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2007/04/02(月) 16:26:55| Adobe実は嫌いなの(^_^;)| トラックバック:0 コメント:0
E=MC², cosmology:
NOVA | Einstein's Big Idea | PBS

The Legacy of E = mc2 Einstein's big idea has been enormously influential, in ways that reach far beyond the purely scientific. "

E = mc2 Explained
E = mc2 Explained Hear how 10 top physicists describe the equation in a few minutes or less.


It's 73/23, Dark energy and dark matter.
"It's 73/23," Pauley said with an amused smile. "Dark energy and dark matter. But remember, E=MCイ, so they're equivalent. You think of the dark energy as energy because it's the force that is expanding the universe, probably left over from the first instances of the Big Bang."
SunValleyOnline: Dr. Stephen Pauley to discuss cosmology:

イラン空爆 ??・・・ロシア通信より
Bush attacks Iran over captives


現時点でのシャトル運行 再確認
雹にたたられ、 いまだ未定 一部 5/11 打ち上げ予定報道もあり


STS-117 will deliver a second starboard truss segment and a third set of solar arrays and batteries during the Space Shuttle Program's 21st mission to the International Space Station.

June 28+ STS-118
STS-118 will deliver the S5 Truss and will be the twenty-second mission to the International Space Station.

Aug. 26+ STS-120
STS-120 will be the twenty-third mission to the International Space Station and deliver the U.S. Node 2.

Fall+ STS-122
STS-122 will deliver the Columbus European Laboratory Module and will be the twenty-fourth mission to the International Space Station.

Winter+ STS-123
STS-123 will deliver the pressurized section of the Kibo Japanese Experiment Logistics Module on the twenty-fifth mission to the International Space Station.

NASA - NASA's Shuttle and Rocket Missions

4月7日Expedition 15 Launch
NASA - NASA TV Landing Page

April 4, Wednesday
TBD - ISS Expedition 14 Interviews with CBS News and the Columbus Dispatch (Public and Media Channels)

April 7, Saturday
12:30 - 2 p.m. - Expedition 15/Spaceflight Participant Launch Coverage, Baikonur, Kazakhstan (launch at 1:31 p.m.) - Korolev, Russia and JSC (All Channels)
3 p.m. - Video File Feed of Expedition 15/Spaceflight Participant Launch - JSC (Media Channel)

April 9, Monday
2:30 p.m. - Expedition 15/Spaceflight Participant Docking Coverage (docking at 3:03 p.m.; post-docking news conference at appx. 3:15 p.m.) - Korolev, Russia and JSC (All Channels)
4 - 5 p.m. - Expedition 15/Spaceflight Participant Hatch Opening Coverage (Hatch opening scheduled at 4:30 p.m.) - Korolev, Russia and JSC (All Channels)
6:30 p.m. - Video File Feed of Expedition 15/Spaceflight Participant Docking to ISS and Hatch Opening - JSC (Media Channel)"

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