

Michael Jackson Demerolで死亡

ISS:june 25

4 p.m. - GOES-O Launch Coverage
Launch is scheduled for 6:15 p.m.
Launch Vehicle: United Launch Alliance Delta IV
Launch Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - Launch Pad 37-B
Launch Window: 6:14 - 7:14 p.m. EDT
Description: NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are actively engaged in a cooperative program, the multi-mission Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite series N-P. This series will be a vital contributor to weather, solar and space operations, and science.

"Launch Date Moves to June 26
The GOES-O launch aboard a Delta IV rocket from Space Launch Complex 37 currently is scheduled for June 26.
The launch window runs from 6:14 p.m. to 7:14 p.m. EDT."

地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」による南海トラフ地震発生帯掘削計画(速報)〜平成21年度第1次研究航海 ライザー掘削開始のお知らせ〜
ライザー掘削について 独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構

 NASAの宇宙探査機ガリレオが1989〜2003年の期間に行った木星とその衛星の調査から、エウロパの海水が塩水である可能性を示すデータが得られている。タイラー氏はこれに対し、「必ずしも塩化ナトリウム(塩)を意味しているわけではない。硫酸マグネシウム、つまりエプソム塩であることも考えられる」と話す。 "

And Titan is due to be heated up in the next few billion years, when the sun bloats into a red giant star, expanding to the present orbit of Earth, they say.
Solar X-rays may create DNA building blocks on Titan -New Scientist
"Blasting the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan with X-rays can produce a base component of DNA, a new laboratory study suggests. While the effect may only occur periodically, when meteoroid impacts deliver water to the moon's surface, the finding adds to evidence that Titan may be ripe for life."

Milky Way's Particle Accelerators: Cosmic Rays Accelerated In Remnants Of Exploding Stars
The researchers looked at the remnant of a star that exploded in AD 185, as recorded by Chinese astronomers. The remnant, called RCW 86, is located about 8200 light-years away towards the constellation of Circinus (the Drawing Compass). It is probably the oldest record of the explosion of a star.

Source of super cosmic rays pinned down -
a supernova called RCW 86 with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope. The star exploded about 8,200 light-years away in A.D. 185, and was recorded by Chinese astronomers.

Supernovae Are Efficient Cosmic Ray Factories:
according to a new study published today in Science Express (Thursday, June 25th). Expanding supernova remnants could put half or more of their energy into cosmic-ray acceleration, accounting for all the "intermediate-energy" particle Earth receives.

The Jury Is In: Exploding Stars Really do Pelt us With Cosmic Rays | Universe Today
RCW 86, part of a stellar remnant whose explosion was recorded in 185 AD. By studying the remnant in detail, a team of astronomers has been able to nail down the source of cosmic rays that bombard Earth.

Mars Rover Yielding New Clues While Lodged in Martian Soil - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

NASA’s side-mount shuttle design could replace the existing fleet. By some estimates, the cost would be less than the expense of developing an all-new Ares I/V launch system.
NASA readies Plan B for moon rockets
"Shannon says the shuttle-based heavy lifter is not as capable as Ares V, the rocket currently earmarked for a revived lunar exploration initiative that is intended to land astronauts on the moon by 2020.
Shuttle program manager John Shannon, who presented an overview of the side-mount shuttle launch vehicle to the same committee, cautioned that the cost is very preliminary, though it is the same figure derived by a NASA-commissioned team that studied a similar vehicle design three years ago."

"During the Apollo Program, 12 astronauts landed on its cold and cratered surface. But they couldn't stay.
Now, NASA's Constellation Program begins a new journey: to live and work on the moon, setting the stage for future, long-duration human exploration. "

“Who are you guys?” Jupiter-130,the DIRECT concept
Jupiter-130 :the DIRECT concept

"the DIRECT concept, presented by Stephen Metschan. Depending on your point of view the committee seemed either interested in or skeptical about the idea (I heard both reactions afterwards) although the latter seemed evident in Leroy Chiao’s question to Metschan: “Who are you guys?”" Space Politics

The Space Review: Constellation and its challengers
"Stephen Metschan said DIRECT’s entry-level booster, the Jupiter-130, could be built for $8.3 billion―$6 billion less than Ares 1―and be ready as early as September 2012. “The bottom line is that we believe the Jupiter can close the gap in the current budget,” he said.
Metschan mentioned that a “courageous group of engineers and other concerned citizens” have worked on this, but that wasn’t sufficient for one committee member.
“Who are you guys?” asked former astronaut Leroy Chiao. “It’s difficult to assess the work without knowing who’s doing it.”"
The Space Review: Constellation and its challengers

NASA Watch: not a NASA Website

Space Politics

Space Review

"Shuttle program manager John Shannon said his preference is to fund the existing architecture."
The Space Review: Constellation and its challengers

Replay of Review of Human Space Flight Plans Committee Hearing
June 20, June 21, 9 a.m.
Replay of Review of Human Space Flight Plans Committee News Conference
June 20, June 21, 4 p.m.

The first public meeting took place June 17 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. EDT
Human Space Flight Plans
Charter of the Review of U.S. Human Space Flight Plans Committee
"10. Duration: The Committee will exist for 180 days, unless earlier renewed.
11. Termination: The Committee shall terminate within 60 days after submitting its report."
Christopher J. Scolese
NASA Administrator (Acting)
Dated: June 1, 2009
NASA Announces Members of Human Space Flight Review Committee

Sarychev Volcano - NASA
A fortuitous orbit of the International Space Station allowed the astronauts this striking view of Sarychev volcano (Russia’s Kuril Islands, northeast of Japan) in an early stage of eruption on June 12, 2009. Sarychev Peak is one of the most active volcanoes in the Kuril Island chain and is located on the northwestern end of Matua Island. "
ISSから撮影した、千島列島(クリル諸島、Kuril Islands)のマトゥア島(Matua、松輪島)北西端にある同列島で最も活発な活火山、サリチェフ火山(Sarychev Peak、芙蓉山)

サービスごとに異なるブロガー特性(MarkeZine) - Yahoo!ニュース
"「ヤプログ! 」はファッションに敏感な人の割合が高く、
「Yahoo! 」はレジャー、「livedoor」は政治経済、「楽天」はグルメ、「goo」はペットなど、ブログポータルによってブロガーの特性の違いが見られた"

さくらインターネット×はてな、自作サーバを語り合う - はてな

ダウンサイジング決意の瞬間:システム再構築- ITmedia
佐川急便の1万人以上の社員が利用する貨物システムは、NECメインフレームACOS I-PX7800」とインターネット貨物サーバ「Himalaya S7400」(当時のコンパックコンピュータ製)で運用されていた。
データ量は21テラバイト、プログラムはCOBOLで1600本、毎日1億件(ピーク時は毎秒2000件)のデータが更新され、顧客からの問い合わせは1時間当たり11万件、およそ3年をかけて COBOLJavaに移行し、IAサーバに移植するなどでダウンサイジングしてきた。"

中国の検閲ソフト搭載義務付け、米政府が撤回を求める書簡を送付 - ZDNet Japan
"7月1日以降に中国国内で新規に販売されるすべてのPCに搭載が義務付けられた「Green Dam Youth Escort」ソフトウェアは、世界貿易機関WTO)の規則に違反するとの懸念を表明している。
中国政府は、このGreen Damソフトウェアの目的は子供のオンラインポルノへのアクセスを防止することだとしているが、


Iraq rocked by more bomb attacks | BBC NEWS
"Under an agreement with the Iraqi authorities, most of the 133,000 US troops in Iraq are due to leave the country's cities and towns and withdraw to military bases by 30 June.
Combat operations across Iraq are due to end by September 2010 and all US troops will be out of the country by the end of 2011. "市場で爆弾テロ、多数死亡 米軍撤収前に治安悪化 イラク
あくまでイラク政府の選択に掛かっているという。 "

アフガン米基地で虐待とBBC 拘束のタリバンメンバーら - 47NEWS

an injection of the painkiller Demerolで、死亡説 The Sun
"According to The Sun it was down to an overdose of painkillers:
Michael Jackson died last night after a massive heart attack.
He collapsed and stopped breathing after an injection of a powerful painkiller named Demerol. Jacko, 50, was said to be addicted to the drug - similar to morphine - and it is feared he took an overdose. Paramedics found he had no pulse.
And frantic attempts to revive him failed."
Michael Jackson: Was It An Overdose? | Hecklerspray

Michael Jackson death 'linked to painkiller injection' -Times Online
"The Sun newspaper today reported that Jackson aides told medics at the UCLA emergency room that the star had collapsed after an injection of the drug Demerol, a powerful painkiller which is similar to morphine and which is known to come with the risk of cardiac arrest.
“Shortly after taking the Demerol he started to experience slow shallow breathing," the newspaper quoted one source as saying. “His breathing gradually got slower and slower until it stopped."

Michael Jackson, 50, legendary 'King of Pop' dead in Los Angeles
"Paramedics summoned by a 911 call at 12:26 p.m. local time also tried to resuscitate the faded King of Pop as an ambulance sped him to UCLA Medical Center.
"You've got to save him!" Jackson's aides screamed after he was wheeled into the hospital on a stretcher at 1:14 p.m., the Web site reported.
Emergency room doctors tried to revive him but he was in full cardiac arrest and was pronounced dead at 2:26 p.m.
The cause of death was unknown, but London's Sun reported that Jackson aides told doctors he had received an injection of the painkiller Demerol.
"He started to experience slow, shallow breathing," a source told the paper.
"His breathing gradually got slower and slower until it stopped. His staff started mouth-to-mouth and an ambulance was called, which got there in eight minutes." "

虚名'King of Pop'
Michael Jackson dead at 50
Michael Jackson Dies at 50 -
Michael Jackson, 50, dead in Los Angeles  New York Daily News
Michael Jackson Press Conference
A press conference is about to be held outside of UCLA hospital to address the death of Michael Jackson. Stay tuned.

Singer Michael Jackson dies at 50 | BBC NEWS
"He was pronounced dead two hours later at the UCLA medical centre. A spokesman for the centre said the star died of a suspected heart attack. "

マイケル・ジャクソンさん急死 スキャンダル 体むしばむ(産経新聞


マイケル・ジャクソンさん、死因は心臓発作か(サンケイスポーツ) -

マイケル遺産958億円!親権争いボッ発 - SANSPO.COM

M・ジャクソン急死:米国人に広まる「処方薬中毒」とは | WIRED VISION
metabolism of pethidine
Jackson Joins Ledger as Pop Victim of Prescription Drugs |
metabolism of pethidine
Pethidine - Wikipedia

「Tweak Dlg」"窓の杜 - 07/02/19
takazillaの開発室(仮): (27KB)

Windows 7の参考価格 Ultimateは38,800円 | マイコミジャーナル
Ultimate 、38,800円、アップグレード版26,800円。
Home Premium 24,800円、アップグレード版15,800円。
基本的な機能のみを搭載した「Windows 7 Starter」はOEMによりPCにプレインストールした状態でのみ提供
Windows 7は10月22日に発売、米マイクロソフトが価格とアップグレードプログラムを正式発表:ITpro

MicrosoftWindows 7 オンラインだけの先行予約
"2009 年 6 月 26 日 (金) 〜 7 月 5 日 (日)
本キャンペーンはオンライン ショップ限定になります。"
今なら7777円:Windows 7の価格と優待アップグレードを発表 - ITmedia
"Home Premiumエディションを7777円、Professionalエディションは1万4777円と、通常のアップグレードパッケージに比べて約8000円〜1万1000円ほど安価に提供する。

ISS:june 25

4 p.m. - GOES-O Launch Coverage
Launch is scheduled for 6:15 p.m.
Launch Vehicle: United Launch Alliance Delta IV
Launch Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - Launch Pad 37-B
Launch Window: 6:14 - 7:14 p.m. EDT
Description: NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are actively engaged in a cooperative program, the multi-mission Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite series N-P. This series will be a vital contributor to weather, solar and space operations, and science.

"Launch Date Moves to June 26
The GOES-O launch aboard a Delta IV rocket from Space Launch Complex 37 currently is scheduled for June 26.
The launch window runs from 6:14 p.m. to 7:14 p.m. EDT."

地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」による南海トラフ地震発生帯掘削計画(速報)〜平成21年度第1次研究航海 ライザー掘削開始のお知らせ〜
ライザー掘削について 独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構

 NASAの宇宙探査機ガリレオが1989〜2003年の期間に行った木星とその衛星の調査から、エウロパの海水が塩水である可能性を示すデータが得られている。タイラー氏はこれに対し、「必ずしも塩化ナトリウム(塩)を意味しているわけではない。硫酸マグネシウム、つまりエプソム塩であることも考えられる」と話す。 "

And Titan is due to be heated up in the next few billion years, when the sun bloats into a red giant star, expanding to the present orbit of Earth, they say.
Solar X-rays may create DNA building blocks on Titan -New Scientist
"Blasting the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan with X-rays can produce a base component of DNA, a new laboratory study suggests. While the effect may only occur periodically, when meteoroid impacts deliver water to the moon's surface, the finding adds to evidence that Titan may be ripe for life."

Milky Way's Particle Accelerators: Cosmic Rays Accelerated In Remnants Of Exploding Stars
The researchers looked at the remnant of a star that exploded in AD 185, as recorded by Chinese astronomers. The remnant, called RCW 86, is located about 8200 light-years away towards the constellation of Circinus (the Drawing Compass). It is probably the oldest record of the explosion of a star.

Source of super cosmic rays pinned down -
a supernova called RCW 86 with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope. The star exploded about 8,200 light-years away in A.D. 185, and was recorded by Chinese astronomers.

Supernovae Are Efficient Cosmic Ray Factories:
according to a new study published today in Science Express (Thursday, June 25th). Expanding supernova remnants could put half or more of their energy into cosmic-ray acceleration, accounting for all the "intermediate-energy" particle Earth receives.

The Jury Is In: Exploding Stars Really do Pelt us With Cosmic Rays | Universe Today
RCW 86, part of a stellar remnant whose explosion was recorded in 185 AD. By studying the remnant in detail, a team of astronomers has been able to nail down the source of cosmic rays that bombard Earth.

Mars Rover Yielding New Clues While Lodged in Martian Soil - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

NASA’s side-mount shuttle design could replace the existing fleet. By some estimates, the cost would be less than the expense of developing an all-new Ares I/V launch system.
NASA readies Plan B for moon rockets
"Shannon says the shuttle-based heavy lifter is not as capable as Ares V, the rocket currently earmarked for a revived lunar exploration initiative that is intended to land astronauts on the moon by 2020.
Shuttle program manager John Shannon, who presented an overview of the side-mount shuttle launch vehicle to the same committee, cautioned that the cost is very preliminary, though it is the same figure derived by a NASA-commissioned team that studied a similar vehicle design three years ago."

"During the Apollo Program, 12 astronauts landed on its cold and cratered surface. But they couldn't stay.
Now, NASA's Constellation Program begins a new journey: to live and work on the moon, setting the stage for future, long-duration human exploration. "

“Who are you guys?” Jupiter-130,the DIRECT concept
Jupiter-130 :the DIRECT concept

"the DIRECT concept, presented by Stephen Metschan. Depending on your point of view the committee seemed either interested in or skeptical about the idea (I heard both reactions afterwards) although the latter seemed evident in Leroy Chiao’s question to Metschan: “Who are you guys?”" Space Politics

The Space Review: Constellation and its challengers
"Stephen Metschan said DIRECT’s entry-level booster, the Jupiter-130, could be built for $8.3 billion―$6 billion less than Ares 1―and be ready as early as September 2012. “The bottom line is that we believe the Jupiter can close the gap in the current budget,” he said.
Metschan mentioned that a “courageous group of engineers and other concerned citizens” have worked on this, but that wasn’t sufficient for one committee member.
“Who are you guys?” asked former astronaut Leroy Chiao. “It’s difficult to assess the work without knowing who’s doing it.”"
The Space Review: Constellation and its challengers

NASA Watch: not a NASA Website

Space Politics

Space Review

"Shuttle program manager John Shannon said his preference is to fund the existing architecture."
The Space Review: Constellation and its challengers

Replay of Review of Human Space Flight Plans Committee Hearing
June 20, June 21, 9 a.m.
Replay of Review of Human Space Flight Plans Committee News Conference
June 20, June 21, 4 p.m.

The first public meeting took place June 17 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. EDT
Human Space Flight Plans
Charter of the Review of U.S. Human Space Flight Plans Committee
"10. Duration: The Committee will exist for 180 days, unless earlier renewed.
11. Termination: The Committee shall terminate within 60 days after submitting its report."
Christopher J. Scolese
NASA Administrator (Acting)
Dated: June 1, 2009
NASA Announces Members of Human Space Flight Review Committee

Sarychev Volcano - NASA
A fortuitous orbit of the International Space Station allowed the astronauts this striking view of Sarychev volcano (Russia’s Kuril Islands, northeast of Japan) in an early stage of eruption on June 12, 2009. Sarychev Peak is one of the most active volcanoes in the Kuril Island chain and is located on the northwestern end of Matua Island. "
ISSから撮影した、千島列島(クリル諸島、Kuril Islands)のマトゥア島(Matua、松輪島)北西端にある同列島で最も活発な活火山、サリチェフ火山(Sarychev Peak、芙蓉山)

サービスごとに異なるブロガー特性(MarkeZine) - Yahoo!ニュース
"「ヤプログ! 」はファッションに敏感な人の割合が高く、
「Yahoo! 」はレジャー、「livedoor」は政治経済、「楽天」はグルメ、「goo」はペットなど、ブログポータルによってブロガーの特性の違いが見られた"

さくらインターネット×はてな、自作サーバを語り合う - はてな

ダウンサイジング決意の瞬間:システム再構築- ITmedia
佐川急便の1万人以上の社員が利用する貨物システムは、NECメインフレームACOS I-PX7800」とインターネット貨物サーバ「Himalaya S7400」(当時のコンパックコンピュータ製)で運用されていた。
データ量は21テラバイト、プログラムはCOBOLで1600本、毎日1億件(ピーク時は毎秒2000件)のデータが更新され、顧客からの問い合わせは1時間当たり11万件、およそ3年をかけて COBOLJavaに移行し、IAサーバに移植するなどでダウンサイジングしてきた。"

中国の検閲ソフト搭載義務付け、米政府が撤回を求める書簡を送付 - ZDNet Japan
"7月1日以降に中国国内で新規に販売されるすべてのPCに搭載が義務付けられた「Green Dam Youth Escort」ソフトウェアは、世界貿易機関WTO)の規則に違反するとの懸念を表明している。
中国政府は、このGreen Damソフトウェアの目的は子供のオンラインポルノへのアクセスを防止することだとしているが、


Iraq rocked by more bomb attacks | BBC NEWS
"Under an agreement with the Iraqi authorities, most of the 133,000 US troops in Iraq are due to leave the country's cities and towns and withdraw to military bases by 30 June.
Combat operations across Iraq are due to end by September 2010 and all US troops will be out of the country by the end of 2011. "市場で爆弾テロ、多数死亡 米軍撤収前に治安悪化 イラク
あくまでイラク政府の選択に掛かっているという。 "

アフガン米基地で虐待とBBC 拘束のタリバンメンバーら - 47NEWS

an injection of the painkiller Demerolで、死亡説 The Sun
"According to The Sun it was down to an overdose of painkillers:
Michael Jackson died last night after a massive heart attack.
He collapsed and stopped breathing after an injection of a powerful painkiller named Demerol. Jacko, 50, was said to be addicted to the drug - similar to morphine - and it is feared he took an overdose. Paramedics found he had no pulse.
And frantic attempts to revive him failed."
Michael Jackson: Was It An Overdose? | Hecklerspray

Michael Jackson death 'linked to painkiller injection' -Times Online
"The Sun newspaper today reported that Jackson aides told medics at the UCLA emergency room that the star had collapsed after an injection of the drug Demerol, a powerful painkiller which is similar to morphine and which is known to come with the risk of cardiac arrest.
“Shortly after taking the Demerol he started to experience slow shallow breathing," the newspaper quoted one source as saying. “His breathing gradually got slower and slower until it stopped."

Michael Jackson, 50, legendary 'King of Pop' dead in Los Angeles
"Paramedics summoned by a 911 call at 12:26 p.m. local time also tried to resuscitate the faded King of Pop as an ambulance sped him to UCLA Medical Center.
"You've got to save him!" Jackson's aides screamed after he was wheeled into the hospital on a stretcher at 1:14 p.m., the Web site reported.
Emergency room doctors tried to revive him but he was in full cardiac arrest and was pronounced dead at 2:26 p.m.
The cause of death was unknown, but London's Sun reported that Jackson aides told doctors he had received an injection of the painkiller Demerol.
"He started to experience slow, shallow breathing," a source told the paper.
"His breathing gradually got slower and slower until it stopped. His staff started mouth-to-mouth and an ambulance was called, which got there in eight minutes." "

虚名'King of Pop'
Michael Jackson dead at 50
Michael Jackson Dies at 50 -
Michael Jackson, 50, dead in Los Angeles  New York Daily News
Michael Jackson Press Conference
A press conference is about to be held outside of UCLA hospital to address the death of Michael Jackson. Stay tuned.

Singer Michael Jackson dies at 50 | BBC NEWS
"He was pronounced dead two hours later at the UCLA medical centre. A spokesman for the centre said the star died of a suspected heart attack. "

マイケル・ジャクソンさん急死 スキャンダル 体むしばむ(産経新聞


マイケル・ジャクソンさん、死因は心臓発作か(サンケイスポーツ) -

マイケル遺産958億円!親権争いボッ発 - SANSPO.COM

M・ジャクソン急死:米国人に広まる「処方薬中毒」とは | WIRED VISION
metabolism of pethidine
Jackson Joins Ledger as Pop Victim of Prescription Drugs |
metabolism of pethidine
Pethidine - Wikipedia

「Tweak Dlg」"窓の杜 - 07/02/19
takazillaの開発室(仮): (27KB)

Windows 7の参考価格 Ultimateは38,800円 | マイコミジャーナル
Ultimate 、38,800円、アップグレード版26,800円。
Home Premium 24,800円、アップグレード版15,800円。
基本的な機能のみを搭載した「Windows 7 Starter」はOEMによりPCにプレインストールした状態でのみ提供
Windows 7は10月22日に発売、米マイクロソフトが価格とアップグレードプログラムを正式発表:ITpro

MicrosoftWindows 7 オンラインだけの先行予約
"2009 年 6 月 26 日 (金) 〜 7 月 5 日 (日)
本キャンペーンはオンライン ショップ限定になります。"
今なら7777円:Windows 7の価格と優待アップグレードを発表 - ITmedia
"Home Premiumエディションを7777円、Professionalエディションは1万4777円と、通常のアップグレードパッケージに比べて約8000円〜1万1000円ほど安価に提供する。

ISS:june 25

4 p.m. - GOES-O Launch Coverage
Launch is scheduled for 6:15 p.m.
Launch Vehicle: United Launch Alliance Delta IV
Launch Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - Launch Pad 37-B
Launch Window: 6:14 - 7:14 p.m. EDT
Description: NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are actively engaged in a cooperative program, the multi-mission Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite series N-P. This series will be a vital contributor to weather, solar and space operations, and science.

"Launch Date Moves to June 26
The GOES-O launch aboard a Delta IV rocket from Space Launch Complex 37 currently is scheduled for June 26.
The launch window runs from 6:14 p.m. to 7:14 p.m. EDT."

地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」による南海トラフ地震発生帯掘削計画(速報)〜平成21年度第1次研究航海 ライザー掘削開始のお知らせ〜
ライザー掘削について 独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構

 NASAの宇宙探査機ガリレオが1989〜2003年の期間に行った木星とその衛星の調査から、エウロパの海水が塩水である可能性を示すデータが得られている。タイラー氏はこれに対し、「必ずしも塩化ナトリウム(塩)を意味しているわけではない。硫酸マグネシウム、つまりエプソム塩であることも考えられる」と話す。 "

And Titan is due to be heated up in the next few billion years, when the sun bloats into a red giant star, expanding to the present orbit of Earth, they say.
Solar X-rays may create DNA building blocks on Titan -New Scientist
"Blasting the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan with X-rays can produce a base component of DNA, a new laboratory study suggests. While the effect may only occur periodically, when meteoroid impacts deliver water to the moon's surface, the finding adds to evidence that Titan may be ripe for life."

Milky Way's Particle Accelerators: Cosmic Rays Accelerated In Remnants Of Exploding Stars
The researchers looked at the remnant of a star that exploded in AD 185, as recorded by Chinese astronomers. The remnant, called RCW 86, is located about 8200 light-years away towards the constellation of Circinus (the Drawing Compass). It is probably the oldest record of the explosion of a star.

Source of super cosmic rays pinned down -
a supernova called RCW 86 with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope. The star exploded about 8,200 light-years away in A.D. 185, and was recorded by Chinese astronomers.

Supernovae Are Efficient Cosmic Ray Factories:
according to a new study published today in Science Express (Thursday, June 25th). Expanding supernova remnants could put half or more of their energy into cosmic-ray acceleration, accounting for all the "intermediate-energy" particle Earth receives.

The Jury Is In: Exploding Stars Really do Pelt us With Cosmic Rays | Universe Today
RCW 86, part of a stellar remnant whose explosion was recorded in 185 AD. By studying the remnant in detail, a team of astronomers has been able to nail down the source of cosmic rays that bombard Earth.

Mars Rover Yielding New Clues While Lodged in Martian Soil - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

NASA’s side-mount shuttle design could replace the existing fleet. By some estimates, the cost would be less than the expense of developing an all-new Ares I/V launch system.
NASA readies Plan B for moon rockets
"Shannon says the shuttle-based heavy lifter is not as capable as Ares V, the rocket currently earmarked for a revived lunar exploration initiative that is intended to land astronauts on the moon by 2020.
Shuttle program manager John Shannon, who presented an overview of the side-mount shuttle launch vehicle to the same committee, cautioned that the cost is very preliminary, though it is the same figure derived by a NASA-commissioned team that studied a similar vehicle design three years ago."

"During the Apollo Program, 12 astronauts landed on its cold and cratered surface. But they couldn't stay.
Now, NASA's Constellation Program begins a new journey: to live and work on the moon, setting the stage for future, long-duration human exploration. "

“Who are you guys?” Jupiter-130,the DIRECT concept
Jupiter-130 :the DIRECT concept

"the DIRECT concept, presented by Stephen Metschan. Depending on your point of view the committee seemed either interested in or skeptical about the idea (I heard both reactions afterwards) although the latter seemed evident in Leroy Chiao’s question to Metschan: “Who are you guys?”" Space Politics

The Space Review: Constellation and its challengers
"Stephen Metschan said DIRECT’s entry-level booster, the Jupiter-130, could be built for $8.3 billion―$6 billion less than Ares 1―and be ready as early as September 2012. “The bottom line is that we believe the Jupiter can close the gap in the current budget,” he said.
Metschan mentioned that a “courageous group of engineers and other concerned citizens” have worked on this, but that wasn’t sufficient for one committee member.
“Who are you guys?” asked former astronaut Leroy Chiao. “It’s difficult to assess the work without knowing who’s doing it.”"
The Space Review: Constellation and its challengers

NASA Watch: not a NASA Website

Space Politics

Space Review

"Shuttle program manager John Shannon said his preference is to fund the existing architecture."
The Space Review: Constellation and its challengers

Replay of Review of Human Space Flight Plans Committee Hearing
June 20, June 21, 9 a.m.
Replay of Review of Human Space Flight Plans Committee News Conference
June 20, June 21, 4 p.m.

The first public meeting took place June 17 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. EDT
Human Space Flight Plans
Charter of the Review of U.S. Human Space Flight Plans Committee
"10. Duration: The Committee will exist for 180 days, unless earlier renewed.
11. Termination: The Committee shall terminate within 60 days after submitting its report."
Christopher J. Scolese
NASA Administrator (Acting)
Dated: June 1, 2009
NASA Announces Members of Human Space Flight Review Committee

Sarychev Volcano - NASA
A fortuitous orbit of the International Space Station allowed the astronauts this striking view of Sarychev volcano (Russia’s Kuril Islands, northeast of Japan) in an early stage of eruption on June 12, 2009. Sarychev Peak is one of the most active volcanoes in the Kuril Island chain and is located on the northwestern end of Matua Island. "
ISSから撮影した、千島列島(クリル諸島、Kuril Islands)のマトゥア島(Matua、松輪島)北西端にある同列島で最も活発な活火山、サリチェフ火山(Sarychev Peak、芙蓉山)

サービスごとに異なるブロガー特性(MarkeZine) - Yahoo!ニュース
"「ヤプログ! 」はファッションに敏感な人の割合が高く、
「Yahoo! 」はレジャー、「livedoor」は政治経済、「楽天」はグルメ、「goo」はペットなど、ブログポータルによってブロガーの特性の違いが見られた"

さくらインターネット×はてな、自作サーバを語り合う - はてな

ダウンサイジング決意の瞬間:システム再構築- ITmedia
佐川急便の1万人以上の社員が利用する貨物システムは、NECメインフレームACOS I-PX7800」とインターネット貨物サーバ「Himalaya S7400」(当時のコンパックコンピュータ製)で運用されていた。
データ量は21テラバイト、プログラムはCOBOLで1600本、毎日1億件(ピーク時は毎秒2000件)のデータが更新され、顧客からの問い合わせは1時間当たり11万件、およそ3年をかけて COBOLJavaに移行し、IAサーバに移植するなどでダウンサイジングしてきた。"

中国の検閲ソフト搭載義務付け、米政府が撤回を求める書簡を送付 - ZDNet Japan
"7月1日以降に中国国内で新規に販売されるすべてのPCに搭載が義務付けられた「Green Dam Youth Escort」ソフトウェアは、世界貿易機関WTO)の規則に違反するとの懸念を表明している。
中国政府は、このGreen Damソフトウェアの目的は子供のオンラインポルノへのアクセスを防止することだとしているが、


Iraq rocked by more bomb attacks | BBC NEWS
"Under an agreement with the Iraqi authorities, most of the 133,000 US troops in Iraq are due to leave the country's cities and towns and withdraw to military bases by 30 June.
Combat operations across Iraq are due to end by September 2010 and all US troops will be out of the country by the end of 2011. "市場で爆弾テロ、多数死亡 米軍撤収前に治安悪化 イラク
あくまでイラク政府の選択に掛かっているという。 "

アフガン米基地で虐待とBBC 拘束のタリバンメンバーら - 47NEWS

an injection of the painkiller Demerolで、死亡説 The Sun
"According to The Sun it was down to an overdose of painkillers:
Michael Jackson died last night after a massive heart attack.
He collapsed and stopped breathing after an injection of a powerful painkiller named Demerol. Jacko, 50, was said to be addicted to the drug - similar to morphine - and it is feared he took an overdose. Paramedics found he had no pulse.
And frantic attempts to revive him failed."
Michael Jackson: Was It An Overdose? | Hecklerspray

Michael Jackson death 'linked to painkiller injection' -Times Online
"The Sun newspaper today reported that Jackson aides told medics at the UCLA emergency room that the star had collapsed after an injection of the drug Demerol, a powerful painkiller which is similar to morphine and which is known to come with the risk of cardiac arrest.
“Shortly after taking the Demerol he started to experience slow shallow breathing," the newspaper quoted one source as saying. “His breathing gradually got slower and slower until it stopped."

Michael Jackson, 50, legendary 'King of Pop' dead in Los Angeles
"Paramedics summoned by a 911 call at 12:26 p.m. local time also tried to resuscitate the faded King of Pop as an ambulance sped him to UCLA Medical Center.
"You've got to save him!" Jackson's aides screamed after he was wheeled into the hospital on a stretcher at 1:14 p.m., the Web site reported.
Emergency room doctors tried to revive him but he was in full cardiac arrest and was pronounced dead at 2:26 p.m.
The cause of death was unknown, but London's Sun reported that Jackson aides told doctors he had received an injection of the painkiller Demerol.
"He started to experience slow, shallow breathing," a source told the paper.
"His breathing gradually got slower and slower until it stopped. His staff started mouth-to-mouth and an ambulance was called, which got there in eight minutes." "

虚名'King of Pop'
Michael Jackson dead at 50
Michael Jackson Dies at 50 -
Michael Jackson, 50, dead in Los Angeles  New York Daily News
Michael Jackson Press Conference
A press conference is about to be held outside of UCLA hospital to address the death of Michael Jackson. Stay tuned.

Singer Michael Jackson dies at 50 | BBC NEWS
"He was pronounced dead two hours later at the UCLA medical centre. A spokesman for the centre said the star died of a suspected heart attack. "

マイケル・ジャクソンさん急死 スキャンダル 体むしばむ(産経新聞


マイケル・ジャクソンさん、死因は心臓発作か(サンケイスポーツ) -

マイケル遺産958億円!親権争いボッ発 - SANSPO.COM

M・ジャクソン急死:米国人に広まる「処方薬中毒」とは | WIRED VISION
metabolism of pethidine
Jackson Joins Ledger as Pop Victim of Prescription Drugs |
metabolism of pethidine
Pethidine - Wikipedia

「Tweak Dlg」"窓の杜 - 07/02/19
takazillaの開発室(仮): (27KB)

Windows 7の参考価格 Ultimateは38,800円 | マイコミジャーナル
Ultimate 、38,800円、アップグレード版26,800円。
Home Premium 24,800円、アップグレード版15,800円。
基本的な機能のみを搭載した「Windows 7 Starter」はOEMによりPCにプレインストールした状態でのみ提供
Windows 7は10月22日に発売、米マイクロソフトが価格とアップグレードプログラムを正式発表:ITpro

MicrosoftWindows 7 オンラインだけの先行予約
"2009 年 6 月 26 日 (金) 〜 7 月 5 日 (日)
本キャンペーンはオンライン ショップ限定になります。"
今なら7777円:Windows 7の価格と優待アップグレードを発表 - ITmedia
"Home Premiumエディションを7777円、Professionalエディションは1万4777円と、通常のアップグレードパッケージに比べて約8000円〜1万1000円ほど安価に提供する。

ISS:june 25

4 p.m. - GOES-O Launch Coverage
Launch is scheduled for 6:15 p.m.
Launch Vehicle: United Launch Alliance Delta IV
Launch Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - Launch Pad 37-B
Launch Window: 6:14 - 7:14 p.m. EDT
Description: NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are actively engaged in a cooperative program, the multi-mission Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite series N-P. This series will be a vital contributor to weather, solar and space operations, and science.

"Launch Date Moves to June 26
The GOES-O launch aboard a Delta IV rocket from Space Launch Complex 37 currently is scheduled for June 26.
The launch window runs from 6:14 p.m. to 7:14 p.m. EDT."

地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」による南海トラフ地震発生帯掘削計画(速報)〜平成21年度第1次研究航海 ライザー掘削開始のお知らせ〜
ライザー掘削について 独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構

 NASAの宇宙探査機ガリレオが1989〜2003年の期間に行った木星とその衛星の調査から、エウロパの海水が塩水である可能性を示すデータが得られている。タイラー氏はこれに対し、「必ずしも塩化ナトリウム(塩)を意味しているわけではない。硫酸マグネシウム、つまりエプソム塩であることも考えられる」と話す。 "

And Titan is due to be heated up in the next few billion years, when the sun bloats into a red giant star, expanding to the present orbit of Earth, they say.
Solar X-rays may create DNA building blocks on Titan -New Scientist
"Blasting the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan with X-rays can produce a base component of DNA, a new laboratory study suggests. While the effect may only occur periodically, when meteoroid impacts deliver water to the moon's surface, the finding adds to evidence that Titan may be ripe for life."

Milky Way's Particle Accelerators: Cosmic Rays Accelerated In Remnants Of Exploding Stars
The researchers looked at the remnant of a star that exploded in AD 185, as recorded by Chinese astronomers. The remnant, called RCW 86, is located about 8200 light-years away towards the constellation of Circinus (the Drawing Compass). It is probably the oldest record of the explosion of a star.

Source of super cosmic rays pinned down -
a supernova called RCW 86 with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope. The star exploded about 8,200 light-years away in A.D. 185, and was recorded by Chinese astronomers.

Supernovae Are Efficient Cosmic Ray Factories:
according to a new study published today in Science Express (Thursday, June 25th). Expanding supernova remnants could put half or more of their energy into cosmic-ray acceleration, accounting for all the "intermediate-energy" particle Earth receives.

The Jury Is In: Exploding Stars Really do Pelt us With Cosmic Rays | Universe Today
RCW 86, part of a stellar remnant whose explosion was recorded in 185 AD. By studying the remnant in detail, a team of astronomers has been able to nail down the source of cosmic rays that bombard Earth.

Mars Rover Yielding New Clues While Lodged in Martian Soil - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

NASA’s side-mount shuttle design could replace the existing fleet. By some estimates, the cost would be less than the expense of developing an all-new Ares I/V launch system.
NASA readies Plan B for moon rockets
"Shannon says the shuttle-based heavy lifter is not as capable as Ares V, the rocket currently earmarked for a revived lunar exploration initiative that is intended to land astronauts on the moon by 2020.
Shuttle program manager John Shannon, who presented an overview of the side-mount shuttle launch vehicle to the same committee, cautioned that the cost is very preliminary, though it is the same figure derived by a NASA-commissioned team that studied a similar vehicle design three years ago."

"During the Apollo Program, 12 astronauts landed on its cold and cratered surface. But they couldn't stay.
Now, NASA's Constellation Program begins a new journey: to live and work on the moon, setting the stage for future, long-duration human exploration. "

“Who are you guys?” Jupiter-130,the DIRECT concept
Jupiter-130 :the DIRECT concept

"the DIRECT concept, presented by Stephen Metschan. Depending on your point of view the committee seemed either interested in or skeptical about the idea (I heard both reactions afterwards) although the latter seemed evident in Leroy Chiao’s question to Metschan: “Who are you guys?”" Space Politics

The Space Review: Constellation and its challengers
"Stephen Metschan said DIRECT’s entry-level booster, the Jupiter-130, could be built for $8.3 billion―$6 billion less than Ares 1―and be ready as early as September 2012. “The bottom line is that we believe the Jupiter can close the gap in the current budget,” he said.
Metschan mentioned that a “courageous group of engineers and other concerned citizens” have worked on this, but that wasn’t sufficient for one committee member.
“Who are you guys?” asked former astronaut Leroy Chiao. “It’s difficult to assess the work without knowing who’s doing it.”"
The Space Review: Constellation and its challengers