

ノーベル物理学賞に南部、小林、益川の3氏 Nobel Prize in Physics

"東証終値は317円安 平均株価は1万円回復"
午前 日経10000台割れ 9916.21
アジア主要株価も続落  - 時事通信

Financial crisis pummels stocks | BBC NEWS
"World stock markets have plunged after government bank bail-outs in the US and Europe failed to stem fears of slower global economic growth.
On Wall Street, the Dow Jones fell 370 points, ending below 10,000 for the first time since 2004.
London's key UK share index lost 7.85% - its biggest percentage fall since 1987 and in Paris the Cac-40 suffered its largest fall on record.
This was despite a $700bn (£398bn) US bank bail-out being passed late last week, and efforts by several European countries including Germany and Denmark to boost confidence in their banks. "

Human error likely caused atom-smasher breakdown: CERN
GENEVA (AFP) ― Human error was likely to blame for the breakdown of the world's largest atom-smasher, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) said Monday.
One of the 10,000 connections that join the 27-kilometre (16.9-mile) Large Hadron Collider (LHC) likely overheated and made a hole that leaked helium into the tunnel, the head of the project at CERN, Lyn Evans, told a press conference."

"It was a hard blow for us. But that's life."
Large Hadron Collider broke down because of bad soldering on a single connection - Telegraph
"Large Hadron Collider broke down because of bad soldering on a single connection
The £4.4 billion Large Hadron Collider was put out of action for months because one electrical connection out of 10,000 was badly soldered, the experiment's chief scientist said. "

1 bad connection caused atom smasher shutdown -
"GENEVA - A poor soldering job on one of 10,000 connections is the most likely cause of the failure that sidelined the world’s largest atom smasher days after the start of the new collider with great fanfare, a senior scientist said Monday"


"June 03, 2008 "
Now, new images from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope are shedding light on the true structure of the Milky Way, revealing that it has just two major arms of stars instead of the four it was previously thought to possess.

The 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics
The Nobel Prize in Physics goes to Yoichiro Nambu, "for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics" and to Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa "for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature."
Physics 2008

Why they won:
Associated Press October 7, 2008
Excerpts from the citation awarding the 2008 Nobel Prize in physics to Japanese American Yoichiro Nambu and Japanese scientists Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa:
As early as 1960, Yoichiro Nambu formulated his mathematical description of spontaneous broken symmetry in elementary particle physics. Spontaneous broken symmetry conceals nature's order under an apparently jumbled surface. It has proved to be extremely useful, and Nambu's theories permeate the Standard Model of elementary particle physics. The Model unifies the smallest building blocks of all matter and three of nature's four forces in one single theory."
The spontaneous broken symmetries that Nambu studied, differ from the broken symmetries described by Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa.

Particle physicists pick up Nobel Prize -
Three researchers have shared this year’s Nobel Prize for Physics for their work in particle physics on symmetry-breaking and quarks.
The Nobel committee has awarded one half of the award to Yoichiro Nambu of the University of Chicago “for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics.”
Meanwhile, the committee awarded the other half jointly to Makoto Kobayahi of the KEK lab and Toshihide Maskawa of the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, both in Japan, “for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature.”

2 Japanese, 1 American share Nobel physics prize: Associated Press
"STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) ― The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has announced that two Japanese citizens and an American share the 2008 Nobel Prize in physics.
American Yoichiro Nambu of the University of Chicago, who was born in Japan, won half of the prize for the discovery of a mechanism called spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics.
Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa share the other half of the prize for discovering the origin of the broken symmetry that predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature."
Yoichiro Nambu, Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa share Nobel ...
Mera Bilaspur, India
The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2008 is shared between two discoveries in the field of symmetry. One half of the prize has been awarded to Yoichiro Nambu ...
Physics Nobel goes to symmetry breaking physicists
Symmetry magazine, IL
The 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to Yoichiro Nambu ”for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics”,

"物理学とともに歩む 2007.6.7
南部陽一郎先生講演会 "
"2007年第35回機構コロキウム (2007.06.05)
テーマ 講演者 ダウンロード
「string theoryの起源について」 南部 陽一郎"
南部 - Google 検索

銀河の回転と、ノーベル賞候補の女性天文学者Vera Rubin
1928年生れ、dark matterを最初に示唆した
2008 Nobel Prize in Physics Coming Soon
"On October 7, the Nobel Prize committee will announce their 2008 selection for the Nobel Prize in Physics. What is your guess for the candidate for this upcoming award? "
Dark matter and nanotech may vie for Nobel prizes | Science & Health | Reuters
"In physics, the predicted winners included Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov from the University of Manchester for their work on graphene, the thinnest material ever discovered,
and Vera Rubin at the Carnegie Institution in Washington helping prove the existence of mysterious dark matter."

Vera Rubin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Vera (Cooper) Rubin (born 1928) is an astronomer who has done pioneering work on galaxy rotation rates. Her discovery of what is known as "flat rotation curves" is the most direct and robust evidence of dark matter."
Galaxy rotation curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nobel in medicine is going to Harald zur Hausen, Francoise Barre-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier
"The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has decided to award the Nobel Prize in medicine for 2008 with one half to Harald zur Hausen for his discovery of 'human papilloma viruses causing cervical cancer' and the other half jointly to Francoise Barre-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier for their discovery of 'human immunodeficiency virus.'" Science Centric

Could The Universe Be Tied Up With Cosmic String?
"(Jan. 21, 2008) ― A team of physicists and astronomers from the University of Sussex and Imperial College London have uncovered hints that there may be cosmic strings - lines of pure mass-energy - stretching across the entire Universe."

Science News / PAMELA May Have Spotted The Dark Stuff
"At two meetings in August, researchers analyzing data from the Russian-European observatory PAMELA, short for Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics, reported preliminary evidence that the device had recorded more positrons from the Milky Way than could be accounted for by the standard model of elementary particle physics."

Dark matter 'bridge to nowhere' found in cosmic void - space - 15 September 2008 - New Scientist Space

Spitzer 旧聞集
Spitzer Newsroom


"Large infrared sky surveys in the 1990s led to some major revisions of these models, including the discovery of a large bar of stars in the middle of the Milky Way. Infrared light can penetrate through dust, so telescopes designed to pick up infrared light get better views of our dusty and crowded galactic center. In 2005, Benjamin and his colleagues used Spitzer's infrared detectors to obtain detailed information about our galaxy's bar, and found that it extends farther out from the center of the galaxy than previously thought."
JPL.NASA.GOV: News Releases
Spitzer Captures Stellar Coming of Age in Our Galaxy

Spitzer Captures Stellar Coming Of Age In Our Galaxy
Milky Way's infrared portrait gives new view of galaxy
Science News / Better View Of The Milky Way
Two of the Milky Way's spiral arms may be 'demoted' - space - 03 June 2008 - New Scientist Space

NASA: Small Asteroid to Light Up Sky Over Africa
"An asteroid measuring several feet in diameter is expected to enter the atmosphere over northern Sudan before dawn Tuesday, setting off a potentially brilliant natural fireworks display.
It is unlikely any sizable fragments will survive the fiery passage through Earth's atmosphere. The event is expected to occur at 5:46 a.m. local time (10:46 p.m. EDT Monday). "

直径1〜3mの天体が本日、大気圏突入:この種の予測は初めて | WIRED VISION
"今回の流星体は、5日深夜(6日0時ちかく、米国時間)に、アリゾナ州にあるMt. Lemmon天文台で発見され、素早い計算の結果、地球大気圏に突入することが明らかになったものだ。[前述のAP記事によると、発見されたときは月より少し先にあった。暗くて小さいので発見が遅れ、6時間前の通告になったという]
「このサイズの天体が地球大気圏に突入すること自体は、数カ月に1度起こっている。今回のイベントでユニークなのは、最終段階の直前にこの天体を観測した点だ」と、Near-Earth Object Office(地球近傍天体プログラム事務室)のDon Yeomans氏は声明で述べている。Near-Earth Object Officeは、カリフォルニア州パサデナにあるNASAジェット推進研究所の中にある。"

講 師 田島 征三(たしま せいぞう):絵本作家
おおたか 静流(おおたか しずる):ミュージシャン
内 容 日本を代表する絵本作家である田島征三さんが、自身の作品づくりのバックボーンとなった幼少期の体験について語る"
田島征三 - Wikipedia

緒形拳 - Wikipedia
映画「楢山節考」やドラマ「太閤記」などで活躍した俳優の緒形拳(おがた・けん、本名明伸=あきのぶ)さんが5日死去していたことが、7日分かった。71歳だった。東京都出身。葬儀は親族のみで行う。 1958年に辰巳柳太郎さんが率いる新国劇に入団。65年のNHK ...
映画「楢山節考」で共演した女優、坂本スミ子さんは、「緒形拳さんとはたった1歳違いで親子を演じたが、お互い多くを語ってはいけない制約の中で黙々と親子の情を出そうと努力したことが思い出される。とても目の美しい人で、笑うと幼子のようになるが、本番ではガラッと ...
緒形拳さん死去】僕の手を握り「いい映画つくってな」 最期を看取った津川雅彦さんがブログで追悼
緒形拳さんの知人で俳優の津川雅彦さんは7日、自らのブログで緒形さんが亡くなる直前の入院先での様子や臨終間際に交わした会話などを詳細につづった。 「南無妙法蓮華経!名優緒形拳が10月5日23時53分に亡くなった!」と題するブログによると、緒形さんは4日夜 ...
緒形拳さん死去:自宅前に報道陣 邸内は静まり返る
5日に急死した俳優、緒形拳さん(71)の横浜市鶴見区岸谷の自宅前には、7日早朝から報道陣が詰め掛けた。曹洞宗大本山総持寺」の裏手にある住宅街で、玄関には自筆とみられる墨字で「K・OGATA」と書かれた表札がかかり、ポストには朝刊が入ったまま。 ...
緒形拳さん死去】「とにかくしつこくて、よくけんかした」小林政広監督 MSN産経ニュース
小林政広監督の話 「『殺し』『歩く、人』の2本に出演してもらった。演じることに一生懸命で、映画がものすごく好きな人。とにかくしつこくて、とことん話し合わないと納得しない。よくけんかしましたが、出会って本当に多くを学んだ。亡くなった日に、今参加している ...
死去したことが7日分かった俳優の緒形拳さんは、最期まで演技への執念を燃やし続けた。終末医療に取り組む老医師を演じ、9日からフジテレビ系で放送される連続ドラマ「風のガーデン」が遺作となった。 人間の生と死をテーマにしたこの作品は、9月28日にすべての収録 ...

"東証終値は317円安 平均株価は1万円回復"
午前 日経10000台割れ 9916.21
アジア主要株価も続落  - 時事通信

Financial crisis pummels stocks | BBC NEWS
"World stock markets have plunged after government bank bail-outs in the US and Europe failed to stem fears of slower global economic growth.
On Wall Street, the Dow Jones fell 370 points, ending below 10,000 for the first time since 2004.
London's key UK share index lost 7.85% - its biggest percentage fall since 1987 and in Paris the Cac-40 suffered its largest fall on record.
This was despite a $700bn (£398bn) US bank bail-out being passed late last week, and efforts by several European countries including Germany and Denmark to boost confidence in their banks. "

Human error likely caused atom-smasher breakdown: CERN
GENEVA (AFP) ― Human error was likely to blame for the breakdown of the world's largest atom-smasher, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) said Monday.
One of the 10,000 connections that join the 27-kilometre (16.9-mile) Large Hadron Collider (LHC) likely overheated and made a hole that leaked helium into the tunnel, the head of the project at CERN, Lyn Evans, told a press conference."

"It was a hard blow for us. But that's life."
Large Hadron Collider broke down because of bad soldering on a single connection - Telegraph
"Large Hadron Collider broke down because of bad soldering on a single connection
The £4.4 billion Large Hadron Collider was put out of action for months because one electrical connection out of 10,000 was badly soldered, the experiment's chief scientist said. "

1 bad connection caused atom smasher shutdown -
"GENEVA - A poor soldering job on one of 10,000 connections is the most likely cause of the failure that sidelined the world’s largest atom smasher days after the start of the new collider with great fanfare, a senior scientist said Monday"


"June 03, 2008 "
Now, new images from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope are shedding light on the true structure of the Milky Way, revealing that it has just two major arms of stars instead of the four it was previously thought to possess.

The 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics
The Nobel Prize in Physics goes to Yoichiro Nambu, "for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics" and to Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa "for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature."
Physics 2008

Why they won:
Associated Press October 7, 2008
Excerpts from the citation awarding the 2008 Nobel Prize in physics to Japanese American Yoichiro Nambu and Japanese scientists Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa:
As early as 1960, Yoichiro Nambu formulated his mathematical description of spontaneous broken symmetry in elementary particle physics. Spontaneous broken symmetry conceals nature's order under an apparently jumbled surface. It has proved to be extremely useful, and Nambu's theories permeate the Standard Model of elementary particle physics. The Model unifies the smallest building blocks of all matter and three of nature's four forces in one single theory."
The spontaneous broken symmetries that Nambu studied, differ from the broken symmetries described by Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa.

Particle physicists pick up Nobel Prize -
Three researchers have shared this year’s Nobel Prize for Physics for their work in particle physics on symmetry-breaking and quarks.
The Nobel committee has awarded one half of the award to Yoichiro Nambu of the University of Chicago “for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics.”
Meanwhile, the committee awarded the other half jointly to Makoto Kobayahi of the KEK lab and Toshihide Maskawa of the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, both in Japan, “for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature.”

2 Japanese, 1 American share Nobel physics prize: Associated Press
"STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) ― The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has announced that two Japanese citizens and an American share the 2008 Nobel Prize in physics.
American Yoichiro Nambu of the University of Chicago, who was born in Japan, won half of the prize for the discovery of a mechanism called spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics.
Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa share the other half of the prize for discovering the origin of the broken symmetry that predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature."
Yoichiro Nambu, Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa share Nobel ...
Mera Bilaspur, India
The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2008 is shared between two discoveries in the field of symmetry. One half of the prize has been awarded to Yoichiro Nambu ...
Physics Nobel goes to symmetry breaking physicists
Symmetry magazine, IL
The 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to Yoichiro Nambu ”for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics”,

"物理学とともに歩む 2007.6.7
南部陽一郎先生講演会 "
"2007年第35回機構コロキウム (2007.06.05)
テーマ 講演者 ダウンロード
「string theoryの起源について」 南部 陽一郎"
南部 - Google 検索

銀河の回転と、ノーベル賞候補の女性天文学者Vera Rubin
1928年生れ、dark matterを最初に示唆した
2008 Nobel Prize in Physics Coming Soon
"On October 7, the Nobel Prize committee will announce their 2008 selection for the Nobel Prize in Physics. What is your guess for the candidate for this upcoming award? "
Dark matter and nanotech may vie for Nobel prizes | Science & Health | Reuters
"In physics, the predicted winners included Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov from the University of Manchester for their work on graphene, the thinnest material ever discovered,
and Vera Rubin at the Carnegie Institution in Washington helping prove the existence of mysterious dark matter."

Vera Rubin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Vera (Cooper) Rubin (born 1928) is an astronomer who has done pioneering work on galaxy rotation rates. Her discovery of what is known as "flat rotation curves" is the most direct and robust evidence of dark matter."
Galaxy rotation curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nobel in medicine is going to Harald zur Hausen, Francoise Barre-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier
"The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has decided to award the Nobel Prize in medicine for 2008 with one half to Harald zur Hausen for his discovery of 'human papilloma viruses causing cervical cancer' and the other half jointly to Francoise Barre-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier for their discovery of 'human immunodeficiency virus.'" Science Centric

Could The Universe Be Tied Up With Cosmic String?
"(Jan. 21, 2008) ― A team of physicists and astronomers from the University of Sussex and Imperial College London have uncovered hints that there may be cosmic strings - lines of pure mass-energy - stretching across the entire Universe."

Science News / PAMELA May Have Spotted The Dark Stuff
"At two meetings in August, researchers analyzing data from the Russian-European observatory PAMELA, short for Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics, reported preliminary evidence that the device had recorded more positrons from the Milky Way than could be accounted for by the standard model of elementary particle physics."

Dark matter 'bridge to nowhere' found in cosmic void - space - 15 September 2008 - New Scientist Space

Spitzer 旧聞集
Spitzer Newsroom


"Large infrared sky surveys in the 1990s led to some major revisions of these models, including the discovery of a large bar of stars in the middle of the Milky Way. Infrared light can penetrate through dust, so telescopes designed to pick up infrared light get better views of our dusty and crowded galactic center. In 2005, Benjamin and his colleagues used Spitzer's infrared detectors to obtain detailed information about our galaxy's bar, and found that it extends farther out from the center of the galaxy than previously thought."
JPL.NASA.GOV: News Releases
Spitzer Captures Stellar Coming of Age in Our Galaxy

Spitzer Captures Stellar Coming Of Age In Our Galaxy
Milky Way's infrared portrait gives new view of galaxy
Science News / Better View Of The Milky Way
Two of the Milky Way's spiral arms may be 'demoted' - space - 03 June 2008 - New Scientist Space

NASA: Small Asteroid to Light Up Sky Over Africa
"An asteroid measuring several feet in diameter is expected to enter the atmosphere over northern Sudan before dawn Tuesday, setting off a potentially brilliant natural fireworks display.
It is unlikely any sizable fragments will survive the fiery passage through Earth's atmosphere. The event is expected to occur at 5:46 a.m. local time (10:46 p.m. EDT Monday). "

直径1〜3mの天体が本日、大気圏突入:この種の予測は初めて | WIRED VISION
"今回の流星体は、5日深夜(6日0時ちかく、米国時間)に、アリゾナ州にあるMt. Lemmon天文台で発見され、素早い計算の結果、地球大気圏に突入することが明らかになったものだ。[前述のAP記事によると、発見されたときは月より少し先にあった。暗くて小さいので発見が遅れ、6時間前の通告になったという]
「このサイズの天体が地球大気圏に突入すること自体は、数カ月に1度起こっている。今回のイベントでユニークなのは、最終段階の直前にこの天体を観測した点だ」と、Near-Earth Object Office(地球近傍天体プログラム事務室)のDon Yeomans氏は声明で述べている。Near-Earth Object Officeは、カリフォルニア州パサデナにあるNASAジェット推進研究所の中にある。"

講 師 田島 征三(たしま せいぞう):絵本作家
おおたか 静流(おおたか しずる):ミュージシャン
内 容 日本を代表する絵本作家である田島征三さんが、自身の作品づくりのバックボーンとなった幼少期の体験について語る"
田島征三 - Wikipedia

緒形拳 - Wikipedia
映画「楢山節考」やドラマ「太閤記」などで活躍した俳優の緒形拳(おがた・けん、本名明伸=あきのぶ)さんが5日死去していたことが、7日分かった。71歳だった。東京都出身。葬儀は親族のみで行う。 1958年に辰巳柳太郎さんが率いる新国劇に入団。65年のNHK ...
映画「楢山節考」で共演した女優、坂本スミ子さんは、「緒形拳さんとはたった1歳違いで親子を演じたが、お互い多くを語ってはいけない制約の中で黙々と親子の情を出そうと努力したことが思い出される。とても目の美しい人で、笑うと幼子のようになるが、本番ではガラッと ...
緒形拳さん死去】僕の手を握り「いい映画つくってな」 最期を看取った津川雅彦さんがブログで追悼
緒形拳さんの知人で俳優の津川雅彦さんは7日、自らのブログで緒形さんが亡くなる直前の入院先での様子や臨終間際に交わした会話などを詳細につづった。 「南無妙法蓮華経!名優緒形拳が10月5日23時53分に亡くなった!」と題するブログによると、緒形さんは4日夜 ...
緒形拳さん死去:自宅前に報道陣 邸内は静まり返る
5日に急死した俳優、緒形拳さん(71)の横浜市鶴見区岸谷の自宅前には、7日早朝から報道陣が詰め掛けた。曹洞宗大本山総持寺」の裏手にある住宅街で、玄関には自筆とみられる墨字で「K・OGATA」と書かれた表札がかかり、ポストには朝刊が入ったまま。 ...
緒形拳さん死去】「とにかくしつこくて、よくけんかした」小林政広監督 MSN産経ニュース
小林政広監督の話 「『殺し』『歩く、人』の2本に出演してもらった。演じることに一生懸命で、映画がものすごく好きな人。とにかくしつこくて、とことん話し合わないと納得しない。よくけんかしましたが、出会って本当に多くを学んだ。亡くなった日に、今参加している ...
死去したことが7日分かった俳優の緒形拳さんは、最期まで演技への執念を燃やし続けた。終末医療に取り組む老医師を演じ、9日からフジテレビ系で放送される連続ドラマ「風のガーデン」が遺作となった。 人間の生と死をテーマにしたこの作品は、9月28日にすべての収録 ...

"東証終値は317円安 平均株価は1万円回復"
午前 日経10000台割れ 9916.21
アジア主要株価も続落  - 時事通信

Financial crisis pummels stocks | BBC NEWS
"World stock markets have plunged after government bank bail-outs in the US and Europe failed to stem fears of slower global economic growth.
On Wall Street, the Dow Jones fell 370 points, ending below 10,000 for the first time since 2004.
London's key UK share index lost 7.85% - its biggest percentage fall since 1987 and in Paris the Cac-40 suffered its largest fall on record.
This was despite a $700bn (£398bn) US bank bail-out being passed late last week, and efforts by several European countries including Germany and Denmark to boost confidence in their banks. "

Human error likely caused atom-smasher breakdown: CERN
GENEVA (AFP) ― Human error was likely to blame for the breakdown of the world's largest atom-smasher, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) said Monday.
One of the 10,000 connections that join the 27-kilometre (16.9-mile) Large Hadron Collider (LHC) likely overheated and made a hole that leaked helium into the tunnel, the head of the project at CERN, Lyn Evans, told a press conference."

"It was a hard blow for us. But that's life."
Large Hadron Collider broke down because of bad soldering on a single connection - Telegraph
"Large Hadron Collider broke down because of bad soldering on a single connection
The £4.4 billion Large Hadron Collider was put out of action for months because one electrical connection out of 10,000 was badly soldered, the experiment's chief scientist said. "

1 bad connection caused atom smasher shutdown -
"GENEVA - A poor soldering job on one of 10,000 connections is the most likely cause of the failure that sidelined the world’s largest atom smasher days after the start of the new collider with great fanfare, a senior scientist said Monday"


"June 03, 2008 "
Now, new images from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope are shedding light on the true structure of the Milky Way, revealing that it has just two major arms of stars instead of the four it was previously thought to possess.

The 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics
The Nobel Prize in Physics goes to Yoichiro Nambu, "for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics" and to Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa "for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature."
Physics 2008

Why they won:
Associated Press October 7, 2008
Excerpts from the citation awarding the 2008 Nobel Prize in physics to Japanese American Yoichiro Nambu and Japanese scientists Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa:
As early as 1960, Yoichiro Nambu formulated his mathematical description of spontaneous broken symmetry in elementary particle physics. Spontaneous broken symmetry conceals nature's order under an apparently jumbled surface. It has proved to be extremely useful, and Nambu's theories permeate the Standard Model of elementary particle physics. The Model unifies the smallest building blocks of all matter and three of nature's four forces in one single theory."
The spontaneous broken symmetries that Nambu studied, differ from the broken symmetries described by Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa.

Particle physicists pick up Nobel Prize -
Three researchers have shared this year’s Nobel Prize for Physics for their work in particle physics on symmetry-breaking and quarks.
The Nobel committee has awarded one half of the award to Yoichiro Nambu of the University of Chicago “for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics.”
Meanwhile, the committee awarded the other half jointly to Makoto Kobayahi of the KEK lab and Toshihide Maskawa of the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, both in Japan, “for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature.”

2 Japanese, 1 American share Nobel physics prize: Associated Press
"STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) ― The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has announced that two Japanese citizens and an American share the 2008 Nobel Prize in physics.
American Yoichiro Nambu of the University of Chicago, who was born in Japan, won half of the prize for the discovery of a mechanism called spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics.
Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa share the other half of the prize for discovering the origin of the broken symmetry that predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature."
Yoichiro Nambu, Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa share Nobel ...
Mera Bilaspur, India
The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2008 is shared between two discoveries in the field of symmetry. One half of the prize has been awarded to Yoichiro Nambu ...
Physics Nobel goes to symmetry breaking physicists
Symmetry magazine, IL
The 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to Yoichiro Nambu ”for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics”,

"物理学とともに歩む 2007.6.7
南部陽一郎先生講演会 "
"2007年第35回機構コロキウム (2007.06.05)
テーマ 講演者 ダウンロード
「string theoryの起源について」 南部 陽一郎"
南部 - Google 検索

銀河の回転と、ノーベル賞候補の女性天文学者Vera Rubin
1928年生れ、dark matterを最初に示唆した
2008 Nobel Prize in Physics Coming Soon
"On October 7, the Nobel Prize committee will announce their 2008 selection for the Nobel Prize in Physics. What is your guess for the candidate for this upcoming award? "
Dark matter and nanotech may vie for Nobel prizes | Science & Health | Reuters
"In physics, the predicted winners included Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov from the University of Manchester for their work on graphene, the thinnest material ever discovered,
and Vera Rubin at the Carnegie Institution in Washington helping prove the existence of mysterious dark matter."

Vera Rubin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Vera (Cooper) Rubin (born 1928) is an astronomer who has done pioneering work on galaxy rotation rates. Her discovery of what is known as "flat rotation curves" is the most direct and robust evidence of dark matter."
Galaxy rotation curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nobel in medicine is going to Harald zur Hausen, Francoise Barre-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier
"The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has decided to award the Nobel Prize in medicine for 2008 with one half to Harald zur Hausen for his discovery of 'human papilloma viruses causing cervical cancer' and the other half jointly to Francoise Barre-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier for their discovery of 'human immunodeficiency virus.'" Science Centric

Could The Universe Be Tied Up With Cosmic String?
"(Jan. 21, 2008) ― A team of physicists and astronomers from the University of Sussex and Imperial College London have uncovered hints that there may be cosmic strings - lines of pure mass-energy - stretching across the entire Universe."

Science News / PAMELA May Have Spotted The Dark Stuff
"At two meetings in August, researchers analyzing data from the Russian-European observatory PAMELA, short for Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics, reported preliminary evidence that the device had recorded more positrons from the Milky Way than could be accounted for by the standard model of elementary particle physics."

Dark matter 'bridge to nowhere' found in cosmic void - space - 15 September 2008 - New Scientist Space

Spitzer 旧聞集
Spitzer Newsroom


"Large infrared sky surveys in the 1990s led to some major revisions of these models, including the discovery of a large bar of stars in the middle of the Milky Way. Infrared light can penetrate through dust, so telescopes designed to pick up infrared light get better views of our dusty and crowded galactic center. In 2005, Benjamin and his colleagues used Spitzer's infrared detectors to obtain detailed information about our galaxy's bar, and found that it extends farther out from the center of the galaxy than previously thought."
JPL.NASA.GOV: News Releases
Spitzer Captures Stellar Coming of Age in Our Galaxy

Spitzer Captures Stellar Coming Of Age In Our Galaxy
Milky Way's infrared portrait gives new view of galaxy
Science News / Better View Of The Milky Way
Two of the Milky Way's spiral arms may be 'demoted' - space - 03 June 2008 - New Scientist Space

NASA: Small Asteroid to Light Up Sky Over Africa
"An asteroid measuring several feet in diameter is expected to enter the atmosphere over northern Sudan before dawn Tuesday, setting off a potentially brilliant natural fireworks display.
It is unlikely any sizable fragments will survive the fiery passage through Earth's atmosphere. The event is expected to occur at 5:46 a.m. local time (10:46 p.m. EDT Monday). "

直径1〜3mの天体が本日、大気圏突入:この種の予測は初めて | WIRED VISION
"今回の流星体は、5日深夜(6日0時ちかく、米国時間)に、アリゾナ州にあるMt. Lemmon天文台で発見され、素早い計算の結果、地球大気圏に突入することが明らかになったものだ。[前述のAP記事によると、発見されたときは月より少し先にあった。暗くて小さいので発見が遅れ、6時間前の通告になったという]
「このサイズの天体が地球大気圏に突入すること自体は、数カ月に1度起こっている。今回のイベントでユニークなのは、最終段階の直前にこの天体を観測した点だ」と、Near-Earth Object Office(地球近傍天体プログラム事務室)のDon Yeomans氏は声明で述べている。Near-Earth Object Officeは、カリフォルニア州パサデナにあるNASAジェット推進研究所の中にある。"

講 師 田島 征三(たしま せいぞう):絵本作家
おおたか 静流(おおたか しずる):ミュージシャン
内 容 日本を代表する絵本作家である田島征三さんが、自身の作品づくりのバックボーンとなった幼少期の体験について語る"
田島征三 - Wikipedia

緒形拳 - Wikipedia
映画「楢山節考」やドラマ「太閤記」などで活躍した俳優の緒形拳(おがた・けん、本名明伸=あきのぶ)さんが5日死去していたことが、7日分かった。71歳だった。東京都出身。葬儀は親族のみで行う。 1958年に辰巳柳太郎さんが率いる新国劇に入団。65年のNHK ...
映画「楢山節考」で共演した女優、坂本スミ子さんは、「緒形拳さんとはたった1歳違いで親子を演じたが、お互い多くを語ってはいけない制約の中で黙々と親子の情を出そうと努力したことが思い出される。とても目の美しい人で、笑うと幼子のようになるが、本番ではガラッと ...
緒形拳さん死去】僕の手を握り「いい映画つくってな」 最期を看取った津川雅彦さんがブログで追悼
緒形拳さんの知人で俳優の津川雅彦さんは7日、自らのブログで緒形さんが亡くなる直前の入院先での様子や臨終間際に交わした会話などを詳細につづった。 「南無妙法蓮華経!名優緒形拳が10月5日23時53分に亡くなった!」と題するブログによると、緒形さんは4日夜 ...
緒形拳さん死去:自宅前に報道陣 邸内は静まり返る
5日に急死した俳優、緒形拳さん(71)の横浜市鶴見区岸谷の自宅前には、7日早朝から報道陣が詰め掛けた。曹洞宗大本山総持寺」の裏手にある住宅街で、玄関には自筆とみられる墨字で「K・OGATA」と書かれた表札がかかり、ポストには朝刊が入ったまま。 ...
緒形拳さん死去】「とにかくしつこくて、よくけんかした」小林政広監督 MSN産経ニュース
小林政広監督の話 「『殺し』『歩く、人』の2本に出演してもらった。演じることに一生懸命で、映画がものすごく好きな人。とにかくしつこくて、とことん話し合わないと納得しない。よくけんかしましたが、出会って本当に多くを学んだ。亡くなった日に、今参加している ...
死去したことが7日分かった俳優の緒形拳さんは、最期まで演技への執念を燃やし続けた。終末医療に取り組む老医師を演じ、9日からフジテレビ系で放送される連続ドラマ「風のガーデン」が遺作となった。 人間の生と死をテーマにしたこの作品は、9月28日にすべての収録 ...

"東証終値は317円安 平均株価は1万円回復"
午前 日経10000台割れ 9916.21
アジア主要株価も続落  - 時事通信

Financial crisis pummels stocks | BBC NEWS
"World stock markets have plunged after government bank bail-outs in the US and Europe failed to stem fears of slower global economic growth.
On Wall Street, the Dow Jones fell 370 points, ending below 10,000 for the first time since 2004.
London's key UK share index lost 7.85% - its biggest percentage fall since 1987 and in Paris the Cac-40 suffered its largest fall on record.
This was despite a $700bn (£398bn) US bank bail-out being passed late last week, and efforts by several European countries including Germany and Denmark to boost confidence in their banks. "

Human error likely caused atom-smasher breakdown: CERN
GENEVA (AFP) ― Human error was likely to blame for the breakdown of the world's largest atom-smasher, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) said Monday.
One of the 10,000 connections that join the 27-kilometre (16.9-mile) Large Hadron Collider (LHC) likely overheated and made a hole that leaked helium into the tunnel, the head of the project at CERN, Lyn Evans, told a press conference."

"It was a hard blow for us. But that's life."
Large Hadron Collider broke down because of bad soldering on a single connection - Telegraph
"Large Hadron Collider broke down because of bad soldering on a single connection
The £4.4 billion Large Hadron Collider was put out of action for months because one electrical connection out of 10,000 was badly soldered, the experiment's chief scientist said. "

1 bad connection caused atom smasher shutdown -
"GENEVA - A poor soldering job on one of 10,000 connections is the most likely cause of the failure that sidelined the world’s largest atom smasher days after the start of the new collider with great fanfare, a senior scientist said Monday"


"June 03, 2008 "
Now, new images from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope are shedding light on the true structure of the Milky Way, revealing that it has just two major arms of stars instead of the four it was previously thought to possess.

The 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics
The Nobel Prize in Physics goes to Yoichiro Nambu, "for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics" and to Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa "for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature."
Physics 2008

Why they won:
Associated Press October 7, 2008
Excerpts from the citation awarding the 2008 Nobel Prize in physics to Japanese American Yoichiro Nambu and Japanese scientists Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa:
As early as 1960, Yoichiro Nambu formulated his mathematical description of spontaneous broken symmetry in elementary particle physics. Spontaneous broken symmetry conceals nature's order under an apparently jumbled surface. It has proved to be extremely useful, and Nambu's theories permeate the Standard Model of elementary particle physics. The Model unifies the smallest building blocks of all matter and three of nature's four forces in one single theory."
The spontaneous broken symmetries that Nambu studied, differ from the broken symmetries described by Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa.

Particle physicists pick up Nobel Prize -
Three researchers have shared this year’s Nobel Prize for Physics for their work in particle physics on symmetry-breaking and quarks.
The Nobel committee has awarded one half of the award to Yoichiro Nambu of the University of Chicago “for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics.”
Meanwhile, the committee awarded the other half jointly to Makoto Kobayahi of the KEK lab and Toshihide Maskawa of the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, both in Japan, “for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature.”

2 Japanese, 1 American share Nobel physics prize: Associated Press
"STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) ― The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has announced that two Japanese citizens and an American share the 2008 Nobel Prize in physics.
American Yoichiro Nambu of the University of Chicago, who was born in Japan, won half of the prize for the discovery of a mechanism called spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics.
Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa share the other half of the prize for discovering the origin of the broken symmetry that predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature."
Yoichiro Nambu, Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa share Nobel ...
Mera Bilaspur, India
The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2008 is shared between two discoveries in the field of symmetry. One half of the prize has been awarded to Yoichiro Nambu ...
Physics Nobel goes to symmetry breaking physicists
Symmetry magazine, IL
The 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to Yoichiro Nambu ”for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics”,

"物理学とともに歩む 2007.6.7
南部陽一郎先生講演会 "
"2007年第35回機構コロキウム (2007.06.05)
テーマ 講演者 ダウンロード
「string theoryの起源について」 南部 陽一郎"
南部 - Google 検索

銀河の回転と、ノーベル賞候補の女性天文学者Vera Rubin
1928年生れ、dark matterを最初に示唆した
2008 Nobel Prize in Physics Coming Soon
"On October 7, the Nobel Prize committee will announce their 2008 selection for the Nobel Prize in Physics. What is your guess for the candidate for this upcoming award? "
Dark matter and nanotech may vie for Nobel prizes | Science & Health | Reuters
"In physics, the predicted winners included Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov from the University of Manchester for their work on graphene, the thinnest material ever discovered,
and Vera Rubin at the Carnegie Institution in Washington helping prove the existence of mysterious dark matter."

Vera Rubin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Vera (Cooper) Rubin (born 1928) is an astronomer who has done pioneering work on galaxy rotation rates. Her discovery of what is known as "flat rotation curves" is the most direct and robust evidence of dark matter."
Galaxy rotation curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nobel in medicine is going to Harald zur Hausen, Francoise Barre-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier
"The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has decided to award the Nobel Prize in medicine for 2008 with one half to Harald zur Hausen for his discovery of 'human papilloma viruses causing cervical cancer' and the other half jointly to Francoise Barre-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier for their discovery of 'human immunodeficiency virus.'" Science Centric

Could The Universe Be Tied Up With Cosmic String?
"(Jan. 21, 2008) ― A team of physicists and astronomers from the University of Sussex and Imperial College London have uncovered hints that there may be cosmic strings - lines of pure mass-energy - stretching across the entire Universe."

Science News / PAMELA May Have Spotted The Dark Stuff
"At two meetings in August, researchers analyzing data from the Russian-European observatory PAMELA, short for Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics, reported preliminary evidence that the device had recorded more positrons from the Milky Way than could be accounted for by the standard model of elementary particle physics."

Dark matter 'bridge to nowhere' found in cosmic void - space - 15 September 2008 - New Scientist Space

Spitzer 旧聞集
Spitzer Newsroom


"Large infrared sky surveys in the 1990s led to some major revisions of these models, including the discovery of a large bar of stars in the middle of the Milky Way. Infrared light can penetrate through dust, so telescopes designed to pick up infrared light get better views of our dusty and crowded galactic center. In 2005, Benjamin and his colleagues used Spitzer's infrared detectors to obtain detailed information about our galaxy's bar, and found that it extends farther out from the center of the galaxy than previously thought."
JPL.NASA.GOV: News Releases
Spitzer Captures Stellar Coming of Age in Our Galaxy

Spitzer Captures Stellar Coming Of Age In Our Galaxy
Milky Way's infrared portrait gives new view of galaxy
Science News / Better View Of The Milky Way
Two of the Milky Way's spiral arms may be 'demoted' - space - 03 June 2008 - New Scientist Space

NASA: Small Asteroid to Light Up Sky Over Africa
"An asteroid measuring several feet in diameter is expected to enter the atmosphere over northern Sudan before dawn Tuesday, setting off a potentially brilliant natural fireworks display.
It is unlikely any sizable fragments will survive the fiery passage through Earth's atmosphere. The event is expected to occur at 5:46 a.m. local time (10:46 p.m. EDT Monday). "

直径1〜3mの天体が本日、大気圏突入:この種の予測は初めて | WIRED VISION
"今回の流星体は、5日深夜(6日0時ちかく、米国時間)に、アリゾナ州にあるMt. Lemmon天文台で発見され、素早い計算の結果、地球大気圏に突入することが明らかになったものだ。[前述のAP記事によると、発見されたときは月より少し先にあった。暗くて小さいので発見が遅れ、6時間前の通告になったという]
「このサイズの天体が地球大気圏に突入すること自体は、数カ月に1度起こっている。今回のイベントでユニークなのは、最終段階の直前にこの天体を観測した点だ」と、Near-Earth Object Office(地球近傍天体プログラム事務室)のDon Yeomans氏は声明で述べている。Near-Earth Object Officeは、カリフォルニア州パサデナにあるNASAジェット推進研究所の中にある。"

講 師 田島 征三(たしま せいぞう):絵本作家
おおたか 静流(おおたか しずる):ミュージシャン
内 容 日本を代表する絵本作家である田島征三さんが、自身の作品づくりのバックボーンとなった幼少期の体験について語る"
田島征三 - Wikipedia

緒形拳 - Wikipedia
映画「楢山節考」やドラマ「太閤記」などで活躍した俳優の緒形拳(おがた・けん、本名明伸=あきのぶ)さんが5日死去していたことが、7日分かった。71歳だった。東京都出身。葬儀は親族のみで行う。 1958年に辰巳柳太郎さんが率いる新国劇に入団。65年のNHK ...
映画「楢山節考」で共演した女優、坂本スミ子さんは、「緒形拳さんとはたった1歳違いで親子を演じたが、お互い多くを語ってはいけない制約の中で黙々と親子の情を出そうと努力したことが思い出される。とても目の美しい人で、笑うと幼子のようになるが、本番ではガラッと ...
緒形拳さん死去】僕の手を握り「いい映画つくってな」 最期を看取った津川雅彦さんがブログで追悼
緒形拳さんの知人で俳優の津川雅彦さんは7日、自らのブログで緒形さんが亡くなる直前の入院先での様子や臨終間際に交わした会話などを詳細につづった。 「南無妙法蓮華経!名優緒形拳が10月5日23時53分に亡くなった!」と題するブログによると、緒形さんは4日夜 ...
緒形拳さん死去:自宅前に報道陣 邸内は静まり返る
5日に急死した俳優、緒形拳さん(71)の横浜市鶴見区岸谷の自宅前には、7日早朝から報道陣が詰め掛けた。曹洞宗大本山総持寺」の裏手にある住宅街で、玄関には自筆とみられる墨字で「K・OGATA」と書かれた表札がかかり、ポストには朝刊が入ったまま。 ...
緒形拳さん死去】「とにかくしつこくて、よくけんかした」小林政広監督 MSN産経ニュース
小林政広監督の話 「『殺し』『歩く、人』の2本に出演してもらった。演じることに一生懸命で、映画がものすごく好きな人。とにかくしつこくて、とことん話し合わないと納得しない。よくけんかしましたが、出会って本当に多くを学んだ。亡くなった日に、今参加している ...
死去したことが7日分かった俳優の緒形拳さんは、最期まで演技への執念を燃やし続けた。終末医療に取り組む老医師を演じ、9日からフジテレビ系で放送される連続ドラマ「風のガーデン」が遺作となった。 人間の生と死をテーマにしたこの作品は、9月28日にすべての収録 ...

"東証終値は317円安 平均株価は1万円回復"
午前 日経10000台割れ 9916.21
アジア主要株価も続落  - 時事通信

Financial crisis pummels stocks | BBC NEWS
"World stock markets have plunged after government bank bail-outs in the US and Europe failed to stem fears of slower global economic growth.
On Wall Street, the Dow Jones fell 370 points, ending below 10,000 for the first time since 2004.
London's key UK share index lost 7.85% - its biggest percentage fall since 1987 and in Paris the Cac-40 suffered its largest fall on record.
This was despite a $700bn (£398bn) US bank bail-out being passed late last week, and efforts by several European countries including Germany and Denmark to boost confidence in their banks. "

Human error likely caused atom-smasher breakdown: CERN
GENEVA (AFP) ― Human error was likely to blame for the breakdown of the world's largest atom-smasher, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) said Monday.
One of the 10,000 connections that join the 27-kilometre (16.9-mile) Large Hadron Collider (LHC) likely overheated and made a hole that leaked helium into the tunnel, the head of the project at CERN, Lyn Evans, told a press conference."

"It was a hard blow for us. But that's life."
Large Hadron Collider broke down because of bad soldering on a single connection - Telegraph
"Large Hadron Collider broke down because of bad soldering on a single connection
The £4.4 billion Large Hadron Collider was put out of action for months because one electrical connection out of 10,000 was badly