

SpaceX suffers third rocket launch failure | CNET
"The failure occurred about two minutes after the launch of the two-stage Falcon 1 rocket, which was manufactured by Space Exploration Technologies, also known as SpaceX. A failure prevented the two stages from separating after the launch from a central Pacific atoll, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said in a company blog. The rocket was carrying three satellites for NASA and the Department of Defense."

Launch of Private Rocket Fails; Three Satellites Were Onboard -
"The accident occurred a little more than two minutes after launch, and the two-stage Falcon 1 rocket appeared to be oscillating before the live signal from an on-board video camera went dead."

Engine test for Falcon 9 rocket | BBC NEWS
"Nasa hopes the Falcon 9 can help fill the mission gap that will exist while it develops a successor to the shuttle.
That successor - known as Ares/Orion - is not expected to be flying before 2015, leaving a five-year break from shuttle retirement in 2010 during which the Americans would be reliant on international partners for all their ISS transportation needs. "

Rocket Man? Obama Tries to Hitch a Ride on Space Politics -
"Obama, who previously has called for drastic reductions in space, now apparently has seen the rocket light. After being introduced by astronaut Senator Bill Nelson, D-Fl, Obama invoked the names of Nelson and venerable multi-mission flyer Sen. John Glenn as his future space advisors.

Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth, also flew in the Space Shuttle at age 77. Here's a comparison of the two vehicles and missions. In January 1986, Nelson spent six days orbiting Earth as a payload specialist aboard the space shuttle Columbia on mission STS 61-C."

John Glenn blasts Moonbase-to-Mars NASA roadmap | The Register
First then oldest in Earth orbit says start from there
"Famed US astronaut and politician John Glenn has said that that NASA's planned return to the Moon will be of no use to a future manned Mars mission.
"It seems to me the Moon is questionable as a way station," the former space ace and Senator told congressmen on Wednesday.
"If that's what we're doing - which I don't believe it is - but if that's what we're thinking about doing, that is enormously expensive," he added.
The House Science and Technology Committee were debating NASA's first 50 years and the future challenges faced by the space agency."

Large Hadron Rap
Da LHC is Superduper Fly | Science |


そして宇宙最初の天体は、質量が太陽の100分の1ほどの原始星 - 誕生初期の星であることを明らかにしました。
本研究で行った理論計算では、非常に高精度で得られている宇宙初期のわずかな密度揺らぎのデータ以外は、 観測的・経験的パラメータを用いていません。このような第一原理的理論計算として、宇宙で最初の天体が形成するまでのシミュレーションに世界で初めて成功しました。

New Simulation Shows How Seeds of First Stars Formed: Scientific American
"The results help illuminate the "cosmic dark ages" during the first billion years after the big bang that kicked off the universe some 13.7 billion years ago.
Variations in the cosmic microwave background radiation tell researchers that matter resulting from the big bang was unevenly distributed. Stars and galaxies formed in areas where gas was concentrated. Sounds simple enough, but the huge distances involved have made simulations challenging.
In the new study, researchers from Nagoya University in Aichi, Japan, the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan in Tokyo and Harvard University computed the temperature and density of gas across thousands of light-years (much greater than the average distance between stars) at a resolution of about 50,000 miles (80,500 kilometers), 10 times smaller than the radius of the sun."

First Stars Were Brutes, but Died Young, Astronomers Say -
"That is the news from a new computer simulation of the early years of the universe, performed by a group of astronomers led by Naoki Yoshida of Nagoya University in Japan. "
Science News / How A Star Is Born
"A new model, described by Naoki Yoshida of Nagoya University in Japan and his colleagues in the August 1 Science, for the first time simulates the formation of a primordial star without having to rely on an array of approximations."
How The First Stars In The Universe Came Into Existence
"Dr. Naoki Yoshida and colleagues in Japan and the U.S. incorporated these conditions of the early universe, sometimes referred to as the "cosmic dark ages," to simulate the formation of an astronomical object that would eventually shine its light into this darkness."

" 本报讯(记者葛进)据日本《产经新闻》报道,由日本国立天文台名古屋大学与美国研究人员组成的一个研究小组,利用超级计算机模拟出137亿年前,即宇宙大爆炸发生约3亿年后,宇宙中的最初星体“恒星婴儿”的形成过程。该研究成果发表在8月1日出版的《科学》杂志上。
研究人员称,这种“恒星婴儿”的质量约为太〓的1%,但诞生后会不断吸收周围的气体,慢慢成长为相当于太〓质量的10倍至100倍,然后就会引起超新星暴发,并向宇宙空间中释放出〓等元素。 "

toBig5 繁体

研究人員稱,這種“恆星嬰兒”的質量約為太陽的1%,但誕生后會不斷吸收周圍的氣體,慢慢成長為相當于太陽質量的10倍至100倍,然后就會引起超新星暴發,并向宇宙空間中釋放出〓等元素。 "

Scientists simulate early cosmos, find gigantic stars |
"Astronomers in the US and China are also building an enormous radiotelescope array consisting of about 10,000 antennas in China's Xinjiang Province. They plan to use it to map the first glowing "bubbles" that appear as radiation from galaxies begins to ionize the dense fog of hydrogen between them and light it up. "

China to release 700 hours of Chang'e-1 data_English_Xinhua
"BEIJING, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) -- China will release over 700 hours of data sent back by the Chang'e-1 satellite to domestic authorized users and the European Space Agency, according to the State Administration of Science Technology and Industry for National Defence (SASTIND) on Friday. "

July 2008 Web Server Survey - Netcraft
7月インターネット - Netcraft | マイコミジャーナル
Apache 49.49%、Microsoft 35.57%、Google 5.70%、lighttpd 1.68%"


【コラム】 "北京オリンピック記念「100年前の北京鉄道遊覧」"

China opens crack in Great Firewall for Olympic press
"It's closed! It's open! It's closed! It's open again! "

SpaceX suffers third rocket launch failure | CNET
"The failure occurred about two minutes after the launch of the two-stage Falcon 1 rocket, which was manufactured by Space Exploration Technologies, also known as SpaceX. A failure prevented the two stages from separating after the launch from a central Pacific atoll, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said in a company blog. The rocket was carrying three satellites for NASA and the Department of Defense."

Launch of Private Rocket Fails; Three Satellites Were Onboard -
"The accident occurred a little more than two minutes after launch, and the two-stage Falcon 1 rocket appeared to be oscillating before the live signal from an on-board video camera went dead."

Engine test for Falcon 9 rocket | BBC NEWS
"Nasa hopes the Falcon 9 can help fill the mission gap that will exist while it develops a successor to the shuttle.
That successor - known as Ares/Orion - is not expected to be flying before 2015, leaving a five-year break from shuttle retirement in 2010 during which the Americans would be reliant on international partners for all their ISS transportation needs. "

Rocket Man? Obama Tries to Hitch a Ride on Space Politics -
"Obama, who previously has called for drastic reductions in space, now apparently has seen the rocket light. After being introduced by astronaut Senator Bill Nelson, D-Fl, Obama invoked the names of Nelson and venerable multi-mission flyer Sen. John Glenn as his future space advisors.

Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth, also flew in the Space Shuttle at age 77. Here's a comparison of the two vehicles and missions. In January 1986, Nelson spent six days orbiting Earth as a payload specialist aboard the space shuttle Columbia on mission STS 61-C."

John Glenn blasts Moonbase-to-Mars NASA roadmap | The Register
First then oldest in Earth orbit says start from there
"Famed US astronaut and politician John Glenn has said that that NASA's planned return to the Moon will be of no use to a future manned Mars mission.
"It seems to me the Moon is questionable as a way station," the former space ace and Senator told congressmen on Wednesday.
"If that's what we're doing - which I don't believe it is - but if that's what we're thinking about doing, that is enormously expensive," he added.
The House Science and Technology Committee were debating NASA's first 50 years and the future challenges faced by the space agency."

Large Hadron Rap
Da LHC is Superduper Fly | Science |


そして宇宙最初の天体は、質量が太陽の100分の1ほどの原始星 - 誕生初期の星であることを明らかにしました。
本研究で行った理論計算では、非常に高精度で得られている宇宙初期のわずかな密度揺らぎのデータ以外は、 観測的・経験的パラメータを用いていません。このような第一原理的理論計算として、宇宙で最初の天体が形成するまでのシミュレーションに世界で初めて成功しました。

New Simulation Shows How Seeds of First Stars Formed: Scientific American
"The results help illuminate the "cosmic dark ages" during the first billion years after the big bang that kicked off the universe some 13.7 billion years ago.
Variations in the cosmic microwave background radiation tell researchers that matter resulting from the big bang was unevenly distributed. Stars and galaxies formed in areas where gas was concentrated. Sounds simple enough, but the huge distances involved have made simulations challenging.
In the new study, researchers from Nagoya University in Aichi, Japan, the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan in Tokyo and Harvard University computed the temperature and density of gas across thousands of light-years (much greater than the average distance between stars) at a resolution of about 50,000 miles (80,500 kilometers), 10 times smaller than the radius of the sun."

First Stars Were Brutes, but Died Young, Astronomers Say -
"That is the news from a new computer simulation of the early years of the universe, performed by a group of astronomers led by Naoki Yoshida of Nagoya University in Japan. "
Science News / How A Star Is Born
"A new model, described by Naoki Yoshida of Nagoya University in Japan and his colleagues in the August 1 Science, for the first time simulates the formation of a primordial star without having to rely on an array of approximations."
How The First Stars In The Universe Came Into Existence
"Dr. Naoki Yoshida and colleagues in Japan and the U.S. incorporated these conditions of the early universe, sometimes referred to as the "cosmic dark ages," to simulate the formation of an astronomical object that would eventually shine its light into this darkness."

" 本报讯(记者葛进)据日本《产经新闻》报道,由日本国立天文台名古屋大学与美国研究人员组成的一个研究小组,利用超级计算机模拟出137亿年前,即宇宙大爆炸发生约3亿年后,宇宙中的最初星体“恒星婴儿”的形成过程。该研究成果发表在8月1日出版的《科学》杂志上。
研究人员称,这种“恒星婴儿”的质量约为太〓的1%,但诞生后会不断吸收周围的气体,慢慢成长为相当于太〓质量的10倍至100倍,然后就会引起超新星暴发,并向宇宙空间中释放出〓等元素。 "

toBig5 繁体

研究人員稱,這種“恆星嬰兒”的質量約為太陽的1%,但誕生后會不斷吸收周圍的氣體,慢慢成長為相當于太陽質量的10倍至100倍,然后就會引起超新星暴發,并向宇宙空間中釋放出〓等元素。 "

Scientists simulate early cosmos, find gigantic stars |
"Astronomers in the US and China are also building an enormous radiotelescope array consisting of about 10,000 antennas in China's Xinjiang Province. They plan to use it to map the first glowing "bubbles" that appear as radiation from galaxies begins to ionize the dense fog of hydrogen between them and light it up. "

China to release 700 hours of Chang'e-1 data_English_Xinhua
"BEIJING, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) -- China will release over 700 hours of data sent back by the Chang'e-1 satellite to domestic authorized users and the European Space Agency, according to the State Administration of Science Technology and Industry for National Defence (SASTIND) on Friday. "

July 2008 Web Server Survey - Netcraft
7月インターネット - Netcraft | マイコミジャーナル
Apache 49.49%、Microsoft 35.57%、Google 5.70%、lighttpd 1.68%"


【コラム】 "北京オリンピック記念「100年前の北京鉄道遊覧」"

China opens crack in Great Firewall for Olympic press
"It's closed! It's open! It's closed! It's open again! "

SpaceX suffers third rocket launch failure | CNET
"The failure occurred about two minutes after the launch of the two-stage Falcon 1 rocket, which was manufactured by Space Exploration Technologies, also known as SpaceX. A failure prevented the two stages from separating after the launch from a central Pacific atoll, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said in a company blog. The rocket was carrying three satellites for NASA and the Department of Defense."

Launch of Private Rocket Fails; Three Satellites Were Onboard -
"The accident occurred a little more than two minutes after launch, and the two-stage Falcon 1 rocket appeared to be oscillating before the live signal from an on-board video camera went dead."

Engine test for Falcon 9 rocket | BBC NEWS
"Nasa hopes the Falcon 9 can help fill the mission gap that will exist while it develops a successor to the shuttle.
That successor - known as Ares/Orion - is not expected to be flying before 2015, leaving a five-year break from shuttle retirement in 2010 during which the Americans would be reliant on international partners for all their ISS transportation needs. "

Rocket Man? Obama Tries to Hitch a Ride on Space Politics -
"Obama, who previously has called for drastic reductions in space, now apparently has seen the rocket light. After being introduced by astronaut Senator Bill Nelson, D-Fl, Obama invoked the names of Nelson and venerable multi-mission flyer Sen. John Glenn as his future space advisors.

Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth, also flew in the Space Shuttle at age 77. Here's a comparison of the two vehicles and missions. In January 1986, Nelson spent six days orbiting Earth as a payload specialist aboard the space shuttle Columbia on mission STS 61-C."

John Glenn blasts Moonbase-to-Mars NASA roadmap | The Register
First then oldest in Earth orbit says start from there
"Famed US astronaut and politician John Glenn has said that that NASA's planned return to the Moon will be of no use to a future manned Mars mission.
"It seems to me the Moon is questionable as a way station," the former space ace and Senator told congressmen on Wednesday.
"If that's what we're doing - which I don't believe it is - but if that's what we're thinking about doing, that is enormously expensive," he added.
The House Science and Technology Committee were debating NASA's first 50 years and the future challenges faced by the space agency."

Large Hadron Rap
Da LHC is Superduper Fly | Science |


そして宇宙最初の天体は、質量が太陽の100分の1ほどの原始星 - 誕生初期の星であることを明らかにしました。
本研究で行った理論計算では、非常に高精度で得られている宇宙初期のわずかな密度揺らぎのデータ以外は、 観測的・経験的パラメータを用いていません。このような第一原理的理論計算として、宇宙で最初の天体が形成するまでのシミュレーションに世界で初めて成功しました。

New Simulation Shows How Seeds of First Stars Formed: Scientific American
"The results help illuminate the "cosmic dark ages" during the first billion years after the big bang that kicked off the universe some 13.7 billion years ago.
Variations in the cosmic microwave background radiation tell researchers that matter resulting from the big bang was unevenly distributed. Stars and galaxies formed in areas where gas was concentrated. Sounds simple enough, but the huge distances involved have made simulations challenging.
In the new study, researchers from Nagoya University in Aichi, Japan, the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan in Tokyo and Harvard University computed the temperature and density of gas across thousands of light-years (much greater than the average distance between stars) at a resolution of about 50,000 miles (80,500 kilometers), 10 times smaller than the radius of the sun."

First Stars Were Brutes, but Died Young, Astronomers Say -
"That is the news from a new computer simulation of the early years of the universe, performed by a group of astronomers led by Naoki Yoshida of Nagoya University in Japan. "
Science News / How A Star Is Born
"A new model, described by Naoki Yoshida of Nagoya University in Japan and his colleagues in the August 1 Science, for the first time simulates the formation of a primordial star without having to rely on an array of approximations."
How The First Stars In The Universe Came Into Existence
"Dr. Naoki Yoshida and colleagues in Japan and the U.S. incorporated these conditions of the early universe, sometimes referred to as the "cosmic dark ages," to simulate the formation of an astronomical object that would eventually shine its light into this darkness."

" 本报讯(记者葛进)据日本《产经新闻》报道,由日本国立天文台名古屋大学与美国研究人员组成的一个研究小组,利用超级计算机模拟出137亿年前,即宇宙大爆炸发生约3亿年后,宇宙中的最初星体“恒星婴儿”的形成过程。该研究成果发表在8月1日出版的《科学》杂志上。
研究人员称,这种“恒星婴儿”的质量约为太〓的1%,但诞生后会不断吸收周围的气体,慢慢成长为相当于太〓质量的10倍至100倍,然后就会引起超新星暴发,并向宇宙空间中释放出〓等元素。 "

toBig5 繁体

研究人員稱,這種“恆星嬰兒”的質量約為太陽的1%,但誕生后會不斷吸收周圍的氣體,慢慢成長為相當于太陽質量的10倍至100倍,然后就會引起超新星暴發,并向宇宙空間中釋放出〓等元素。 "

Scientists simulate early cosmos, find gigantic stars |
"Astronomers in the US and China are also building an enormous radiotelescope array consisting of about 10,000 antennas in China's Xinjiang Province. They plan to use it to map the first glowing "bubbles" that appear as radiation from galaxies begins to ionize the dense fog of hydrogen between them and light it up. "

China to release 700 hours of Chang'e-1 data_English_Xinhua
"BEIJING, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) -- China will release over 700 hours of data sent back by the Chang'e-1 satellite to domestic authorized users and the European Space Agency, according to the State Administration of Science Technology and Industry for National Defence (SASTIND) on Friday. "

July 2008 Web Server Survey - Netcraft
7月インターネット - Netcraft | マイコミジャーナル
Apache 49.49%、Microsoft 35.57%、Google 5.70%、lighttpd 1.68%"


【コラム】 "北京オリンピック記念「100年前の北京鉄道遊覧」"

China opens crack in Great Firewall for Olympic press
"It's closed! It's open! It's closed! It's open again! "

SpaceX suffers third rocket launch failure | CNET
"The failure occurred about two minutes after the launch of the two-stage Falcon 1 rocket, which was manufactured by Space Exploration Technologies, also known as SpaceX. A failure prevented the two stages from separating after the launch from a central Pacific atoll, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said in a company blog. The rocket was carrying three satellites for NASA and the Department of Defense."

Launch of Private Rocket Fails; Three Satellites Were Onboard -
"The accident occurred a little more than two minutes after launch, and the two-stage Falcon 1 rocket appeared to be oscillating before the live signal from an on-board video camera went dead."

Engine test for Falcon 9 rocket | BBC NEWS
"Nasa hopes the Falcon 9 can help fill the mission gap that will exist while it develops a successor to the shuttle.
That successor - known as Ares/Orion - is not expected to be flying before 2015, leaving a five-year break from shuttle retirement in 2010 during which the Americans would be reliant on international partners for all their ISS transportation needs. "

Rocket Man? Obama Tries to Hitch a Ride on Space Politics -
"Obama, who previously has called for drastic reductions in space, now apparently has seen the rocket light. After being introduced by astronaut Senator Bill Nelson, D-Fl, Obama invoked the names of Nelson and venerable multi-mission flyer Sen. John Glenn as his future space advisors.

Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth, also flew in the Space Shuttle at age 77. Here's a comparison of the two vehicles and missions. In January 1986, Nelson spent six days orbiting Earth as a payload specialist aboard the space shuttle Columbia on mission STS 61-C."

John Glenn blasts Moonbase-to-Mars NASA roadmap | The Register
First then oldest in Earth orbit says start from there
"Famed US astronaut and politician John Glenn has said that that NASA's planned return to the Moon will be of no use to a future manned Mars mission.
"It seems to me the Moon is questionable as a way station," the former space ace and Senator told congressmen on Wednesday.
"If that's what we're doing - which I don't believe it is - but if that's what we're thinking about doing, that is enormously expensive," he added.
The House Science and Technology Committee were debating NASA's first 50 years and the future challenges faced by the space agency."

Large Hadron Rap
Da LHC is Superduper Fly | Science |


そして宇宙最初の天体は、質量が太陽の100分の1ほどの原始星 - 誕生初期の星であることを明らかにしました。
本研究で行った理論計算では、非常に高精度で得られている宇宙初期のわずかな密度揺らぎのデータ以外は、 観測的・経験的パラメータを用いていません。このような第一原理的理論計算として、宇宙で最初の天体が形成するまでのシミュレーションに世界で初めて成功しました。

New Simulation Shows How Seeds of First Stars Formed: Scientific American
"The results help illuminate the "cosmic dark ages" during the first billion years after the big bang that kicked off the universe some 13.7 billion years ago.
Variations in the cosmic microwave background radiation tell researchers that matter resulting from the big bang was unevenly distributed. Stars and galaxies formed in areas where gas was concentrated. Sounds simple enough, but the huge distances involved have made simulations challenging.
In the new study, researchers from Nagoya University in Aichi, Japan, the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan in Tokyo and Harvard University computed the temperature and density of gas across thousands of light-years (much greater than the average distance between stars) at a resolution of about 50,000 miles (80,500 kilometers), 10 times smaller than the radius of the sun."

First Stars Were Brutes, but Died Young, Astronomers Say -
"That is the news from a new computer simulation of the early years of the universe, performed by a group of astronomers led by Naoki Yoshida of Nagoya University in Japan. "
Science News / How A Star Is Born
"A new model, described by Naoki Yoshida of Nagoya University in Japan and his colleagues in the August 1 Science, for the first time simulates the formation of a primordial star without having to rely on an array of approximations."
How The First Stars In The Universe Came Into Existence
"Dr. Naoki Yoshida and colleagues in Japan and the U.S. incorporated these conditions of the early universe, sometimes referred to as the "cosmic dark ages," to simulate the formation of an astronomical object that would eventually shine its light into this darkness."

" 本报讯(记者葛进)据日本《产经新闻》报道,由日本国立天文台名古屋大学与美国研究人员组成的一个研究小组,利用超级计算机模拟出137亿年前,即宇宙大爆炸发生约3亿年后,宇宙中的最初星体“恒星婴儿”的形成过程。该研究成果发表在8月1日出版的《科学》杂志上。
研究人员称,这种“恒星婴儿”的质量约为太〓的1%,但诞生后会不断吸收周围的气体,慢慢成长为相当于太〓质量的10倍至100倍,然后就会引起超新星暴发,并向宇宙空间中释放出〓等元素。 "

toBig5 繁体

研究人員稱,這種“恆星嬰兒”的質量約為太陽的1%,但誕生后會不斷吸收周圍的氣體,慢慢成長為相當于太陽質量的10倍至100倍,然后就會引起超新星暴發,并向宇宙空間中釋放出〓等元素。 "

Scientists simulate early cosmos, find gigantic stars |
"Astronomers in the US and China are also building an enormous radiotelescope array consisting of about 10,000 antennas in China's Xinjiang Province. They plan to use it to map the first glowing "bubbles" that appear as radiation from galaxies begins to ionize the dense fog of hydrogen between them and light it up. "

China to release 700 hours of Chang'e-1 data_English_Xinhua
"BEIJING, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) -- China will release over 700 hours of data sent back by the Chang'e-1 satellite to domestic authorized users and the European Space Agency, according to the State Administration of Science Technology and Industry for National Defence (SASTIND) on Friday. "

July 2008 Web Server Survey - Netcraft
7月インターネット - Netcraft | マイコミジャーナル
Apache 49.49%、Microsoft 35.57%、Google 5.70%、lighttpd 1.68%"


【コラム】 "北京オリンピック記念「100年前の北京鉄道遊覧」"

China opens crack in Great Firewall for Olympic press
"It's closed! It's open! It's closed! It's open again! "

SpaceX suffers third rocket launch failure | CNET
"The failure occurred about two minutes after the launch of the two-stage Falcon 1 rocket, which was manufactured by Space Exploration Technologies, also known as SpaceX. A failure prevented the two stages from separating after the launch from a central Pacific atoll, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said in a company blog. The rocket was carrying three satellites for NASA and the Department of Defense."

Launch of Private Rocket Fails; Three Satellites Were Onboard -
"The accident occurred a little more than two minutes after launch, and the two-stage Falcon 1 rocket appeared to be oscillating before the live signal from an on-board video camera went dead."

Engine test for Falcon 9 rocket | BBC NEWS
"Nasa hopes the Falcon 9 can help fill the mission gap that will exist while it develops a successor to the shuttle.
That successor - known as Ares/Orion - is not expected to be flying before 2015, leaving a five-year break from shuttle retirement in 2010 during which the Americans would be reliant on international partners for all their ISS transportation needs. "

Rocket Man? Obama Tries to Hitch a Ride on Space Politics -
"Obama, who previously has called for drastic reductions in space, now apparently has seen the rocket light. After being introduced by astronaut Senator Bill Nelson, D-Fl, Obama invoked the names of Nelson and venerable multi-mission flyer Sen. John Glenn as his future space advisors.

Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth, also flew in the Space Shuttle at age 77. Here's a comparison of the two vehicles and missions. In January 1986, Nelson spent six days orbiting Earth as a payload specialist aboard the space shuttle Columbia on mission STS 61-C."

John Glenn blasts Moonbase-to-Mars NASA roadmap | The Register
First then oldest in Earth orbit says start from there
"Famed US astronaut and politician John Glenn has said that that NASA's planned return to the Moon will be of no use to a future manned Mars mission.
"It seems to me the Moon is questionable as a way station," the former space ace and Senator told congressmen on Wednesday.
"If that's what we're doing - which I don't believe it is - but if that's what we're thinking about doing, that is enormously expensive," he added.
The House Science and Technology Committee were debating NASA's first 50 years and the future challenges faced by the space agency."

Large Hadron Rap
Da LHC is Superduper Fly | Science |


そして宇宙最初の天体は、質量が太陽の100分の1ほどの原始星 - 誕生初期の星であることを明らかにしました。
本研究で行った理論計算では、非常に高精度で得られている宇宙初期のわずかな密度揺らぎのデータ以外は、 観測的・経験的パラメータを用いていません。このような第一原理的理論計算として、宇宙で最初の天体が形成するまでのシミュレーションに世界で初めて成功しました。

New Simulation Shows How Seeds of First Stars Formed: Scientific American
"The results help illuminate the "cosmic dark ages" during the first billion years after the big bang that kicked off the universe some 13.7 billion years ago.
Variations in the cosmic microwave background radiation tell researchers that matter resulting from the big bang was unevenly distributed. Stars and galaxies formed in areas where gas was concentrated. Sounds simple enough, but the huge distances involved have made simulations challenging.
In the new study, researchers from Nagoya University in Aichi, Japan, the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan in Tokyo and Harvard University computed the temperature and density of gas across thousands of light-years (much greater than the average distance between stars) at a resolution of about 50,000 miles (80,500 kilometers), 10 times smaller than the radius of the sun."

First Stars Were Brutes, but Died Young, Astronomers Say -
"That is the news from a new computer simulation of the early years of the universe, performed by a group of astronomers led by Naoki Yoshida of Nagoya University in Japan. "
Science News / How A Star Is Born
"A new model, described by Naoki Yoshida of Nagoya University in Japan and his colleagues in the August 1 Science, for the first time simulates the formation of a primordial star without having to rely on an array of approximations."
How The First Stars In The Universe Came Into Existence
"Dr. Naoki Yoshida and colleagues in Japan and the U.S. incorporated these conditions of the early universe, sometimes referred to as the "cosmic dark ages," to simulate the formation of an astronomical object that would eventually shine its light into this darkness."

" 本报讯(记者葛进)据日本《产经新闻》报道,由日本国立天文台名古屋大学与美国研究人员组成的一个研究小组,利用超级计算机模拟出137亿年前,即宇宙大爆炸发生约3亿年后,宇宙中的最初星体“恒星婴儿”的形成过程。该研究成果发表在8月1日出版的《科学》杂志上。
研究人员称,这种“恒星婴儿”的质量约为太〓的1%,但诞生后会不断吸收周围的气体,慢慢成长为相当于太〓质量的10倍至100倍,然后就会引起超新星暴发,并向宇宙空间中释放出〓等元素。 "

toBig5 繁体

研究人員稱,這種“恆星嬰兒”的質量約為太陽的1%,但誕生后會不斷吸收周圍的氣體,慢慢成長為相當于太陽質量的10倍至100倍,然后就會引起超新星暴發,并向宇宙空間中釋放出〓等元素。 "

Scientists simulate early cosmos, find gigantic stars |
"Astronomers in the US and China are also building an enormous radiotelescope array consisting of about 10,000 antennas in China's Xinjiang Province. They plan to use it to map the first glowing "bubbles" that appear as radiation from galaxies begins to ionize the dense fog of hydrogen between them and light it up. "

China to release 700 hours of Chang'e-1 data_English_Xinhua
"BEIJING, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) -- China will release over 700 hours of data sent back by the Chang'e-1 satellite to domestic authorized users and the European Space Agency, according to the State Administration of Science Technology and Industry for National Defence (SASTIND) on Friday. "

July 2008 Web Server Survey - Netcraft
7月インターネット - Netcraft | マイコミジャーナル
Apache 49.49%、Microsoft 35.57%、Google 5.70%、lighttpd 1.68%"


【コラム】 "北京オリンピック記念「100年前の北京鉄道遊覧」"

China opens crack in Great Firewall for Olympic press
"It's closed! It's open! It's closed! It's open again! "

SpaceX suffers third rocket launch failure | CNET
"The failure occurred about two minutes after the launch of the two-stage Falcon 1 rocket, which was manufactured by Space Exploration Technologies, also known as SpaceX. A failure prevented the two stages from separating after the launch from a central Pacific atoll, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said in a company blog. The rocket was carrying three satellites for NASA and the Department of Defense."

Launch of Private Rocket Fails; Three Satellites Were Onboard -
"The accident occurred a little more than two minutes after launch, and the two-stage Falcon 1 rocket appeared to be oscillating before the live signal from an on-board video camera went dead."

Engine test for Falcon 9 rocket | BBC NEWS
"Nasa hopes the Falcon 9 can help fill the mission gap that will exist while it develops a successor to the shuttle.
That successor - known as Ares/Orion - is not expected to be flying before 2015, leaving a five-year break from shuttle retirement in 2010 during which the Americans would be reliant on international partners for all their ISS transportation needs. "

Rocket Man? Obama Tries to Hitch a Ride on Space Politics -
"Obama, who previously has called for drastic reductions in space, now apparently has seen the rocket light. After being introduced by astronaut Senator Bill Nelson, D-Fl, Obama invoked the names of Nelson and venerable multi-mission flyer Sen. John Glenn as his future space advisors.

Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth, also flew in the Space Shuttle at age 77. Here's a comparison of the two vehicles and missions. In January 1986, Nelson spent six days orbiting Earth as a payload specialist aboard the space shuttle Columbia on mission STS 61-C."

John Glenn blasts Moonbase-to-Mars NASA roadmap | The Register
First then oldest in Earth orbit says start from there
"Famed US astronaut and politician John Glenn has said that that NASA's planned return to the Moon will be of no use to a future manned Mars mission.
"It seems to me the Moon is questionable as a way station," the former space ace and Senator told congressmen on Wednesday.
"If that's what we're doing - which I don't believe it is - but if that's what we're thinking about doing, that is enormously expensive," he added.
The House Science and Technology Committee were debating NASA's first 50 years and the future challenges faced by the space agency."

Large Hadron Rap
Da LHC is Superduper Fly | Science |


そして宇宙最初の天体は、質量が太陽の100分の1ほどの原始星 - 誕生初期の星であることを明らかにしました。
本研究で行った理論計算では、非常に高精度で得られている宇宙初期のわずかな密度揺らぎのデータ以外は、 観測的・経験的パラメータを用いていません。このような第一原理的理論計算として、宇宙で最初の天体が形成するまでのシミュレーションに世界で初めて成功しました。

New Simulation Shows How Seeds of First Stars Formed: Scientific American
"The results help illuminate the "cosmic dark ages" during the first billion years after the big bang that kicked off the universe some 13.7 billion years ago.
Variations in the cosmic microwave background radiation tell researchers that matter resulting from the big bang was unevenly distributed. Stars and galaxies formed in areas where gas was concentrated. Sounds simple enough, but the huge distances involved have made simulations challenging.
In the new study, researchers from Nagoya University in Aichi, Japan, the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan in Tokyo and Harvard University computed the temperature and density of gas across thousands of light-years (much greater than the average distance between stars) at a resolution of about 50,000 miles (80,500 kilometers), 10 times smaller than the radius of the sun."

First Stars Were Brutes, but Died Young, Astronomers Say -
"That is the news from a new computer simulation of the early years of the universe, performed by a group of astronomers led by Naoki Yoshida of Nagoya University in Japan. "
Science News / How A Star Is Born
"A new model, described by Naoki Yoshida of Nagoya University in Japan and his colleagues in the August 1 Science, for the first time simulates the formation of a primordial star without having to rely on an array of approximations."
How The First Stars In The Universe Came Into Existence
"Dr. Naoki Yoshida and colleagues in Japan and the U.S. incorporated these conditions of the early universe, sometimes referred to as the "cosmic dark ages," to simulate the formation of an astronomical object that would eventually shine its light into this darkness."

" 本报讯(记者葛进)据日本《产经新闻》报道,由日本国立天文台名古屋大学与美国研究人员组成的一个研究小组,利用超级计算机模拟出137亿年前,即宇宙大爆炸发生约3亿年后,宇宙中的最初星体“恒星婴儿”的形成过程。该研究成果发表在8月1日出版的《科学》杂志上。
研究人员称,这种“恒星婴儿”的质量约为太〓的1%,但诞生后会不断吸收周围的气体,慢慢成长为相当于太〓质量的10倍至100倍,然后就会引起超新星暴发,并向宇宙空间中释放出〓等元素。 "

toBig5 繁体

研究人員稱,這種“恆星嬰兒”的質量約為太陽的1%,但誕生后會不斷吸收周圍的氣體,慢慢成長為相當于太陽質量的10倍至100倍,然后就會引起超新星暴發,并向宇宙空間中釋放出〓等元素。 "

Scientists simulate early cosmos, find gigantic stars |
"Astronomers in the US and China are also building an enormous radiotelescope array consisting of about 10,000 antennas in China's Xinjiang Province. They plan to use it to map the first glowing "bubbles" that appear as radiation from galaxies begins to ionize the dense fog of hydrogen between them and light it up. "

China to release 700 hours of Chang'e-1 data_English_Xinhua
"BEIJING, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) -- China will release over 700 hours of data sent back by the Chang'e-1 satellite to domestic authorized users and the European Space Agency, according to the State Administration of Science Technology and Industry for National Defence (SASTIND) on Friday. "

July 2008 Web Server Survey - Netcraft
7月インターネット - Netcraft | マイコミジャーナル
Apache 49.49%、Microsoft 35.57%、Google 5.70%、lighttpd 1.68%"


【コラム】 "北京オリンピック記念「100年前の北京鉄道遊覧」"

China opens crack in Great Firewall for Olympic press
"It's closed! It's open! It's closed! It's open again! "

SpaceX suffers third rocket launch failure | CNET
"The failure occurred about two minutes after the launch of the two-stage Falcon 1 rocket, which was manufactured by Space Exploration Technologies, also known as SpaceX. A failure prevented the two stages from separating after the launch from a central Pacific atoll, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said in a company blog. The rocket was carrying three satellites for NASA and the Department of Defense."

Launch of Private Rocket Fails; Three Satellites Were Onboard -
"The accident occurred a little more than two minutes after launch, and the two-stage Falcon 1 rocket appeared to be oscillating before the live signal from an on-board video camera went dead."

Engine test for Falcon 9 rocket | BBC NEWS
"Nasa hopes the Falcon 9 can help fill the mission gap that will exist while it develops a successor to the shuttle.
That successor - known as Ares/Orion - is not expected to