive structure that is 220 miles above the big blue marble of Earth is so crisp and sharp you will feel like you are part of the crew.
The biggest problem is the narration by Tom Cruise. His delivery is too unemotional and detached. " (笑)

Laser technique produces bevy of antimatter -
""This is the first substantial source of antimatter using lasers," said Hui Chen of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory."

Season's greetings from space -

Jet Propulsion Laboratory - News
Enceladus Jets: Are They Wet or Just Wild?
"Enceladus" 最近のまとめ
Geysers From Saturn’s Moon May Indicate Liquid Lakes, and a Chance for Life
An Ocean on Enceladus :: Astrobiology Magazine
噴出口の下、やはり水か 土星の衛星エンケラドス

Life Is Also Due to Lack of Comet Impacts - Comet impacts in our solar system are far less than in others - Softpedia

Possibly, Drake's equation should also take into account the factor of comet activity in the environment of the planets that could actually support life. New statistics suggest that our own solar system is far more spared by such cosmic catastrophes than the similar nearby ones, so we own our very existe