

Russian ”Internal” EVA-23

06/10/09 -- Russian EVA-23
Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete
Expedition 20 Commander Gennady Padalka and Flight Engineer Michael Barratt completed an “internal” spacewalk Wednesday at 3:07 a.m. EDT.
Padalka and Barratt replaced a Zvezda hatch with a docking cone. The excursion took place internally with the spacewalkers attached to umbilicals in Zvezda for life support.
It lasted about 12 minutes.

Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete 12分(^_^;)

On June 10, Padalka and Barratt will again don Russian suits and depressurize the transfer compartment between the Zvezda service module and the Zarya module.
They will perform a one-hour interior spacewalk that will set the stage for the MRM2's launch and automated linkup. Television of the internal spacewalk is not expected, but NASA TV will broadcast live commentary beginning about 1:15 a.m.
The internal depressurization of the station's Russian transfer compartment for Padalka and Barratt is expected to begin about 1:45 a.m.

Supernova Remnant is an Unusual Suspect - NASA
A new image from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory shows a supernova remnant with a different look. This object, known as SNR 0104-72.3 (SNR 0104 for short), is in the Small Magellanic Cloud, a small neighboring galaxy to the Milky Way. Astronomers think that SNR 0104 is the remains of a so-called Type Ia supernova caused by the thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf.
The Strange Case of Supernova SN2008ha | Universe Today
"Now in a controversial new paper in the journal Nature, astronomers from Queen’s University Belfast have proposed a new explanation of this supernova. The researchers, led by Dr. Stefano Valenti, suggest that even though the explosion contained no hydrogen, SN2008ha could be a Type II supernova, the kind caused by the core collapse of a massive star."

The Curious Case of the Shrinking Star | Universe Today
"The red supergiant star Betelgeuse is undoubtedly enormous. But it’s shrinking, and astronomers aren’t sure why."
オリオン座のベテルギウス、この15年で15%の謎の「縮小」 AFPBB News

Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31
"Astrophysics > Solar and Stellar Astrophysics[0906.1050]
Title: Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31"
We study the possibility to detect extrasolar planets in M31 through pixel-lensing observations. Using a Monte Carlo approach, we select the physical parameters of the binary lens system, a star hosting a planet, and we calculate the pixel-lensing light curve taking into account the finite source effects.
First Extra-Galactic Planet Spotted in Andromeda- Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog:
"A star in the Andromeda galaxy has a "companion" with six times the mass of Jupiter. "

First Extra-Galactic Planet May Have Been Detected | Universe Today
"Using a technique called Pixel-lensing, a group of astronomers in Italy may have detected a planet orbiting another star. But this planet is unique among the 300-plus exoplanets discovered so far, as it and its parent star are in another galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy, to be exact. Technically, the star in M31 was found to have a companion about 6 times the mass of Jupiter, so it could be either a brown dwarf or a planet. But either way, this is a remarkable feat, to find an object of that size in another galaxy."

Spitzer Status Update

Mars Orbiter Resumes Science Observations - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is examining Mars again with its scientific instruments after successfully transitioning out of a precautionary standby mode triggered by an unexpected June 3 rebooting of its computer. "
Mars orbiter back at work after glitch -
PASADENA, Calif. -June 9, 2009
NASA's eagle-eyed Mars orbiter is back in business, scanning the Red Planet's surface after entering safe mode last week, the space agency said Tuesday."

Return of the Mars Hoax - NASA

the German 'Sunrise' -The Sun in its sights – DLR Portal telescope starts on its mission
"On Monday 8 June 2009, the German 'Sunrise' telescope lifted off at 08:27 (06:27 UTC) from the Esrange launch site near Kiruna (Northern Sweden) on its five-day mission."

この霊と訳された部分は神の息吹(ルーアッハ)であり,霊と訳すのはいかがなものか。学術的な信頼度が高いThe Oxford Annotated Bibleでは神からの風(a wind from God)となっている。
霊の概念を多用する後世のキリスト教勢力が,その価値観をもとに編纂したとき,作為的にspiritと置き換え,それを後年,日本語訳者が霊と日本語にしてしまったのだ。 "

われわれの社会はインターネットというアーキテクチャーによってなにがしかの影響を受けるけれども、言ってみれば「日本社会+日本社会独自のソーシャルメディア」の結実になるだけの話であって、:佐々木俊尚- CNET Japan
音楽にしろ映画にしろ、なにかインダストリアルな雰囲気がアメリカ文化につねに漂っているのは、構造主導で文化が創られているから "

4年前は、「沿岸案」反対で3人の候補者が一致して市民は島袋に騙された。島袋、稲嶺も基地賛成派である。" 照雄日記

06/10/09 -- Russian EVA-23
Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete
Expedition 20 Commander Gennady Padalka and Flight Engineer Michael Barratt completed an “internal” spacewalk Wednesday at 3:07 a.m. EDT.
Padalka and Barratt replaced a Zvezda hatch with a docking cone. The excursion took place internally with the spacewalkers attached to umbilicals in Zvezda for life support.
It lasted about 12 minutes.

Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete 12分(^_^;)

On June 10, Padalka and Barratt will again don Russian suits and depressurize the transfer compartment between the Zvezda service module and the Zarya module.
They will perform a one-hour interior spacewalk that will set the stage for the MRM2's launch and automated linkup. Television of the internal spacewalk is not expected, but NASA TV will broadcast live commentary beginning about 1:15 a.m.
The internal depressurization of the station's Russian transfer compartment for Padalka and Barratt is expected to begin about 1:45 a.m.

Supernova Remnant is an Unusual Suspect - NASA
A new image from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory shows a supernova remnant with a different look. This object, known as SNR 0104-72.3 (SNR 0104 for short), is in the Small Magellanic Cloud, a small neighboring galaxy to the Milky Way. Astronomers think that SNR 0104 is the remains of a so-called Type Ia supernova caused by the thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf.
The Strange Case of Supernova SN2008ha | Universe Today
"Now in a controversial new paper in the journal Nature, astronomers from Queen’s University Belfast have proposed a new explanation of this supernova. The researchers, led by Dr. Stefano Valenti, suggest that even though the explosion contained no hydrogen, SN2008ha could be a Type II supernova, the kind caused by the core collapse of a massive star."

The Curious Case of the Shrinking Star | Universe Today
"The red supergiant star Betelgeuse is undoubtedly enormous. But it’s shrinking, and astronomers aren’t sure why."
オリオン座のベテルギウス、この15年で15%の謎の「縮小」 AFPBB News

Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31
"Astrophysics > Solar and Stellar Astrophysics[0906.1050]
Title: Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31"
We study the possibility to detect extrasolar planets in M31 through pixel-lensing observations. Using a Monte Carlo approach, we select the physical parameters of the binary lens system, a star hosting a planet, and we calculate the pixel-lensing light curve taking into account the finite source effects.
First Extra-Galactic Planet Spotted in Andromeda- Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog:
"A star in the Andromeda galaxy has a "companion" with six times the mass of Jupiter. "

First Extra-Galactic Planet May Have Been Detected | Universe Today
"Using a technique called Pixel-lensing, a group of astronomers in Italy may have detected a planet orbiting another star. But this planet is unique among the 300-plus exoplanets discovered so far, as it and its parent star are in another galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy, to be exact. Technically, the star in M31 was found to have a companion about 6 times the mass of Jupiter, so it could be either a brown dwarf or a planet. But either way, this is a remarkable feat, to find an object of that size in another galaxy."

Spitzer Status Update

Mars Orbiter Resumes Science Observations - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is examining Mars again with its scientific instruments after successfully transitioning out of a precautionary standby mode triggered by an unexpected June 3 rebooting of its computer. "
Mars orbiter back at work after glitch -
PASADENA, Calif. -June 9, 2009
NASA's eagle-eyed Mars orbiter is back in business, scanning the Red Planet's surface after entering safe mode last week, the space agency said Tuesday."

Return of the Mars Hoax - NASA

the German 'Sunrise' -The Sun in its sights – DLR Portal telescope starts on its mission
"On Monday 8 June 2009, the German 'Sunrise' telescope lifted off at 08:27 (06:27 UTC) from the Esrange launch site near Kiruna (Northern Sweden) on its five-day mission."

この霊と訳された部分は神の息吹(ルーアッハ)であり,霊と訳すのはいかがなものか。学術的な信頼度が高いThe Oxford Annotated Bibleでは神からの風(a wind from God)となっている。
霊の概念を多用する後世のキリスト教勢力が,その価値観をもとに編纂したとき,作為的にspiritと置き換え,それを後年,日本語訳者が霊と日本語にしてしまったのだ。 "

われわれの社会はインターネットというアーキテクチャーによってなにがしかの影響を受けるけれども、言ってみれば「日本社会+日本社会独自のソーシャルメディア」の結実になるだけの話であって、:佐々木俊尚- CNET Japan
音楽にしろ映画にしろ、なにかインダストリアルな雰囲気がアメリカ文化につねに漂っているのは、構造主導で文化が創られているから "

4年前は、「沿岸案」反対で3人の候補者が一致して市民は島袋に騙された。島袋、稲嶺も基地賛成派である。" 照雄日記

06/10/09 -- Russian EVA-23
Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete
Expedition 20 Commander Gennady Padalka and Flight Engineer Michael Barratt completed an “internal” spacewalk Wednesday at 3:07 a.m. EDT.
Padalka and Barratt replaced a Zvezda hatch with a docking cone. The excursion took place internally with the spacewalkers attached to umbilicals in Zvezda for life support.
It lasted about 12 minutes.

Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete 12分(^_^;)

On June 10, Padalka and Barratt will again don Russian suits and depressurize the transfer compartment between the Zvezda service module and the Zarya module.
They will perform a one-hour interior spacewalk that will set the stage for the MRM2's launch and automated linkup. Television of the internal spacewalk is not expected, but NASA TV will broadcast live commentary beginning about 1:15 a.m.
The internal depressurization of the station's Russian transfer compartment for Padalka and Barratt is expected to begin about 1:45 a.m.

Supernova Remnant is an Unusual Suspect - NASA
A new image from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory shows a supernova remnant with a different look. This object, known as SNR 0104-72.3 (SNR 0104 for short), is in the Small Magellanic Cloud, a small neighboring galaxy to the Milky Way. Astronomers think that SNR 0104 is the remains of a so-called Type Ia supernova caused by the thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf.
The Strange Case of Supernova SN2008ha | Universe Today
"Now in a controversial new paper in the journal Nature, astronomers from Queen’s University Belfast have proposed a new explanation of this supernova. The researchers, led by Dr. Stefano Valenti, suggest that even though the explosion contained no hydrogen, SN2008ha could be a Type II supernova, the kind caused by the core collapse of a massive star."

The Curious Case of the Shrinking Star | Universe Today
"The red supergiant star Betelgeuse is undoubtedly enormous. But it’s shrinking, and astronomers aren’t sure why."
オリオン座のベテルギウス、この15年で15%の謎の「縮小」 AFPBB News

Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31
"Astrophysics > Solar and Stellar Astrophysics[0906.1050]
Title: Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31"
We study the possibility to detect extrasolar planets in M31 through pixel-lensing observations. Using a Monte Carlo approach, we select the physical parameters of the binary lens system, a star hosting a planet, and we calculate the pixel-lensing light curve taking into account the finite source effects.
First Extra-Galactic Planet Spotted in Andromeda- Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog:
"A star in the Andromeda galaxy has a "companion" with six times the mass of Jupiter. "

First Extra-Galactic Planet May Have Been Detected | Universe Today
"Using a technique called Pixel-lensing, a group of astronomers in Italy may have detected a planet orbiting another star. But this planet is unique among the 300-plus exoplanets discovered so far, as it and its parent star are in another galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy, to be exact. Technically, the star in M31 was found to have a companion about 6 times the mass of Jupiter, so it could be either a brown dwarf or a planet. But either way, this is a remarkable feat, to find an object of that size in another galaxy."

Spitzer Status Update

Mars Orbiter Resumes Science Observations - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is examining Mars again with its scientific instruments after successfully transitioning out of a precautionary standby mode triggered by an unexpected June 3 rebooting of its computer. "
Mars orbiter back at work after glitch -
PASADENA, Calif. -June 9, 2009
NASA's eagle-eyed Mars orbiter is back in business, scanning the Red Planet's surface after entering safe mode last week, the space agency said Tuesday."

Return of the Mars Hoax - NASA

the German 'Sunrise' -The Sun in its sights – DLR Portal telescope starts on its mission
"On Monday 8 June 2009, the German 'Sunrise' telescope lifted off at 08:27 (06:27 UTC) from the Esrange launch site near Kiruna (Northern Sweden) on its five-day mission."

この霊と訳された部分は神の息吹(ルーアッハ)であり,霊と訳すのはいかがなものか。学術的な信頼度が高いThe Oxford Annotated Bibleでは神からの風(a wind from God)となっている。
霊の概念を多用する後世のキリスト教勢力が,その価値観をもとに編纂したとき,作為的にspiritと置き換え,それを後年,日本語訳者が霊と日本語にしてしまったのだ。 "

われわれの社会はインターネットというアーキテクチャーによってなにがしかの影響を受けるけれども、言ってみれば「日本社会+日本社会独自のソーシャルメディア」の結実になるだけの話であって、:佐々木俊尚- CNET Japan
音楽にしろ映画にしろ、なにかインダストリアルな雰囲気がアメリカ文化につねに漂っているのは、構造主導で文化が創られているから "

4年前は、「沿岸案」反対で3人の候補者が一致して市民は島袋に騙された。島袋、稲嶺も基地賛成派である。" 照雄日記

06/10/09 -- Russian EVA-23
Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete
Expedition 20 Commander Gennady Padalka and Flight Engineer Michael Barratt completed an “internal” spacewalk Wednesday at 3:07 a.m. EDT.
Padalka and Barratt replaced a Zvezda hatch with a docking cone. The excursion took place internally with the spacewalkers attached to umbilicals in Zvezda for life support.
It lasted about 12 minutes.

Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete 12分(^_^;)

On June 10, Padalka and Barratt will again don Russian suits and depressurize the transfer compartment between the Zvezda service module and the Zarya module.
They will perform a one-hour interior spacewalk that will set the stage for the MRM2's launch and automated linkup. Television of the internal spacewalk is not expected, but NASA TV will broadcast live commentary beginning about 1:15 a.m.
The internal depressurization of the station's Russian transfer compartment for Padalka and Barratt is expected to begin about 1:45 a.m.

Supernova Remnant is an Unusual Suspect - NASA
A new image from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory shows a supernova remnant with a different look. This object, known as SNR 0104-72.3 (SNR 0104 for short), is in the Small Magellanic Cloud, a small neighboring galaxy to the Milky Way. Astronomers think that SNR 0104 is the remains of a so-called Type Ia supernova caused by the thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf.
The Strange Case of Supernova SN2008ha | Universe Today
"Now in a controversial new paper in the journal Nature, astronomers from Queen’s University Belfast have proposed a new explanation of this supernova. The researchers, led by Dr. Stefano Valenti, suggest that even though the explosion contained no hydrogen, SN2008ha could be a Type II supernova, the kind caused by the core collapse of a massive star."

The Curious Case of the Shrinking Star | Universe Today
"The red supergiant star Betelgeuse is undoubtedly enormous. But it’s shrinking, and astronomers aren’t sure why."
オリオン座のベテルギウス、この15年で15%の謎の「縮小」 AFPBB News

Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31
"Astrophysics > Solar and Stellar Astrophysics[0906.1050]
Title: Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31"
We study the possibility to detect extrasolar planets in M31 through pixel-lensing observations. Using a Monte Carlo approach, we select the physical parameters of the binary lens system, a star hosting a planet, and we calculate the pixel-lensing light curve taking into account the finite source effects.
First Extra-Galactic Planet Spotted in Andromeda- Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog:
"A star in the Andromeda galaxy has a "companion" with six times the mass of Jupiter. "

First Extra-Galactic Planet May Have Been Detected | Universe Today
"Using a technique called Pixel-lensing, a group of astronomers in Italy may have detected a planet orbiting another star. But this planet is unique among the 300-plus exoplanets discovered so far, as it and its parent star are in another galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy, to be exact. Technically, the star in M31 was found to have a companion about 6 times the mass of Jupiter, so it could be either a brown dwarf or a planet. But either way, this is a remarkable feat, to find an object of that size in another galaxy."

Spitzer Status Update

Mars Orbiter Resumes Science Observations - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is examining Mars again with its scientific instruments after successfully transitioning out of a precautionary standby mode triggered by an unexpected June 3 rebooting of its computer. "
Mars orbiter back at work after glitch -
PASADENA, Calif. -June 9, 2009
NASA's eagle-eyed Mars orbiter is back in business, scanning the Red Planet's surface after entering safe mode last week, the space agency said Tuesday."

Return of the Mars Hoax - NASA

the German 'Sunrise' -The Sun in its sights – DLR Portal telescope starts on its mission
"On Monday 8 June 2009, the German 'Sunrise' telescope lifted off at 08:27 (06:27 UTC) from the Esrange launch site near Kiruna (Northern Sweden) on its five-day mission."

この霊と訳された部分は神の息吹(ルーアッハ)であり,霊と訳すのはいかがなものか。学術的な信頼度が高いThe Oxford Annotated Bibleでは神からの風(a wind from God)となっている。
霊の概念を多用する後世のキリスト教勢力が,その価値観をもとに編纂したとき,作為的にspiritと置き換え,それを後年,日本語訳者が霊と日本語にしてしまったのだ。 "

われわれの社会はインターネットというアーキテクチャーによってなにがしかの影響を受けるけれども、言ってみれば「日本社会+日本社会独自のソーシャルメディア」の結実になるだけの話であって、:佐々木俊尚- CNET Japan
音楽にしろ映画にしろ、なにかインダストリアルな雰囲気がアメリカ文化につねに漂っているのは、構造主導で文化が創られているから "

4年前は、「沿岸案」反対で3人の候補者が一致して市民は島袋に騙された。島袋、稲嶺も基地賛成派である。" 照雄日記

06/10/09 -- Russian EVA-23
Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete
Expedition 20 Commander Gennady Padalka and Flight Engineer Michael Barratt completed an “internal” spacewalk Wednesday at 3:07 a.m. EDT.
Padalka and Barratt replaced a Zvezda hatch with a docking cone. The excursion took place internally with the spacewalkers attached to umbilicals in Zvezda for life support.
It lasted about 12 minutes.

Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete 12分(^_^;)

On June 10, Padalka and Barratt will again don Russian suits and depressurize the transfer compartment between the Zvezda service module and the Zarya module.
They will perform a one-hour interior spacewalk that will set the stage for the MRM2's launch and automated linkup. Television of the internal spacewalk is not expected, but NASA TV will broadcast live commentary beginning about 1:15 a.m.
The internal depressurization of the station's Russian transfer compartment for Padalka and Barratt is expected to begin about 1:45 a.m.

Supernova Remnant is an Unusual Suspect - NASA
A new image from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory shows a supernova remnant with a different look. This object, known as SNR 0104-72.3 (SNR 0104 for short), is in the Small Magellanic Cloud, a small neighboring galaxy to the Milky Way. Astronomers think that SNR 0104 is the remains of a so-called Type Ia supernova caused by the thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf.
The Strange Case of Supernova SN2008ha | Universe Today
"Now in a controversial new paper in the journal Nature, astronomers from Queen’s University Belfast have proposed a new explanation of this supernova. The researchers, led by Dr. Stefano Valenti, suggest that even though the explosion contained no hydrogen, SN2008ha could be a Type II supernova, the kind caused by the core collapse of a massive star."

The Curious Case of the Shrinking Star | Universe Today
"The red supergiant star Betelgeuse is undoubtedly enormous. But it’s shrinking, and astronomers aren’t sure why."
オリオン座のベテルギウス、この15年で15%の謎の「縮小」 AFPBB News

Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31
"Astrophysics > Solar and Stellar Astrophysics[0906.1050]
Title: Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31"
We study the possibility to detect extrasolar planets in M31 through pixel-lensing observations. Using a Monte Carlo approach, we select the physical parameters of the binary lens system, a star hosting a planet, and we calculate the pixel-lensing light curve taking into account the finite source effects.
First Extra-Galactic Planet Spotted in Andromeda- Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog:
"A star in the Andromeda galaxy has a "companion" with six times the mass of Jupiter. "

First Extra-Galactic Planet May Have Been Detected | Universe Today
"Using a technique called Pixel-lensing, a group of astronomers in Italy may have detected a planet orbiting another star. But this planet is unique among the 300-plus exoplanets discovered so far, as it and its parent star are in another galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy, to be exact. Technically, the star in M31 was found to have a companion about 6 times the mass of Jupiter, so it could be either a brown dwarf or a planet. But either way, this is a remarkable feat, to find an object of that size in another galaxy."

Spitzer Status Update

Mars Orbiter Resumes Science Observations - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is examining Mars again with its scientific instruments after successfully transitioning out of a precautionary standby mode triggered by an unexpected June 3 rebooting of its computer. "
Mars orbiter back at work after glitch -
PASADENA, Calif. -June 9, 2009
NASA's eagle-eyed Mars orbiter is back in business, scanning the Red Planet's surface after entering safe mode last week, the space agency said Tuesday."

Return of the Mars Hoax - NASA

the German 'Sunrise' -The Sun in its sights – DLR Portal telescope starts on its mission
"On Monday 8 June 2009, the German 'Sunrise' telescope lifted off at 08:27 (06:27 UTC) from the Esrange launch site near Kiruna (Northern Sweden) on its five-day mission."

この霊と訳された部分は神の息吹(ルーアッハ)であり,霊と訳すのはいかがなものか。学術的な信頼度が高いThe Oxford Annotated Bibleでは神からの風(a wind from God)となっている。
霊の概念を多用する後世のキリスト教勢力が,その価値観をもとに編纂したとき,作為的にspiritと置き換え,それを後年,日本語訳者が霊と日本語にしてしまったのだ。 "

われわれの社会はインターネットというアーキテクチャーによってなにがしかの影響を受けるけれども、言ってみれば「日本社会+日本社会独自のソーシャルメディア」の結実になるだけの話であって、:佐々木俊尚- CNET Japan
音楽にしろ映画にしろ、なにかインダストリアルな雰囲気がアメリカ文化につねに漂っているのは、構造主導で文化が創られているから "

4年前は、「沿岸案」反対で3人の候補者が一致して市民は島袋に騙された。島袋、稲嶺も基地賛成派である。" 照雄日記

06/10/09 -- Russian EVA-23
Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete
Expedition 20 Commander Gennady Padalka and Flight Engineer Michael Barratt completed an “internal” spacewalk Wednesday at 3:07 a.m. EDT.
Padalka and Barratt replaced a Zvezda hatch with a docking cone. The excursion took place internally with the spacewalkers attached to umbilicals in Zvezda for life support.
It lasted about 12 minutes.

Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete 12分(^_^;)

On June 10, Padalka and Barratt will again don Russian suits and depressurize the transfer compartment between the Zvezda service module and the Zarya module.
They will perform a one-hour interior spacewalk that will set the stage for the MRM2's launch and automated linkup. Television of the internal spacewalk is not expected, but NASA TV will broadcast live commentary beginning about 1:15 a.m.
The internal depressurization of the station's Russian transfer compartment for Padalka and Barratt is expected to begin about 1:45 a.m.

Supernova Remnant is an Unusual Suspect - NASA
A new image from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory shows a supernova remnant with a different look. This object, known as SNR 0104-72.3 (SNR 0104 for short), is in the Small Magellanic Cloud, a small neighboring galaxy to the Milky Way. Astronomers think that SNR 0104 is the remains of a so-called Type Ia supernova caused by the thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf.
The Strange Case of Supernova SN2008ha | Universe Today
"Now in a controversial new paper in the journal Nature, astronomers from Queen’s University Belfast have proposed a new explanation of this supernova. The researchers, led by Dr. Stefano Valenti, suggest that even though the explosion contained no hydrogen, SN2008ha could be a Type II supernova, the kind caused by the core collapse of a massive star."

The Curious Case of the Shrinking Star | Universe Today
"The red supergiant star Betelgeuse is undoubtedly enormous. But it’s shrinking, and astronomers aren’t sure why."
オリオン座のベテルギウス、この15年で15%の謎の「縮小」 AFPBB News

Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31
"Astrophysics > Solar and Stellar Astrophysics[0906.1050]
Title: Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31"
We study the possibility to detect extrasolar planets in M31 through pixel-lensing observations. Using a Monte Carlo approach, we select the physical parameters of the binary lens system, a star hosting a planet, and we calculate the pixel-lensing light curve taking into account the finite source effects.
First Extra-Galactic Planet Spotted in Andromeda- Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog:
"A star in the Andromeda galaxy has a "companion" with six times the mass of Jupiter. "

First Extra-Galactic Planet May Have Been Detected | Universe Today
"Using a technique called Pixel-lensing, a group of astronomers in Italy may have detected a planet orbiting another star. But this planet is unique among the 300-plus exoplanets discovered so far, as it and its parent star are in another galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy, to be exact. Technically, the star in M31 was found to have a companion about 6 times the mass of Jupiter, so it could be either a brown dwarf or a planet. But either way, this is a remarkable feat, to find an object of that size in another galaxy."

Spitzer Status Update

Mars Orbiter Resumes Science Observations - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is examining Mars again with its scientific instruments after successfully transitioning out of a precautionary standby mode triggered by an unexpected June 3 rebooting of its computer. "
Mars orbiter back at work after glitch -
PASADENA, Calif. -June 9, 2009
NASA's eagle-eyed Mars orbiter is back in business, scanning the Red Planet's surface after entering safe mode last week, the space agency said Tuesday."

Return of the Mars Hoax - NASA

the German 'Sunrise' -The Sun in its sights – DLR Portal telescope starts on its mission
"On Monday 8 June 2009, the German 'Sunrise' telescope lifted off at 08:27 (06:27 UTC) from the Esrange launch site near Kiruna (Northern Sweden) on its five-day mission."

この霊と訳された部分は神の息吹(ルーアッハ)であり,霊と訳すのはいかがなものか。学術的な信頼度が高いThe Oxford Annotated Bibleでは神からの風(a wind from God)となっている。
霊の概念を多用する後世のキリスト教勢力が,その価値観をもとに編纂したとき,作為的にspiritと置き換え,それを後年,日本語訳者が霊と日本語にしてしまったのだ。 "

われわれの社会はインターネットというアーキテクチャーによってなにがしかの影響を受けるけれども、言ってみれば「日本社会+日本社会独自のソーシャルメディア」の結実になるだけの話であって、:佐々木俊尚- CNET Japan
音楽にしろ映画にしろ、なにかインダストリアルな雰囲気がアメリカ文化につねに漂っているのは、構造主導で文化が創られているから "

4年前は、「沿岸案」反対で3人の候補者が一致して市民は島袋に騙された。島袋、稲嶺も基地賛成派である。" 照雄日記

06/10/09 -- Russian EVA-23
Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete
Expedition 20 Commander Gennady Padalka and Flight Engineer Michael Barratt completed an “internal” spacewalk Wednesday at 3:07 a.m. EDT.
Padalka and Barratt replaced a Zvezda hatch with a docking cone. The excursion took place internally with the spacewalkers attached to umbilicals in Zvezda for life support.
It lasted about 12 minutes.

Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete 12分(^_^;)

On June 10, Padalka and Barratt will again don Russian suits and depressurize the transfer compartment between the Zvezda service module and the Zarya module.
They will perform a one-hour interior spacewalk that will set the stage for the MRM2's launch and automated linkup. Television of the internal spacewalk is not expected, but NASA TV will broadcast live commentary beginning about 1:15 a.m.
The internal depressurization of the station's Russian transfer compartment for Padalka and Barratt is expected to begin about 1:45 a.m.

Supernova Remnant is an Unusual Suspect - NASA
A new image from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory shows a supernova remnant with a different look. This object, known as SNR 0104-72.3 (SNR 0104 for short), is in the Small Magellanic Cloud, a small neighboring galaxy to the Milky Way. Astronomers think that SNR 0104 is the remains of a so-called Type Ia supernova caused by the thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf.
The Strange Case of Supernova SN2008ha | Universe Today
"Now in a controversial new paper in the journal Nature, astronomers from Queen’s University Belfast have proposed a new explanation of this supernova. The researchers, led by Dr. Stefano Valenti, suggest that even though the explosion contained no hydrogen, SN2008ha could be a Type II supernova, the kind caused by the core collapse of a massive star."

The Curious Case of the Shrinking Star | Universe Today
"The red supergiant star Betelgeuse is undoubtedly enormous. But it’s shrinking, and astronomers aren’t sure why."
オリオン座のベテルギウス、この15年で15%の謎の「縮小」 AFPBB News

Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31
"Astrophysics > Solar and Stellar Astrophysics[0906.1050]
Title: Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31"
We study the possibility to detect extrasolar planets in M31 through pixel-lensing observations. Using a Monte Carlo approach, we select the physical parameters of the binary lens system, a star hosting a planet, and we calculate the pixel-lensing light curve taking into account the finite source effects.
First Extra-Galactic Planet Spotted in Andromeda- Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog:
"A star in the Andromeda galaxy has a "companion" with six times the mass of Jupiter. "

First Extra-Galactic Planet May Have Been Detected | Universe Today
"Using a technique called Pixel-lensing, a group of astronomers in Italy may have detected a planet orbiting another star. But this planet is unique among the 300-plus exoplanets discovered so far, as it and its parent star are in another galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy, to be exact. Technically, the star in M31 was found to have a companion about 6 times the mass of Jupiter, so it could be either a brown dwarf or a planet. But either way, this is a remarkable feat, to find an object of that size in another galaxy."

Spitzer Status Update

Mars Orbiter Resumes Science Observations - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is examining Mars again with its scientific instruments after successfully transitioning out of a precautionary standby mode triggered by an unexpected June 3 rebooting of its computer. "
Mars orbiter back at work after glitch -
PASADENA, Calif. -June 9, 2009
NASA's eagle-eyed Mars orbiter is back in business, scanning the Red Planet's surface after entering safe mode last week, the space agency said Tuesday."

Return of the Mars Hoax - NASA

the German 'Sunrise' -The Sun in its sights – DLR Portal telescope starts on its mission
"On Monday 8 June 2009, the German 'Sunrise' telescope lifted off at 08:27 (06:27 UTC) from the Esrange launch site near Kiruna (Northern Sweden) on its five-day mission."

この霊と訳された部分は神の息吹(ルーアッハ)であり,霊と訳すのはいかがなものか。学術的な信頼度が高いThe Oxford Annotated Bibleでは神からの風(a wind from God)となっている。
霊の概念を多用する後世のキリスト教勢力が,その価値観をもとに編纂したとき,作為的にspiritと置き換え,それを後年,日本語訳者が霊と日本語にしてしまったのだ。 "

われわれの社会はインターネットというアーキテクチャーによってなにがしかの影響を受けるけれども、言ってみれば「日本社会+日本社会独自のソーシャルメディア」の結実になるだけの話であって、:佐々木俊尚- CNET Japan
音楽にしろ映画にしろ、なにかインダストリアルな雰囲気がアメリカ文化につねに漂っているのは、構造主導で文化が創られているから "

4年前は、「沿岸案」反対で3人の候補者が一致して市民は島袋に騙された。島袋、稲嶺も基地賛成派である。" 照雄日記

06/10/09 -- Russian EVA-23
Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete
Expedition 20 Commander Gennady Padalka and Flight Engineer Michael Barratt completed an “internal” spacewalk Wednesday at 3:07 a.m. EDT.
Padalka and Barratt replaced a Zvezda hatch with a docking cone. The excursion took place internally with the spacewalkers attached to umbilicals in Zvezda for life support.
It lasted about 12 minutes.

Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete 12分(^_^;)

On June 10, Padalka and Barratt will again don Russian suits and depressurize the transfer compartment between the Zvezda service module and the Zarya module.
They will perform a one-hour interior spacewalk that will set the stage for the MRM2's launch and automated linkup. Television of the internal spacewalk is not expected, but NASA TV will broadcast live commentary beginning about 1:15 a.m.
The internal depressurization of the station's Russian transfer compartment for Padalka and Barratt is expected to begin about 1:45 a.m.

Supernova Remnant is an Unusual Suspect - NASA
A new image from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory shows a supernova remnant with a different look. This object, known as SNR 0104-72.3 (SNR 0104 for short), is in the Small Magellanic Cloud, a small neighboring galaxy to the Milky Way. Astronomers think that SNR 0104 is the remains of a so-called Type Ia supernova caused by the thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf.
The Strange Case of Supernova SN2008ha | Universe Today
"Now in a controversial new paper in the journal Nature, astronomers from Queen’s University Belfast have proposed a new explanation of this supernova. The researchers, led by Dr. Stefano Valenti, suggest that even though the explosion contained no hydrogen, SN2008ha could be a Type II supernova, the kind caused by the core collapse of a massive star."

The Curious Case of the Shrinking Star | Universe Today
"The red supergiant star Betelgeuse is undoubtedly enormous. But it’s shrinking, and astronomers aren’t sure why."
オリオン座のベテルギウス、この15年で15%の謎の「縮小」 AFPBB News

Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31
"Astrophysics > Solar and Stellar Astrophysics[0906.1050]
Title: Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31"
We study the possibility to detect extrasolar planets in M31 through pixel-lensing observations. Using a Monte Carlo approach, we select the physical parameters of the binary lens system, a star hosting a planet, and we calculate the pixel-lensing light curve taking into account the finite source effects.
First Extra-Galactic Planet Spotted in Andromeda- Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog:
"A star in the Andromeda galaxy has a "companion" with six times the mass of Jupiter. "

First Extra-Galactic Planet May Have Been Detected | Universe Today
"Using a technique called Pixel-lensing, a group of astronomers in Italy may have detected a planet orbiting another star. But this planet is unique among the 300-plus exoplanets discovered so far, as it and its parent star are in another galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy, to be exact. Technically, the star in M31 was found to have a companion about 6 times the mass of Jupiter, so it could be either a brown dwarf or a planet. But either way, this is a remarkable feat, to find an object of that size in another galaxy."

Spitzer Status Update

Mars Orbiter Resumes Science Observations - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is examining Mars again with its scientific instruments after successfully transitioning out of a precautionary standby mode triggered by an unexpected June 3 rebooting of its computer. "
Mars orbiter back at work after glitch -
PASADENA, Calif. -June 9, 2009
NASA's eagle-eyed Mars orbiter is back in business, scanning the Red Planet's surface after entering safe mode last week, the space agency said Tuesday."

Return of the Mars Hoax - NASA

the German 'Sunrise' -The Sun in its sights – DLR Portal telescope starts on its mission
"On Monday 8 June 2009, the German 'Sunrise' telescope lifted off at 08:27 (06:27 UTC) from the Esrange launch site near Kiruna (Northern Sweden) on its five-day mission."

この霊と訳された部分は神の息吹(ルーアッハ)であり,霊と訳すのはいかがなものか。学術的な信頼度が高いThe Oxford Annotated Bibleでは神からの風(a wind from God)となっている。
霊の概念を多用する後世のキリスト教勢力が,その価値観をもとに編纂したとき,作為的にspiritと置き換え,それを後年,日本語訳者が霊と日本語にしてしまったのだ。 "

われわれの社会はインターネットというアーキテクチャーによってなにがしかの影響を受けるけれども、言ってみれば「日本社会+日本社会独自のソーシャルメディア」の結実になるだけの話であって、:佐々木俊尚- CNET Japan
音楽にしろ映画にしろ、なにかインダストリアルな雰囲気がアメリカ文化につねに漂っているのは、構造主導で文化が創られているから "

4年前は、「沿岸案」反対で3人の候補者が一致して市民は島袋に騙された。島袋、稲嶺も基地賛成派である。" 照雄日記

06/10/09 -- Russian EVA-23
Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete
Expedition 20 Commander Gennady Padalka and Flight Engineer Michael Barratt completed an “internal” spacewalk Wednesday at 3:07 a.m. EDT.
Padalka and Barratt replaced a Zvezda hatch with a docking cone. The excursion took place internally with the spacewalkers attached to umbilicals in Zvezda for life support.
It lasted about 12 minutes.

Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete 12分(^_^;)

On June 10, Padalka and Barratt will again don Russian suits and depressurize the transfer compartment between the Zvezda service module and the Zarya module.
They will perform a one-hour interior spacewalk that will set the stage for the MRM2's launch and automated linkup. Television of the internal spacewalk is not expected, but NASA TV will broadcast live commentary beginning about 1:15 a.m.
The internal depressurization of the station's Russian transfer compartment for Padalka and Barratt is expected to begin about 1:45 a.m.

Supernova Remnant is an Unusual Suspect - NASA
A new image from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory shows a supernova remnant with a different look. This object, known as SNR 0104-72.3 (SNR 0104 for short), is in the Small Magellanic Cloud, a small neighboring galaxy to the Milky Way. Astronomers think that SNR 0104 is the remains of a so-called Type Ia supernova caused by the thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf.
The Strange Case of Supernova SN2008ha | Universe Today
"Now in a controversial new paper in the journal Nature, astronomers from Queen’s University Belfast have proposed a new explanation of this supernova. The researchers, led by Dr. Stefano Valenti, suggest that even though the explosion contained no hydrogen, SN2008ha could be a Type II supernova, the kind caused by the core collapse of a massive star."

The Curious Case of the Shrinking Star | Universe Today
"The red supergiant star Betelgeuse is undoubtedly enormous. But it’s shrinking, and astronomers aren’t sure why."
オリオン座のベテルギウス、この15年で15%の謎の「縮小」 AFPBB News

Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31
"Astrophysics > Solar and Stellar Astrophysics[0906.1050]
Title: Pixel-lensing as a way to detect extrasolar planets in M31"
We study the possibility to detect extrasolar planets in M31 through pixel-lensing observations. Using a Monte Carlo approach, we select the physical parameters of the binary lens system, a star hosting a planet, and we calculate the pixel-lensing light curve taking into account the finite source effects.
First Extra-Galactic Planet Spotted in Andromeda- Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog:
"A star in the Andromeda galaxy has a "companion" with six times the mass of Jupiter. "

First Extra-Galactic Planet May Have Been Detected | Universe Today
"Using a technique called Pixel-lensing, a group of astronomers in Italy may have detected a planet orbiting another star. But this planet is unique among the 300-plus exoplanets discovered so far, as it and its parent star are in another galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy, to be exact. Technically, the star in M31 was found to have a companion about 6 times the mass of Jupiter, so it could be either a brown dwarf or a planet. But either way, this is a remarkable feat, to find an object of that size in another galaxy."

Spitzer Status Update

Mars Orbiter Resumes Science Observations - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is examining Mars again with its scientific instruments after successfully transitioning out of a precautionary standby mode triggered by an unexpected June 3 rebooting of its computer. "
Mars orbiter back at work after glitch -
PASADENA, Calif. -June 9, 2009
NASA's eagle-eyed Mars orbiter is back in business, scanning the Red Planet's surface after entering safe mode last week, the space agency said Tuesday."

Return of the Mars Hoax - NASA

the German 'Sunrise' -The Sun in its sights – DLR Portal telescope starts on its mission
"On Monday 8 June 2009, the German 'Sunrise' telescope lifted off at 08:27 (06:27 UTC) from the Esrange launch site near Kiruna (Northern Sweden) on its five-day mission."

この霊と訳された部分は神の息吹(ルーアッハ)であり,霊と訳すのはいかがなものか。学術的な信頼度が高いThe Oxford Annotated Bibleでは神からの風(a wind from God)となっている。
霊の概念を多用する後世のキリスト教勢力が,その価値観をもとに編纂したとき,作為的にspiritと置き換え,それを後年,日本語訳者が霊と日本語にしてしまったのだ。 "

われわれの社会はインターネットというアーキテクチャーによってなにがしかの影響を受けるけれども、言ってみれば「日本社会+日本社会独自のソーシャルメディア」の結実になるだけの話であって、:佐々木俊尚- CNET Japan
音楽にしろ映画にしろ、なにかインダストリアルな雰囲気がアメリカ文化につねに漂っているのは、構造主導で文化が創られているから "

4年前は、「沿岸案」反対で3人の候補者が一致して市民は島袋に騙された。島袋、稲嶺も基地賛成派である。" 照雄日記

06/10/09 -- Russian EVA-23
Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete
Expedition 20 Commander Gennady Padalka and Flight Engineer Michael Barratt completed an “internal” spacewalk Wednesday at 3:07 a.m. EDT.
Padalka and Barratt replaced a Zvezda hatch with a docking cone. The excursion took place internally with the spacewalkers attached to umbilicals in Zvezda for life support.
It lasted about 12 minutes.

Russian "Internal" Spacewalk Complete 12分(^_^;)

On June 10, Padalka and Barratt will again don Russian suits and depressurize the transfer compartment between the Zvezda service module and the Zarya module.
They will perform a one-hour interior spacewalk that will set the stage for the MRM2's launch and automated linkup. Television of the internal spacewalk is not expected, but NASA TV will broadcast live commentary beginning about 1:15 a.m.
The internal depressurization of the station's Russian transfer compartment for Padalka and Barratt is expected to begin about 1:45 a.m.

Supernova Remnant is an Unusual Suspect - NASA
A new image from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory shows a supernova remnant with a different look. This object, known as SNR 0104-72.3 (SNR 0104 for short), is in the Small Magellanic Cloud, a small neighboring galaxy to the Milky Way. Astronomers think that SNR 0104 is the remains of a so-called Type Ia supernova caused by the thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf.
The Strange Case of Supernova SN2008ha | Universe Today
"Now in a controversial new paper in the journal Nature, astronomers from Queen’s University Belfast have proposed a new explanation of this supernova. The researchers, led by Dr. Stefano Valenti, suggest that even though the explosion contained no hydrogen, SN2008ha could be a Type II super