

Flight Day 2

Bibliography of WMAP Science Team Publications
Five Year Data Scientific Papers
The five-year WMAP papers have been submitted to the ApJ Supplement.

WMAP Mission Results
WMAP Reveals Neutrinos, End of Dark Ages, First Second of Universe

New probe data sheds light on dark matter - The Daily Princetonian
"The satellite will likely continue to transmit data for another three years, Hinshaw said, and a new European probe, which is scheduled to be launched later this year, will complement the WMAP discoveries in the future. The European Planck satellite will be more sensitive and transmit higher-resolution images than the WMAP, Page said."

WMAP gives thumbs-up to cosmology models -
Cosmic 'treasure trove' revealed "trove" | BBC NEWS

The universe is 13.73 ± 0.12 billion years old. That's an uncertainty of only 0.9% now (at the 68-percent confidence level). Astronomy books in your public library probably say the universe is "between 10 and 20" billion years old.
The Hubble constant, the rate of the universe's expansion today, is 70.1 ± 1.3 kilometers per second per megaparsec. Books in your library probably say it's "between 50 and 100." These refinements affect everything else. For instance: - News from Sky & Telescope - A New Day in Precision Cosmology

"Enceladus reflects almost 100 percent of the sunlight that strikes it.
Because Enceladus reflects so much sunlight, the surface temperature is only -201° C (-330° F).
Unlike Mimas, Enceladus displays at least five different types of terrain."
Cassini Enceladus-flyby-Mar2008
Cassini Spacecraft to Dive Into Water Plume of Saturn Moon
03.10.08-- NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make an unprecedented "in your face" flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus on Wed., March 12. "

"NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make an unprecedented "in your face" flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus on Wed., March 12.
› Visit Cassini Section, View Enceladus Blog"

Post List[Enceladus-flyby-Mar2008]

Cassini spacecraft to pass just 50km from the Saturnian moon on Wednesday.
commanding a probe more than a billion km from Earth to fly so close to this 500km-wide moon is no small feat.
The Viking mission may have gone to within 20km of the Martian moon Phobos, but there is nothing in deep Solar System exploration history to compare with the pass being attempted by Cassini.
The spacecraft will be turned to give the prime view to its Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) and its Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA).
"We think the clean water-ice particles are being bounced off the surface and the dirty water-ice particles are coming from inside the moon. This flyby will show us whether this concept is right or wrong."
Cassini to make audacious flyby | BBC NEWS
By Jonathan Amos
Science reporter, BBC News

Cassini Flies Through Watery Plumes Of Saturn's Moon Enceladus
"Mar. 14,"

Cassini Dives Through Ice Geyser Live on | Wired Science from

エンケラドス北極域の画像公開、地史解明に前進 : AFPBB News

Flight Day 2 • Endeavour Thermal Protection System Survey with OBSS • Extravehicular Mobility Unit Checkout • Centerline Camera Installation • Orbiter Docking System Ring Extension • Orbital Maneuvering System Pod Survey • Rendezvous Tools Checkout

Flight Day 3 . Rendezvous with the ISS . Rendezvous Pitch Maneuver Photography by the Expedition 16 Crew . Docking to Harmony/Pressurized Mating Adapter‐2 . Hatch Opening and Welcoming . Station‐to‐Shuttle Power Transfer System (SSPTS) Activation
. Canadarm2 Grapple of Spacelab Pallet containing the Dextre Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) and transfer and mate to the Payload Orbital Replacement Unit Attachment Device (POA) on the Mobile Base System. . Reisman and Eyharts exchange Soyuz seatliners; Reisman joins Expedition 16, Eyharts joins the STS‐123 crew . Extravehicular Activity (EVA) 1 Procedure Review . EVA 1 Campout by Linnehan and Reisman

Flight Day 4 . EVA 1 by Linnehan and Reisman Japanese Experiment Logistics Module‐Pressurized Section (ELM‐PS) unberth preparations, Orbital Replacement Unit and Tool Changeout Mechanism installation on each of Dextre’s two arms . JEM ELM‐PS Grapple, Unberth and Installation on Zenith Port of Harmony

Flight Day 5 . JEM ELM‐PS Ingress Preparations . JEM ELM‐PS Ingress . Canadarm2 Grapple of OBSS and Handoff to Shuttle Robotic Arm . EVA 2 Procedure Review . EVA 2 Campout by Linnehan and Foreman

Flight Day 6 . EVA 2 by Linnehan and Foreman (Dextre assembly) . Dextre Joint and Brake Tests and Diagnostics . JEM ELM‐PS Outfitting

Flight Day 7 . JEM ELM‐PS Racks and Systems Outfitting . Dextre Arm and Brake Tests . EVA 3 Procedure Review . EVA 3 Campout by Linnehan and Behnken

Flight Day 8 . EVA 3 by Linnehan and Behnken (Orbital Replacement Unit stowage, MISSE‐6 lightweight adapter plate assembly installation and transfer of MISSE‐6 experiments to Columbus and Dextre spare part platform and tool handling assembly) . Dextre End Effector Checkout and Calibration

Flight Day 9 . Crew Off Duty Periods . Canadarm2 Grapple of Dextre and Transfer to Power and Data Grapple Fixture on Destiny Laboratory; Dextre’s L.C. Arms are Stowed . T‐RAD EVA Hardware Preparation

Flight Day 10 . Crew Off Duty Periods . EVA 4 Procedure Review . EVA 4 Campout by Foreman and Behnken

Flight Day 11 . EVA 4 by Foreman and Behnken (T‐RAD DTO, Remote Power Control Module replacement including temporary CMG‐2 shutdown and spinup) . Retrieve the JEM TV Electronics Boom from the ELM‐PS

Flight Day 12 . OBSS Inspection of Endeavour’s Heat Shield . Mobile Transporter Move from Worksite 6 to Worksite 4 . EVA 5 Procedure Review . EVA 5 Campout by Foreman and Behnken

Flight Day 13 . EVA 5 by Foreman and Behnken (OBSS stow on station truss, repair and replacement of Destiny Laboratory micrometeoroid debris shields, release of launch locks on Harmony port and nadir Common Berthing Mechanisms) . Installation of Trundle Bearing Assembly 5 in starboard SARJ . SARJ Inspection

Flight Day 14 . Joint Crew News Conference . Crew Off Duty Periods . Rendezvous Tools Checkout . Final Transfers

Flight Day 15 . Final Farewells and Hatch Closing . Undocking . Flyaround of the ISS . Final Separation

Flight Day 16 . Flight Control System Checkout . Reaction Control System Hot‐Fire Test . Cabin Stowage
. European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) PAO Event . Eyharts’ Recumbent Seat Set Up . Crew Deorbit Briefing . Ku‐Band Antenna Stowage

Flight Day 17 . Deorbit Preparations . Payload Bay Door Closing . Deorbit Burn . KSC Landing

YouTubeAPIの拡張を発表--サービスプラットフォームへの転換図る:CNET Japan,2000056023,20369280,00.htm?tag=nl
YouTube、「どこでもYouTube」を可能にする新API公開 - ITmedia News

大塚商会日系企業向けに中国でインターネットVPNサービス |マイコミジャーナル

トランスメタの元共同創設者、インテルに入社へ: - CNET Japan

Microsoft Exchange」のAPI資料に欠落部分が見つかる: - CNET Japan

注意喚起 【LAC|ラック】- 日本をターゲットとしたSQLインジェクションによるホームページ改ざん行為と、同行為により改ざんされたページへのアクセスによるマルウェア感染について

また、今回確認されている攻撃では、ASP(Active Server Pages)を使用して開発されたWebアプリケーションの脆弱(ぜいじゃく)性を悪用しているとする。


石原都知事反論「大王ではない」― スポニチ

猪瀬直樹国交省地方組織、都道府県、観光協会が絡みあう三重行政 - nikkei BPnet

Bibliography of WMAP Science Team Publications
Five Year Data Scientific Papers
The five-year WMAP papers have been submitted to the ApJ Supplement.

WMAP Mission Results
WMAP Reveals Neutrinos, End of Dark Ages, First Second of Universe

New probe data sheds light on dark matter - The Daily Princetonian
"The satellite will likely continue to transmit data for another three years, Hinshaw said, and a new European probe, which is scheduled to be launched later this year, will complement the WMAP discoveries in the future. The European Planck satellite will be more sensitive and transmit higher-resolution images than the WMAP, Page said."

WMAP gives thumbs-up to cosmology models -
Cosmic 'treasure trove' revealed "trove" | BBC NEWS

The universe is 13.73 ± 0.12 billion years old. That's an uncertainty of only 0.9% now (at the 68-percent confidence level). Astronomy books in your public library probably say the universe is "between 10 and 20" billion years old.
The Hubble constant, the rate of the universe's expansion today, is 70.1 ± 1.3 kilometers per second per megaparsec. Books in your library probably say it's "between 50 and 100." These refinements affect everything else. For instance: - News from Sky & Telescope - A New Day in Precision Cosmology

"Enceladus reflects almost 100 percent of the sunlight that strikes it.
Because Enceladus reflects so much sunlight, the surface temperature is only -201° C (-330° F).
Unlike Mimas, Enceladus displays at least five different types of terrain."
Cassini Enceladus-flyby-Mar2008
Cassini Spacecraft to Dive Into Water Plume of Saturn Moon
03.10.08-- NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make an unprecedented "in your face" flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus on Wed., March 12. "

"NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make an unprecedented "in your face" flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus on Wed., March 12.
› Visit Cassini Section, View Enceladus Blog"

Post List[Enceladus-flyby-Mar2008]

Cassini spacecraft to pass just 50km from the Saturnian moon on Wednesday.
commanding a probe more than a billion km from Earth to fly so close to this 500km-wide moon is no small feat.
The Viking mission may have gone to within 20km of the Martian moon Phobos, but there is nothing in deep Solar System exploration history to compare with the pass being attempted by Cassini.
The spacecraft will be turned to give the prime view to its Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) and its Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA).
"We think the clean water-ice particles are being bounced off the surface and the dirty water-ice particles are coming from inside the moon. This flyby will show us whether this concept is right or wrong."
Cassini to make audacious flyby | BBC NEWS
By Jonathan Amos
Science reporter, BBC News

Cassini Flies Through Watery Plumes Of Saturn's Moon Enceladus
"Mar. 14,"

Cassini Dives Through Ice Geyser Live on | Wired Science from

エンケラドス北極域の画像公開、地史解明に前進 : AFPBB News

Flight Day 2 • Endeavour Thermal Protection System Survey with OBSS • Extravehicular Mobility Unit Checkout • Centerline Camera Installation • Orbiter Docking System Ring Extension • Orbital Maneuvering System Pod Survey • Rendezvous Tools Checkout

Flight Day 3 . Rendezvous with the ISS . Rendezvous Pitch Maneuver Photography by the Expedition 16 Crew . Docking to Harmony/Pressurized Mating Adapter‐2 . Hatch Opening and Welcoming . Station‐to‐Shuttle Power Transfer System (SSPTS) Activation
. Canadarm2 Grapple of Spacelab Pallet containing the Dextre Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) and transfer and mate to the Payload Orbital Replacement Unit Attachment Device (POA) on the Mobile Base System. . Reisman and Eyharts exchange Soyuz seatliners; Reisman joins Expedition 16, Eyharts joins the STS‐123 crew . Extravehicular Activity (EVA) 1 Procedure Review . EVA 1 Campout by Linnehan and Reisman

Flight Day 4 . EVA 1 by Linnehan and Reisman Japanese Experiment Logistics Module‐Pressurized Section (ELM‐PS) unberth preparations, Orbital Replacement Unit and Tool Changeout Mechanism installation on each of Dextre’s two arms . JEM ELM‐PS Grapple, Unberth and Installation on Zenith Port of Harmony

Flight Day 5 . JEM ELM‐PS Ingress Preparations . JEM ELM‐PS Ingress . Canadarm2 Grapple of OBSS and Handoff to Shuttle Robotic Arm . EVA 2 Procedure Review . EVA 2 Campout by Linnehan and Foreman

Flight Day 6 . EVA 2 by Linnehan and Foreman (Dextre assembly) . Dextre Joint and Brake Tests and Diagnostics . JEM ELM‐PS Outfitting

Flight Day 7 . JEM ELM‐PS Racks and Systems Outfitting . Dextre Arm and Brake Tests . EVA 3 Procedure Review . EVA 3 Campout by Linnehan and Behnken

Flight Day 8 . EVA 3 by Linnehan and Behnken (Orbital Replacement Unit stowage, MISSE‐6 lightweight adapter plate assembly installation and transfer of MISSE‐6 experiments to Columbus and Dextre spare part platform and tool handling assembly) . Dextre End Effector Checkout and Calibration

Flight Day 9 . Crew Off Duty Periods . Canadarm2 Grapple of Dextre and Transfer to Power and Data Grapple Fixture on Destiny Laboratory; Dextre’s L.C. Arms are Stowed . T‐RAD EVA Hardware Preparation

Flight Day 10 . Crew Off Duty Periods . EVA 4 Procedure Review . EVA 4 Campout by Foreman and Behnken

Flight Day 11 . EVA 4 by Foreman and Behnken (T‐RAD DTO, Remote Power Control Module replacement including temporary CMG‐2 shutdown and spinup) . Retrieve the JEM TV Electronics Boom from the ELM‐PS

Flight Day 12 . OBSS Inspection of Endeavour’s Heat Shield . Mobile Transporter Move from Worksite 6 to Worksite 4 . EVA 5 Procedure Review . EVA 5 Campout by Foreman and Behnken

Flight Day 13 . EVA 5 by Foreman and Behnken (OBSS stow on station truss, repair and replacement of Destiny Laboratory micrometeoroid debris shields, release of launch locks on Harmony port and nadir Common Berthing Mechanisms) . Installation of Trundle Bearing Assembly 5 in starboard SARJ . SARJ Inspection

Flight Day 14 . Joint Crew News Conference . Crew Off Duty Periods . Rendezvous Tools Checkout . Final Transfers

Flight Day 15 . Final Farewells and Hatch Closing . Undocking . Flyaround of the ISS . Final Separation

Flight Day 16 . Flight Control System Checkout . Reaction Control System Hot‐Fire Test . Cabin Stowage
. European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) PAO Event . Eyharts’ Recumbent Seat Set Up . Crew Deorbit Briefing . Ku‐Band Antenna Stowage

Flight Day 17 . Deorbit Preparations . Payload Bay Door Closing . Deorbit Burn . KSC Landing

YouTubeAPIの拡張を発表--サービスプラットフォームへの転換図る:CNET Japan,2000056023,20369280,00.htm?tag=nl
YouTube、「どこでもYouTube」を可能にする新API公開 - ITmedia News

大塚商会日系企業向けに中国でインターネットVPNサービス |マイコミジャーナル

トランスメタの元共同創設者、インテルに入社へ: - CNET Japan

Microsoft Exchange」のAPI資料に欠落部分が見つかる: - CNET Japan

注意喚起 【LAC|ラック】- 日本をターゲットとしたSQLインジェクションによるホームページ改ざん行為と、同行為により改ざんされたページへのアクセスによるマルウェア感染について

また、今回確認されている攻撃では、ASP(Active Server Pages)を使用して開発されたWebアプリケーションの脆弱(ぜいじゃく)性を悪用しているとする。


石原都知事反論「大王ではない」― スポニチ

猪瀬直樹国交省地方組織、都道府県、観光協会が絡みあう三重行政 - nikkei BPnet

Bibliography of WMAP Science Team Publications
Five Year Data Scientific Papers
The five-year WMAP papers have been submitted to the ApJ Supplement.

WMAP Mission Results
WMAP Reveals Neutrinos, End of Dark Ages, First Second of Universe

New probe data sheds light on dark matter - The Daily Princetonian
"The satellite will likely continue to transmit data for another three years, Hinshaw said, and a new European probe, which is scheduled to be launched later this year, will complement the WMAP discoveries in the future. The European Planck satellite will be more sensitive and transmit higher-resolution images than the WMAP, Page said."

WMAP gives thumbs-up to cosmology models -
Cosmic 'treasure trove' revealed "trove" | BBC NEWS

The universe is 13.73 ± 0.12 billion years old. That's an uncertainty of only 0.9% now (at the 68-percent confidence level). Astronomy books in your public library probably say the universe is "between 10 and 20" billion years old.
The Hubble constant, the rate of the universe's expansion today, is 70.1 ± 1.3 kilometers per second per megaparsec. Books in your library probably say it's "between 50 and 100." These refinements affect everything else. For instance: - News from Sky & Telescope - A New Day in Precision Cosmology

"Enceladus reflects almost 100 percent of the sunlight that strikes it.
Because Enceladus reflects so much sunlight, the surface temperature is only -201° C (-330° F).
Unlike Mimas, Enceladus displays at least five different types of terrain."
Cassini Enceladus-flyby-Mar2008
Cassini Spacecraft to Dive Into Water Plume of Saturn Moon
03.10.08-- NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make an unprecedented "in your face" flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus on Wed., March 12. "

"NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make an unprecedented "in your face" flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus on Wed., March 12.
› Visit Cassini Section, View Enceladus Blog"

Post List[Enceladus-flyby-Mar2008]

Cassini spacecraft to pass just 50km from the Saturnian moon on Wednesday.
commanding a probe more than a billion km from Earth to fly so close to this 500km-wide moon is no small feat.
The Viking mission may have gone to within 20km of the Martian moon Phobos, but there is nothing in deep Solar System exploration history to compare with the pass being attempted by Cassini.
The spacecraft will be turned to give the prime view to its Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) and its Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA).
"We think the clean water-ice particles are being bounced off the surface and the dirty water-ice particles are coming from inside the moon. This flyby will show us whether this concept is right or wrong."
Cassini to make audacious flyby | BBC NEWS
By Jonathan Amos
Science reporter, BBC News

Cassini Flies Through Watery Plumes Of Saturn's Moon Enceladus
"Mar. 14,"

Cassini Dives Through Ice Geyser Live on | Wired Science from

エンケラドス北極域の画像公開、地史解明に前進 : AFPBB News

Flight Day 2 • Endeavour Thermal Protection System Survey with OBSS • Extravehicular Mobility Unit Checkout • Centerline Camera Installation • Orbiter Docking System Ring Extension • Orbital Maneuvering System Pod Survey • Rendezvous Tools Checkout

Flight Day 3 . Rendezvous with the ISS . Rendezvous Pitch Maneuver Photography by the Expedition 16 Crew . Docking to Harmony/Pressurized Mating Adapter‐2 . Hatch Opening and Welcoming . Station‐to‐Shuttle Power Transfer System (SSPTS) Activation
. Canadarm2 Grapple of Spacelab Pallet containing the Dextre Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) and transfer and mate to the Payload Orbital Replacement Unit Attachment Device (POA) on the Mobile Base System. . Reisman and Eyharts exchange Soyuz seatliners; Reisman joins Expedition 16, Eyharts joins the STS‐123 crew . Extravehicular Activity (EVA) 1 Procedure Review . EVA 1 Campout by Linnehan and Reisman

Flight Day 4 . EVA 1 by Linnehan and Reisman Japanese Experiment Logistics Module‐Pressurized Section (ELM‐PS) unberth preparations, Orbital Replacement Unit and Tool Changeout Mechanism installation on each of Dextre’s two arms . JEM ELM‐PS Grapple, Unberth and Installation on Zenith Port of Harmony

Flight Day 5 . JEM ELM‐PS Ingress Preparations . JEM ELM‐PS Ingress . Canadarm2 Grapple of OBSS and Handoff to Shuttle Robotic Arm . EVA 2 Procedure Review . EVA 2 Campout by Linnehan and Foreman

Flight Day 6 . EVA 2 by Linnehan and Foreman (Dextre assembly) . Dextre Joint and Brake Tests and Diagnostics . JEM ELM‐PS Outfitting

Flight Day 7 . JEM ELM‐PS Racks and Systems Outfitting . Dextre Arm and Brake Tests . EVA 3 Procedure Review . EVA 3 Campout by Linnehan and Behnken

Flight Day 8 . EVA 3 by Linnehan and Behnken (Orbital Replacement Unit stowage, MISSE‐6 lightweight adapter plate assembly installation and transfer of MISSE‐6 experiments to Columbus and Dextre spare part platform and tool handling assembly) . Dextre End Effector Checkout and Calibration

Flight Day 9 . Crew Off Duty Periods . Canadarm2 Grapple of Dextre and Transfer to Power and Data Grapple Fixture on Destiny Laboratory; Dextre’s L.C. Arms are Stowed . T‐RAD EVA Hardware Preparation

Flight Day 10 . Crew Off Duty Periods . EVA 4 Procedure Review . EVA 4 Campout by Foreman and Behnken

Flight Day 11 . EVA 4 by Foreman and Behnken (T‐RAD DTO, Remote Power Control Module replacement including temporary CMG‐2 shutdown and spinup) . Retrieve the JEM TV Electronics Boom from the ELM‐PS

Flight Day 12 . OBSS Inspection of Endeavour’s Heat Shield . Mobile Transporter Move from Worksite 6 to Worksite 4 . EVA 5 Procedure Review . EVA 5 Campout by Foreman and Behnken

Flight Day 13 . EVA 5 by Foreman and Behnken (OBSS stow on station truss, repair and replacement of Destiny Laboratory micrometeoroid debris shields, release of launch locks on Harmony port and nadir Common Berthing Mechanisms) . Installation of Trundle Bearing Assembly 5 in starboard SARJ . SARJ Inspection

Flight Day 14 . Joint Crew News Conference . Crew Off Duty Periods . Rendezvous Tools Checkout . Final Transfers

Flight Day 15 . Final Farewells and Hatch Closing . Undocking . Flyaround of the ISS . Final Separation

Flight Day 16 . Flight Control System Checkout . Reaction Control System Hot‐Fire Test . Cabin Stowage
. European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) PAO Event . Eyharts’ Recumbent Seat Set Up . Crew Deorbit Briefing . Ku‐Band Antenna Stowage

Flight Day 17 . Deorbit Preparations . Payload Bay Door Closing . Deorbit Burn . KSC Landing

YouTubeAPIの拡張を発表--サービスプラットフォームへの転換図る:CNET Japan,2000056023,20369280,00.htm?tag=nl
YouTube、「どこでもYouTube」を可能にする新API公開 - ITmedia News

大塚商会日系企業向けに中国でインターネットVPNサービス |マイコミジャーナル

トランスメタの元共同創設者、インテルに入社へ: - CNET Japan

Microsoft Exchange」のAPI資料に欠落部分が見つかる: - CNET Japan

注意喚起 【LAC|ラック】- 日本をターゲットとしたSQLインジェクションによるホームページ改ざん行為と、同行為により改ざんされたページへのアクセスによるマルウェア感染について

また、今回確認されている攻撃では、ASP(Active Server Pages)を使用して開発されたWebアプリケーションの脆弱(ぜいじゃく)性を悪用しているとする。


石原都知事反論「大王ではない」― スポニチ

猪瀬直樹国交省地方組織、都道府県、観光協会が絡みあう三重行政 - nikkei BPnet

Bibliography of WMAP Science Team Publications
Five Year Data Scientific Papers
The five-year WMAP papers have been submitted to the ApJ Supplement.

WMAP Mission Results
WMAP Reveals Neutrinos, End of Dark Ages, First Second of Universe

New probe data sheds light on dark matter - The Daily Princetonian
"The satellite will likely continue to transmit data for another three years, Hinshaw said, and a new European probe, which is scheduled to be launched later this year, will complement the WMAP discoveries in the future. The European Planck satellite will be more sensitive and transmit higher-resolution images than the WMAP, Page said."

WMAP gives thumbs-up to cosmology models -
Cosmic 'treasure trove' revealed "trove" | BBC NEWS

The universe is 13.73 ± 0.12 billion years old. That's an uncertainty of only 0.9% now (at the 68-percent confidence level). Astronomy books in your public library probably say the universe is "between 10 and 20" billion years old.
The Hubble constant, the rate of the universe's expansion today, is 70.1 ± 1.3 kilometers per second per megaparsec. Books in your library probably say it's "between 50 and 100." These refinements affect everything else. For instance: - News from Sky & Telescope - A New Day in Precision Cosmology

"Enceladus reflects almost 100 percent of the sunlight that strikes it.
Because Enceladus reflects so much sunlight, the surface temperature is only -201° C (-330° F).
Unlike Mimas, Enceladus displays at least five different types of terrain."
Cassini Enceladus-flyby-Mar2008
Cassini Spacecraft to Dive Into Water Plume of Saturn Moon
03.10.08-- NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make an unprecedented "in your face" flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus on Wed., March 12. "

"NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make an unprecedented "in your face" flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus on Wed., March 12.
› Visit Cassini Section, View Enceladus Blog"

Post List[Enceladus-flyby-Mar2008]

Cassini spacecraft to pass just 50km from the Saturnian moon on Wednesday.
commanding a probe more than a billion km from Earth to fly so close to this 500km-wide moon is no small feat.
The Viking mission may have gone to within 20km of the Martian moon Phobos, but there is nothing in deep Solar System exploration history to compare with the pass being attempted by Cassini.
The spacecraft will be turned to give the prime view to its Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) and its Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA).
"We think the clean water-ice particles are being bounced off the surface and the dirty water-ice particles are coming from inside the moon. This flyby will show us whether this concept is right or wrong."
Cassini to make audacious flyby | BBC NEWS
By Jonathan Amos
Science reporter, BBC News

Cassini Flies Through Watery Plumes Of Saturn's Moon Enceladus
"Mar. 14,"

Cassini Dives Through Ice Geyser Live on | Wired Science from

エンケラドス北極域の画像公開、地史解明に前進 : AFPBB News

Flight Day 2 • Endeavour Thermal Protection System Survey with OBSS • Extravehicular Mobility Unit Checkout • Centerline Camera Installation • Orbiter Docking System Ring Extension • Orbital Maneuvering System Pod Survey • Rendezvous Tools Checkout

Flight Day 3 . Rendezvous with the ISS . Rendezvous Pitch Maneuver Photography by the Expedition 16 Crew . Docking to Harmony/Pressurized Mating Adapter‐2 . Hatch Opening and Welcoming . Station‐to‐Shuttle Power Transfer System (SSPTS) Activation
. Canadarm2 Grapple of Spacelab Pallet containing the Dextre Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) and transfer and mate to the Payload Orbital Replacement Unit Attachment Device (POA) on the Mobile Base System. . Reisman and Eyharts exchange Soyuz seatliners; Reisman joins Expedition 16, Eyharts joins the STS‐123 crew . Extravehicular Activity (EVA) 1 Procedure Review . EVA 1 Campout by Linnehan and Reisman

Flight Day 4 . EVA 1 by Linnehan and Reisman Japanese Experiment Logistics Module‐Pressurized Section (ELM‐PS) unberth preparations, Orbital Replacement Unit and Tool Changeout Mechanism installation on each of Dextre’s two arms . JEM ELM‐PS Grapple, Unberth and Installation on Zenith Port of Harmony

Flight Day 5 . JEM ELM‐PS Ingress Preparations . JEM ELM‐PS Ingress . Canadarm2 Grapple of OBSS and Handoff to Shuttle Robotic Arm . EVA 2 Procedure Review . EVA 2 Campout by Linnehan and Foreman

Flight Day 6 . EVA 2 by Linnehan and Foreman (Dextre assembly) . Dextre Joint and Brake Tests and Diagnostics . JEM ELM‐PS Outfitting

Flight Day 7 . JEM ELM‐PS Racks and Systems Outfitting . Dextre Arm and Brake Tests . EVA 3 Procedure Review . EVA 3 Campout by Linnehan and Behnken

Flight Day 8 . EVA 3 by Linnehan and Behnken (Orbital Replacement Unit stowage, MISSE‐6 lightweight adapter plate assembly installation and transfer of MISSE‐6 experiments to Columbus and Dextre spare part platform and tool handling assembly) . Dextre End Effector Checkout and Calibration

Flight Day 9 . Crew Off Duty Periods . Canadarm2 Grapple of Dextre and Transfer to Power and Data Grapple Fixture on Destiny Laboratory; Dextre’s L.C. Arms are Stowed . T‐RAD EVA Hardware Preparation

Flight Day 10 . Crew Off Duty Periods . EVA 4 Procedure Review . EVA 4 Campout by Foreman and Behnken

Flight Day 11 . EVA 4 by Foreman and Behnken (T‐RAD DTO, Remote Power Control Module replacement including temporary CMG‐2 shutdown and spinup) . Retrieve the JEM TV Electronics Boom from the ELM‐PS

Flight Day 12 . OBSS Inspection of Endeavour’s Heat Shield . Mobile Transporter Move from Worksite 6 to Worksite 4 . EVA 5 Procedure Review . EVA 5 Campout by Foreman and Behnken

Flight Day 13 . EVA 5 by Foreman and Behnken (OBSS stow on station truss, repair and replacement of Destiny Laboratory micrometeoroid debris shields, release of launch locks on Harmony port and nadir Common Berthing Mechanisms) . Installation of Trundle Bearing Assembly 5 in starboard SARJ . SARJ Inspection

Flight Day 14 . Joint Crew News Conference . Crew Off Duty Periods . Rendezvous Tools Checkout . Final Transfers

Flight Day 15 . Final Farewells and Hatch Closing . Undocking . Flyaround of the ISS . Final Separation

Flight Day 16 . Flight Control System Checkout . Reaction Control System Hot‐Fire Test . Cabin Stowage
. European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) PAO Event . Eyharts’ Recumbent Seat Set Up . Crew Deorbit Briefing . Ku‐Band Antenna Stowage

Flight Day 17 . Deorbit Preparations . Payload Bay Door Closing . Deorbit Burn . KSC Landing

YouTubeAPIの拡張を発表--サービスプラットフォームへの転換図る:CNET Japan,2000056023,20369280,00.htm?tag=nl
YouTube、「どこでもYouTube」を可能にする新API公開 - ITmedia News

大塚商会日系企業向けに中国でインターネットVPNサービス |マイコミジャーナル

トランスメタの元共同創設者、インテルに入社へ: - CNET Japan

Microsoft Exchange」のAPI資料に欠落部分が見つかる: - CNET Japan

注意喚起 【LAC|ラック】- 日本をターゲットとしたSQLインジェクションによるホームページ改ざん行為と、同行為により改ざんされたページへのアクセスによるマルウェア感染について

また、今回確認されている攻撃では、ASP(Active Server Pages)を使用して開発されたWebアプリケーションの脆弱(ぜいじゃく)性を悪用しているとする。


石原都知事反論「大王ではない」― スポニチ

猪瀬直樹国交省地方組織、都道府県、観光協会が絡みあう三重行政 - nikkei BPnet

Bibliography of WMAP Science Team Publications
Five Year Data Scientific Papers
The five-year WMAP papers have been submitted to the ApJ Supplement.

WMAP Mission Results
WMAP Reveals Neutrinos, End of Dark Ages, First Second of Universe

New probe data sheds light on dark matter - The Daily Princetonian
"The satellite will likely continue to transmit data for another three years, Hinshaw said, and a new European probe, which is scheduled to be launched later this year, will complement the WMAP discoveries in the future. The European Planck satellite will be more sensitive and transmit higher-resolution images than the WMAP, Page said."

WMAP gives thumbs-up to cosmology models -
Cosmic 'treasure trove' revealed "trove" | BBC NEWS

The universe is 13.73 ± 0.12 billion years old. That's an uncertainty of only 0.9% now (at the 68-percent confidence level). Astronomy books in your public library probably say the universe is "between 10 and 20" billion years old.
The Hubble constant, the rate of the universe's expansion today, is 70.1 ± 1.3 kilometers per second per megaparsec. Books in your library probably say it's "between 50 and 100." These refinements affect everything else. For instance: - News from Sky & Telescope - A New Day in Precision Cosmology

"Enceladus reflects almost 100 percent of the sunlight that strikes it.
Because Enceladus reflects so much sunlight, the surface temperature is only -201° C (-330° F).
Unlike Mimas, Enceladus displays at least five different types of terrain."
Cassini Enceladus-flyby-Mar2008
Cassini Spacecraft to Dive Into Water Plume of Saturn Moon
03.10.08-- NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make an unprecedented "in your face" flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus on Wed., March 12. "

"NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make an unprecedented "in your face" flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus on Wed., March 12.
› Visit Cassini Section, View Enceladus Blog"

Post List[Enceladus-flyby-Mar2008]

Cassini spacecraft to pass just 50km from the Saturnian moon on Wednesday.
commanding a probe more than a billion km from Earth to fly so close to this 500km-wide moon is no small feat.
The Viking mission may have gone to within 20km of the Martian moon Phobos, but there is nothing in deep Solar System exploration history to compare with the pass being attempted by Cassini.
The spacecraft will be turned to give the prime view to its Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) and its Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA).
"We think the clean water-ice particles are being bounced off the surface and the dirty water-ice particles are coming from inside the moon. This flyby will show us whether this concept is right or wrong."
Cassini to make audacious flyby | BBC NEWS
By Jonathan Amos
Science reporter, BBC News

Cassini Flies Through Watery Plumes Of Saturn's Moon Enceladus
"Mar. 14,"

Cassini Dives Through Ice Geyser Live on | Wired Science from

エンケラドス北極域の画像公開、地史解明に前進 : AFPBB News

Flight Day 2 • Endeavour Thermal Protection System Survey with OBSS • Extravehicular Mobility Unit Checkout • Centerline Camera Installation • Orbiter Docking System Ring Extension • Orbital Maneuvering System Pod Survey • Rendezvous Tools Checkout

Flight Day 3 . Rendezvous with the ISS . Rendezvous Pitch Maneuver Photography by the Expedition 16 Crew . Docking to Harmony/Pressurized Mating Adapter‐2 . Hatch Opening and Welcoming . Station‐to‐Shuttle Power Transfer System (SSPTS) Activation
. Canadarm2 Grapple of Spacelab Pallet containing the Dextre Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) and transfer and mate to the Payload Orbital Replacement Unit Attachment Device (POA) on the Mobile Base System. . Reisman and Eyharts exchange Soyuz seatliners; Reisman joins Expedition 16, Eyharts joins the STS‐123 crew . Extravehicular Activity (EVA) 1 Procedure Review . EVA 1 Campout by Linnehan and Reisman

Flight Day 4 . EVA 1 by Linnehan and Reisman Japanese Experiment Logistics Module‐Pressurized Section (ELM‐PS) unberth preparations, Orbital Replacement Unit and Tool Changeout Mechanism installation on each of Dextre’s two arms . JEM ELM‐PS Grapple, Unberth and Installation on Zenith Port of Harmony

Flight Day 5 . JEM ELM‐PS Ingress Preparations . JEM ELM‐PS Ingress . Canadarm2 Grapple of OBSS and Handoff to Shuttle Robotic Arm . EVA 2 Procedure Review . EVA 2 Campout by Linnehan and Foreman

Flight Day 6 . EVA 2 by Linnehan and Foreman (Dextre assembly) . Dextre Joint and Brake Tests and Diagnostics . JEM ELM‐PS Outfitting

Flight Day 7 . JEM ELM‐PS Racks and Systems Outfitting . Dextre Arm and Brake Tests . EVA 3 Procedure Review . EVA 3 Campout by Linnehan and Behnken

Flight Day 8 . EVA 3 by Linnehan and Behnken (Orbital Replacement Unit stowage, MISSE‐6 lightweight adapter plate assembly installation and transfer of MISSE‐6 experiments to Columbus and Dextre spare part platform and tool handling assembly) . Dextre End Effector Checkout and Calibration

Flight Day 9 . Crew Off Duty Periods . Canadarm2 Grapple of Dextre and Transfer to Power and Data Grapple Fixture on Destiny Laboratory; Dextre’s L.C. Arms are Stowed . T‐RAD EVA Hardware Preparation

Flight Day 10 . Crew Off Duty Periods . EVA 4 Procedure Review . EVA 4 Campout by Foreman and Behnken

Flight Day 11 . EVA 4 by Foreman and Behnken (T‐RAD DTO, Remote Power Control Module replacement including temporary CMG‐2 shutdown and spinup) . Retrieve the JEM TV Electronics Boom from the ELM‐PS

Flight Day 12 . OBSS Inspection of Endeavour’s Heat Shield . Mobile Transporter Move from Worksite 6 to Worksite 4 . EVA 5 Procedure Review . EVA 5 Campout by Foreman and Behnken

Flight Day 13 . EVA 5 by Foreman and Behnken (OBSS stow on station truss, repair and replacement of Destiny Laboratory micrometeoroid debris shields, release of launch locks on Harmony port and nadir Common Berthing Mechanisms) . Installation of Trundle Bearing Assembly 5 in starboard SARJ . SARJ Inspection

Flight Day 14 . Joint Crew News Conference . Crew Off Duty Periods . Rendezvous Tools Checkout . Final Transfers

Flight Day 15 . Final Farewells and Hatch Closing . Undocking . Flyaround of the ISS . Final Separation

Flight Day 16 . Flight Control System Checkout . Reaction Control System Hot‐Fire Test . Cabin Stowage
. European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) PAO Event . Eyharts’ Recumbent Seat Set Up . Crew Deorbit Briefing . Ku‐Band Antenna Stowage

Flight Day 17 . Deorbit Preparations . Payload Bay Door Closing . Deorbit Burn . KSC Landing

YouTubeAPIの拡張を発表--サービスプラットフォームへの転換図る:CNET Japan,2000056023,20369280,00.htm?tag=nl
YouTube、「どこでもYouTube」を可能にする新API公開 - ITmedia News

大塚商会日系企業向けに中国でインターネットVPNサービス |マイコミジャーナル

トランスメタの元共同創設者、インテルに入社へ: - CNET Japan

Microsoft Exchange」のAPI資料に欠落部分が見つかる: - CNET Japan

注意喚起 【LAC|ラック】- 日本をターゲットとしたSQLインジェクションによるホームページ改ざん行為と、同行為により改ざんされたページへのアクセスによるマルウェア感染について

また、今回確認されている攻撃では、ASP(Active Server Pages)を使用して開発されたWebアプリケーションの脆弱(ぜいじゃく)性を悪用しているとする。


石原都知事反論「大王ではない」― スポニチ

猪瀬直樹国交省地方組織、都道府県、観光協会が絡みあう三重行政 - nikkei BPnet

Bibliography of WMAP Science Team Publications
Five Year Data Scientific Papers
The five-year WMAP papers have been submitted to the ApJ Supplement.

WMAP Mission Results
WMAP Reveals Neutrinos, End of Dark Ages, First Second of Universe

New probe data sheds light on dark matter - The Daily Princetonian
"The satellite will likely continue to transmit data for another three years, Hinshaw said, and a new European probe, which is scheduled to be launched later this year, will complement the WMAP discoveries in the future. The European Planck satellite will be more sensitive and transmit higher-resolution images than the WMAP, Page said."

WMAP gives thumbs-up to cosmology models -
Cosmic 'treasure trove' revealed "trove" | BBC NEWS

The universe is 13.73 ± 0.12 billion years old. That's an uncertainty of only 0.9% now (at the 68-percent confidence level). Astronomy books in your public library probably say the universe is "between 10 and 20" billion years old.
The Hubble constant, the rate of the universe's expansion today, is 70.1 ± 1.3 kilometers per second per megaparsec. Books in your library probably say it's "between 50 and 100." These refinements affect everything else. For instance: - News from Sky & Telescope - A New Day in Precision Cosmology

"Enceladus reflects almost 100 percent of the sunlight that strikes it.
Because Enceladus reflects so much sunlight, the surface temperature is only -201° C (-330° F).
Unlike Mimas, Enceladus displays at least five different types of terrain."
Cassini Enceladus-flyby-Mar2008
Cassini Spacecraft to Dive Into Water Plume of Saturn Moon
03.10.08-- NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make an unprecedented "in your face" flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus on Wed., March 12. "

"NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make an unprecedented "in your face" flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus on Wed., March 12.
› Visit Cassini Section, View Enceladus Blog"

Post List[Enceladus-flyby-Mar2008]

Cassini spacecraft to pass just 50km from the Saturnian moon on Wednesday.
commanding a probe more than a billion km from Earth to fly so close to this 500km-wide moon is no small feat.
The Viking mission may have gone to within 20km of the Martian moon Phobos, but there is nothing in deep Solar System exploration history to compare with the pass being attempted by Cassini.
The spacecraft will be turned to give the prime view to its Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) and its Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA).
"We think the clean water-ice particles are being bounced off the surface and the dirty water-ice particles are coming from inside the moon. This flyby will show us whether this concept is right or wrong."
Cassini to make audacious flyby | BBC NEWS
By Jonathan Amos
Science reporter, BBC News

Cassini Flies Through Watery Plumes Of Saturn's Moon Enceladus
"Mar. 14,"

Cassini Dives Through Ice Geyser Live on | Wired Science from

エンケラドス北極域の画像公開、地史解明に前進 : AFPBB News

Flight Day 2 • Endeavour Thermal Protection System Survey with OBSS • Extravehicular Mobility Unit Checkout • Centerline Camera Installation • Orbiter Docking System Ring Extension • Orbital Maneuvering System Pod Survey • Rendezvous Tools Checkout

Flight Day 3 . Rendezvous with the ISS . Rendezvous Pitch Maneuver Photography by the Expedition 16 Crew . Docking to Harmony/Pressurized Mating Adapter‐2 . Hatch Opening and Welcoming . Station‐to‐Shuttle Power Transfer System (SSPTS) Activation
. Canadarm2 Grapple of Spacelab Pallet containing the Dextre Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) and transfer and mate to the Payload Orbital Replacement Unit Attachment Device (POA) on the Mobile Base System. . Reisman and Eyharts exchange Soyuz seatliners; Reisman joins Expedition 16, Eyharts joins the STS‐123 crew . Extravehicular Activity (EVA) 1 Procedure Review . EVA 1 Campout by Linnehan and Reisman

Flight Day 4 . EVA 1 by Linnehan and Reisman Japanese Experiment Logistics Module‐Pressurized Section (ELM‐PS) unberth preparations, Orbital Replacement Unit and Tool Changeout Mechanism installation on each of Dextre’s two arms . JEM ELM‐PS Grapple, Unberth and Installation on Zenith Port of Harmony

Flight Day 5 . JEM ELM‐PS Ingress Preparations . JEM ELM‐PS Ingress . Canadarm2 Grapple of OBSS and Handoff to Shuttle Robotic Arm . EVA 2 Procedure Review . EVA 2 Campout by Linnehan and Foreman

Flight Day 6 . EVA 2 by Linnehan and Foreman (Dextre assembly) . Dextre Joint and Brake Tests and Diagnostics . JEM ELM‐PS Outfitting

Flight Day 7 . JEM ELM‐PS Racks and Systems Outfitting . Dextre Arm and Brake Tests . EVA 3 Procedure Review . EVA 3 Campout by Linnehan and Behnken

Flight Day 8 . EVA 3 by Linnehan and Behnken (Orbital Replacement Unit stowage, MISSE‐6 lightweight adapter plate assembly installation and transfer of MISSE‐6 experiments to Columbus and Dextre spare part platform and tool handling assembly) . Dextre End Effector Checkout and Calibration

Flight Day 9 . Crew Off Duty Periods . Canadarm2 Grapple of Dextre and Transfer to Power and Data Grapple Fixture on Destiny Laboratory; Dextre’s L.C. Arms are Stowed . T‐RAD EVA Hardware Preparation

Flight Day 10 . Crew Off Duty Periods . EVA 4 Procedure Review . EVA 4 Campout by Foreman and Behnken

Flight Day 11 . EVA 4 by Foreman and Behnken (T‐RAD DTO, Remote Power Control Module replacement including temporary CMG‐2 shutdown and spinup) . Retrieve the JEM TV Electronics Boom from the ELM‐PS

Flight Day 12 . OBSS Inspection of Endeavour’s Heat Shield . Mobile Transporter Move from Worksite 6 to Worksite 4 . EVA 5 Procedure Review . EVA 5 Campout by Foreman and Behnken

Flight Day 13 . EVA 5 by Foreman and Behnken (OBSS stow on station truss, repair and replacement of Destiny Laboratory micrometeoroid debris shields, release of launch locks on Harmony port and nadir Common Berthing Mechanisms) . Installation of Trundle Bearing Assembly 5 in starboard SARJ . SARJ Inspection

Flight Day 14 . Joint Crew News Conference . Crew Off Duty Periods . Rendezvous Tools Checkout . Final Transfers

Flight Day 15 . Final Farewells and Hatch Closing . Undocking . Flyaround of the ISS . Final Separation

Flight Day 16 . Flight Control System Checkout . Reaction Control System Hot‐Fire Test . Cabin Stowage
. European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) PAO Event . Eyharts’ Recumbent Seat Set Up . Crew Deorbit Briefing . Ku‐Band Antenna Stowage

Flight Day 17 . Deorbit Preparations . Payload Bay Door Closing . Deorbit Burn . KSC Landing

YouTubeAPIの拡張を発表--サービスプラットフォームへの転換図る:CNET Japan,2000056023,20369280,00.htm?tag=nl
YouTube、「どこでもYouTube」を可能にする新API公開 - ITmedia News

大塚商会日系企業向けに中国でインターネットVPNサービス |マイコミジャーナル