

10月初旬の記事ではa possible launch date of December 7

NASA: Next Shuttle Launch Likely to Be at Night -
"CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. ― For the first time in four years, the next space shuttle launch attempt most likely will be at night, NASA said Thursday.
The first launch possibility for Discovery will be Dec. 7 at 9:38 p.m. EDT, the first try at night since Endeavour lifted off Nov. 23, 2002 at 7:49 p.m.
Discovery's launch window extends to Dec. 26.",2933,216711,00.html

NASA aiming for an early launch of Space Shuttle in December on TechWhack News
"NASA has said in a statement that they are aiming for a launch early in December to give its workers time off for the holidays.
The current schedule puts the launch on December 14 but they are now looking at a possible launch date of December 7."

NASA - NASA's Shuttle and Rocket Missions
"Dec. 14* STS-116
STS-116 will deliver a third truss segment, a SPACEHAB module and other key components during the shuttle's 20th mission to the International Space Station."

Shuttle Mission STS-116: A Hard Wire Job   09.22.06
NASA has said it over and over again: The coming missions to finish the International Space Station are among the hardest and most complex ever.
