


Sputnik Biographies--Wernher von Braun (1912-1977) von Braun "the early days" Russia1945 Russia : the R7 Rocket Russia1957: SputnikDr.Wernher von Braun "the early days" NIF Initial NIF e…

Silence from the top as Toyota recall crisis deepens

External Tank and Boosters Attached For Shuttle Discovery's STS-131 Mission In the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, Fla., technicians attached the external fuel tank and two solid rocket boosters on Jan. 26 for spa…

STS-130 Crew News Conference

1/29 19:57〜20:54 フジテレビ 2010四大陸フィギュアスケート選手権 韓国1位 浅田真央183.96点 優勝 「今回はSPが良くなかったので、これでフリーもダメだったらどうなることかという気持ちだった。でも、それで自分を追い込めた。五輪ではSPでも…

オバマの一般教書演説State of the Union address

Obama plan “a giant leap backwards” Reports: NASA to get extra funding, extend ISS, cancel Ares Space Politics "former astronaut and Augustine committee member Sally Ride, provided these details: 1.NASA would get an average of $1.3 billion…

Universe contains 30 times more entropy?

訃報 Caltech cosmologist Andrew E. Lange さん Caltech Mourns the Passing of Andrew Lange Lecture by Andrew Lange: How Did the Universe Begin? Nov.2009 Boomerang "BOOMERANG has…

NASA won’t get $1 billion budget boost NASA will not be getting the $1 billion budget boost civil space advocates had hoped to see when President Barack Obama sends his 2011 spending proposal to Congress Feb. 1. http://www.msnbc…

Four Continents 四大陸選手権大会

ビンラーディン? CIAまたもやはっきりせず US can't immediately authenticate bin Laden words -"The message I want to convey to you throug…

名護市長選 1月24日投開票

辺野古の街は今YouTube - 沖縄・名護市(10/01/23)ほんの僅差ともいえる1588票差 名護市長選 稲嶺進氏(64)1万7950票 島袋吉和氏(63)1万6362票 普天間移設反対の稲峰氏が当選確実に 名護…

Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief

Getting aid to Haiti earthquake victims "Haiti earthquake maps"- BBC Newsハイチ大地震、死者11万人超 捜索段階終了を宣言 - 47NEWS 国連緊急援助調整官室(OCHA)は23日、ハイチ政府が大地震…

Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief

Getting aid to Haiti earthquake victims "Haiti earthquake maps"- BBC News Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief 世界同時生中継ハイチ救援スペシャル・ライブ〜」 初回放送: 1…

Soyuz TMA-16 Relocation

January 21, Thursday 4:45 - 5:30a.m. - ISS Expedition 22 Soyuz TMA-16 Relocation Coverage YouTube - TMA-16 Relocation1of3 Haiti earthquake: Wednesday news updates -…

オバマ大打撃: 米医療保険改革いらないと

共和党ブラウン同州議会上院議員(50)医療保険制度改革反対で勝利52% 民主党のマーサ・コークリー同州司法長官(56)47% 党派別民主支持37・1%のマサチューセッツ州で負けかよんマサチューセッツ州の登録有権者は410万人。 党派別では民主…

日米共同宣言: 6/23 改定安保条約発効50年

ハイチ大地震 被災者300万人(国連発表) ハイチのベルリーブ首相18日、 大地震で家屋が全壊するなどした市民は推定計150万人。 人口約960万人のハイチで約6人につき1人が住居を失った形で、 被災者300万人(国連発表) 世界食糧計画(WFP…


Vancouver雪不足気味 Vancouver 2010 slope closed 'to preserve snow' - BBC Sport 日航株終値5円 法的整理に伴う上場廃止でいずれ1円とか・・ Taliban launch series of atta…

A Race Against Time to Get Help to Haitians

日本の遅ぅい救援 一応メモだけ(^^ゞ 外務省:外務報道官談話 平成22年1月13日 ハイチにおける地震について 2. 我が国は、具体的な支援ニーズが判明次第、ハイチ国民のため可能かつ効果的な支援を行っていく考えです。…

Haiti death toll 50,000 to 100,000: PAHO

死者数多過ぎ 関東大震災(死者10-14万)が再び起これば、明日はわが身 Dec. 26, 2004: A magnitude 9 quake off the Indonesian island of Sumatra triggered a tsunami that killed 226,000 people. May 12, 2008: A magnitude 7.9 earthquake in Eastern Ch…

ハイチ大地震:救護活動 前途多難

Haiti Earthquake Relief: 米海兵隊は約90日の活動を想定。 世界食糧計画(WFP)のスポークスマンは「我々の食糧備蓄をすべて活用できても、賄えるのは2〜3週間分。さらに数日間は陸続きのドミニカ共和国から購入するつ…


Haitian Metropole radio : "Today it is very difficult to maintain hope, but as the saying goes, hope makes us live, so let us all join hands and keep hope alive." As it happened: Haiti earthquake 14 Jan BBC News - LIVE: Haiti earthquake ht…

ハイチ大地震300万人が被災 / 国際赤十字推計

ハイチ地震、午前7時前、マグニチュード7.0 ハイチ大地震:「300万人が被災」国際赤十字推計 国連ハイチ安定化派遣団(約9000人)本部も大破 Thousands Feared Dead In Haiti After Most Powerful Earthquake Region's History Haiti earthquake …


check Listen up, all you Phoenix lander fans! Odyssey to Start Listening for Phoenix Lander Beginning Jan. 18, the Mars Odyssey orbiter will start listening for any signs of life from Phoeni…

小沢一郎 4億円不記載はそもそもなかった?という話

NASA Sets Jan. 11 Briefing to Preview Upcoming Spacewalk, Soyuz Relocation and Other January Space Station Milestones "NASA Sets Jan. 11 Briefing to Preview Upcoming Spacewalk, Soyuz Relocation and Other January Space Station Milestones " …

Payload problem could delay shuttle mission "during routine ground tests, tubing like that installed in Tranquility to circulate ammonia coolant ruptured at lower-than-expected pressures. " Feb. 7 STS…

Cosmological N-Body Simulations

Arthur C. Clarke's ‘2010’ still beyond reality "2010" made its debut in 1982 as a sequel to his iconic work "2001: A Space Odyssey." Altair Lunar Lander NASA …

215th meeting of the American Astronomical Society

AAS 214 Meeting Videos | American Astronomical Society AAS 213th Long Beach Session Videos | American Astronomical Society AAS 212th Meeting S…

215th meeting of the American Astronomical Society

January 7, Thursday 7:40 - 8 a.m. - ISS Expedition 22 In-Flight Event for JAXA (in native language back to Japan) - JSC (Public and Media Channels) 3-7 Jan 215th meeting of the American Astronomical Society 215th AAS Meetin…

215th meeting of the American Astronomical Society

Endeavour's STS-130 mission Endeavour’s Move to Launch Pad from Kennedy's Vehicle Assembly Building to Launch Pad 39A scheduled for Wednesday with first motion planned at 4 a.m. EST. NASA 2009年大事盘点 中国航天科技集团公司−−知识与资讯 htt…

Kepler Discovers Five Exoplanets

Kepler Discovers Five Exoplanets Kepler Discovers Five Exoplanets Named Kepler 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b and 8b, the planets were announced NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope Discovers its Firs…

Space Shuttle’s Finale

NASA - 50th Magazine - Introduction Apollo 40th Anniversary The Journeys of Apollo 50 Years of Exploration - The Golden Anniversar…

The History of Mathematics-BBC

The History of Mathematics - BBC The Story of Maths, The Language of the Universe - BBC The Story of Maths - BBC/OU The Story of Maths - About the series…

Journey to the Edge of the Universe Made by Pioneer Productions for National Geographic Channel" Pioneer Productions - Pioneer.TV Pioneer Productions is an indep…