

NASAずっと予算不足ぅ 中国が頑張らなれば予算が増えない皮肉

実は 中国の頑張りにかかっている皮肉

Senator Bill Nelsonについて
He was a Payload Specialist on Space Shuttle Columbia's STS-61-C mission from January 12–18. Ten days after his return, on January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after lift-off. Nelson was originally scheduled to be on that fateful Challenger flight, but a scheduling conflict bumped him to an earlier launch.
SPACE FLIGHT EXPERIENCE: STS-61C Columbia (January 12-18, 1986)
Payload Specialist Astronaut Bio: Bill Nelson
"Clarence William "Bill" Nelson (born September 29, 1942) is the senior U.S. Senator from Florida, Nelson is a member of the Democratic Party. Nelson became the second sitting member of the United States Congress to fly in space when he flew aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia as a Payload Specialist during NASA mission STS-61-C (January 12–18, 1986)."

November 15, Thursday
10 a.m. – Senate Commerce Subcommittee Hearing on Issues Facing US Space Program After the Retirement of the Space Shuttle

再々確認させられ 悲しいが(~_~;)

NASA Administrator Michael Griffin testifies before the Senate Space, Aeronautics, and Related Agencies Subcommittee, 15 Nov 2007
人のよさげなNASA長官 いつも公聴会だと被告人みたいでかわいそうではある
Chinaは NASAが月に戻る前に、有人月着陸できる力量がある(~_~;)

Orion is scheduled to make its first flight with a crew in March 2015, he said. That could be moved up to as early as September 2013, he said, if the project received more money.
The lawmakers said they were not optimistic about the acquiring of more money, however. Ms. Hutchison said that she, Mr. Nelson and Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, Democrat of Maryland, had introduced a measure to provide

an additional $1 billion, but that the proposal was not gathering support.


Gap in U.S. Access to Space Station Is a Concern - New York Times
"Senator Bill Nelson, the Florida Democrat who leads the Senate subcommittee on space, which oversees the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, said he was concerned about the gap before the launching of the shuttle’s replacement, the Orion crew vehicle, in 2015.

This gap gives Americans no independent access to the $60 billion space station that they are largely paying for, he told a subcommittee hearing. It also gives Russia, whose leader, Vladimir V. Putin, is increasingly challenging American interests, greater influence over the joint project.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, the ranking Republican on the subcommittee, agreed with Mr. Nelson and asked what the reaction would be if a deepening chill in relations between the nations were to bar American access to space. “The American people will wake up and say, ‘What happened?’” she said.

NASA’s administrator, Michael D. Griffin, said that he, too, did not care for the plan but that it was the best alternative the United States had, given a NASA budget constrained by tight federal spending and the need to use shuttle money to develop Orion and its launching vehicle."

VOA News - US Lawmakers Grill Space Agency on Plans for Shuttle Retirement
"But NASA says the successor, called the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle, will not be ready to go into service until 2015. In other words, there will be a five-year gap".

予算さえあればMarch 2015でなく September 2013なのに(爆)
あとシャトル退役後の 雇用者失業問題

NASA seeks $2B to hasten shuttle successor --
"NASA needs $2 billion more during the next three years, agency officials said Thursday.
The money would allow NASA to advance the launch of the first Constellation mission to September 2013, rather than the current March 2015 projection.
NASA Administrator Michael Griffin acknowledged, it might not prevent the loss of as many as 5,000 workers at Kennedy Space Center after the space shuttle stops flying in 2010.",0,7401075.story


NASA - 10.31.07 - Testimony Before the House Science Committee "
Testimony by NASA Administrator Mike Griffin: The Space Program after The Shuttle is retired | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens
"Statement of Michael D. Griffin NASA before the Subcommittee on Space, Aeronautics, and Related Sciences Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation United States Senate"
Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV)の部分のみ 以下
The HTV has completed its critical design review and is scheduled for demonstration in the mid-2009 period. The cargo capacity will be approximately 5.5 Mt and the lead-time to production is estimated to be three to four years. Japanese plans currently call for a production capacity of one HTV per year. This rate corresponds to Japan's commitment to fly one HTV per year over the period 2009 - 2015.
A portion of the HTV cargo capacity is owed to the ISS program based on Japan's share of common system operations costs and prior barter arrangements. This cargo capacity is important since it has already been factored into the ISS baseline program for cargo supply.


ロシア上院、欧州通常戦力条約の履行停止を可決 : AFPBB News
"【11月16日 AFP】ロシア連邦会議(上院)は16日、欧州地域での通常兵器の上限を定めた欧州通常戦力(Conventional Forces in Europe、CFE)条約の履行停止法案を満場一致で可決した。

米軍収容所の運営マニュアル、ネットに流出 - ITmedia News


普天間代替 沖縄防衛局、進入灯設計を告示 琉球新報




「3500ドルでお腹の脂肪を除去」:人気ラッパーの母急死に見る、整形手術の危険性 | WIRED VISION
"人気ラッパー、Kanye West(カニエ・ウェスト)氏の母親でマネージャーでもあった有名人Dondaさん(58歳)が、美容整形手術を受けた翌日に急死した。この事件は、腹部の脂肪や皮膚のたるみを除去する整形手術を検討している人たちへの警告となるはずだと


「Real Player 11」日本語版正式リリース - ITmedia News

mixiはなぜ、独り勝ちできたのか 笠原社長が語る - ITmedia News

11月17日(土)よる 7時00分〜 8時54分

実は 中国の頑張りにかかっている皮肉

Senator Bill Nelsonについて
He was a Payload Specialist on Space Shuttle Columbia's STS-61-C mission from January 12–18. Ten days after his return, on January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after lift-off. Nelson was originally scheduled to be on that fateful Challenger flight, but a scheduling conflict bumped him to an earlier launch.
SPACE FLIGHT EXPERIENCE: STS-61C Columbia (January 12-18, 1986)
Payload Specialist Astronaut Bio: Bill Nelson
"Clarence William "Bill" Nelson (born September 29, 1942) is the senior U.S. Senator from Florida, Nelson is a member of the Democratic Party. Nelson became the second sitting member of the United States Congress to fly in space when he flew aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia as a Payload Specialist during NASA mission STS-61-C (January 12–18, 1986)."

November 15, Thursday
10 a.m. – Senate Commerce Subcommittee Hearing on Issues Facing US Space Program After the Retirement of the Space Shuttle

再々確認させられ 悲しいが(~_~;)

NASA Administrator Michael Griffin testifies before the Senate Space, Aeronautics, and Related Agencies Subcommittee, 15 Nov 2007
人のよさげなNASA長官 いつも公聴会だと被告人みたいでかわいそうではある
Chinaは NASAが月に戻る前に、有人月着陸できる力量がある(~_~;)

Orion is scheduled to make its first flight with a crew in March 2015, he said. That could be moved up to as early as September 2013, he said, if the project received more money.
The lawmakers said they were not optimistic about the acquiring of more money, however. Ms. Hutchison said that she, Mr. Nelson and Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, Democrat of Maryland, had introduced a measure to provide

an additional $1 billion, but that the proposal was not gathering support.


Gap in U.S. Access to Space Station Is a Concern - New York Times
"Senator Bill Nelson, the Florida Democrat who leads the Senate subcommittee on space, which oversees the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, said he was concerned about the gap before the launching of the shuttle’s replacement, the Orion crew vehicle, in 2015.

This gap gives Americans no independent access to the $60 billion space station that they are largely paying for, he told a subcommittee hearing. It also gives Russia, whose leader, Vladimir V. Putin, is increasingly challenging American interests, greater influence over the joint project.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, the ranking Republican on the subcommittee, agreed with Mr. Nelson and asked what the reaction would be if a deepening chill in relations between the nations were to bar American access to space. “The American people will wake up and say, ‘What happened?’” she said.

NASA’s administrator, Michael D. Griffin, said that he, too, did not care for the plan but that it was the best alternative the United States had, given a NASA budget constrained by tight federal spending and the need to use shuttle money to develop Orion and its launching vehicle."

VOA News - US Lawmakers Grill Space Agency on Plans for Shuttle Retirement
"But NASA says the successor, called the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle, will not be ready to go into service until 2015. In other words, there will be a five-year gap".

予算さえあればMarch 2015でなく September 2013なのに(爆)
あとシャトル退役後の 雇用者失業問題

NASA seeks $2B to hasten shuttle successor --
"NASA needs $2 billion more during the next three years, agency officials said Thursday.
The money would allow NASA to advance the launch of the first Constellation mission to September 2013, rather than the current March 2015 projection.
NASA Administrator Michael Griffin acknowledged, it might not prevent the loss of as many as 5,000 workers at Kennedy Space Center after the space shuttle stops flying in 2010.",0,7401075.story


NASA - 10.31.07 - Testimony Before the House Science Committee "
Testimony by NASA Administrator Mike Griffin: The Space Program after The Shuttle is retired | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens
"Statement of Michael D. Griffin NASA before the Subcommittee on Space, Aeronautics, and Related Sciences Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation United States Senate"
Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV)の部分のみ 以下
The HTV has completed its critical design review and is scheduled for demonstration in the mid-2009 period. The cargo capacity will be approximately 5.5 Mt and the lead-time to production is estimated to be three to four years. Japanese plans currently call for a production capacity of one HTV per year. This rate corresponds to Japan's commitment to fly one HTV per year over the period 2009 - 2015.
A portion of the HTV cargo capacity is owed to the ISS program based on Japan's share of common system operations costs and prior barter arrangements. This cargo capacity is important since it has already been factored into the ISS baseline program for cargo supply.


ロシア上院、欧州通常戦力条約の履行停止を可決 : AFPBB News
"【11月16日 AFP】ロシア連邦会議(上院)は16日、欧州地域での通常兵器の上限を定めた欧州通常戦力(Conventional Forces in Europe、CFE)条約の履行停止法案を満場一致で可決した。

米軍収容所の運営マニュアル、ネットに流出 - ITmedia News


普天間代替 沖縄防衛局、進入灯設計を告示 琉球新報




「3500ドルでお腹の脂肪を除去」:人気ラッパーの母急死に見る、整形手術の危険性 | WIRED VISION
"人気ラッパー、Kanye West(カニエ・ウェスト)氏の母親でマネージャーでもあった有名人Dondaさん(58歳)が、美容整形手術を受けた翌日に急死した。この事件は、腹部の脂肪や皮膚のたるみを除去する整形手術を検討している人たちへの警告となるはずだと


「Real Player 11」日本語版正式リリース - ITmedia News

mixiはなぜ、独り勝ちできたのか 笠原社長が語る - ITmedia News

11月17日(土)よる 7時00分〜 8時54分

実は 中国の頑張りにかかっている皮肉

Senator Bill Nelsonについて
He was a Payload Specialist on Space Shuttle Columbia's STS-61-C mission from January 12–18. Ten days after his return, on January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after lift-off. Nelson was originally scheduled to be on that fateful Challenger flight, but a scheduling conflict bumped him to an earlier launch.
SPACE FLIGHT EXPERIENCE: STS-61C Columbia (January 12-18, 1986)
Payload Specialist Astronaut Bio: Bill Nelson
"Clarence William "Bill" Nelson (born September 29, 1942) is the senior U.S. Senator from Florida, Nelson is a member of the Democratic Party. Nelson became the second sitting member of the United States Congress to fly in space when he flew aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia as a Payload Specialist during NASA mission STS-61-C (January 12–18, 1986)."

November 15, Thursday
10 a.m. – Senate Commerce Subcommittee Hearing on Issues Facing US Space Program After the Retirement of the Space Shuttle

再々確認させられ 悲しいが(~_~;)

NASA Administrator Michael Griffin testifies before the Senate Space, Aeronautics, and Related Agencies Subcommittee, 15 Nov 2007
人のよさげなNASA長官 いつも公聴会だと被告人みたいでかわいそうではある
Chinaは NASAが月に戻る前に、有人月着陸できる力量がある(~_~;)

Orion is scheduled to make its first flight with a crew in March 2015, he said. That could be moved up to as early as September 2013, he said, if the project received more money.
The lawmakers said they were not optimistic about the acquiring of more money, however. Ms. Hutchison said that she, Mr. Nelson and Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, Democrat of Maryland, had introduced a measure to provide

an additional $1 billion, but that the proposal was not gathering support.


Gap in U.S. Access to Space Station Is a Concern - New York Times
"Senator Bill Nelson, the Florida Democrat who leads the Senate subcommittee on space, which oversees the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, said he was concerned about the gap before the launching of the shuttle’s replacement, the Orion crew vehicle, in 2015.

This gap gives Americans no independent access to the $60 billion space station that they are largely paying for, he told a subcommittee hearing. It also gives Russia, whose leader, Vladimir V. Putin, is increasingly challenging American interests, greater influence over the joint project.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, the ranking Republican on the subcommittee, agreed with Mr. Nelson and asked what the reaction would be if a deepening chill in relations between the nations were to bar American access to space. “The American people will wake up and say, ‘What happened?’” she said.

NASA’s administrator, Michael D. Griffin, said that he, too, did not care for the plan but that it was the best alternative the United States had, given a NASA budget constrained by tight federal spending and the need to use shuttle money to develop Orion and its launching vehicle."

VOA News - US Lawmakers Grill Space Agency on Plans for Shuttle Retirement
"But NASA says the successor, called the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle, will not be ready to go into service until 2015. In other words, there will be a five-year gap".

予算さえあればMarch 2015でなく September 2013なのに(爆)
あとシャトル退役後の 雇用者失業問題

NASA seeks $2B to hasten shuttle successor --
"NASA needs $2 billion more during the next three years, agency officials said Thursday.
The money would allow NASA to advance the launch of the first Constellation mission to September 2013, rather than the current March 2015 projection.
NASA Administrator Michael Griffin acknowledged, it might not prevent the loss of as many as 5,000 workers at Kennedy Space Center after the space shuttle stops flying in 2010.",0,7401075.story


NASA - 10.31.07 - Testimony Before the House Science Committee "
Testimony by NASA Administrator Mike Griffin: The Space Program after The Shuttle is retired | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens
"Statement of Michael D. Griffin NASA before the Subcommittee on Space, Aeronautics, and Related Sciences Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation United States Senate"
Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV)の部分のみ 以下
The HTV has completed its critical design review and is scheduled for demonstration in the mid-2009 period. The cargo capacity will be approximately 5.5 Mt and the lead-time to production is estimated to be three to four years. Japanese plans currently call for a production capacity of one HTV per year. This rate corresponds to Japan's commitment to fly one HTV per year over the period 2009 - 2015.
A portion of the HTV cargo capacity is owed to the ISS program based on Japan's share of common system operations costs and prior barter arrangements. This cargo capacity is important since it has already been factored into the ISS baseline program for cargo supply.


ロシア上院、欧州通常戦力条約の履行停止を可決 : AFPBB News
"【11月16日 AFP】ロシア連邦会議(上院)は16日、欧州地域での通常兵器の上限を定めた欧州通常戦力(Conventional Forces in Europe、CFE)条約の履行停止法案を満場一致で可決した。

米軍収容所の運営マニュアル、ネットに流出 - ITmedia News


普天間代替 沖縄防衛局、進入灯設計を告示 琉球新報




「3500ドルでお腹の脂肪を除去」:人気ラッパーの母急死に見る、整形手術の危険性 | WIRED VISION
"人気ラッパー、Kanye West(カニエ・ウェスト)氏の母親でマネージャーでもあった有名人Dondaさん(58歳)が、美容整形手術を受けた翌日に急死した。この事件は、腹部の脂肪や皮膚のたるみを除去する整形手術を検討している人たちへの警告となるはずだと


「Real Player 11」日本語版正式リリース - ITmedia News

mixiはなぜ、独り勝ちできたのか 笠原社長が語る - ITmedia News

11月17日(土)よる 7時00分〜 8時54分

実は 中国の頑張りにかかっている皮肉

Senator Bill Nelsonについて
He was a Payload Specialist on Space Shuttle Columbia's STS-61-C mission from January 12–18. Ten days after his return, on January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after lift-off. Nelson was originally scheduled to be on that fateful Challenger flight, but a scheduling conflict bumped him to an earlier launch.
SPACE FLIGHT EXPERIENCE: STS-61C Columbia (January 12-18, 1986)
Payload Specialist Astronaut Bio: Bill Nelson
"Clarence William "Bill" Nelson (born September 29, 1942) is the senior U.S. Senator from Florida, Nelson is a member of the Democratic Party. Nelson became the second sitting member of the United States Congress to fly in space when he flew aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia as a Payload Specialist during NASA mission STS-61-C (January 12–18, 1986)."

November 15, Thursday
10 a.m. – Senate Commerce Subcommittee Hearing on Issues Facing US Space Program After the Retirement of the Space Shuttle

再々確認させられ 悲しいが(~_~;)

NASA Administrator Michael Griffin testifies before the Senate Space, Aeronautics, and Related Agencies Subcommittee, 15 Nov 2007
人のよさげなNASA長官 いつも公聴会だと被告人みたいでかわいそうではある
Chinaは NASAが月に戻る前に、有人月着陸できる力量がある(~_~;)

Orion is scheduled to make its first flight with a crew in March 2015, he said. That could be moved up to as early as September 2013, he said, if the project received more money.
The lawmakers said they were not optimistic about the acquiring of more money, however. Ms. Hutchison said that she, Mr. Nelson and Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, Democrat of Maryland, had introduced a measure to provide

an additional $1 billion, but that the proposal was not gathering support.


Gap in U.S. Access to Space Station Is a Concern - New York Times
"Senator Bill Nelson, the Florida Democrat who leads the Senate subcommittee on space, which oversees the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, said he was concerned about the gap before the launching of the shuttle’s replacement, the Orion crew vehicle, in 2015.

This gap gives Americans no independent access to the $60 billion space station that they are largely paying for, he told a subcommittee hearing. It also gives Russia, whose leader, Vladimir V. Putin, is increasingly challenging American interests, greater influence over the joint project.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, the ranking Republican on the subcommittee, agreed with Mr. Nelson and asked what the reaction would be if a deepening chill in relations between the nations were to bar American access to space. “The American people will wake up and say, ‘What happened?’” she said.

NASA’s administrator, Michael D. Griffin, said that he, too, did not care for the plan but that it was the best alternative the United States had, given a NASA budget constrained by tight federal spending and the need to use shuttle money to develop Orion and its launching vehicle."

VOA News - US Lawmakers Grill Space Agency on Plans for Shuttle Retirement
"But NASA says the successor, called the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle, will not be ready to go into service until 2015. In other words, there will be a five-year gap".

予算さえあればMarch 2015でなく September 2013なのに(爆)
あとシャトル退役後の 雇用者失業問題

NASA seeks $2B to hasten shuttle successor --
"NASA needs $2 billion more during the next three years, agency officials said Thursday.
The money would allow NASA to advance the launch of the first Constellation mission to September 2013, rather than the current March 2015 projection.
NASA Administrator Michael Griffin acknowledged, it might not prevent the loss of as many as 5,000 workers at Kennedy Space Center after the space shuttle stops flying in 2010.",0,7401075.story


NASA - 10.31.07 - Testimony Before the House Science Committee "
Testimony by NASA Administrator Mike Griffin: The Space Program after The Shuttle is retired | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens
"Statement of Michael D. Griffin NASA before the Subcommittee on Space, Aeronautics, and Related Sciences Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation United States Senate"
Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV)の部分のみ 以下
The HTV has completed its critical design review and is scheduled for demonstration in the mid-2009 period. The cargo capacity will be approximately 5.5 Mt and the lead-time to production is estimated to be three to four years. Japanese plans currently call for a production capacity of one HTV per year. This rate corresponds to Japan's commitment to fly one HTV per year over the period 2009 - 2015.
A portion of the HTV cargo capacity is owed to the ISS program based on Japan's share of common system operations costs and prior barter arrangements. This cargo capacity is important since it has already been factored into the ISS baseline program for cargo supply.


ロシア上院、欧州通常戦力条約の履行停止を可決 : AFPBB News
"【11月16日 AFP】ロシア連邦会議(上院)は16日、欧州地域での通常兵器の上限を定めた欧州通常戦力(Conventional Forces in Europe、CFE)条約の履行停止法案を満場一致で可決した。

米軍収容所の運営マニュアル、ネットに流出 - ITmedia News


普天間代替 沖縄防衛局、進入灯設計を告示 琉球新報




「3500ドルでお腹の脂肪を除去」:人気ラッパーの母急死に見る、整形手術の危険性 | WIRED VISION
"人気ラッパー、Kanye West(カニエ・ウェスト)氏の母親でマネージャーでもあった有名人Dondaさん(58歳)が、美容整形手術を受けた翌日に急死した。この事件は、腹部の脂肪や皮膚のたるみを除去する整形手術を検討している人たちへの警告となるはずだと


「Real Player 11」日本語版正式リリース - ITmedia News

mixiはなぜ、独り勝ちできたのか 笠原社長が語る - ITmedia News

11月17日(土)よる 7時00分〜 8時54分

実は 中国の頑張りにかかっている皮肉

Senator Bill Nelsonについて
He was a Payload Specialist on Space Shuttle Columbia's STS-61-C mission from January 12–18. Ten days after his return, on January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after lift-off. Nelson was originally scheduled to be on that fateful Challenger flight, but a scheduling conflict bumped him to an earlier launch.
SPACE FLIGHT EXPERIENCE: STS-61C Columbia (January 12-18, 1986)
Payload Specialist Astronaut Bio: Bill Nelson
"Clarence William "Bill" Nelson (born September 29, 1942) is the senior U.S. Senator from Florida, Nelson is a member of the Democratic Party. Nelson became the second sitting member of the United States Congress to fly in space when he flew aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia as a Payload Specialist during NASA mission STS-61-C (January 12–18, 1986)."

November 15, Thursday
10 a.m. – Senate Commerce Subcommittee Hearing on Issues Facing US Space Program After the Retirement of the Space Shuttle

再々確認させられ 悲しいが(~_~;)

NASA Administrator Michael Griffin testifies before the Senate Space, Aeronautics, and Related Agencies Subcommittee, 15 Nov 2007
人のよさげなNASA長官 いつも公聴会だと被告人みたいでかわいそうではある
Chinaは NASAが月に戻る前に、有人月着陸できる力量がある(~_~;)

Orion is scheduled to make its first flight with a crew in March 2015, he said. That could be moved up to as early as September 2013, he said, if the project received more money.
The lawmakers said they were not optimistic about the acquiring of more money, however. Ms. Hutchison said that she, Mr. Nelson and Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, Democrat of Maryland, had introduced a measure to provide

an additional $1 billion, but that the proposal was not gathering support.


Gap in U.S. Access to Space Station Is a Concern - New York Times
"Senator Bill Nelson, the Florida Democrat who leads the Senate subcommittee on space, which oversees the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, said he was concerned about the gap before the launching of the shuttle’s replacement, the Orion crew vehicle, in 2015.

This gap gives Americans no independent access to the $60 billion space station that they are largely paying for, he told a subcommittee hearing. It also gives Russia, whose leader, Vladimir V. Putin, is increasingly challenging American interests, greater influence over the joint project.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, the ranking Republican on the subcommittee, agreed with Mr. Nelson and asked what the reaction would be if a deepening chill in relations between the nations were to bar American access to space. “The American people will wake up and say, ‘What happened?’” she said.

NASA’s administrator, Michael D. Griffin, said that he, too, did not care for the plan but that it was the best alternative the United States had, given a NASA budget constrained by tight federal spending and the need to use shuttle money to develop Orion and its launching vehicle."

VOA News - US Lawmakers Grill Space Agency on Plans for Shuttle Retirement
"But NASA says the successor, called the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle, will not be ready to go into service until 2015. In other words, there will be a five-year gap".

予算さえあればMarch 2015でなく September 2013なのに(爆)
あとシャトル退役後の 雇用者失業問題

NASA seeks $2B to hasten shuttle successor --
"NASA needs $2 billion more during the next three years, agency officials said Thursday.
The money would allow NASA to advance the launch of the first Constellation mission to September 2013, rather than the current March 2015 projection.
NASA Administrator Michael Griffin acknowledged, it might not prevent the loss of as many as 5,000 workers at Kennedy Space Center after the space shuttle stops flying in 2010.",0,7401075.story


NASA - 10.31.07 - Testimony Before the House Science Committee "
Testimony by NASA Administrator Mike Griffin: The Space Program after The Shuttle is retired | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens
"Statement of Michael D. Griffin NASA before the Subcommittee on Space, Aeronautics, and Related Sciences Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation United States Senate"
Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV)の部分のみ 以下
The HTV has completed its critical design review and is scheduled for demonstration in the mid-2009 period. The cargo capacity will be approximately 5.5 Mt and the lead-time to production is estimated to be three to four years. Japanese plans currently call for a production capacity of one HTV per year. This rate corresponds to Japan's commitment to fly one HTV per year over the period 2009 - 2015.
A portion of the HTV cargo capacity is owed to the ISS program based on Japan's share of common system operations costs and prior barter arrangements. This cargo capacity is important since it has already been factored into the ISS baseline program for cargo supply.


ロシア上院、欧州通常戦力条約の履行停止を可決 : AFPBB News
"【11月16日 AFP】ロシア連邦会議(上院)は16日、欧州地域での通常兵器の上限を定めた欧州通常戦力(Conventional Forces in Europe、CFE)条約の履行停止法案を満場一致で可決した。

米軍収容所の運営マニュアル、ネットに流出 - ITmedia News


普天間代替 沖縄防衛局、進入灯設計を告示 琉球新報




「3500ドルでお腹の脂肪を除去」:人気ラッパーの母急死に見る、整形手術の危険性 | WIRED VISION
"人気ラッパー、Kanye West(カニエ・ウェスト)氏の母親でマネージャーでもあった有名人Dondaさん(58歳)が、美容整形手術を受けた翌日に急死した。この事件は、腹部の脂肪や皮膚のたるみを除去する整形手術を検討している人たちへの警告となるはずだと


「Real Player 11」日本語版正式リリース - ITmedia News

mixiはなぜ、独り勝ちできたのか 笠原社長が語る - ITmedia News

11月17日(土)よる 7時00分〜 8時54分

実は 中国の頑張りにかかっている皮肉

Senator Bill Nelsonについて
He was a Payload Specialist on Space Shuttle Columbia's STS-61-C mission from January 12–18. Ten days after his return, on January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after lift-off. Nelson was originally scheduled to be on that fateful Challenger flight, but a scheduling conflict bumped him to an earlier launch.
SPACE FLIGHT EXPERIENCE: STS-61C Columbia (January 12-18, 1986)
Payload Specialist Astronaut Bio: Bill Nelson
"Clarence William "Bill" Nelson (born September 29, 1942) is the senior U.S. Senator from Florida, Nelson is a member of the Democratic Party. Nelson became the second sitting member of the United States Congress to fly in space when he flew aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia as a Payload Specialist during NASA mission STS-61-C (January 12–18, 1986)."

November 15, Thursday
10 a.m. – Senate Commerce Subcommittee Hearing on Issues Facing US Space Program After the Retirement of the Space Shuttle

再々確認させられ 悲しいが(~_~;)

NASA Administrator Michael Griffin testifies before the Senate Space, Aeronautics, and Related Agencies Subcommittee, 15 Nov 2007
人のよさげなNASA長官 いつも公聴会だと被告人みたいでかわいそうではある
Chinaは NASAが月に戻る前に、有人月着陸できる力量がある(~_~;)

Orion is scheduled to make its first flight with a crew in March 2015, he said. That could be moved up to as early as September 2013, he said, if the project received more money.
The lawmakers said they were not optimistic about the acquiring of more money, however. Ms. Hutchison said that she, Mr. Nelson and Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, Democrat of Maryland, had introduced a measure to provide

an additional $1 billion, but that the proposal was not gathering support.


Gap in U.S. Access to Space Station Is a Concern - New York Times
"Senator Bill Nelson, the Florida Democrat who leads the Senate subcommittee on space, which oversees the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, said he was concerned about the gap before the launching of the shuttle’s replacement, the Orion crew vehicle, in 2015.

This gap gives Americans no independent access to the $60 billion space station that they are largely paying for, he told a subcommittee hearing. It also gives Russia, whose leader, Vladimir V. Putin, is increasingly challenging American interests, greater influence over the joint project.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, the ranking Republican on the subcommittee, agreed with Mr. Nelson and asked what the reaction would be if a deepening chill in relations between the nations were to bar American access to space. “The American people will wake up and say, ‘What happened?’” she said.

NASA’s administrator, Michael D. Griffin, said that he, too, did not care for the plan but that it was the best alternative the United States had, given a NASA budget constrained by tight federal spending and the need to use shuttle money to develop Orion and its launching vehicle."

VOA News - US Lawmakers Grill Space Agency on Plans for Shuttle Retirement
"But NASA says the successor, called the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle, will not be ready to go into service until 2015. In other words, there will be a five-year gap".

予算さえあればMarch 2015でなく September 2013なのに(爆)
あとシャトル退役後の 雇用者失業問題

NASA seeks $2B to hasten shuttle successor --
"NASA needs $2 billion more during the next three years, agency officials said Thursday.
The money would allow NASA to advance the launch of the first Constellation mission to September 2013, rather than the current March 2015 projection.
NASA Administrator Michael Griffin acknowledged, it might not prevent the loss of as many as 5,000 workers at Kennedy Space Center after the space shuttle stops flying in 2010.",0,7401075.story


NASA - 10.31.07 - Testimony Before the House Science Committee "
Testimony by NASA Administrator Mike Griffin: The Space Program after The Shuttle is retired | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens
"Statement of Michael D. Griffin NASA before the Subcommittee on Space, Aeronautics, and Related Sciences Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation United States Senate"
Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV)の部分のみ 以下
The HTV has completed its critical design review and is scheduled for demonstration in the mid-2009 period. The cargo capacity will be approximately 5.5 Mt and the lead-time to production is estimated to be three to four years. Japanese plans currently call for a production capacity of one HTV per year. This rate corresponds to Japan's commitment to fly one HTV per year over the period 2009 - 2015.
A portion of the HTV cargo capacity is owed to the ISS program based on Japan's share of common system operations costs and prior barter arrangements. This cargo capacity is important since it has already been factored into the ISS baseline program for cargo supply.


ロシア上院、欧州通常戦力条約の履行停止を可決 : AFPBB News
"【11月16日 AFP】ロシア連邦会議(上院)は16日、欧州地域での通常兵器の上限を定めた欧州通常戦力(Conventional Forces in Europe、CFE)条約の履行停止法案を満場一致で可決した。

米軍収容所の運営マニュアル、ネットに流出 - ITmedia News


普天間代替 沖縄防衛局、進入灯設計を告示 琉球新報




「3500ドルでお腹の脂肪を除去」:人気ラッパーの母急死に見る、整形手術の危険性 | WIRED VISION
"人気ラッパー、Kanye West(カニエ・ウェスト)氏の母親でマネージャーでもあった有名人Dondaさん(58歳)が、美容整形手術を受けた翌日に急死した。この事件は、腹部の脂肪や皮膚のたるみを除去する整形手術を検討している人たちへの警告となるはずだと


「Real Player 11」日本語版正式リリース - ITmedia News

mixiはなぜ、独り勝ちできたのか 笠原社長が語る - ITmedia News

11月17日(土)よる 7時00分〜 8時54分

実は 中国の頑張りにかかっている皮肉

Senator Bill Nelsonについて
He was a Payload Specialist on Space Shuttle Columbia's STS-61-C mission from January 12–18. Ten days after his return, on January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after lift-off. Nelson was originally scheduled to be on that fateful Challenger flight, but a scheduling conflict bumped him to an earlier launch.
SPACE FLIGHT EXPERIENCE: STS-61C Columbia (January 12-18, 1986)
Payload Specialist Astronaut Bio: Bill Nelson
"Clarence William "Bill" Nelson (born September 29, 1942) is the senior U.S. Senator from Florida, Nelson is a member of the Democratic Party. Nelson became the second sitting member of the United States Congress to fly in space when he flew aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia as a Payload Specialist during NASA mission STS-61-C (January 12–18, 1986)."

November 15, Thursday
10 a.m. – Senate Commerce Subcommittee Hearing on Issues Facing US Space Program After the Retirement of the Space Shuttle

再々確認させられ 悲しいが(~_~;)

NASA Administrator Michael Griffin testifies before the Senate Space, Aeronautics, and Related Agencies Subcommittee, 15 Nov 2007
人のよさげなNASA長官 いつも公聴会だと被告人みたいでかわいそうではある
Chinaは NASAが月に戻る前に、有人月着陸できる力量がある(~_~;)

Orion is scheduled to make its first flight with a crew in March 2015, he said. That could be moved up to as early as September 2013, he said, if the project received more money.
The lawmakers said they were not optimistic about the acquiring of more money, however. Ms. Hutchison said that she, Mr. Nelson and Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, Democrat of Maryland, had introduced a measure to provide

an additional $1 billion, but that the proposal was not gathering support.


Gap in U.S. Access to Space Station Is a Concern - New York Times
"Senator Bill Nelson, the Florida Democrat who leads the Senate subcommittee on space, which oversees the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, said he was concerned about the gap before the launching of the shuttle’s replacement, the Orion crew vehicle, in 2015.

This gap gives Americans no independent access to the $60 billion space station that they are largely paying for, he told a subcommittee hearing. It also gives Russia, whose leader, Vladimir V. Putin, is increasingly challenging American interests, greater influence over the joint project.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, the ranking Republican on the subcommittee, agreed with Mr. Nelson and asked what the reaction would be if a deepening chill in relations between the nations were to bar American access to space. “The American people will wake up and say, ‘What happened?’” she said.

NASA’s administrator, Michael D. Griffin, said that he, too, did not care for the plan but that it was the best alternative the United States had, given a NASA budget constrained by tight federal spending and the need to use shuttle money to develop Orion and its launching vehicle."

VOA News - US Lawmakers Grill Space Agency on Plans for Shuttle Retirement
"But NASA says the successor, called the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle, will not be ready to go into service until 2015. In other words, there will be a five-year gap".

予算さえあればMarch 2015でなく September 2013なのに(爆)
あとシャトル退役後の 雇用者失業問題

NASA seeks $2B to hasten shuttle successor --
"NASA needs $2 billion more during the next three years, agency officials said Thursday.
The money would allow NASA to advance the launch of the first Constellation mission to September 2013, rather than the current March 2015 projection.
NASA Administrator Michael Griffin acknowledged, it might not prevent the loss of as many as 5,000 workers at Kennedy Space Center after the space shuttle stops flying in 2010.",0,7401075.story


NASA - 10.31.07 - Testimony Before the House Science Committee "
Testimony by NASA Administrator Mike Griffin: The Space Program after The Shuttle is retired | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens
"Statement of Michael D. Griffin NASA before the Subcommittee on Space, Aeronautics, and Related Sciences Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation United States Senate"
Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV)の部分のみ 以下
The HTV has completed its critical design review and is scheduled for demonstration in the mid-2009 period. The cargo capacity will be approximately 5.5 Mt and the lead-time to production is estimated to be three to four years. Japanese plans currently call for a production capacity of one HTV per year. This rate corresponds to Japan's commitment to fly one HTV per year over the period 2009 - 2015.
A portion of the HTV cargo capacity is owed to the ISS program based on Japan's share of common system operations costs and prior barter arrangements. This cargo capacity is important since it has already been factored into the ISS baseline program for cargo supply.


ロシア上院、欧州通常戦力条約の履行停止を可決 : AFPBB News
"【11月16日 AFP】ロシア連邦会議(上院)は16日、欧州地域での通常兵器の上限を定めた欧州通常戦力(Conventional Forces in Europe、CFE)条約の履行停止法案を満場一致で可決した。

米軍収容所の運営マニュアル、ネットに流出 - ITmedia News


普天間代替 沖縄防衛局、進入灯設計を告示 琉球新報




「3500ドルでお腹の脂肪を除去」:人気ラッパーの母急死に見る、整形手術の危険性 | WIRED VISION
"人気ラッパー、Kanye West(カニエ・ウェスト)氏の母親でマネージャーでもあった有名人Dondaさん(58歳)が、美容整形手術を受けた翌日に急死した。この事件は、腹部の脂肪や皮膚のたるみを除去する整形手術を検討している人たちへの警告となるはずだと


「Real Player 11」日本語版正式リリース - ITmedia News

mixiはなぜ、独り勝ちできたのか 笠原社長が語る - ITmedia News

11月17日(土)よる 7時00分〜 8時54分

実は 中国の頑張りにかかっている皮肉

Senator Bill Nelsonについて
He was a Payload Specialist on Space Shuttle Columbia's STS-61-C mission from January 12–18. Ten days after his return, on January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after lift-off. Nelson was originally scheduled to be on that fateful Challenger flight, but a scheduling conflict bumped him to an earlier launch.
SPACE FLIGHT EXPERIENCE: STS-61C Columbia (January 12-18, 1986)
Payload Specialist Astronaut Bio: Bill Nelson
"Clarence William "Bill" Nelson (born September 29, 1942) is the senior U.S. Senator from Florida, Nelson is a member of the Democratic Party. Nelson became the second sitting member of the United States Congress to fly in space when he flew aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia as a Payload Specialist during NASA mission STS-61-C (January 12–18, 1986)."

November 15, Thursday
10 a.m. – Senate Commerce Subcommittee Hearing on Issues Facing US Space Program After the Retirement of the Space Shuttle
