


DSS: Digitized Sky Survey

Dark Flow WMAP
'Dark Flow'
Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Detected Across Billions Of Light Years
Mysterious New 'Dark Flow' Discovered in Space -
Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News,2933,427082,00.html

Discovery Channel Video

Deep Space Network (DSN)
Solar System Exploration: Science & Technology:

Daily Galaxy: News from Planet Earth & Beyond

Discovery (OV-103):Space Shuttle Overview

DISCOVERY : NASA's Discovery Program

Orbital Debris Quarterly News

Dawn Mission
Dawn Mission Education
Deep Impact Mission
Deep Impact Mission Education
Deep Space Missions
Destination Tomorrow^(TM)
Digital Learning Network
Discovery Program
Discovery Program Education

Distance Learning
Doctoral Programs
Droplet and the Water Cycle
Dryden Flight Research Center

Dark Energy "Energy in a Vacuum"
At Ten, Dark Energy "Most Profound Problem" in Physics
"Energy in a Vacuum"

"1998 debate subtitle was "Cosmology Solved?.""
The Nature of the Universe Great Debate in 1998

On the trail of dark energy - CERN Courier"Sep 4, 2003
Vacuum energy density - CERN Courier
"a vacuum energy density, t"
"The discovery of 'Dark Energy'
In 1998 two rival groups of scientists embarked on research projects to measure the effects of gravity on the expansion of the universe. Since the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago, the universe had been expanding."
A mysterious dark energy fills the universe... -FirstScience

New Cosmic Theory Unites Dark Forces

"The two biggest mysteries in cosmology may be one. A new theory says that dark matter and dark energy could arise from a single dark fluid that permeates the whole universe.
And this could mean Earth-based dark matter searches will come up empty." --
HongSheng Zhao of the University of St Andrews in Scotland claims that a fluid-like dark energy can act like dark matter when its density becomes high enough.
"Dark energy is a property of the vacuum ― of fields that we do not easily see," Zhao told "From it, we can derive the dark matter effect."
Christian Boehmer from University College London thinks it "compelling" that Zhao's model can reproduce so much galaxy data.
However, Boehmer agrees that having two unknowns ― dark matter and dark energy ― make up 95 percent of the universe is a bit embarrassing for cosmology.
"Frankly speaking, these are just fancy words we use to name something we do not understand," he said.
New Cosmic Theory Unites Dark Forces --

Dark Matter

5 percent normal matter
25 percent dark matter
70 percent dark energy"
Colossal Cosmic Collision Reveals Mysterious Dark Matter

dark energy is about 75 percent of the universe's mass-energy content, while dark matter is about 21 percent
and normal matter makes up the last 4 percent.
If the dark fluid is mimicking dark matter, then scientists are searching in vain for the elusive dark matter particle, often called a WIMP (for weakly interacting massive particle).
Currently, several experiments are trying to detect a rare collision of a WIMP on Earth or observe gamma rays from distant WIMP self-annihilations.
"Direct detections will be more difficult," Zhao said.
WIMPs may still exist, but there won't be as many of them as predicted.
New Cosmic Theory Unites Dark Forces --

RIKEN | Press Release | 2007
"The DRI's Cosmic Radiation Laboratory has carried out the largest yet systematic observation of "gravitational lenses", and has provided new evidence, acquired through unique methods, that the universe is full of unknown "dark energy"."
宇宙を満たす暗黒エネルギーの存在にさらなる証拠 |理化学研究所プレスリリース 平成19年9月26日

02.05.09 最極微の世界に挑戦するLHC計画(2) 〜ヒッグス粒子を探す〜 03.4.17 素粒子理論の大予言 〜ヒッグス場と粒子〜 03.09.11 素粒子の周期律表? 〜ハドロン分光学〜 03.11.20 クォーク4個の新粒子? 〜Belleグループが発見した中間子〜 05.03.03 「魅力」あふれる素粒子? 〜チャームクォークの物理〜 05.06.02 J-PARCのハドロン研究 〜パイ中間子の雲や中性子星のなぞ〜 05.09.29 「奇妙」な粒子の「稀な」反応 〜J-PARCでのK中間子崩壊の研究〜 05.12.15 建設が進むLHCとアトラス 〜実験開始まで約500日〜 06.03.02 スパコンで挑む質量生成の謎 〜国内最速のスーパーコンピュータが稼働〜 07.04.24 プレス発表 量子色力学における自発的対称性の破れを厳密に実証


Democracy Now! | Radio and TV News

Democracy Now! 日本:

Dark Energy and the Hubble Constant
Max-Planck-Institut f〓r Astrophysik, Karl Schwarzschild-Str.1, Postfach 1317, D-85741 Garching, Germany Last updated. 19 December 2007
Abstract. Dark energy is inferred from a Hubble expansion which is slower at epochs which are earlier than ours. But evidence reviewed here shows $H_0$ for nearby galaxies is actually less than currently adopted and would instead require {it deceleration} to reach the current value. Distances of Cepheid variables in galaxies in the Local Supercluster have been measured by the Hubble Space Telescope and it is argued here that they require a low value of $H_0$ along with redshifts which are at least partly intrinsic. The intrinsic component is hypothesized to be a result of the particle masses increasing with time. The same considerations apply to Dark Matter. But with particle masses growing with time, the condensation from plasmoid to proto galaxy not only does away with the need for unseen "dark matter" but also explains the intrinsic (non-velocity) redshifts of younger matter.

Dark Energy

NASA - Dark Energy Changes the Universe

Nobel laureate says empty space still contains a lot of invisible energy “We are in the dark about Dark Matter”
"While Dark Matter is an important constituent of 95 per cent of the matter produced during the Big Bang, the primordial explosion, so is Dark Energy, Dr. Rubbia said.
“Empty space still contains a lot of invisible energy,” he said.
Dr. Rubbia, an Italian physicist, shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1984 with Simon van der Meer." The Hindu : National :

Dark Energy

Szapudi’s team
Most Direct Evidence of Dark Energy Detected

The most direct signal of dark energy? -
"Is Szapudi’s team now even more confident?
Well, it’s not so much the statistical confidence that’s a big deal ― they claim to detect the ISW effect at just above four sigma (or 99.9995% certainty), which is in the same league as other confidence values reported this year.;jsessionid=B2C6955A0EB90718B863EC759C95F7C9

Unmasking Dark Energy -- Berardelli 2008 (801): 3 -- ScienceNOW
"A team from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, has observed how dark energy directly affects the largest structures in the universe.
If confirmed, the findings could bring astronomers closer to understanding a phenomenon that has bedeviled them for more than a decade"

Gigantic Voids in Space Hint at Hidden Dark Energy -
"Astronomers led by Istv〓n Szapudi of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy observed dark energy stretching out these areas by detecting changes in rays of microwave light before and after they passed through the regions.",2933,397281,00.html

07/31 初出の再録

Hawaii scientists find direct evidence of 'Dark Energy' | KHNL NBC 8 Honolulu Hawaii
"July 30, 2008
MANOA (KHNL) - A team of astronomers at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy has found direct evidence for the existence of "dark energy," an unknown form that works against gravity to pull galaxies together which causes the universe's expansion to speed up.
The team, led by Dr. Istan Szapudi, says this latest detection is the clearest to date. There is only one in 200,000 chance that the detection would occur by chance.
The team made the discovery by measuring the subtle imprints that superclusters and supervoids leave in microwaves that pass through them.""

Study shows clumps and streams of dark matter in inner regions of the Milky Way

Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy / Science News

Madau said gamma rays from such collisions might be detectable by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope.
"That's what makes this exciting," he said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Study finds dark matter may be near Earth -
"SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Aug. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. and Swiss researchers say computer simulations suggest dark matter exists within the Milky Way galaxy and near Earth's solar system.
University of California-Santa Cruz Professor Piero Madau said previous simulations showed the Milky Way clear of dark matter but the new study utilizing the Jaguar supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provided enough detail to see clumps of dark matter."
Supervoids and clusters reveal dark energy | COSMOS magazine

According to one theory, however, dark matter consists of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which can annihilate each other and emit gamma rays when they collide. Gamma rays from dark matter annihilation could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), which UCSC physicists helped build.
Clumps And Streams Of Dark Matter Discovered In Inner Regions Of The Milky Way
The new simulation, described in the Aug. 7 issue of the journal Nature, implies that dark matter could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST).
"That's what makes this exciting," Madau said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation, and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Milky Way's Dark Matter Clumpier Than Thought
“This is the best resolved calculation of the Milky Way’s halo ever carried out, with a mass resolution five to sixty times better than the previous largest computations,” explains Piero Madau at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Dark-matter simulation reveals lumpy haloes -
Science News / Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy
"WHERE THE CLUMPS AREThis composite image, roughly 2 billion light-years on each side, shows the distribution of dark matter in a simulated, 13.7-billion-year-old galaxy. The smaller-scale insets compare dark matter density in the outer (top) and inner (bottom) regions of the galaxy. Red indicates high density. Click on the image for full story. Watch a video of the dark matter simulation."
Dark matter 'halo' simulated: Press Association
"No-one knows what dark matter is made of, but according to one theory it consists of weakly interacting massive particles (Wimps). These are expected to annihilate each other and release gamma rays when they collide."


DSS: Digitized Sky Survey

Dark Flow WMAP
'Dark Flow'
Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Detected Across Billions Of Light Years
Mysterious New 'Dark Flow' Discovered in Space -
Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News,2933,427082,00.html

Discovery Channel Video

Deep Space Network (DSN)
Solar System Exploration: Science & Technology:

Daily Galaxy: News from Planet Earth & Beyond

Discovery (OV-103):Space Shuttle Overview

DISCOVERY : NASA's Discovery Program

Orbital Debris Quarterly News

Dawn Mission
Dawn Mission Education
Deep Impact Mission
Deep Impact Mission Education
Deep Space Missions
Destination Tomorrow^(TM)
Digital Learning Network
Discovery Program
Discovery Program Education

Distance Learning
Doctoral Programs
Droplet and the Water Cycle
Dryden Flight Research Center

Dark Energy "Energy in a Vacuum"
At Ten, Dark Energy "Most Profound Problem" in Physics
"Energy in a Vacuum"

"1998 debate subtitle was "Cosmology Solved?.""
The Nature of the Universe Great Debate in 1998

On the trail of dark energy - CERN Courier"Sep 4, 2003
Vacuum energy density - CERN Courier
"a vacuum energy density, t"
"The discovery of 'Dark Energy'
In 1998 two rival groups of scientists embarked on research projects to measure the effects of gravity on the expansion of the universe. Since the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago, the universe had been expanding."
A mysterious dark energy fills the universe... -FirstScience

New Cosmic Theory Unites Dark Forces

"The two biggest mysteries in cosmology may be one. A new theory says that dark matter and dark energy could arise from a single dark fluid that permeates the whole universe.
And this could mean Earth-based dark matter searches will come up empty." --
HongSheng Zhao of the University of St Andrews in Scotland claims that a fluid-like dark energy can act like dark matter when its density becomes high enough.
"Dark energy is a property of the vacuum ― of fields that we do not easily see," Zhao told "From it, we can derive the dark matter effect."
Christian Boehmer from University College London thinks it "compelling" that Zhao's model can reproduce so much galaxy data.
However, Boehmer agrees that having two unknowns ― dark matter and dark energy ― make up 95 percent of the universe is a bit embarrassing for cosmology.
"Frankly speaking, these are just fancy words we use to name something we do not understand," he said.
New Cosmic Theory Unites Dark Forces --

Dark Matter

5 percent normal matter
25 percent dark matter
70 percent dark energy"
Colossal Cosmic Collision Reveals Mysterious Dark Matter

dark energy is about 75 percent of the universe's mass-energy content, while dark matter is about 21 percent
and normal matter makes up the last 4 percent.
If the dark fluid is mimicking dark matter, then scientists are searching in vain for the elusive dark matter particle, often called a WIMP (for weakly interacting massive particle).
Currently, several experiments are trying to detect a rare collision of a WIMP on Earth or observe gamma rays from distant WIMP self-annihilations.
"Direct detections will be more difficult," Zhao said.
WIMPs may still exist, but there won't be as many of them as predicted.
New Cosmic Theory Unites Dark Forces --

RIKEN | Press Release | 2007
"The DRI's Cosmic Radiation Laboratory has carried out the largest yet systematic observation of "gravitational lenses", and has provided new evidence, acquired through unique methods, that the universe is full of unknown "dark energy"."
宇宙を満たす暗黒エネルギーの存在にさらなる証拠 |理化学研究所プレスリリース 平成19年9月26日

02.05.09 最極微の世界に挑戦するLHC計画(2) 〜ヒッグス粒子を探す〜 03.4.17 素粒子理論の大予言 〜ヒッグス場と粒子〜 03.09.11 素粒子の周期律表? 〜ハドロン分光学〜 03.11.20 クォーク4個の新粒子? 〜Belleグループが発見した中間子〜 05.03.03 「魅力」あふれる素粒子? 〜チャームクォークの物理〜 05.06.02 J-PARCのハドロン研究 〜パイ中間子の雲や中性子星のなぞ〜 05.09.29 「奇妙」な粒子の「稀な」反応 〜J-PARCでのK中間子崩壊の研究〜 05.12.15 建設が進むLHCとアトラス 〜実験開始まで約500日〜 06.03.02 スパコンで挑む質量生成の謎 〜国内最速のスーパーコンピュータが稼働〜 07.04.24 プレス発表 量子色力学における自発的対称性の破れを厳密に実証


Democracy Now! | Radio and TV News

Democracy Now! 日本:

Dark Energy and the Hubble Constant
Max-Planck-Institut f〓r Astrophysik, Karl Schwarzschild-Str.1, Postfach 1317, D-85741 Garching, Germany Last updated. 19 December 2007
Abstract. Dark energy is inferred from a Hubble expansion which is slower at epochs which are earlier than ours. But evidence reviewed here shows $H_0$ for nearby galaxies is actually less than currently adopted and would instead require {it deceleration} to reach the current value. Distances of Cepheid variables in galaxies in the Local Supercluster have been measured by the Hubble Space Telescope and it is argued here that they require a low value of $H_0$ along with redshifts which are at least partly intrinsic. The intrinsic component is hypothesized to be a result of the particle masses increasing with time. The same considerations apply to Dark Matter. But with particle masses growing with time, the condensation from plasmoid to proto galaxy not only does away with the need for unseen "dark matter" but also explains the intrinsic (non-velocity) redshifts of younger matter.

Dark Energy

NASA - Dark Energy Changes the Universe

Nobel laureate says empty space still contains a lot of invisible energy “We are in the dark about Dark Matter”
"While Dark Matter is an important constituent of 95 per cent of the matter produced during the Big Bang, the primordial explosion, so is Dark Energy, Dr. Rubbia said.
“Empty space still contains a lot of invisible energy,” he said.
Dr. Rubbia, an Italian physicist, shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1984 with Simon van der Meer." The Hindu : National :

Dark Energy

Szapudi’s team
Most Direct Evidence of Dark Energy Detected

The most direct signal of dark energy? -
"Is Szapudi’s team now even more confident?
Well, it’s not so much the statistical confidence that’s a big deal ― they claim to detect the ISW effect at just above four sigma (or 99.9995% certainty), which is in the same league as other confidence values reported this year.;jsessionid=B2C6955A0EB90718B863EC759C95F7C9

Unmasking Dark Energy -- Berardelli 2008 (801): 3 -- ScienceNOW
"A team from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, has observed how dark energy directly affects the largest structures in the universe.
If confirmed, the findings could bring astronomers closer to understanding a phenomenon that has bedeviled them for more than a decade"

Gigantic Voids in Space Hint at Hidden Dark Energy -
"Astronomers led by Istv〓n Szapudi of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy observed dark energy stretching out these areas by detecting changes in rays of microwave light before and after they passed through the regions.",2933,397281,00.html

07/31 初出の再録

Hawaii scientists find direct evidence of 'Dark Energy' | KHNL NBC 8 Honolulu Hawaii
"July 30, 2008
MANOA (KHNL) - A team of astronomers at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy has found direct evidence for the existence of "dark energy," an unknown form that works against gravity to pull galaxies together which causes the universe's expansion to speed up.
The team, led by Dr. Istan Szapudi, says this latest detection is the clearest to date. There is only one in 200,000 chance that the detection would occur by chance.
The team made the discovery by measuring the subtle imprints that superclusters and supervoids leave in microwaves that pass through them.""

Study shows clumps and streams of dark matter in inner regions of the Milky Way

Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy / Science News

Madau said gamma rays from such collisions might be detectable by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope.
"That's what makes this exciting," he said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Study finds dark matter may be near Earth -
"SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Aug. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. and Swiss researchers say computer simulations suggest dark matter exists within the Milky Way galaxy and near Earth's solar system.
University of California-Santa Cruz Professor Piero Madau said previous simulations showed the Milky Way clear of dark matter but the new study utilizing the Jaguar supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provided enough detail to see clumps of dark matter."
Supervoids and clusters reveal dark energy | COSMOS magazine

According to one theory, however, dark matter consists of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which can annihilate each other and emit gamma rays when they collide. Gamma rays from dark matter annihilation could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), which UCSC physicists helped build.
Clumps And Streams Of Dark Matter Discovered In Inner Regions Of The Milky Way
The new simulation, described in the Aug. 7 issue of the journal Nature, implies that dark matter could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST).
"That's what makes this exciting," Madau said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation, and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Milky Way's Dark Matter Clumpier Than Thought
“This is the best resolved calculation of the Milky Way’s halo ever carried out, with a mass resolution five to sixty times better than the previous largest computations,” explains Piero Madau at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Dark-matter simulation reveals lumpy haloes -
Science News / Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy
"WHERE THE CLUMPS AREThis composite image, roughly 2 billion light-years on each side, shows the distribution of dark matter in a simulated, 13.7-billion-year-old galaxy. The smaller-scale insets compare dark matter density in the outer (top) and inner (bottom) regions of the galaxy. Red indicates high density. Click on the image for full story. Watch a video of the dark matter simulation."
Dark matter 'halo' simulated: Press Association
"No-one knows what dark matter is made of, but according to one theory it consists of weakly interacting massive particles (Wimps). These are expected to annihilate each other and release gamma rays when they collide."


DSS: Digitized Sky Survey

Dark Flow WMAP
'Dark Flow'
Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Detected Across Billions Of Light Years
Mysterious New 'Dark Flow' Discovered in Space -
Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News,2933,427082,00.html

Discovery Channel Video

Deep Space Network (DSN)
Solar System Exploration: Science & Technology:

Daily Galaxy: News from Planet Earth & Beyond

Discovery (OV-103):Space Shuttle Overview

DISCOVERY : NASA's Discovery Program

Orbital Debris Quarterly News

Dawn Mission
Dawn Mission Education
Deep Impact Mission
Deep Impact Mission Education
Deep Space Missions
Destination Tomorrow^(TM)
Digital Learning Network
Discovery Program
Discovery Program Education

Distance Learning
Doctoral Programs
Droplet and the Water Cycle
Dryden Flight Research Center

Dark Energy "Energy in a Vacuum"
At Ten, Dark Energy "Most Profound Problem" in Physics
"Energy in a Vacuum"

"1998 debate subtitle was "Cosmology Solved?.""
The Nature of the Universe Great Debate in 1998

On the trail of dark energy - CERN Courier"Sep 4, 2003
Vacuum energy density - CERN Courier
"a vacuum energy density, t"
"The discovery of 'Dark Energy'
In 1998 two rival groups of scientists embarked on research projects to measure the effects of gravity on the expansion of the universe. Since the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago, the universe had been expanding."
A mysterious dark energy fills the universe... -FirstScience

New Cosmic Theory Unites Dark Forces

"The two biggest mysteries in cosmology may be one. A new theory says that dark matter and dark energy could arise from a single dark fluid that permeates the whole universe.
And this could mean Earth-based dark matter searches will come up empty." --
HongSheng Zhao of the University of St Andrews in Scotland claims that a fluid-like dark energy can act like dark matter when its density becomes high enough.
"Dark energy is a property of the vacuum ― of fields that we do not easily see," Zhao told "From it, we can derive the dark matter effect."
Christian Boehmer from University College London thinks it "compelling" that Zhao's model can reproduce so much galaxy data.
However, Boehmer agrees that having two unknowns ― dark matter and dark energy ― make up 95 percent of the universe is a bit embarrassing for cosmology.
"Frankly speaking, these are just fancy words we use to name something we do not understand," he said.
New Cosmic Theory Unites Dark Forces --

Dark Matter

5 percent normal matter
25 percent dark matter
70 percent dark energy"
Colossal Cosmic Collision Reveals Mysterious Dark Matter

dark energy is about 75 percent of the universe's mass-energy content, while dark matter is about 21 percent
and normal matter makes up the last 4 percent.
If the dark fluid is mimicking dark matter, then scientists are searching in vain for the elusive dark matter particle, often called a WIMP (for weakly interacting massive particle).
Currently, several experiments are trying to detect a rare collision of a WIMP on Earth or observe gamma rays from distant WIMP self-annihilations.
"Direct detections will be more difficult," Zhao said.
WIMPs may still exist, but there won't be as many of them as predicted.
New Cosmic Theory Unites Dark Forces --

RIKEN | Press Release | 2007
"The DRI's Cosmic Radiation Laboratory has carried out the largest yet systematic observation of "gravitational lenses", and has provided new evidence, acquired through unique methods, that the universe is full of unknown "dark energy"."
宇宙を満たす暗黒エネルギーの存在にさらなる証拠 |理化学研究所プレスリリース 平成19年9月26日

02.05.09 最極微の世界に挑戦するLHC計画(2) 〜ヒッグス粒子を探す〜 03.4.17 素粒子理論の大予言 〜ヒッグス場と粒子〜 03.09.11 素粒子の周期律表? 〜ハドロン分光学〜 03.11.20 クォーク4個の新粒子? 〜Belleグループが発見した中間子〜 05.03.03 「魅力」あふれる素粒子? 〜チャームクォークの物理〜 05.06.02 J-PARCのハドロン研究 〜パイ中間子の雲や中性子星のなぞ〜 05.09.29 「奇妙」な粒子の「稀な」反応 〜J-PARCでのK中間子崩壊の研究〜 05.12.15 建設が進むLHCとアトラス 〜実験開始まで約500日〜 06.03.02 スパコンで挑む質量生成の謎 〜国内最速のスーパーコンピュータが稼働〜 07.04.24 プレス発表 量子色力学における自発的対称性の破れを厳密に実証


Democracy Now! | Radio and TV News

Democracy Now! 日本:

Dark Energy and the Hubble Constant
Max-Planck-Institut f〓r Astrophysik, Karl Schwarzschild-Str.1, Postfach 1317, D-85741 Garching, Germany Last updated. 19 December 2007
Abstract. Dark energy is inferred from a Hubble expansion which is slower at epochs which are earlier than ours. But evidence reviewed here shows $H_0$ for nearby galaxies is actually less than currently adopted and would instead require {it deceleration} to reach the current value. Distances of Cepheid variables in galaxies in the Local Supercluster have been measured by the Hubble Space Telescope and it is argued here that they require a low value of $H_0$ along with redshifts which are at least partly intrinsic. The intrinsic component is hypothesized to be a result of the particle masses increasing with time. The same considerations apply to Dark Matter. But with particle masses growing with time, the condensation from plasmoid to proto galaxy not only does away with the need for unseen "dark matter" but also explains the intrinsic (non-velocity) redshifts of younger matter.

Dark Energy

NASA - Dark Energy Changes the Universe

Nobel laureate says empty space still contains a lot of invisible energy “We are in the dark about Dark Matter”
"While Dark Matter is an important constituent of 95 per cent of the matter produced during the Big Bang, the primordial explosion, so is Dark Energy, Dr. Rubbia said.
“Empty space still contains a lot of invisible energy,” he said.
Dr. Rubbia, an Italian physicist, shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1984 with Simon van der Meer." The Hindu : National :

Dark Energy

Szapudi’s team
Most Direct Evidence of Dark Energy Detected

The most direct signal of dark energy? -
"Is Szapudi’s team now even more confident?
Well, it’s not so much the statistical confidence that’s a big deal ― they claim to detect the ISW effect at just above four sigma (or 99.9995% certainty), which is in the same league as other confidence values reported this year.;jsessionid=B2C6955A0EB90718B863EC759C95F7C9

Unmasking Dark Energy -- Berardelli 2008 (801): 3 -- ScienceNOW
"A team from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, has observed how dark energy directly affects the largest structures in the universe.
If confirmed, the findings could bring astronomers closer to understanding a phenomenon that has bedeviled them for more than a decade"

Gigantic Voids in Space Hint at Hidden Dark Energy -
"Astronomers led by Istv〓n Szapudi of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy observed dark energy stretching out these areas by detecting changes in rays of microwave light before and after they passed through the regions.",2933,397281,00.html

07/31 初出の再録

Hawaii scientists find direct evidence of 'Dark Energy' | KHNL NBC 8 Honolulu Hawaii
"July 30, 2008
MANOA (KHNL) - A team of astronomers at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy has found direct evidence for the existence of "dark energy," an unknown form that works against gravity to pull galaxies together which causes the universe's expansion to speed up.
The team, led by Dr. Istan Szapudi, says this latest detection is the clearest to date. There is only one in 200,000 chance that the detection would occur by chance.
The team made the discovery by measuring the subtle imprints that superclusters and supervoids leave in microwaves that pass through them.""

Study shows clumps and streams of dark matter in inner regions of the Milky Way

Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy / Science News

Madau said gamma rays from such collisions might be detectable by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope.
"That's what makes this exciting," he said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Study finds dark matter may be near Earth -
"SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Aug. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. and Swiss researchers say computer simulations suggest dark matter exists within the Milky Way galaxy and near Earth's solar system.
University of California-Santa Cruz Professor Piero Madau said previous simulations showed the Milky Way clear of dark matter but the new study utilizing the Jaguar supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provided enough detail to see clumps of dark matter."
Supervoids and clusters reveal dark energy | COSMOS magazine

According to one theory, however, dark matter consists of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which can annihilate each other and emit gamma rays when they collide. Gamma rays from dark matter annihilation could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), which UCSC physicists helped build.
Clumps And Streams Of Dark Matter Discovered In Inner Regions Of The Milky Way
The new simulation, described in the Aug. 7 issue of the journal Nature, implies that dark matter could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST).
"That's what makes this exciting," Madau said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation, and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Milky Way's Dark Matter Clumpier Than Thought
“This is the best resolved calculation of the Milky Way’s halo ever carried out, with a mass resolution five to sixty times better than the previous largest computations,” explains Piero Madau at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Dark-matter simulation reveals lumpy haloes -
Science News / Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy
"WHERE THE CLUMPS AREThis composite image, roughly 2 billion light-years on each side, shows the distribution of dark matter in a simulated, 13.7-billion-year-old galaxy. The smaller-scale insets compare dark matter density in the outer (top) and inner (bottom) regions of the galaxy. Red indicates high density. Click on the image for full story. Watch a video of the dark matter simulation."
Dark matter 'halo' simulated: Press Association
"No-one knows what dark matter is made of, but according to one theory it consists of weakly interacting massive particles (Wimps). These are expected to annihilate each other and release gamma rays when they collide."


DSS: Digitized Sky Survey