


Big Bang
"Next for Big Bang Science?"
NASA - Background on the Background Explorer and the Science of John Mather

Boltzmann’s Brain: The New York Times > Science > Image >
"But nobody knows whether dark energy ― if it dies ― will die soon enough to save the universe from a surplus of Boltzmann brains. In 2006, Dr. Page calculated that the dark energy would have to decay in about 20 billion years in order to prevent it from being overrun by Boltzmann brains."

Mercury project: "BepiColombo(ベピ・コロンボ)計画"
" BepiColombo will launch in 2013 on a seven-billion-km flight to the innermost world, arriving in 2019.
The 350m-euro (£260m) deal with EADS Astrium will lead to the production of major spacecraft components in Germany, Italy, France and the UK.
Europe will produce a Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) that will be equipped with 11 scientific instruments. Flying in a polar orbit, it will study Mercury for at least a year, imaging the planet's surface, generating height profiles, and collecting data on Mercury's composition and wispy atmosphere.
Japan will be responsible for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). It will investigate the planet's magnetic field with its five on-board instruments."
European probe aims for Mercury | BBC NEWS

Mercury project: "水星探査リンク"
ESA Science & Technology: BepiColombo

Bioastronautics - Wikipedia

Boltzmann Brains - Wikipedia
Richard Feynman on Boltzmann Brains | Discover Magazine

BBC NEWS | News Front Page

blue dot
Earth, a pale blue dot :Carl Sagan
"Voyager 1's controllers swiveled its telescope toward the Sun and captured an incredible, humbling image: our Earth, a pale blue dot glimmering against the void, more than six billion kilometers distant. " Seed: Distant Mirrors

Barbara Morgan: STS-118
Biographies - Astronauts
Biographies - Cosmonauts
Biographies - NASA Personnel
Bookmarks (Printable)
Boy Scout Certificate for Eagle Rank
Brain Bites^(TM)

Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine


Big Bang
"Next for Big Bang Science?"
NASA - Background on the Background Explorer and the Science of John Mather

Boltzmann’s Brain: The New York Times > Science > Image >
"But nobody knows whether dark energy ― if it dies ― will die soon enough to save the universe from a surplus of Boltzmann brains. In 2006, Dr. Page calculated that the dark energy would have to decay in about 20 billion years in order to prevent it from being overrun by Boltzmann brains."

Mercury project: "BepiColombo(ベピ・コロンボ)計画"
" BepiColombo will launch in 2013 on a seven-billion-km flight to the innermost world, arriving in 2019.
The 350m-euro (£260m) deal with EADS Astrium will lead to the production of major spacecraft components in Germany, Italy, France and the UK.
Europe will produce a Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) that will be equipped with 11 scientific instruments. Flying in a polar orbit, it will study Mercury for at least a year, imaging the planet's surface, generating height profiles, and collecting data on Mercury's composition and wispy atmosphere.
Japan will be responsible for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). It will investigate the planet's magnetic field with its five on-board instruments."
European probe aims for Mercury | BBC NEWS

Mercury project: "水星探査リンク"
ESA Science & Technology: BepiColombo

BBC NEWS | News Front Page

blue dot
Earth, a pale blue dot :Carl Sagan
"Voyager 1's controllers swiveled its telescope toward the Sun and captured an incredible, humbling image: our Earth, a pale blue dot glimmering against the void, more than six billion kilometers distant. " Seed: Distant Mirrors

Barbara Morgan: STS-118
Biographies - Astronauts
Biographies - Cosmonauts
Biographies - NASA Personnel
Bookmarks (Printable)
Boy Scout Certificate for Eagle Rank
Brain Bites^(TM)

Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine


Big Bang
"Next for Big Bang Science?"
NASA - Background on the Background Explorer and the Science of John Mather

Boltzmann’s Brain: The New York Times > Science > Image >
"But nobody knows whether dark energy ― if it dies ― will die soon enough to save the universe from a surplus of Boltzmann brains. In 2006, Dr. Page calculated that the dark energy would have to decay in about 20 billion years in order to prevent it from being overrun by Boltzmann brains."

Mercury project: "BepiColombo(ベピ・コロンボ)計画"
" BepiColombo will launch in 2013 on a seven-billion-km flight to the innermost world, arriving in 2019.
The 350m-euro (£260m) deal with EADS Astrium will lead to the production of major spacecraft components in Germany, Italy, France and the UK.
Europe will produce a Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) that will be equipped with 11 scientific instruments. Flying in a polar orbit, it will study Mercury for at least a year, imaging the planet's surface, generating height profiles, and collecting data on Mercury's composition and wispy atmosphere.
Japan will be responsible for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). It will investigate the planet's magnetic field with its five on-board instruments."
European probe aims for Mercury | BBC NEWS

Mercury project: "水星探査リンク"
ESA Science & Technology: BepiColombo

BBC NEWS | News Front Page

blue dot
Earth, a pale blue dot :Carl Sagan
"Voyager 1's controllers swiveled its telescope toward the Sun and captured an incredible, humbling image: our Earth, a pale blue dot glimmering against the void, more than six billion kilometers distant. " Seed: Distant Mirrors

Barbara Morgan: STS-118
Biographies - Astronauts
Biographies - Cosmonauts
Biographies - NASA Personnel
Bookmarks (Printable)
Boy Scout Certificate for Eagle Rank
Brain Bites^(TM)

Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

Bootstrap model

Geoffrey Chew - Wikipedia
"Hughes Prize of the American Physics Society for bootstrap theory of strong interactions, 1962. Lawrence Prize, 1969."

Broken symmetries
This year’s Physics Nobel goes to three physicists whose work sheds light on our understanding of the elementary particles of nature. "

Measuring the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation scale using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey

We introduce a method to constrain general cosmological models using Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) distance measurements from galaxy samples covering different redshift ranges, and apply this method to analyse samples drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS). BAOs are detected in the clustering of the combined 2dFGRS and SDSS main galaxy samples, and measure the distance–redshift relation at z= 0.2 . BAOs in the clustering of the SDSS luminous red galaxies measure the distance–redshift relation at z= 0.35 . The observed scales of the BAOs calculated from these samples and from the combined sample are jointly analysed using estimates of the correlated errors, to constrain the form of the distance measure DV(z) ≡[(1 +z)2D2Acz/H(z)]1/3 . Here DA is the angular diameter distance, and H(z) is the Hubble parameter. This gives rs/DV(0.2) = 0.1980 ± 0.0058 and rs/DV(0.35) = 0.1094 ± 0.0033 (1σ errors), with a correlation coefficient of 0.39, where rs is the comoving sound horizon scale at recombination. Matching the BAOs to have the same measured scale at all redshifts then gives DV(0.35)/DV(0.2) = 1.812 ± 0.060 . The recovered ratio is roughly consistent with that predicted by the higher redshift Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) supernova data for Λ cold dark matter cosmologies, but does require slightly stronger cosmological acceleration at a low redshift. If we force the cosmological model to be flat with constant w, then we find Ωm= 0.249 ± 0.018 and w=−1.004 ± 0.089 after combining with the SNLS data, and including the WMAP measurement of the apparent acoustic horizon angle in the cosmic microwave background."


BBC NEWS | News Front Page
BBC iPlayer - Home
BBC iPlayer - Radio Stations

BBC プラネット 新・惑星紀行
プラネット 新惑星紀行 8・運命(00:48:58)
運命/太陽系、そして地球の運命は? 人類はいつまで生存できるのか? 

プラネット 新惑星紀行 7・生命(00:48:58)
生命 / 太陽系には、地球以外に生命が存在するのか? その疑問に迫る!

プラネット 新惑星紀行 6・大気(00:48:58)
大気 / 太陽系の惑星の大気は? 生物が生存できる天体は?

プラネット 新惑星紀行 5・太陽(00:48:57)
太陽 / 地球の母なる太陽系の誕生を解く!

プラネット 新惑星紀行 4・月(00:49:02)
月探査の意外な原動力は? 月の起源は?

プラネット 新惑星紀行 3・巨星 たち(00:49:02)

プラネット 新惑星紀行 2・地表(00:49:02)
Yahoo!動画 - BBC プラネット 新・惑星紀行

BooNE: Booster Neutrino Experiment
"The BooNE project began in 1997. The first beam induced neutrino events were detected in September, 2002, and the first anti-neutrino events were detected in January of 2006."


Big Bang
"Next for Big Bang Science?"
NASA - Background on the Background Explorer and the Science of John Mather

Boltzmann’s Brain: The New York Times > Science > Image >
"But nobody knows whether dark energy ― if it dies ― will die soon enough to save the universe from a surplus of Boltzmann brains. In 2006, Dr. Page calculated that the dark energy would have to decay in about 20 billion years in order to prevent it from being overrun by Boltzmann brains."

Mercury project: "BepiColombo(ベピ・コロンボ)計画"
" BepiColombo will launch in 2013 on a seven-billion-km flight to the innermost world, arriving in 2019.
The 350m-euro (£260m) deal with EADS Astrium will lead to the production of major spacecraft components in Germany, Italy, France and the UK.
Europe will produce a Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) that will be equipped with 11 scientific instruments. Flying in a polar orbit, it will study Mercury for at least a year, imaging the planet's surface, generating height profiles, and collecting data on Mercury's composition and wispy atmosphere.
Japan will be responsible for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). It will investigate the planet's magnetic field with its five on-board instruments."
European probe aims for Mercury | BBC NEWS

Mercury project: "水星探査リンク"
ESA Science & Technology: BepiColombo

Bioastronautics - Wikipedia

Boltzmann Brains - Wikipedia
Richard Feynman on Boltzmann Brains | Discover Magazine

BBC NEWS | News Front Page

blue dot
Earth, a pale blue dot :Carl Sagan
"Voyager 1's controllers swiveled its telescope toward the Sun and captured an incredible, humbling image: our Earth, a pale blue dot glimmering against the void, more than six billion kilometers distant. " Seed: Distant Mirrors

Barbara Morgan: STS-118
Biographies - Astronauts
Biographies - Cosmonauts
Biographies - NASA Personnel
Bookmarks (Printable)
Boy Scout Certificate for Eagle Rank
Brain Bites^(TM)

Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine


Big Bang
"Next for Big Bang Science?"
NASA - Background on the Background Explorer and the Science of John Mather

Boltzmann’s Brain: The New York Times > Science > Image >
"But nobody knows whether dark energy ― if it dies ― will die soon enough to save the universe from a surplus of Boltzmann brains. In 2006, Dr. Page calculated that the dark energy would have to decay in about 20 billion years in order to prevent it from being overrun by Boltzmann brains."

Mercury project: "BepiColombo(ベピ・コロンボ)計画"
" BepiColombo will launch in 2013 on a seven-billion-km flight to the innermost world, arriving in 2019.
The 350m-euro (£260m) deal with EADS Astrium will lead to the production of major spacecraft components in Germany, Italy, France and the UK.
Europe will produce a Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) that will be equipped with 11 scientific instruments. Flying in a polar orbit, it will study Mercury for at least a year, imaging the planet's surface, generating height profiles, and collecting data on Mercury's composition and wispy atmosphere.
Japan will be responsible for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). It will investigate the planet's magnetic field with its five on-board instruments."
European probe aims for Mercury | BBC NEWS

Mercury project: "水星探査リンク"
ESA Science & Technology: BepiColombo

BBC NEWS | News Front Page

blue dot
Earth, a pale blue dot :Carl Sagan
"Voyager 1's controllers swiveled its telescope toward the Sun and captured an incredible, humbling image: our Earth, a pale blue dot glimmering against the void, more than six billion kilometers distant. " Seed: Distant Mirrors

Barbara Morgan: STS-118
Biographies - Astronauts
Biographies - Cosmonauts
Biographies - NASA Personnel
Bookmarks (Printable)
Boy Scout Certificate for Eagle Rank
Brain Bites^(TM)

Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine


Big Bang
"Next for Big Bang Science?"
NASA - Background on the Background Explorer and the Science of John Mather

Boltzmann’s Brain: The New York Times > Science > Image >
"But nobody knows whether dark energy ― if it dies ― will die soon enough to save the universe from a surplus of Boltzmann brains. In 2006, Dr. Page calculated that the dark energy would have to decay in about 20 billion years in order to prevent it from being overrun by Boltzmann brains."

Mercury project: "BepiColombo(ベピ・コロンボ)計画"
" BepiColombo will launch in 2013 on a seven-billion-km flight to the innermost world, arriving in 2019.
The 350m-euro (£260m) deal with EADS Astrium will lead to the production of major spacecraft components in Germany, Italy, France and the UK.
Europe will produce a Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) that will be equipped with 11 scientific instruments. Flying in a polar orbit, it will study Mercury for at least a year, imaging the planet's surface, generating height profiles, and collecting data on Mercury's composition and wispy atmosphere.
Japan will be responsible for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). It will investigate the planet's magnetic field with its five on-board instruments."
European probe aims for Mercury | BBC NEWS

Mercury project: "水星探査リンク"
ESA Science & Technology: BepiColombo

BBC NEWS | News Front Page

blue dot
Earth, a pale blue dot :Carl Sagan
"Voyager 1's controllers swiveled its telescope toward the Sun and captured an incredible, humbling image: our Earth, a pale blue dot glimmering against the void, more than six billion kilometers distant. " Seed: Distant Mirrors

Barbara Morgan: STS-118
Biographies - Astronauts
Biographies - Cosmonauts
Biographies - NASA Personnel
Bookmarks (Printable)
Boy Scout Certificate for Eagle Rank
Brain Bites^(TM)

Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

Bootstrap model

Geoffrey Chew - Wikipedia
"Hughes Prize of the American Physics Society for bootstrap theory of strong interactions, 1962. Lawrence Prize, 1969."

Broken symmetries
This year’s Physics Nobel goes to three physicists whose work sheds light on our understanding of the elementary particles of nature. "

Measuring the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation scale using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey

We introduce a method to constrain general cosmological models using Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) distance measurements from galaxy samples covering different redshift ranges, and apply this method to analyse samples drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS). BAOs are detected in the clustering of the combined 2dFGRS and SDSS main galaxy samples, and measure the distance–redshift relation at z= 0.2 . BAOs in the clustering of the SDSS luminous red galaxies measure the distance–redshift relation at z= 0.35 . The observed scales of the BAOs calculated from these samples and from the combined sample are jointly analysed using estimates of the correlated errors, to constrain the form of the distance measure DV(z) ≡[(1 +z)2D2Acz/H(z)]1/3 . Here DA is the angular diameter distance, and H(z) is the Hubble parameter. This gives rs/DV(0.2) = 0.1980 ± 0.0058 and rs/DV(0.35) = 0.1094 ± 0.0033 (1σ errors), with a correlation coefficient of 0.39, where rs is the comoving sound horizon scale at recombination. Matching the BAOs to have the same measured scale at all redshifts then gives DV(0.35)/DV(0.2) = 1.812 ± 0.060 . The recovered ratio is roughly consistent with that predicted by the higher redshift Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) supernova data for Λ cold dark matter cosmologies, but does require slightly stronger cosmological acceleration at a low redshift. If we force the cosmological model to be flat with constant w, then we find Ωm= 0.249 ± 0.018 and w=−1.004 ± 0.089 after combining with the SNLS data, and including the WMAP measurement of the apparent acoustic horizon angle in the cosmic microwave background."


BBC NEWS | News Front Page
BBC iPlayer - Home
BBC iPlayer - Radio Stations

BBC プラネット 新・惑星紀行
プラネット 新惑星紀行 8・運命(00:48:58)
運命/太陽系、そして地球の運命は? 人類はいつまで生存できるのか? 

プラネット 新惑星紀行 7・生命(00:48:58)
生命 / 太陽系には、地球以外に生命が存在するのか? その疑問に迫る!

プラネット 新惑星紀行 6・大気(00:48:58)
大気 / 太陽系の惑星の大気は? 生物が生存できる天体は?

プラネット 新惑星紀行 5・太陽(00:48:57)
太陽 / 地球の母なる太陽系の誕生を解く!

プラネット 新惑星紀行 4・月(00:49:02)
月探査の意外な原動力は? 月の起源は?

プラネット 新惑星紀行 3・巨星 たち(00:49:02)

プラネット 新惑星紀行 2・地表(00:49:02)
Yahoo!動画 - BBC プラネット 新・惑星紀行

BooNE: Booster Neutrino Experiment
"The BooNE project began in 1997. The first beam induced neutrino events were detected in September, 2002, and the first anti-neutrino events were detected in January of 2006."


Big Bang
"Next for Big Bang Science?"
NASA - Background on the Background Explorer and the Science of John Mather

Boltzmann’s Brain: The New York Times > Science > Image >
"But nobody knows whether dark energy ― if it dies ― will die soon enough to save the universe from a surplus of Boltzmann brains. In 2006, Dr. Page calculated that the dark energy would have to decay in about 20 billion years in order to prevent it from being overrun by Boltzmann brains."

Mercury project: "BepiColombo(ベピ・コロンボ)計画"
" BepiColombo will launch in 2013 on a seven-billion-km flight to the innermost world, arriving in 2019.
The 350m-euro (£260m) deal with EADS Astrium will lead to the production of major spacecraft components in Germany, Italy, France and the UK.
Europe will produce a Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) that will be equipped with 11 scientific instruments. Flying in a polar orbit, it will study Mercury for at least a year, imaging the planet's surface, generating height profiles, and collecting data on Mercury's composition and wispy atmosphere.
Japan will be responsible for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). It will investigate the planet's magnetic field with its five on-board instruments."
European probe aims for Mercury | BBC NEWS

Mercury project: "水星探査リンク"
ESA Science & Technology: BepiColombo

Bioastronautics - Wikipedia

Boltzmann Brains - Wikipedia
Richard Feynman on Boltzmann Brains | Discover Magazine

BBC NEWS | News Front Page

blue dot
Earth, a pale blue dot :Carl Sagan
"Voyager 1's controllers swiveled its telescope toward the Sun and captured an incredible, humbling image: our Earth, a pale blue dot glimmering against the void, more than six billion kilometers distant. " Seed: Distant Mirrors

Barbara Morgan: STS-118
Biographies - Astronauts
Biographies - Cosmonauts
Biographies - NASA Personnel
Bookmarks (Printable)
Boy Scout Certificate for Eagle Rank
Brain Bites^(TM)

Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine


Big Bang
"Next for Big Bang Science?"
NASA - Background on the Background Explorer and the Science of John Mather

Boltzmann’s Brain: The New York Times > Science > Image >
"But nobody knows whether dark energy ― if it dies ― will die soon enough to save the universe from a surplus of Boltzmann brains. In 2006, Dr. Page calculated that the dark energy would have to decay in about 20 billion years in order to prevent it from being overrun by Boltzmann brains."

Mercury project: "BepiColombo(ベピ・コロンボ)計画"
" BepiColombo will launch in 2013 on a seven-billion-km flight to the innermost world, arriving in 2019.
The 350m-euro (£260m) deal with EADS Astrium will lead to the production of major spacecraft components in Germany, Italy, France and the UK.
Europe will produce a Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) that will be equipped with 11 scientific instruments. Flying in a polar orbit, it will study Mercury for at least a year, imaging the planet's surface, generating height profiles, and collecting data on Mercury's composition and wispy atmosphere.
Japan will be responsible for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). It will investigate the planet's magnetic field with its five on-board instruments."
European probe aims for Mercury | BBC NEWS

Mercury project: "水星探査リンク"
ESA Science & Technology: BepiColombo

BBC NEWS | News Front Page

blue dot
Earth, a pale blue dot :Carl Sagan
"Voyager 1's controllers swiveled its telescope toward the Sun and captured an incredible, humbling image: our Earth, a pale blue dot glimmering against the void, more than six billion kilometers distant. " Seed: Distant Mirrors

Barbara Morgan: STS-118
Biographies - Astronauts
Biographies - Cosmonauts
Biographies - NASA Personnel
Bookmarks (Printable)
Boy Scout Certificate for Eagle Rank
Brain Bites^(TM)

Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine


Big Bang
"Next for Big Bang Science?"
NASA - Background on the Background Explorer and the Science of John Mather

Boltzmann’s Brain: The New York Times > Science > Image >
"But nobody knows whether dark energy ― if it dies ― will die soon enough to save the universe from a surplus of Boltzmann brains. In 2006, Dr. Page calculated that the dark energy would have to decay in about 20 billion years in order to prevent it from being overrun by Boltzmann brains."

Mercury project: "BepiColombo(ベピ・コロンボ)計画"
" BepiColombo will launch in 2013 on a seven-billion-km flight to the innermost world, arriving in 2019.
The 350m-euro (£260m) deal with EADS Astrium will lead to the production of major spacecraft components in Germany, Italy, France and the UK.
Europe will produce a Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) that will be equipped with 11 scientific instruments. Flying in a polar orbit, it will study Mercury for at least a year, imaging the planet's surface, generating height profiles, and collecting data on Mercury's composition and wispy atmosphere.
Japan will be responsible for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). It will investigate the planet's magnetic field with its five on-board instruments."
European probe aims for Mercury | BBC NEWS

Mercury project: "水星探査リンク"
ESA Science & Technology: BepiColombo

BBC NEWS | News Front Page

blue dot
Earth, a pale blue dot :Carl Sagan
"Voyager 1's controllers swiveled its telescope toward the Sun and captured an incredible, humbling image: our Earth, a pale blue dot glimmering against the void, more than six billion kilometers distant. " Seed: Distant Mirrors

Barbara Morgan: STS-118
Biographies - Astronauts
Biographies - Cosmonauts
Biographies - NASA Personnel
Bookmarks (Printable)
Boy Scout Certificate for Eagle Rank
Brain Bites^(TM)

Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

Bootstrap model

Geoffrey Chew - Wikipedia
"Hughes Prize of the American Physics Society for bootstrap theory of strong interactions, 1962. Lawrence Prize, 1969."

Broken symmetries
This year’s Physics Nobel goes to three physicists whose work sheds light on our understanding of the elementary particles of nature. "

Measuring the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation scale using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey

We introduce a method to constrain general cosmological models using Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) distance measurements from galaxy samples covering different redshift ranges, and apply this method to analyse samples drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS). BAOs are detected in the clustering of the combined 2dFGRS and SDSS main galaxy samples, and measure the distance–redshift relation at z= 0.2 . BAOs in the clustering of the SDSS luminous red galaxies measure the distance–redshift relation at z= 0.35 . The observed scales of the BAOs calculated from these samples and from the combined sample are jointly analysed using estimates of the correlated errors, to constrain the form of the distance measure DV(z) ≡[(1 +z)2D2Acz/H(z)]1/3 . Here DA is the angular diameter distance, and H(z) is the Hubble parameter. This gives rs/DV(0.2) = 0.1980 ± 0.0058 and rs/DV(0.35) = 0.1094 ± 0.0033 (1σ errors), with a correlation coefficient of 0.39, where rs is the comoving sound horizon scale at recombination. Matching the BAOs to have the same measured scale at all redshifts then gives DV(0.35)/DV(0.2) = 1.812 ± 0.060 . The recovered ratio is roughly consistent with that predicted by the higher redshift Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) supernova data for Λ cold dark matter cosmologies, but does require slightly stronger cosmological acceleration at a low redshift. If we force the cosmological model to be flat with constant w, then we find Ωm= 0.249 ± 0.018 and w=−1.004 ± 0.089 after combining with the SNLS data, and including the WMAP measurement of the apparent acoustic horizon angle in the cosmic microwave background."


BBC NEWS | News Front Page
BBC iPlayer - Home
BBC iPlayer - Radio Stations

BBC プラネット 新・惑星紀行
プラネット 新惑星紀行 8・運命(00:48:58)
運命/太陽系、そして地球の運命は? 人類はいつまで生存できるのか? 

プラネット 新惑星紀行 7・生命(00:48:58)
生命 / 太陽系には、地球以外に生命が存在するのか? その疑問に迫る!

プラネット 新惑星紀行 6・大気(00:48:58)
大気 / 太陽系の惑星の大気は? 生物が生存できる天体は?

プラネット 新惑星紀行 5・太陽(00:48:57)
太陽 / 地球の母なる太陽系の誕生を解く!

プラネット 新惑星紀行 4・月(00:49:02)
月探査の意外な原動力は? 月の起源は?

プラネット 新惑星紀行 3・巨星 たち(00:49:02)

プラネット 新惑星紀行 2・地表(00:49:02)
Yahoo!動画 - BBC プラネット 新・惑星紀行

BooNE: Booster Neutrino Experiment
"The BooNE project began in 1997. The first beam induced neutrino events were detected in September, 2002, and the first anti-neutrino events were detected in January of 2006."


Big Bang
"Next for Big Bang Science?"
NASA - Background on the Background Explorer and the Science of John Mather

Boltzmann’s Brain: The New York Times > Science > Image >
"But nobody knows whether dark energy ― if it dies ― will die soon enough to save the universe from a surplus of Boltzmann brains. In 2006, Dr. Page calculated that the dark energy would have to decay in about 20 billion years in order to prevent it from being overrun by Boltzmann brains."

Mercury project: "BepiColombo(ベピ・コロンボ)計画"
" BepiColombo will launch in 2013 on a seven-billion-km flight to the innermost world, arriving in 2019.
The 350m-euro (£260m) deal with EADS Astrium will lead to the production of major spacecraft components in Germany, Italy, France and the UK.
Europe will produce a Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) that will be equipped with 11 scientific instruments. Flying in a polar orbit, it will study Mercury for at least a year, imaging the planet's surface, generating height profiles, and collecting data on Mercury's composition and wispy atmosphere.
Japan will be responsible for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). It will investigate the planet's magnetic field with its five on-board instruments."
European probe aims for Mercury | BBC NEWS

Mercury project: "水星探査リンク"
ESA Science & Technology: BepiColombo

Bioastronautics - Wikipedia

Boltzmann Brains - Wikipedia
Richard Feynman on Boltzmann Brains | Discover Magazine

BBC NEWS | News Front Page

blue dot
Earth, a pale blue dot :Carl Sagan
"Voyager 1's controllers swiveled its telescope toward the Sun and captured an incredible, humbling image: our Earth, a pale blue dot glimmering against the void, more than six billion kilometers distant. " Seed: Distant Mirrors

Barbara Morgan: STS-118
Biographies - Astronauts
Biographies - Cosmonauts
Biographies - NASA Personnel
Bookmarks (Printable)
Boy Scout Certificate for Eagle Rank
Brain Bites^(TM)

Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine


Big Bang
"Next for Big Bang Science?"
NASA - Background on the Background Explorer and the Science of John Mather

Boltzmann’s Brain: The New York Times > Science > Image >
"But nobody knows whether dark energy ― if it dies ― will die soon enough to save the universe from a surplus of Boltzmann brains. In 2006, Dr. Page calculated that the dark energy would have to decay in about 20 billion years in order to prevent it from being overrun by Boltzmann brains."

Mercury project: "BepiColombo(ベピ・コロンボ)計画"
" BepiColombo will launch in 2013 on a seven-billion-km flight to the innermost world, arriving in 2019.
The 350m-euro (£260m) deal with EADS Astrium will lead to the production of major spacecraft components in Germany, Italy, France and the UK.
Europe will produce a Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) that will be equipped with 11 scientific instruments. Flying in a polar orbit, it will study Mercury for at least a year, imaging the planet's surface, generating height profiles, and collecting data on Mercury's composition and wispy atmosphere.
Japan will be responsible for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). It will investigate the planet's magnetic field with its five on-board instruments."
European probe aims for Mercury | BBC NEWS

Mercury project: "水星探査リンク"
ESA Science & Technology: BepiColombo

BBC NEWS | News Front Page

blue dot
Earth, a pale blue dot :Carl Sagan
"Voyager 1's controllers swiveled its telescope toward the Sun and captured an incredible, humbling image: our Earth, a pale blue dot glimmering against the void, more than six billion kilometers distant. " Seed: Distant Mirrors

Barbara Morgan: STS-118
Biographies - Astronauts
Biographies - Cosmonauts
Biographies - NASA Personnel
Bookmarks (Printable)
Boy Scout Certificate for Eagle Rank
Brain Bites^(TM)

Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine


Big Bang
"Next for Big Bang Science?"
NASA - Background on the Background Explorer and the Science of John Mather

Boltzmann’s Brain: The New York Times > Science > Image >
"But nobody knows whether dark energy ― if it dies ― will die soon enough to save the universe from a surplus of Boltzmann brains. In 2006, Dr. Page calculated that the dark energy would have to decay in about 20 billion years in order to prevent it from being overrun by Boltzmann brains."

Mercury project: "BepiColombo(ベピ・コロンボ)計画"
" BepiColombo will launch in 2013 on a seven-billion-km flight to the innermost world, arriving in 2019.
The 350m-euro (£260m) deal with EADS Astrium will lead to the production of major spacecraft components in Germany, Italy, France and the UK.
Europe will produce a Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) that will be equipped with 11 scientific instruments. Flying in a polar orbit, it will study Mercury for at least a year, imaging the planet's surface, generating height profiles, and collecting data on Mercury's composition and wispy atmosphere.
Japan will be responsible for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). It will investigate the planet's magnetic field with its five on-board instruments."
European probe aims for Mercury | BBC NEWS

Mercury project: "水星探査リンク"
ESA Science & Technology: BepiColombo

BBC NEWS | News Front Page

blue dot
Earth, a pale blue dot :Carl Sagan
"Voyager 1's controllers swiveled its telescope toward the Sun and captured an incredible, humbling image: our Earth, a pale blue dot glimmering against the void, more than six billion kilometers distant. " Seed: Distant Mirrors

Barbara Morgan: STS-118
Biographies - Astronauts
Biographies - Cosmonauts
Biographies - NASA Personnel
Bookmarks (Printable)
Boy Scout Certificate for Eagle Rank
Brain Bites^(TM)

Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

Bootstrap model

Geoffrey Chew - Wikipedia
"Hughes Prize of the American Physics Society for bootstrap theory of strong interactions, 1962. Lawrence Prize, 1969."

Broken symmetries
This year’s Physics Nobel goes to three physicists whose work sheds light on our understanding of the elementary particles of nature. "

Measuring the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation scale using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey

We introduce a method to constrain general cosmological models using Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) distance measurements from galaxy samples covering different redshift ranges, and apply this method to analyse samples drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS). BAOs are detected in the clustering of the combined 2dFGRS and SDSS main galaxy samples, and measure the distance–redshift relation at z= 0.2 . BAOs in the clustering of the SDSS luminous red galaxies measure the distance–redshift relation at z= 0.35 . The observed scales of the BAOs calculated from these samples and from the combined sample are jointly analysed using estimates of the correlated errors, to constrain the form of the distance measure DV(z) ≡[(1 +z)2D2Acz/H(z)]1/3 . Here DA is the angular diameter distance, and H(z) is the Hubble parameter. This gives rs/DV(0.2) = 0.1980 ± 0.0058 and rs/DV(0.35) = 0.1094 ± 0.0033 (1σ errors), with a correlation coefficient of 0.39, where rs is the comoving sound horizon scale at recombination. Matching the BAOs to have the same measured scale at all redshifts then gives DV(0.35)/DV(0.2) = 1.812 ± 0.060 . The recovered ratio is roughly consistent with that predicted by the higher redshift Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) supernova data for Λ cold dark matter cosmologies, but does require slightly stronger cosmological acceleration at a low redshift. If we force the cosmological model to be flat with constant w, then we find Ωm= 0.249 ± 0.018 and w=−1.004 ± 0.089 after combining with the SNLS data, and including the WMAP measurement of the apparent acoustic horizon angle in the cosmic microwave background."


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BBC プラネット 新・惑星紀行
プラネット 新惑星紀行 8・運命(00:48:58)
運命/太陽系、そして地球の運命は? 人類はいつまで生存できるのか? 

プラネット 新惑星紀行 7・生命(00:48:58)
生命 / 太陽系には、地球以外に生命が存在するのか? その疑問に迫る!

プラネット 新惑星紀行 6・大気(00:48:58)
大気 / 太陽系の惑星の大気は? 生物が生存できる天体は?

プラネット 新惑星紀行 5・太陽(00:48:57)
太陽 / 地球の母なる太陽系の誕生を解く!

プラネット 新惑星紀行 4・月(00:49:02)
月探査の意外な原動力は? 月の起源は?

プラネット 新惑星紀行 3・巨星 たち(00:49:02)

プラネット 新惑星紀行 2・地表(00:49:02)
Yahoo!動画 - BBC プラネット 新・惑星紀行

BooNE: Booster Neutrino Experiment
"The BooNE project began in 1997. The first beam induced neutrino events were detected in September, 2002, and the first anti-neutrino events were detected in January of 2006."


Big Bang
"Next for Big Bang Science?"
NASA - Background on the Background Explorer and the Science of John Mather

Boltzmann’s Brain: The New York Times > Science > Image >
"But nobody knows whether dark energy ― if it dies ― will die soon enough to save the universe from a surplus of Boltzmann brains. In 2006, Dr. Page calculated that the dark energy would have to decay in about 20 billion years in order to prevent it from being overrun by Boltzmann brains."

Mercury project: "BepiColombo(ベピ・コロンボ)計画"
" BepiColombo will launch in 2013 on a seven-billion-km flight to the innermost world, arriving in 2019.
The 350m-euro (£260m) deal with EADS Astrium will lead to the production of major spacecraft components in Germany, Italy, France and the UK.
Europe will produce a Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) that will be equipped with 11 scientific instruments. Flying in a polar orbit, it will study Mercury for at least a year, imaging the planet's surface, generating height profiles, and collecting data on Mercury's composition and wispy atmosphere.
Japan will be responsible for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). It will investigate the planet's magnetic field with its five on-board instruments."
European probe aims for Mercury | BBC NEWS

Mercury project: "水星探査リンク"
ESA Science & Technology: BepiColombo

Bioastronautics - Wikipedia

Boltzmann Brains - Wikipedia
Richard Feynman on Boltzmann Brains | Discover Magazine

BBC NEWS | News Front Page

blue dot
Earth, a pale blue dot :Carl Sagan
"Voyager 1's controllers swiveled its telescope toward the Sun and captured an incredible, humbling image: our Earth, a pale blue dot glimmering against the void, more than six billion kilometers distant. " Seed: Distant Mirrors

Barbara Morgan: STS-118
Biographies - Astronauts
Biographies - Cosmonauts
Biographies - NASA Personnel
Bookmarks (Printable)
Boy Scout Certificate for Eagle Rank
Brain Bites^(TM)

Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine


Big Bang
"Next for Big Bang Science?"
NASA - Background on the Background Explorer and the Science of John Mather

Boltzmann’s Brain: The New York Times > Science > Image >
"But nobody knows whether dark energy ― if it dies ― will die soon enough to save the universe from a surplus of Boltzmann brains. In 2006, Dr. Page calculated that the dark energy would have to decay in about 20 billion years in order to prevent it from being overrun by Boltzmann brains."

Mercury project: "BepiColombo(ベピ・コロンボ)計画"
" BepiColombo will launch in 2013 on a seven-billion-km flight to the innermost world, arriving in 2019.
The 350m-euro (£260m) deal with EADS Astrium will lead to the production of major spacecraft components in Germany, Italy, France and the UK.
Europe will produce a Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) that will be equipped with 11 scientific instruments. Flying in a polar orbit, it will study Mercury for at least a year, imaging the planet's surface, generating height profiles, and collecting data on Mercury's composition and wispy atmosphere.
Japan will be responsible for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). It will investigate the planet's magnetic field with its five on-board instruments."
European probe aims for Mercury | BBC NEWS

Mercury project: "水星探査リンク"
ESA Science & Technology: BepiColombo

BBC NEWS | News Front Page

blue dot
Earth, a pale blue dot :Carl Sagan
"Voyager 1's controllers swiveled its telescope toward the Sun and captured an incredible, humbling image: our Earth, a pale blue dot glimmering against the void, more than six billion kilometers distant. " Seed: Distant Mirrors

Barbara Morgan: STS-118
Biographies - Astronauts
Biographies - Cosmonauts
Biographies - NASA Personnel
Bookmarks (Printable)
Boy Scout Certificate for Eagle Rank
Brain Bites^(TM)

Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine


Big Bang
"Next for Big Bang Science?"
NASA - Background on the Background Explorer and the Science of John Mather

Boltzmann’s Brain: The New York Times > Science > Image >
"But nobody knows whether dark energy ― if it dies ― will die soon enough to save the universe from a surplus of Boltzmann brains. In 2006, Dr. Page calculated that the dark energy would have to decay in about 20 billion years in order to prevent it from being overrun by Boltzmann brains."

Mercury project: "BepiColombo(ベピ・コロンボ)計画"
" BepiColombo will launch in 2013 on a seven-billion-km flight to the innermost world, arriving in 2019.
The 350m-euro (£260m) deal with EADS Astrium will lead to the production of major spacecraft components in Germany, Italy, France and the UK.
Europe will produce a Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) that will be equipped with 11 scientific instruments. Flying in a polar orbit, it will study Mercury for at least a year, imaging the planet's surface, generating height profiles, and collecting data on Mercury's composition and wispy atmosphere.
Japan will be responsible for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). It will investigate the planet's magnetic field with its five on-board instruments."
European probe aims for Mercury | BBC NEWS

Mercury project: "水星探査リンク"
ESA Science & Technology: BepiColombo

BBC NEWS | News Front Page

blue dot
Earth, a pale blue dot :Carl Sagan
"Voyager 1's controllers swiveled its telescope toward the Sun and captured an incredible, humbling image: our Earth, a pale blue dot glimmering against the void, more than six billion kilometers distant. " Seed: Distant Mirrors

Barbara Morgan: STS-118
Biographies - Astronauts
Biographies - Cosmonauts
Biographies - NASA Personnel
Bookmarks (Printable)
Boy Scout Certificate for Eagle Rank
Brain Bites^(TM)

Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

Bootstrap model

Geoffrey Chew - Wikipedia
"Hughes Prize of the American Physics Society for bootstrap theory of strong interactions, 1962. Lawrence Prize, 1969."

Broken symmetries
This year’s Physics Nobel goes to three physicists whose work sheds light on our understanding of the elementary particles of nature. "

Measuring the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation scale using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey

We introduce a method to constrain general cosmological models using Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) distance measurements from galaxy samples covering different redshift ranges, and apply this method to analyse samples drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS). BAOs are detected in the clustering of the combined 2dFGRS and SDSS main galaxy samples, and measure the distance–redshift relation at z= 0.2 . BAOs in the clustering of the SDSS luminous red galaxies measure the distance–redshift relation at z= 0.35 . The observed scales of the BAOs calculated from these samples and from the combined sample are jointly analysed using estimates of the correlated errors, to constrai