



Milky Way X-ray mystery solved ただ星の数が、実際には多かったってことだ Astronomers have found evidence that the diffuse haze of X-rays that envelopes the Milky Way is produced by hundreds of millions of individual stars. Until now, the "g…


2006 MEDAL COUNT GOLD SILVER BRONZE TOTAL Germany 11 12 6 29 USA 9 9 7 25 Canada 7 10 7 24 Austria 9 7 7 23 Russia 8 6 8 22 Japan 1 1 A protestor briefly disrupted Sunday's closing ceremony Security had been tight throughout with the airsp…


━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 核を巡る 文明の衝突 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ "The government at the time was like a machine and I was just a part of the machine," Sarwari told the court, the Associated Press news agency said. A former Afghan intelligence…

リオのカーニバル 開催

世界人口は2012年に70億人(米国勢調査局の予想) 世界人口、65億に――地球は何億人暮らせるのか? MEDAL COUNT GOLD SILVER BRONZE TOTAL Germany 9 10 5 24 USA 8 9 6 23 Russia 8 4 8 20 Canada 6 8 6 …


"This is totally new, totally unexpected" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A new kind of cosmic explosion has been spotted in Earth's celestial neighborhood, and amateur astronomers in the Northern Hemisphere might be able to see it next week, scien…

Universe Today - Gemini Counts Up the Dark Matter in NGC 3379 could be roughly a billion stars we didn't know about in the Milky Way -- A Billion Stars Hi…

ASTRO-F is flying quite well

02/22 06:28:02: ロケット発射! Category: Japanese Posted by: AstroF 日本時間午前6時28分、ASTR0-F衛星を載せたM-Vロケット8号機は内之浦宇宙空間観測所から発射されました。ASTRO-F/M-V-8 LIVE(「ASTRO-F/M-V-8打ち上げ」ライブ中継)…


水俣からの緊急要請(情報転載)【以下転送歓迎】 池谷石黒ウェブログ - 突然水俣からお願いを申し上げます。ご賛同くださるかたは、以下にご署名いただ き、FAXまたはE-Mailにて、送りかえし…

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 知らなかった 販売は3月31日まで 石橋楽器で、掘り出し物とか、漁りに行かないと でも、ビンテージに拘るほどのテクもないしな とりあえず欲しいもの ないか 思案中(笑) (注)PSEマークのな…

Shani Davis

スピードスケート男子 500m 1 チーク ジョーイ 米国 34秒82(1) 34秒94(1) 1分09秒76 2 ドロフェエフ ドミトリー ロシア 35秒24(2) 35秒17(3) 1分10秒41 3 イ ガンソク 韓国 35秒34(3) 35秒09(2) 1分10秒43 4 及川 佑 びっくりドンキー 35秒35(4) 35秒21(5) 1…


2006 MEDAL COUNT GOLD SILVER BRONZE TOTAL Norway 1 6 6 13 Russia 6 2 4 12 Germany 5 5 2 12 Canada 2 4 5 11 US 6 3 1 10 打上げ時間帯: 15時27分〜16時44分 (日本標準時) (変更前 : 15…


Girl's detention prolonged 2 weeks for more psychiatric exams Feb. 16_(Kyodo) _ A summary court in Shizuoka Prefecture decided Thursday to extend the detention of a 16-year-old girl by two weeks to conduct further psychiatric examinations …

核を巡る 文明の衝突High Noon with Holy Terror?

Iran ready to counter any US aggression LONDON, February 16 (IranMania) - Iran is ready to counter any US aggression with offensive action, the head of the elite Revolutionary Guards warne, as Washington unveiled new plans to promote democ…

核を巡る 文明の衝突

News in Science - Dark matter sure is a fast mover - 13/02/2006━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ NASA予算関係fiscal year 2006 NASA Outlines FY 2006 Operating Plan…

Leo Strauss (1899-1973)

Here's a partial transcript of the new documentary "The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear," by one Adam Curtis of the BBC. This documentary exposes the Islamist-Straussian collaboration as well as how Strauss's favorite…

Leo Strauss (1899-1973)

Here's a partial transcript of the new documentary "The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear," by one Adam Curtis of the BBC. This documentary exposes the Islamist-Straussian collaboration as well as how Strauss's favorite…

Leo Strauss (1899-1973)

Here's a partial transcript of the new documentary "The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear," by one Adam Curtis of the BBC. This documentary exposes the Islamist-Straussian collaboration as well as how Strauss's favorite…

Leo Strauss (1899-1973)

Here's a partial transcript of the new documentary "The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear," by one Adam Curtis of the BBC. This documentary exposes the Islamist-Straussian collaboration as well as how Strauss's favorite…

Leo Strauss (1899-1973)

Here's a partial transcript of the new documentary "The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear," by one Adam Curtis of the BBC. This documentary exposes the Islamist-Straussian collaboration as well as how Strauss's favorite…

Leo Strauss (1899-1973)

Here's a partial transcript of the new documentary "The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear," by one Adam Curtis of the BBC. This documentary exposes the Islamist-Straussian collaboration as well as how Strauss's favorite…

Leo Strauss (1899-1973)

Here's a partial transcript of the new documentary "The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear," by one Adam Curtis of the BBC. This documentary exposes the Islamist-Straussian collaboration as well as how Strauss's favorite…


News in Science - Dark matter sure is a fast mover - 13/02/2006 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Iran hits back at 'warmonger' Bush By Anton La Guardia, Diplomatic Editor (Filed: 02/02/2006) Iran…


Iran and Nuclear Jazz ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━日本核武装計画 japan nuclear armament - Google News…


Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin! Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809. たへそうだ(笑) Iran and Nuclear Jazz…


ISS・きぼうウィークリーニュース第185号Jaxa トカレフ宇宙飛行士は「ピアース」(ロシアのドッキング室)にドッキングしている プログレス補給船(20P)でスラスタ試験を行う準備をしました。 米国時間2月11日に20Pのスラスタを使用して軌道高度上昇(リブ…


母なる恒星が死んでも、惑星系の活動は終わらない戦闘補給艦コンコルドが横浜ノースドックに寄港中 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ …


放射性元素で半永久動作の超小型発電回路を作る (MYCOM PC WEB) 米Cornell Universityは、 ニッケルの放射性同位元素(Ni63)を使った半永久動作の超小型発電回路を研究中 半減期は100.2年。講演では、無線ネットワーク接続された小型端末の電源といった用途が…


The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design. Leonard Susskind American Scientist Online - A Universe Tuned for Life;jsessionid=baa5…


━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Most military analysts agree that a large-scale invasion of Iran by U.S. ground troops is unlikely -- particularly since so many U.S. troops are tied up in Iraq and Afghanistan. But they would expect U.S. Special Force…


INTERACTIVE: Iran’s nuclear network - Mideast/N. Africa -━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ またまた米主要メディアの執拗な煽り 今度は"実際に存在 the Natanz plant"している━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 核問題を反映し…