

A New Way To Weigh Giant Black Holes
First Hubble Flight Hardware Arrives At Kennedy For NASA Space Shuttle Mission STS-125 | SpaceRef

The Partners noted that a continuation of operations beyond 2015 would not be precluded by any significant technical challenges.
カナダ宇宙庁(CSA) ビジョルド長官
欧州宇宙機関ESA) ドーダン長官
宇宙航空研究開発機構JAXA) 立川理事長
ロシア連邦宇宙局(FSA) ペルミノフ長官
米国航空宇宙局(NASA) グリフィン長官

EThe International Space Station, a test-bed for future space exploration - SA Portal 17 July 2008
"Joint statement by the International Space Station Heads of Agency ESA PR 33-2008. The Heads of the International Space Station (ISS) Agencies from Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States met today at ESA Headquarters in Paris, France, to review ISS cooperation."

Send It Somewhere Special -
"It's missing a drive system and a steerage module, but those are technicalities. Although it's ungainly in appearance, it's designed to be boosted periodically to a higher altitude by a shuttle, a Russian Soyuz or one of the upcoming new Constellation program Orion spacecraft. It could fairly easily be retrofitted for operations beyond low-Earth orbit. In principle, we could fly it almost anywhere within the inner solar system -- to any place where it could still receive enough solar power to keep all its systems running. "

It's a Station, Not a Ship -
"Michael Benson's article in Sunday's Outlook section was more science fiction than science. Benson argues that the aimlessly orbiting International Space Station (ISS) doesn't serve much of a purpose -- and that we should retrofit it to fly somewhere more interesting. I pictured Jean-Luc Picard piloting the ISS on a fantastic voyage through the solar system, searching out alien beings on Europa and Titan. "

NGC 4649: A New Way To Weigh Giant Black Holes: Chandra, 16 July 08

"By applying a clever technique for the first time, scientists used Chandra data to measure a mass for the black hole of about 3.4 billion times that of the Sun. The new technique takes advantage of the gravitational influence the black hole has on the hot gas near the center of the galaxy.
Reassuringly, the estimate of the black hole's mass using this X-ray technique is consistent with a more traditional technique using the motions of stars near the black hole. NGC 4649 is now one of only a handful of galaxies for which the mass of a supermassive black hole has been measured with two different methods."

NASA - A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes
"A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes"
A new way to weigh giant black holes
"By measuring a peak in the temperature of hot gas in the center of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4649, scientists have determined the mass of the galaxy's supermassive black hole. The method, applied for the first time, gives results that are consistent with a traditional technique."
A new way to weigh giant black holes

Lithium: The hole in the big bang theory - cosmology - New Scientist Space
"This early forging of light nuclei is known as big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and, for the most part, our theoretical understanding of it is spot on. In fact, the amounts of hydrogen and helium tally so well with predictions that cosmologists claim this is the best evidence we have for the big bang.
Yet there is a problem: "

Special Report on Cosmology - New Scientist Space

EU、録音物の著作権保護を50年から95年に延長 - ITmedia News

電波が届かないかデータ通信カードが抜かれた場合では、データは見えない状態になる。二段構えで情報漏えいを防ぐ仕組みとしている。 "

iPhone 3G」の販売台数は,発売3日目の13日に100万台を突破したいう。2007年6月に米国で発売した初代iPhoneは,100万台に達するまで74日間かかった

Vocal Jazz |
"Cheryl Bentyne
The Meaning Of The Blues"
Diana Krall
All Or Nothing At All
First Hubble Flight Hardware Arrives At Kennedy For NASA Space Shuttle Mission STS-125 | SpaceRef

The Partners noted that a continuation of operations beyond 2015 would not be precluded by any significant technical challenges.
カナダ宇宙庁(CSA) ビジョルド長官
欧州宇宙機関ESA) ドーダン長官
宇宙航空研究開発機構JAXA) 立川理事長
ロシア連邦宇宙局(FSA) ペルミノフ長官
米国航空宇宙局(NASA) グリフィン長官

EThe International Space Station, a test-bed for future space exploration - SA Portal 17 July 2008
"Joint statement by the International Space Station Heads of Agency ESA PR 33-2008. The Heads of the International Space Station (ISS) Agencies from Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States met today at ESA Headquarters in Paris, France, to review ISS cooperation."

Send It Somewhere Special -
"It's missing a drive system and a steerage module, but those are technicalities. Although it's ungainly in appearance, it's designed to be boosted periodically to a higher altitude by a shuttle, a Russian Soyuz or one of the upcoming new Constellation program Orion spacecraft. It could fairly easily be retrofitted for operations beyond low-Earth orbit. In principle, we could fly it almost anywhere within the inner solar system -- to any place where it could still receive enough solar power to keep all its systems running. "

It's a Station, Not a Ship -
"Michael Benson's article in Sunday's Outlook section was more science fiction than science. Benson argues that the aimlessly orbiting International Space Station (ISS) doesn't serve much of a purpose -- and that we should retrofit it to fly somewhere more interesting. I pictured Jean-Luc Picard piloting the ISS on a fantastic voyage through the solar system, searching out alien beings on Europa and Titan. "

NGC 4649: A New Way To Weigh Giant Black Holes: Chandra, 16 July 08

"By applying a clever technique for the first time, scientists used Chandra data to measure a mass for the black hole of about 3.4 billion times that of the Sun. The new technique takes advantage of the gravitational influence the black hole has on the hot gas near the center of the galaxy.
Reassuringly, the estimate of the black hole's mass using this X-ray technique is consistent with a more traditional technique using the motions of stars near the black hole. NGC 4649 is now one of only a handful of galaxies for which the mass of a supermassive black hole has been measured with two different methods."

NASA - A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes
"A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes"
A new way to weigh giant black holes
"By measuring a peak in the temperature of hot gas in the center of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4649, scientists have determined the mass of the galaxy's supermassive black hole. The method, applied for the first time, gives results that are consistent with a traditional technique."
A new way to weigh giant black holes

Lithium: The hole in the big bang theory - cosmology - New Scientist Space
"This early forging of light nuclei is known as big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and, for the most part, our theoretical understanding of it is spot on. In fact, the amounts of hydrogen and helium tally so well with predictions that cosmologists claim this is the best evidence we have for the big bang.
Yet there is a problem: "

Special Report on Cosmology - New Scientist Space

EU、録音物の著作権保護を50年から95年に延長 - ITmedia News

電波が届かないかデータ通信カードが抜かれた場合では、データは見えない状態になる。二段構えで情報漏えいを防ぐ仕組みとしている。 "

iPhone 3G」の販売台数は,発売3日目の13日に100万台を突破したいう。2007年6月に米国で発売した初代iPhoneは,100万台に達するまで74日間かかった

Vocal Jazz |
"Cheryl Bentyne
The Meaning Of The Blues"
Diana Krall
All Or Nothing At All
First Hubble Flight Hardware Arrives At Kennedy For NASA Space Shuttle Mission STS-125 | SpaceRef

The Partners noted that a continuation of operations beyond 2015 would not be precluded by any significant technical challenges.
カナダ宇宙庁(CSA) ビジョルド長官
欧州宇宙機関ESA) ドーダン長官
宇宙航空研究開発機構JAXA) 立川理事長
ロシア連邦宇宙局(FSA) ペルミノフ長官
米国航空宇宙局(NASA) グリフィン長官

EThe International Space Station, a test-bed for future space exploration - SA Portal 17 July 2008
"Joint statement by the International Space Station Heads of Agency ESA PR 33-2008. The Heads of the International Space Station (ISS) Agencies from Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States met today at ESA Headquarters in Paris, France, to review ISS cooperation."

Send It Somewhere Special -
"It's missing a drive system and a steerage module, but those are technicalities. Although it's ungainly in appearance, it's designed to be boosted periodically to a higher altitude by a shuttle, a Russian Soyuz or one of the upcoming new Constellation program Orion spacecraft. It could fairly easily be retrofitted for operations beyond low-Earth orbit. In principle, we could fly it almost anywhere within the inner solar system -- to any place where it could still receive enough solar power to keep all its systems running. "

It's a Station, Not a Ship -
"Michael Benson's article in Sunday's Outlook section was more science fiction than science. Benson argues that the aimlessly orbiting International Space Station (ISS) doesn't serve much of a purpose -- and that we should retrofit it to fly somewhere more interesting. I pictured Jean-Luc Picard piloting the ISS on a fantastic voyage through the solar system, searching out alien beings on Europa and Titan. "

NGC 4649: A New Way To Weigh Giant Black Holes: Chandra, 16 July 08

"By applying a clever technique for the first time, scientists used Chandra data to measure a mass for the black hole of about 3.4 billion times that of the Sun. The new technique takes advantage of the gravitational influence the black hole has on the hot gas near the center of the galaxy.
Reassuringly, the estimate of the black hole's mass using this X-ray technique is consistent with a more traditional technique using the motions of stars near the black hole. NGC 4649 is now one of only a handful of galaxies for which the mass of a supermassive black hole has been measured with two different methods."

NASA - A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes
"A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes"
A new way to weigh giant black holes
"By measuring a peak in the temperature of hot gas in the center of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4649, scientists have determined the mass of the galaxy's supermassive black hole. The method, applied for the first time, gives results that are consistent with a traditional technique."
A new way to weigh giant black holes

Lithium: The hole in the big bang theory - cosmology - New Scientist Space
"This early forging of light nuclei is known as big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and, for the most part, our theoretical understanding of it is spot on. In fact, the amounts of hydrogen and helium tally so well with predictions that cosmologists claim this is the best evidence we have for the big bang.
Yet there is a problem: "

Special Report on Cosmology - New Scientist Space

EU、録音物の著作権保護を50年から95年に延長 - ITmedia News

電波が届かないかデータ通信カードが抜かれた場合では、データは見えない状態になる。二段構えで情報漏えいを防ぐ仕組みとしている。 "

iPhone 3G」の販売台数は,発売3日目の13日に100万台を突破したいう。2007年6月に米国で発売した初代iPhoneは,100万台に達するまで74日間かかった

Vocal Jazz |
"Cheryl Bentyne
The Meaning Of The Blues"
Diana Krall
All Or Nothing At All

First Hubble Flight Hardware Arrives At Kennedy For NASA Space Shuttle Mission STS-125 | SpaceRef

The Partners noted that a continuation of operations beyond 2015 would not be precluded by any significant technical challenges.
カナダ宇宙庁(CSA) ビジョルド長官
欧州宇宙機関ESA) ドーダン長官
宇宙航空研究開発機構JAXA) 立川理事長
ロシア連邦宇宙局(FSA) ペルミノフ長官
米国航空宇宙局(NASA) グリフィン長官

EThe International Space Station, a test-bed for future space exploration - SA Portal 17 July 2008
"Joint statement by the International Space Station Heads of Agency ESA PR 33-2008. The Heads of the International Space Station (ISS) Agencies from Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States met today at ESA Headquarters in Paris, France, to review ISS cooperation."

Send It Somewhere Special -
"It's missing a drive system and a steerage module, but those are technicalities. Although it's ungainly in appearance, it's designed to be boosted periodically to a higher altitude by a shuttle, a Russian Soyuz or one of the upcoming new Constellation program Orion spacecraft. It could fairly easily be retrofitted for operations beyond low-Earth orbit. In principle, we could fly it almost anywhere within the inner solar system -- to any place where it could still receive enough solar power to keep all its systems running. "

It's a Station, Not a Ship -
"Michael Benson's article in Sunday's Outlook section was more science fiction than science. Benson argues that the aimlessly orbiting International Space Station (ISS) doesn't serve much of a purpose -- and that we should retrofit it to fly somewhere more interesting. I pictured Jean-Luc Picard piloting the ISS on a fantastic voyage through the solar system, searching out alien beings on Europa and Titan. "

NGC 4649: A New Way To Weigh Giant Black Holes: Chandra, 16 July 08

"By applying a clever technique for the first time, scientists used Chandra data to measure a mass for the black hole of about 3.4 billion times that of the Sun. The new technique takes advantage of the gravitational influence the black hole has on the hot gas near the center of the galaxy.
Reassuringly, the estimate of the black hole's mass using this X-ray technique is consistent with a more traditional technique using the motions of stars near the black hole. NGC 4649 is now one of only a handful of galaxies for which the mass of a supermassive black hole has been measured with two different methods."

NASA - A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes
"A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes"
A new way to weigh giant black holes
"By measuring a peak in the temperature of hot gas in the center of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4649, scientists have determined the mass of the galaxy's supermassive black hole. The method, applied for the first time, gives results that are consistent with a traditional technique."
A new way to weigh giant black holes

Lithium: The hole in the big bang theory - cosmology - New Scientist Space
"This early forging of light nuclei is known as big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and, for the most part, our theoretical understanding of it is spot on. In fact, the amounts of hydrogen and helium tally so well with predictions that cosmologists claim this is the best evidence we have for the big bang.
Yet there is a problem: "

Special Report on Cosmology - New Scientist Space

EU、録音物の著作権保護を50年から95年に延長 - ITmedia News

電波が届かないかデータ通信カードが抜かれた場合では、データは見えない状態になる。二段構えで情報漏えいを防ぐ仕組みとしている。 "

iPhone 3G」の販売台数は,発売3日目の13日に100万台を突破したいう。2007年6月に米国で発売した初代iPhoneは,100万台に達するまで74日間かかった

Vocal Jazz |
"Cheryl Bentyne
The Meaning Of The Blues"
Diana Krall
All Or Nothing At All
First Hubble Flight Hardware Arrives At Kennedy For NASA Space Shuttle Mission STS-125 | SpaceRef

The Partners noted that a continuation of operations beyond 2015 would not be precluded by any significant technical challenges.
カナダ宇宙庁(CSA) ビジョルド長官
欧州宇宙機関ESA) ドーダン長官
宇宙航空研究開発機構JAXA) 立川理事長
ロシア連邦宇宙局(FSA) ペルミノフ長官
米国航空宇宙局(NASA) グリフィン長官

EThe International Space Station, a test-bed for future space exploration - SA Portal 17 July 2008
"Joint statement by the International Space Station Heads of Agency ESA PR 33-2008. The Heads of the International Space Station (ISS) Agencies from Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States met today at ESA Headquarters in Paris, France, to review ISS cooperation."

Send It Somewhere Special -
"It's missing a drive system and a steerage module, but those are technicalities. Although it's ungainly in appearance, it's designed to be boosted periodically to a higher altitude by a shuttle, a Russian Soyuz or one of the upcoming new Constellation program Orion spacecraft. It could fairly easily be retrofitted for operations beyond low-Earth orbit. In principle, we could fly it almost anywhere within the inner solar system -- to any place where it could still receive enough solar power to keep all its systems running. "

It's a Station, Not a Ship -
"Michael Benson's article in Sunday's Outlook section was more science fiction than science. Benson argues that the aimlessly orbiting International Space Station (ISS) doesn't serve much of a purpose -- and that we should retrofit it to fly somewhere more interesting. I pictured Jean-Luc Picard piloting the ISS on a fantastic voyage through the solar system, searching out alien beings on Europa and Titan. "

NGC 4649: A New Way To Weigh Giant Black Holes: Chandra, 16 July 08

"By applying a clever technique for the first time, scientists used Chandra data to measure a mass for the black hole of about 3.4 billion times that of the Sun. The new technique takes advantage of the gravitational influence the black hole has on the hot gas near the center of the galaxy.
Reassuringly, the estimate of the black hole's mass using this X-ray technique is consistent with a more traditional technique using the motions of stars near the black hole. NGC 4649 is now one of only a handful of galaxies for which the mass of a supermassive black hole has been measured with two different methods."

NASA - A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes
"A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes"
A new way to weigh giant black holes
"By measuring a peak in the temperature of hot gas in the center of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4649, scientists have determined the mass of the galaxy's supermassive black hole. The method, applied for the first time, gives results that are consistent with a traditional technique."
A new way to weigh giant black holes

Lithium: The hole in the big bang theory - cosmology - New Scientist Space
"This early forging of light nuclei is known as big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and, for the most part, our theoretical understanding of it is spot on. In fact, the amounts of hydrogen and helium tally so well with predictions that cosmologists claim this is the best evidence we have for the big bang.
Yet there is a problem: "

Special Report on Cosmology - New Scientist Space

EU、録音物の著作権保護を50年から95年に延長 - ITmedia News

電波が届かないかデータ通信カードが抜かれた場合では、データは見えない状態になる。二段構えで情報漏えいを防ぐ仕組みとしている。 "

iPhone 3G」の販売台数は,発売3日目の13日に100万台を突破したいう。2007年6月に米国で発売した初代iPhoneは,100万台に達するまで74日間かかった

Vocal Jazz |
"Cheryl Bentyne
The Meaning Of The Blues"
Diana Krall
All Or Nothing At All
First Hubble Flight Hardware Arrives At Kennedy For NASA Space Shuttle Mission STS-125 | SpaceRef

The Partners noted that a continuation of operations beyond 2015 would not be precluded by any significant technical challenges.
カナダ宇宙庁(CSA) ビジョルド長官
欧州宇宙機関ESA) ドーダン長官
宇宙航空研究開発機構JAXA) 立川理事長
ロシア連邦宇宙局(FSA) ペルミノフ長官
米国航空宇宙局(NASA) グリフィン長官

EThe International Space Station, a test-bed for future space exploration - SA Portal 17 July 2008
"Joint statement by the International Space Station Heads of Agency ESA PR 33-2008. The Heads of the International Space Station (ISS) Agencies from Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States met today at ESA Headquarters in Paris, France, to review ISS cooperation."

Send It Somewhere Special -
"It's missing a drive system and a steerage module, but those are technicalities. Although it's ungainly in appearance, it's designed to be boosted periodically to a higher altitude by a shuttle, a Russian Soyuz or one of the upcoming new Constellation program Orion spacecraft. It could fairly easily be retrofitted for operations beyond low-Earth orbit. In principle, we could fly it almost anywhere within the inner solar system -- to any place where it could still receive enough solar power to keep all its systems running. "

It's a Station, Not a Ship -
"Michael Benson's article in Sunday's Outlook section was more science fiction than science. Benson argues that the aimlessly orbiting International Space Station (ISS) doesn't serve much of a purpose -- and that we should retrofit it to fly somewhere more interesting. I pictured Jean-Luc Picard piloting the ISS on a fantastic voyage through the solar system, searching out alien beings on Europa and Titan. "

NGC 4649: A New Way To Weigh Giant Black Holes: Chandra, 16 July 08

"By applying a clever technique for the first time, scientists used Chandra data to measure a mass for the black hole of about 3.4 billion times that of the Sun. The new technique takes advantage of the gravitational influence the black hole has on the hot gas near the center of the galaxy.
Reassuringly, the estimate of the black hole's mass using this X-ray technique is consistent with a more traditional technique using the motions of stars near the black hole. NGC 4649 is now one of only a handful of galaxies for which the mass of a supermassive black hole has been measured with two different methods."

NASA - A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes
"A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes"
A new way to weigh giant black holes
"By measuring a peak in the temperature of hot gas in the center of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4649, scientists have determined the mass of the galaxy's supermassive black hole. The method, applied for the first time, gives results that are consistent with a traditional technique."
A new way to weigh giant black holes

Lithium: The hole in the big bang theory - cosmology - New Scientist Space
"This early forging of light nuclei is known as big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and, for the most part, our theoretical understanding of it is spot on. In fact, the amounts of hydrogen and helium tally so well with predictions that cosmologists claim this is the best evidence we have for the big bang.
Yet there is a problem: "

Special Report on Cosmology - New Scientist Space

EU、録音物の著作権保護を50年から95年に延長 - ITmedia News

電波が届かないかデータ通信カードが抜かれた場合では、データは見えない状態になる。二段構えで情報漏えいを防ぐ仕組みとしている。 "

iPhone 3G」の販売台数は,発売3日目の13日に100万台を突破したいう。2007年6月に米国で発売した初代iPhoneは,100万台に達するまで74日間かかった

Vocal Jazz |
"Cheryl Bentyne
The Meaning Of The Blues"
Diana Krall
All Or Nothing At All

First Hubble Flight Hardware Arrives At Kennedy For NASA Space Shuttle Mission STS-125 | SpaceRef

The Partners noted that a continuation of operations beyond 2015 would not be precluded by any significant technical challenges.
カナダ宇宙庁(CSA) ビジョルド長官
欧州宇宙機関ESA) ドーダン長官
宇宙航空研究開発機構JAXA) 立川理事長
ロシア連邦宇宙局(FSA) ペルミノフ長官
米国航空宇宙局(NASA) グリフィン長官

EThe International Space Station, a test-bed for future space exploration - SA Portal 17 July 2008
"Joint statement by the International Space Station Heads of Agency ESA PR 33-2008. The Heads of the International Space Station (ISS) Agencies from Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States met today at ESA Headquarters in Paris, France, to review ISS cooperation."

Send It Somewhere Special -
"It's missing a drive system and a steerage module, but those are technicalities. Although it's ungainly in appearance, it's designed to be boosted periodically to a higher altitude by a shuttle, a Russian Soyuz or one of the upcoming new Constellation program Orion spacecraft. It could fairly easily be retrofitted for operations beyond low-Earth orbit. In principle, we could fly it almost anywhere within the inner solar system -- to any place where it could still receive enough solar power to keep all its systems running. "

It's a Station, Not a Ship -
"Michael Benson's article in Sunday's Outlook section was more science fiction than science. Benson argues that the aimlessly orbiting International Space Station (ISS) doesn't serve much of a purpose -- and that we should retrofit it to fly somewhere more interesting. I pictured Jean-Luc Picard piloting the ISS on a fantastic voyage through the solar system, searching out alien beings on Europa and Titan. "

NGC 4649: A New Way To Weigh Giant Black Holes: Chandra, 16 July 08

"By applying a clever technique for the first time, scientists used Chandra data to measure a mass for the black hole of about 3.4 billion times that of the Sun. The new technique takes advantage of the gravitational influence the black hole has on the hot gas near the center of the galaxy.
Reassuringly, the estimate of the black hole's mass using this X-ray technique is consistent with a more traditional technique using the motions of stars near the black hole. NGC 4649 is now one of only a handful of galaxies for which the mass of a supermassive black hole has been measured with two different methods."

NASA - A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes
"A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes"
A new way to weigh giant black holes
"By measuring a peak in the temperature of hot gas in the center of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4649, scientists have determined the mass of the galaxy's supermassive black hole. The method, applied for the first time, gives results that are consistent with a traditional technique."
A new way to weigh giant black holes

Lithium: The hole in the big bang theory - cosmology - New Scientist Space
"This early forging of light nuclei is known as big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and, for the most part, our theoretical understanding of it is spot on. In fact, the amounts of hydrogen and helium tally so well with predictions that cosmologists claim this is the best evidence we have for the big bang.
Yet there is a problem: "

Special Report on Cosmology - New Scientist Space

EU、録音物の著作権保護を50年から95年に延長 - ITmedia News

電波が届かないかデータ通信カードが抜かれた場合では、データは見えない状態になる。二段構えで情報漏えいを防ぐ仕組みとしている。 "

iPhone 3G」の販売台数は,発売3日目の13日に100万台を突破したいう。2007年6月に米国で発売した初代iPhoneは,100万台に達するまで74日間かかった

Vocal Jazz |
"Cheryl Bentyne
The Meaning Of The Blues"
Diana Krall
All Or Nothing At All
First Hubble Flight Hardware Arrives At Kennedy For NASA Space Shuttle Mission STS-125 | SpaceRef

The Partners noted that a continuation of operations beyond 2015 would not be precluded by any significant technical challenges.
カナダ宇宙庁(CSA) ビジョルド長官
欧州宇宙機関ESA) ドーダン長官
宇宙航空研究開発機構JAXA) 立川理事長
ロシア連邦宇宙局(FSA) ペルミノフ長官
米国航空宇宙局(NASA) グリフィン長官

EThe International Space Station, a test-bed for future space exploration - SA Portal 17 July 2008
"Joint statement by the International Space Station Heads of Agency ESA PR 33-2008. The Heads of the International Space Station (ISS) Agencies from Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States met today at ESA Headquarters in Paris, France, to review ISS cooperation."

Send It Somewhere Special -
"It's missing a drive system and a steerage module, but those are technicalities. Although it's ungainly in appearance, it's designed to be boosted periodically to a higher altitude by a shuttle, a Russian Soyuz or one of the upcoming new Constellation program Orion spacecraft. It could fairly easily be retrofitted for operations beyond low-Earth orbit. In principle, we could fly it almost anywhere within the inner solar system -- to any place where it could still receive enough solar power to keep all its systems running. "

It's a Station, Not a Ship -
"Michael Benson's article in Sunday's Outlook section was more science fiction than science. Benson argues that the aimlessly orbiting International Space Station (ISS) doesn't serve much of a purpose -- and that we should retrofit it to fly somewhere more interesting. I pictured Jean-Luc Picard piloting the ISS on a fantastic voyage through the solar system, searching out alien beings on Europa and Titan. "

NGC 4649: A New Way To Weigh Giant Black Holes: Chandra, 16 July 08

"By applying a clever technique for the first time, scientists used Chandra data to measure a mass for the black hole of about 3.4 billion times that of the Sun. The new technique takes advantage of the gravitational influence the black hole has on the hot gas near the center of the galaxy.
Reassuringly, the estimate of the black hole's mass using this X-ray technique is consistent with a more traditional technique using the motions of stars near the black hole. NGC 4649 is now one of only a handful of galaxies for which the mass of a supermassive black hole has been measured with two different methods."

NASA - A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes
"A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes"
A new way to weigh giant black holes
"By measuring a peak in the temperature of hot gas in the center of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4649, scientists have determined the mass of the galaxy's supermassive black hole. The method, applied for the first time, gives results that are consistent with a traditional technique."
A new way to weigh giant black holes

Lithium: The hole in the big bang theory - cosmology - New Scientist Space
"This early forging of light nuclei is known as big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and, for the most part, our theoretical understanding of it is spot on. In fact, the amounts of hydrogen and helium tally so well with predictions that cosmologists claim this is the best evidence we have for the big bang.
Yet there is a problem: "

Special Report on Cosmology - New Scientist Space

EU、録音物の著作権保護を50年から95年に延長 - ITmedia News

電波が届かないかデータ通信カードが抜かれた場合では、データは見えない状態になる。二段構えで情報漏えいを防ぐ仕組みとしている。 "

iPhone 3G」の販売台数は,発売3日目の13日に100万台を突破したいう。2007年6月に米国で発売した初代iPhoneは,100万台に達するまで74日間かかった

Vocal Jazz |
"Cheryl Bentyne
The Meaning Of The Blues"
Diana Krall
All Or Nothing At All
First Hubble Flight Hardware Arrives At Kennedy For NASA Space Shuttle Mission STS-125 | SpaceRef

The Partners noted that a continuation of operations beyond 2015 would not be precluded by any significant technical challenges.
カナダ宇宙庁(CSA) ビジョルド長官
欧州宇宙機関ESA) ドーダン長官
宇宙航空研究開発機構JAXA) 立川理事長
ロシア連邦宇宙局(FSA) ペルミノフ長官
米国航空宇宙局(NASA) グリフィン長官

EThe International Space Station, a test-bed for future space exploration - SA Portal 17 July 2008
"Joint statement by the International Space Station Heads of Agency ESA PR 33-2008. The Heads of the International Space Station (ISS) Agencies from Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States met today at ESA Headquarters in Paris, France, to review ISS cooperation."

Send It Somewhere Special -
"It's missing a drive system and a steerage module, but those are technicalities. Although it's ungainly in appearance, it's designed to be boosted periodically to a higher altitude by a shuttle, a Russian Soyuz or one of the upcoming new Constellation program Orion spacecraft. It could fairly easily be retrofitted for operations beyond low-Earth orbit. In principle, we could fly it almost anywhere within the inner solar system -- to any place where it could still receive enough solar power to keep all its systems running. "

It's a Station, Not a Ship -
"Michael Benson's article in Sunday's Outlook section was more science fiction than science. Benson argues that the aimlessly orbiting International Space Station (ISS) doesn't serve much of a purpose -- and that we should retrofit it to fly somewhere more interesting. I pictured Jean-Luc Picard piloting the ISS on a fantastic voyage through the solar system, searching out alien beings on Europa and Titan. "

NGC 4649: A New Way To Weigh Giant Black Holes: Chandra, 16 July 08

"By applying a clever technique for the first time, scientists used Chandra data to measure a mass for the black hole of about 3.4 billion times that of the Sun. The new technique takes advantage of the gravitational influence the black hole has on the hot gas near the center of the galaxy.
Reassuringly, the estimate of the black hole's mass using this X-ray technique is consistent with a more traditional technique using the motions of stars near the black hole. NGC 4649 is now one of only a handful of galaxies for which the mass of a supermassive black hole has been measured with two different methods."

NASA - A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes
"A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes"
A new way to weigh giant black holes
"By measuring a peak in the temperature of hot gas in the center of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4649, scientists have determined the mass of the galaxy's supermassive black hole. The method, applied for the first time, gives results that are consistent with a traditional technique."
A new way to weigh giant black holes

Lithium: The hole in the big bang theory - cosmology - New Scientist Space
"This early forging of light nuclei is known as big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and, for the most part, our theoretical understanding of it is spot on. In fact, the amounts of hydrogen and helium tally so well with predictions that cosmologists claim this is the best evidence we have for the big bang.
Yet there is a problem: "

Special Report on Cosmology - New Scientist Space

EU、録音物の著作権保護を50年から95年に延長 - ITmedia News

電波が届かないかデータ通信カードが抜かれた場合では、データは見えない状態になる。二段構えで情報漏えいを防ぐ仕組みとしている。 "

iPhone 3G」の販売台数は,発売3日目の13日に100万台を突破したいう。2007年6月に米国で発売した初代iPhoneは,100万台に達するまで74日間かかった

Vocal Jazz |
"Cheryl Bentyne
The Meaning Of The Blues"
Diana Krall
All Or Nothing At All

First Hubble Flight Hardware Arrives At Kennedy For NASA Space Shuttle Mission STS-125 | SpaceRef

The Partners noted that a continuation of operations beyond 2015 would not be precluded by any significant technical challenges.
カナダ宇宙庁(CSA) ビジョルド長官
欧州宇宙機関ESA) ドーダン長官
宇宙航空研究開発機構JAXA) 立川理事長
ロシア連邦宇宙局(FSA) ペルミノフ長官
米国航空宇宙局(NASA) グリフィン長官

EThe International Space Station, a test-bed for future space exploration - SA Portal 17 July 2008
"Joint statement by the International Space Station Heads of Agency ESA PR 33-2008. The Heads of the International Space Station (ISS) Agencies from Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States met today at ESA Headquarters in Paris, France, to review ISS cooperation."

Send It Somewhere Special -
"It's missing a drive system and a steerage module, but those are technicalities. Although it's ungainly in appearance, it's designed to be boosted periodically to a higher altitude by a shuttle, a Russian Soyuz or one of the upcoming new Constellation program Orion spacecraft. It could fairly easily be retrofitted for operations beyond low-Earth orbit. In principle, we could fly it almost anywhere within the inner solar system -- to any place where it could still receive enough solar power to keep all its systems running. "

It's a Station, Not a Ship -
"Michael Benson's article in Sunday's Outlook section was more science fiction than science. Benson argues that the aimlessly orbiting International Space Station (ISS) doesn't serve much of a purpose -- and that we should retrofit it to fly somewhere more interesting. I pictured Jean-Luc Picard piloting the ISS on a fantastic voyage through the solar system, searching out alien beings on Europa and Titan. "

NGC 4649: A New Way To Weigh Giant Black Holes: Chandra, 16 July 08

"By applying a clever technique for the first time, scientists used Chandra data to measure a mass for the black hole of about 3.4 billion times that of the Sun. The new technique takes advantage of the gravitational influence the black hole has on the hot gas near the center of the galaxy.
Reassuringly, the estimate of the black hole's mass using this X-ray technique is consistent with a more traditional technique using the motions of stars near the black hole. NGC 4649 is now one of only a handful of galaxies for which the mass of a supermassive black hole has been measured with two different methods."

NASA - A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes
"A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes"
A new way to weigh giant black holes
"By measuring a peak in the temperature of hot gas in the center of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4649, scientists have determined the mass of the galaxy's supermassive black hole. The method, applied for the first time, gives results that are consistent with a traditional technique."
A new way to weigh giant black holes

Lithium: The hole in the big bang theory - cosmology - New Scientist Space
"This early forging of light nuclei is known as big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and, for the most part, our theoretical understanding of it is spot on. In fact, the amounts of hydrogen and helium tally so well with predictions that cosmologists claim this is the best evidence we have for the big bang.
Yet there is a problem: "

Special Report on Cosmology - New Scientist Space

EU、録音物の著作権保護を50年から95年に延長 - ITmedia News

電波が届かないかデータ通信カードが抜かれた場合では、データは見えない状態になる。二段構えで情報漏えいを防ぐ仕組みとしている。 "

iPhone 3G」の販売台数は,発売3日目の13日に100万台を突破したいう。2007年6月に米国で発売した初代iPhoneは,100万台に達するまで74日間かかった

Vocal Jazz |
"Cheryl Bentyne
The Meaning Of The Blues"
Diana Krall
All Or Nothing At All
First Hubble Flight Hardware Arrives At Kennedy For NASA Space Shuttle Mission STS-125 | SpaceRef

The Partners noted that a continuation of operations beyond 2015 would not be precluded by any significant technical challenges.
カナダ宇宙庁(CSA) ビジョルド長官
欧州宇宙機関ESA) ドーダン長官
宇宙航空研究開発機構JAXA) 立川理事長
ロシア連邦宇宙局(FSA) ペルミノフ長官
米国航空宇宙局(NASA) グリフィン長官

EThe International Space Station, a test-bed for future space exploration - SA Portal 17 July 2008
"Joint statement by the International Space Station Heads of Agency ESA PR 33-2008. The Heads of the International Space Station (ISS) Agencies from Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States met today at ESA Headquarters in Paris, France, to review ISS cooperation."

Send It Somewhere Special -
"It's missing a drive system and a steerage module, but those are technicalities. Although it's ungainly in appearance, it's designed to be boosted periodically to a higher altitude by a shuttle, a Russian Soyuz or one of the upcoming new Constellation program Orion spacecraft. It could fairly easily be retrofitted for operations beyond low-Earth orbit. In principle, we could fly it almost anywhere within the inner solar system -- to any place where it could still receive enough solar power to keep all its systems running. "

It's a Station, Not a Ship -
"Michael Benson's article in Sunday's Outlook section was more science fiction than science. Benson argues that the aimlessly orbiting International Space Station (ISS) doesn't serve much of a purpose -- and that we should retrofit it to fly somewhere more interesting. I pictured Jean-Luc Picard piloting the ISS on a fantastic voyage through the solar system, searching out alien beings on Europa and Titan. "

NGC 4649: A New Way To Weigh Giant Black Holes: Chandra, 16 July 08

"By applying a clever technique for the first time, scientists used Chandra data to measure a mass for the black hole of about 3.4 billion times that of the Sun. The new technique takes advantage of the gravitational influence the black hole has on the hot gas near the center of the galaxy.
Reassuringly, the estimate of the black hole's mass using this X-ray technique is consistent with a more traditional technique using the motions of stars near the black hole. NGC 4649 is now one of only a handful of galaxies for which the mass of a supermassive black hole has been measured with two different methods."

NASA - A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes
"A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes"
A new way to weigh giant black holes
"By measuring a peak in the temperature of hot gas in the center of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4649, scientists have determined the mass of the galaxy's supermassive black hole. The method, applied for the first time, gives results that are consistent with a traditional technique."
A new way to weigh giant black holes

Lithium: The hole in the big bang theory - cosmology - New Scientist Space
"This early forging of light nuclei is known as big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and, for the most part, our theoretical understanding of it is spot on. In fact, the amounts of hydrogen and helium tally so well with predictions that cosmologists claim this is the best evidence we have for the big bang.
Yet there is a problem: "

Special Report on Cosmology - New Scientist Space

EU、録音物の著作権保護を50年から95年に延長 - ITmedia News

電波が届かないかデータ通信カードが抜かれた場合では、データは見えない状態になる。二段構えで情報漏えいを防ぐ仕組みとしている。 "

iPhone 3G」の販売台数は,発売3日目の13日に100万台を突破したいう。2007年6月に米国で発売した初代iPhoneは,100万台に達するまで74日間かかった

Vocal Jazz |
"Cheryl Bentyne
The Meaning Of The Blues"
Diana Krall
All Or Nothing At All
First Hubble Flight Hardware Arrives At Kennedy For NASA Space Shuttle Mission STS-125 | SpaceRef

The Partners noted that a continuation of operations beyond 2015 would not be precluded by any significant technical challenges.
カナダ宇宙庁(CSA) ビジョルド長官
欧州宇宙機関ESA) ドーダン長官
宇宙航空研究開発機構JAXA) 立川理事長
ロシア連邦宇宙局(FSA) ペルミノフ長官
米国航空宇宙局(NASA) グリフィン長官

EThe International Space Station, a test-bed for future space exploration - SA Portal 17 July 2008
"Joint statement by the International Space Station Heads of Agency ESA PR 33-2008. The Heads of the International Space Station (ISS) Agencies from Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States met today at ESA Headquarters in Paris, France, to review ISS cooperation."

Send It Somewhere Special -
"It's missing a drive system and a steerage module, but those are technicalities. Although it's ungainly in appearance, it's designed to be boosted periodically to a higher altitude by a shuttle, a Russian Soyuz or one of the upcoming new Constellation program Orion spacecraft. It could fairly easily be retrofitted for operations beyond low-Earth orbit. In principle, we could fly it almost anywhere within the inner solar system -- to any place where it could still receive enough solar power to keep all its systems running. "

It's a Station, Not a Ship -
"Michael Benson's article in Sunday's Outlook section was more science fiction than science. Benson argues that the aimlessly orbiting International Space Station (ISS) doesn't serve much of a purpose -- and that we should retrofit it to fly somewhere more interesting. I pictured Jean-Luc Picard piloting the ISS on a fantastic voyage through the solar system, searching out alien beings on Europa and Titan. "

NGC 4649: A New Way To Weigh Giant Black Holes: Chandra, 16 July 08

"By applying a clever technique for the first time, scientists used Chandra data to measure a mass for the black hole of about 3.4 billion times that of the Sun. The new technique takes advantage of the gravitational influence the black hole has on the hot gas near the center of the galaxy.
Reassuringly, the estimate of the black hole's mass using this X-ray technique is consistent with a more traditional technique using the motions of stars near the black hole. NGC 4649 is now one of only a handful of galaxies for which the mass of a supermassive black hole has been measured with two different methods."

NASA - A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes
"A New Way to Weigh Giant Black Holes"
A new way to weigh giant black holes
"By measuring a peak in the temperature of hot gas in the center of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4649, scientists have determined the mass of the galaxy's supermassive black hole. The method, applied for the first time, gives results that are consistent with a traditional technique."
A new way to weigh giant black holes

Lithium: The hole in the big bang theory - cosmology - New Scientist Space
"This early forging of light nuclei is known as big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and, for the most part, our theoretical understanding of it is spot on. In fact, the amounts of hydrogen and helium tally so well with predictions that cosmologists claim this is the best evidence we have for the big bang.
Yet there is a problem: "

Special Report on Cosmology - New Scientist Space

EU、録音物の著作権保護を50年から95年に延長 - ITmedia News

電波が届かないかデータ通信カードが抜かれた場合では、データは見えない状態になる。二段構えで情報漏えいを防ぐ仕組みとしている。 "